Class Based society

Mr. X

Dec 1, 2010
Hello there. I was in a restaurant the other day and I noticed an interesting scene. I was in a booth by myself. The booth in front of me had a black male and a hispanic women. The booth to the side of them had an elderly jewish couple. Sitting behind them were two white women about in their thirties. (They had obviously had kids.) Anyways the white girls were acting like total trash. THey were loud and obnoxious. Were rude and ran their mouths so loud and incessantly it destroyed the atmosphere of the place. Eventually the black guy left with his Latino women in disgust. And so did the jewish couple. Leaving only me. I eventually approached these broads in a civilized manner. They shut up after that. The whole thing was weird. Why are some white women like this?

Mr. (insert black african name here) X, what pathetic attempt to disparage white people. The little scene you described would be more authentic if the girls were really black nappy headed hos. Come on, really, black people especially the females in public places are rude and load.
Westside said:
Mr. (insert black african name here) X, what pathetic attempt to disparage white people. The little scene you described would be more authentic if the girls were really black nappy headed hos. Come on, really, black people especially the females in public places are rude and load.
Mr. X said:
Hello there. I was in a restaurant the other day and I noticed an interesting scene. I was in a booth by myself. The booth in front of me had a black male and a hispanic women. The booth to the side of them had an elderly jewish couple. Sitting behind them were two white women about in their thirties. (They had obviously had kids.) Anyways the white girls were acting like total trash. THey were loud and obnoxious. Were rude and ran their mouths so loud and incessantly it destroyed the atmosphere of the place. Eventually the black guy left with his Latino women in disgust. And so did the jewish couple. Leaving only me. I eventually approached these broads in a civilized manner. They shut up after that. The whole thing was weird. Why are some white women like this?
Why? Because they have become exempt from any and all expectations of decency in our modern society. They are now "emancipated" to behave as awful as they damn well please and no one can say or do a damn thing about it lest they incur not only their wrath but the wrath of their White Knights and Mangina supporters, including the police. I'm sure it is learned behavior from MTV and ghetto-TV.

America isn't the only one experiencing this...Britain is too:

Ghetto-culture going mainstream and International. Lovely, eh?
Mr. X said:
black male and a hispanic women. black guy left with his Latino women in disgust.

4th grade education, im calling AA troll.

What does this have to do with class? How are 2 white women an example of all white women?
If all it took was a few loud White women to make the negro leave (and take the mexican with) we could solve this country's problems overnight.

You think that by having no minorities america would be a perfect place. Thats BS, in the 20s and 30s white men killed each other constantly over alcohol during prohibition. And back then blacks were marginalized almost to the point of being non existant. America would be boring and drab with no diversity.
Mr. X said:
America would be boring and drab with no diversity.
I think you are right. Without Mexicans there would be no drug war on the US border. All those kidnappings and beheadings are certainly exciting. Without blacks St. Louis, Camden, Detroit, Flint and Oakland (highest crime cities) would lose the thrill of assault, murder and rape. Whatever would all those "lame" honkies do with their free time. Lastly, without the Chinese, where would Jews go out to eat?

Just trying to have a bit of fun with this......
Mr. Rhahem X what other two threads here have you graced us with your words of wisdom? You are either black or some misguided White/Jew liberal.
U.S. Justice Department 2006 rape statistics URL:
Scroll to Table 42. --> 32,443 White women raped by Negro men, zero Negro women raped by White men.

U.S. Justice Department 2005 rape statistics URL:
Scroll to Table 42. --> 37,460 White women raped by Negroes, zero Negro women raped by White men.

U.S. Justice Department 2004 rape statistics URL:
Scroll to Table 42. --> 11,611 White women raped by Negro men, zero Negro women raped by White men.

U.S. Justice Department 2003 rape statistics URL:
Scroll to Table 42. --> 20,309 White women raped by Negro men, zero Negro women raped by White men.

Geez, imagine if we didnt have all those wonderful diverse black people. We would have less wonderful diverse rape. And we would also have less wonderful rappers and basketball players.

I admit that without black people, the number of scientists and doctors wouldnt really change much, but who the heck needs them anyway?Edited by: chris371
Mr. X said:
The booth in front of me had a black male and a hispanic women. The booth to the side of them had an elderly jewish couple.

A diverse crew of "good guys,"Â￾ how convenient. So there were two Jews, one Negro, and one Hispanic, huh? You forgot an Asian, an Indian, an Arab, and a Pacific Islander.

Mr. X said:
Sitting behind them were two white women about in their thirties. (They had obviously had kids.) Anyways the white girls were acting like total trash. THey were loud and obnoxious. Were rude and ran their mouths so loud and incessantly it destroyed the atmosphere of the place.

You mean they were talking loudly in public? How did they manage to avoid being arrested? I suppose you've never been at a movie theater with Negroes in the audience?

Mr. X said:
Leaving only me. I eventually approached these broads in a civilized manner. They shut up after that. The whole thing was weird. Why are some white women like this?

You told them to stop being so rude and they instantly complied with your request? Did the remaining customers then carry you to off on their shoulders like some chauvinistic, male supremacist God? And how did you muster the courage to confront two 30-something white women with kids? You're fortunate to still be alive, oh heroic one.

These random threads, discharged from jumbled brain matter are indeed compelling. Bad grammar, bad punctuation, bad sentence structure, overt arrogance"¦hey, you remind me of someone.Edited by: Thrashen
Run Stuffing LB said:
If all it took was a few loud White women to make the negro leave (and take the mexican with) we could solve this country's problems overnight.
Great reply, RS LB! I guess we need to recruit loud-mouthed obnoxious white women, the "African-Americans" will hop on the next boat to "the homeland" and the illegal alien Mexicans will run screaming for the border! Problems truly solved! When do we start?
after the mexican and the negro left, the two girls high fived and shouted, "Mission accomplished." The continued their conversation at a low volumn, and using correct grammar. They also left a nice tip to the waiter.
screamingeagle said:
after the mexican and the negro left, the two girls high fived and shouted, "Mission accomplished." The continued their conversation at a low volumn, and using correct grammar. They also left a nice tip to the waiter.

Mr.Usurper, this Constitutional Republic was founded & made great by the White man. The titans of industry, greatest leaders & innovators were White. This fallacy of the utopian "melting pot" is a farce from the word go. The bogus lionizing of diversity was spawned from the bowels of cultural marxism.

Diff'rent Strokes

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
Dixie, thanks for posting that link. Quite a pathetic state we are now in. Its like a set of gears trying to run with wrenches shoved in between them.
American Freedom News