Clinton says minorities need help

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Clinton Seeks Aid for Minority Students
Feb 20 7:02 PM US/Eastern

Associated Press Writer

MIAMI (AP) -- Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton on Tuesday criticized President Bush's education policy as doing little to help minorities and acknowledged that she is still searching for ways to raise minority student test scores.

More needs to be done to prepare children for school and to get parents involved in their education, Clinton said while visiting a historic black neighborhood during her first campaign trip to Florida since announcing her candidacy. She said Bush's No Child Left Behind Act isn't providing a solution for raising test scores.

"This achievement gap is deeply troubling to me," Clinton said. "If we don't invest in our children, our society and our economy will decline. This is not just something nice to do, this is something that we have to do."

Clinton, a New York senator and former first lady, spoke and took questions for an hour from the mostly black audience of 300 in the Liberty City neighborhood. The event was sandwiched between fundraisers in Tampa, Miami and Hollywood that were closed to the press.

The federal government can do more to help minority businesses by writing a road map for banks' roles in the communities, Clinton said.

"We've got to change our laws so that they inspire and motivate more lending institutions to look at how they can serve the entire community again," she said. "We've got to get them to look at a community even if they are multinational banks and we can do that through regulation and law."

Clinton also called for microlending programs and helping business owners to develop stronger business plans so they are more credit worthy.

The Liberty City event was a signal that Clinton is going to fight hard to keep black voters on her side in a primary race in which Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois, who is black, is gaining popularity.

"The black community is betwixt and between. We all love Clinton, but at the same time Obama has a lot of people who love him in the community, too," said Hans Ottinot, a 38-year-old Haitian-American lawyer who grew up in the neighborhood.

"She's showing us, 'Look, the black community has been a major supporter and I want to keep you as a major supporter.' It's a clear message. I don't think it was subtle," Ottinot said.

After the community meeting, Clinton attended a $100-per-ticket cocktail reception in Hollywood, which was followed by a reception at $2,500 per person.

Her campaign announced endorsements from Florida Reps. Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Alcee Hastings, whose Broward County district is predominantly black.
Don't blame me! I voted for Lazio and Spencer.
Hasn't this been the battle cry of the liberals for pretty much the past half century...time for a new slogan.
I like how they talk about the "black community" like it's some sort of hive mind that votes liberal. It just goes to show that liberals are the real racists.
The last word I would use to describe a black neighborhood is "community".
Literally, the word means to build together. But everywhere you look you
see dysfunction--broken families, failing institutions (including the
churches), low trust, little cooperation, inter-gang violence, mysogyny,etc.
The only rallying point is anti-white hatred. That's the one thng that pulls
them all together.
Standard liberal-front rhetoric. Underneath that Marxist shell the Clintonistas (like the Royal Bushes) are Globalist pawns. As far as this "aid for minorities" ruse, it's just a feeble attempt for the Hildabeast to appease the "Affffrican-American" voting block. Everything that power-hungry, megalomaniac Hilterly Rotten ClinTAX does is transparent with her blatantly ulterior motives.
Any endorsement from Debbie Wassermann Schultz is nay vote from me.

Maybe Miami should expand its transit system and make it New York size, that should solve a wide scope of the lack of jobs for them. They can write signs like "Black Power" and fall asleep while making $60,000 a year. Oh wait this already happened.

Low achievement is because of a combination of low effort and low skill pure and simple. Teacher's Unions love more funding "education" because that mean's more of an excuse to hire more bodies to teach dog crap.
Notice how the Clintons are always talking about how they can help minorities, yet when Bill was president, he sent his daughter to an all white private school rather than the inner city schools in DC
Lance Alworth said:
Notice how the Clintons are always talking about how they can help minorities, yet when Bill was president, he sent his daughter to an all white private school rather than the inner city schools in DC
Yes I recall another politician doing the same thing he bragged about how he sent his daughter to the public system in a predominately white suburb, then when he was in congress or the senate it was to a fancy private school. I guess he liked his coffee with cream too....
From nw 7th ave to nw 32th ave east,west,then north,south,nw 36th st to at least nw 119th st not one grocery store,department store etc.A huge stretch of land filled with rogues,thieves,unemployment,and misery.When I moved to Miami in 1982 most of this area was lower to middle class whites.It was alive and fun.Now it's the color of kinfolks corner on Saturday morning.Everybody sleeps until dusk,Florida Power and Light does not require crews to go there without police backup.The only business left are ones run by Pakistanis that sell malt liquor,ritz soda and lotto tickets......Now some preaching,who were the Khazars?