Cleveland Indians to remove logo


Jul 23, 2015
The Indians announced that they were removing their logo of Chief Wahoo from their uniforms starting in 2019. It looks like MLB is trying to copy the NFL to destroy their hard core fan base.
I read about this first on Twitter and then on Yahoo Sports. Twitter comments were mostly SJW's agreeing with the change. When someone would ask them why there was no controversy over the Celtics or Fighting Irish logos, they predictably blocked or muted the user and left the discussion. Yahoo is a different story and is not the echo chamber that Twitter tries to be. Commenters there don't agree with the change for the most part.
I do not know the history of that logo. It's not very good if you ask me. If the Indian nations, tribes, etc. came to me and asked to change it while agreeing to keep the Indians nickname, I think I would comply. I can respect that. I don't think that is what is happening in most of these mascot controversies. Liberal snowflakes are pushing the agenda.
The Indians aren't. They support the names and logos. At least 90 to 95% do. It's SJWs cramming this down our throats
It's a hideous looking logo. They should have modified it to make the Indian more dignified looking rather than eliminating it completely.
It's a hideous looking logo. They should have modified it to make the Indian more dignified looking rather than eliminating it completely.

Agreed, the Indian featured is "stereotypical" in numerous ways. It has a "head dress" with a single protruding feather, red skin, black hair parted in the middle, slanted dark eyes, a wide nose, and chubby cheeks...


Of course, the Boston Celtics logo is every bit as "stereotypical" of Irish people, but the character isn't nearly as unsightly as the Cleveland Indian...

Mad Max Kellerman is asking that Notre Dame remove the words" Fighting Irish" from their name.
American Freedom News