Civil War II: The Coming Breakup of America


Jul 29, 2008
Folks, if you have not yet read this book, I'd highly recommend you pick-up a copy as soon as possible. I was given this book by a family friend, and have been reading it for the past week or so. A lot of the points that we already discuss here in CF are echoed and further examined by the author.

It does not paint a pretty picture of what's coming and basically predicts all hell to break loose in about 10 years. I would have considered this kind of talk total tin-foil hat lunacy only a few years ago, but much of what's written in it is and has been happening right in front of our eyes. It seems TPTB are starting to run out of patience, so they are not even hiding most of this stuff anymore.

The growing multi-culturalism combined with open and blatant discrimination against white people continues to accelerate at a very rapid pace. You only have to look at history to see that multi-ethnic nations and empires have never, ever survived and were eventually broken up. So, it's not at all hard to see where we're headed.


Jul 29, 2008
I found the following review of this book to be particularly helpful. It could have been written by our very own Don or Thrashen, honestly.

In the book _Civil War II: The Coming Breakup of America_ (1997), Thomas Chittum takes a view of America showing the United States sliding towards its imminent doom. Chittum contrasts the role of empires and nations, showing how nations are based on a common heritage, language, and ethnic identity, while empires are diverse and thus subject to failure. With the recent second War in Iraq, we can see how by over-reaching itself the American empire has become severely weakened.

Chittum shows how gang warfare in which we see rival ethnic gangs operating more and more as states within the state erupts into violence. Chittum sees imminent ethnically based riots (and we certainly have witnessed them before such as the L.A. riots where Korean shop-keepers and black thugs engaged in open battle, or the recent events following Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans). Chittum shows a government that has become weaker and weaker and will ultimately have to resort to military force within its own borders effectively creating a police state to quell civil resistance.

Chittum explains how the super-rich and transnational elite will attempt to avoid this by simply changing location. All the while multi-national corporations rape the system and outsource American jobs, avoid taxation by re-locating, and American sovereignty is increasingly given up to transnational bodies like the UN, the IMF, and NAFTA.

Chittum also explains how the elite use illegal immigration and how illegal immigration is both harmful to the country and American jobs but will ultimately lead to further race riots and conflicts. Chittum further shows how gangs and drug lords will take over the American southwest as an increasingly larger Hispanic presence causes a white flight to the suburbs and towards the mountain regions. Further, Chittum explains how racist affirmative action programs and the politically correct elite idiots who support them undermine any ethnic identity for the white race, while all other races engage in identity politics to further themselves.

Chittum also explains how faced with mounting pressures the federal government will crack down on dissenters, attempt to abolish the First and Second Ammendments, and round up all firearms. Chittum also explains how police forces and the military are becoming more and more corrupt with ethnic rivalries developing within their own ranks. Further, Chittum considers the events of Waco and Ruby Ridge, showing the federal government's standoff with those who oppose the system.

Chittum considers the rise of the militia movement and the growth of ethnically based militias as indicating a further sign that the state is in grave peril. Finally, Chittum shows how the white race is being increasingly weakened by such programs and changing demographic trends showing that ethnic warfare is right around the corner. To demonstrate this, Chittum examines the case of ethnically diverse Europe, showing how Europe itself is on the brink of crisis with various ethnic enclaves engaging in civil war. History is showing Chittum to be largely correct, although some of the details of his prophecy may not be.

In recent times, we have witnessed the further Balkanization of the United States, increasing ethnic rivalry, the growth of secessionist movements, and further white decline. The recent election to the presidency of Barak Obama serves to only further cement these indications. It may be easy to dismiss Chittum as a survivalist nut, a right-wing extremist, or a pro-white racist, but this is far too simple. Indeed, we are witnessing some of these very events unfold as America continues to decline and break apart at the seams. Recently in 2008, the Russian analyst Igor Panarin showed that with a declining U.S. dollar, out of control foreign debt, and increasing Balkanization of the United States as rival ethnic groups vie for power, there will be an imminent break-up of the U.S. into five distinct ethnically based regions.

It has been effectively shown that the chasm developing over ethnic, cultural, and political differences is so great that it cannot be bridged. For more on these same issues, one need only consult the works of Pat Buchanan to show that more mainstream figures are taking such dire predictions seriously.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
I don't own this book yet, but it looks like an informative and accurate prophetic read. I don't doubt the breakup of the US into race based sections, but what I'm wondering about is how many of them will exist and where will they be located? Seems like 5 is too small a number, unless you believe everyone in the current US will flock to be with everyone else of their race. I'm not so sure this can/will happen. I know I don't want to be where I am right now when the breakup occurs, as I believe I will be far from the border of a White area and will have to fight my way through enemy lines to get there.


May 10, 2008
foobar, thanks for this thread; and DWFan, thanks for the PDF.
I think the book is helpful, but one must also take into account what might be called the "pre-ethnic" division that already exists among white folk -- the cultural divide that Pat Buchanon and others have written about. I would say that this is actually deeper than any racial divide. However, if things get really ugly, then the racial characteristics become more important simply because it is a quick visual way to sort people out. As long as white people pretty much dress and act the same way across the country, then the deep cultural divide among whites cannot really cause an easily identifiable division, and then things do really fall largely along racial llines as the author indicates for the USA. But if there were regional dress and regional languages, then these would be more significant identifiers than skin color. An obvious example is that of caucasians wearing the burkha (or vice-versa, those perceived as dressing immodestly).

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Civil War II went out of print some time ago; I don't know if it's been reprinted other than on-line. It had been my best-sellingtitle before it became unavailable.
I know the author Thomas Chittum. Had him speak at several meetings some years back and he's written some articles for The Nationalist Times. He has an interesting background as a merc in Rhodesia and other places. Not sure what he's doing now.Edited by: Don Wassall


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
I find it interesting that Rubyknoggins and East Asians still want to come to ethnic crime-ravaged America.

What is their strategy? Rubynoggins are in Jamaica, Barbados, Madagascar, etc. Do they think they can triumph over the negro, especially when some of them could be construed as being part-negro themselves?


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
The coming 2nd civil war? I don't think many whites will have the backbone I afraid. Just alot of conjecture and hope, with out getting dirty!


Apr 30, 2010
If the white race wants to survive, it'll have to start with a bullet. Words can only get you far. If not with a bullet, then a show of political, social, and media might.

Either way, action must be done, and NOT doing it behind a keyboard. Let one's voice be heard!


Oct 12, 2008
sonnyboy said:
If the white race wants to survive, it'll have to start with a bullet. Words can only get you far. If not with a bullet, then a show of political, social, and media might. Either way, action must be done, and NOT doing it behind a keyboard. Let one's voice be heard!

I thought this guy had been identified and banned.


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
sonnyboy sounds like an agent provocateur.

Exactly. Sonnyboy is simpleminded if he expects any of us to fall into that trap. Sonnyboy go home, get some sleep and dream about the tragedy which is your life, because obviously you have got nothing better to do with your time.


Nov 23, 2008
Nice piece of work form this Thomas Chittum fellow. The book reminds me a lot of O'Reilly's CULTURE WAR scenarios.

It's funny how people left the OLD Continent (for the NEW World) to seek an alternative and better way of living, only to creep back to Europe's so-called better model.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
sonnyboy sounds like an agent provocateur.

Exactly. That type of "call to arms" talk can often intiate from a mole/plant via our fedgov "pals". I'm sure Stormfront has its share of provocateurs, but I would hope they're a rarity here at CF.
Oct 24, 2005
Civil War II is starting. Chicago has already succeeded from the Union. We now live in the People's republic of Daley. We have our own aviation laws, our own immigration laws. King Daley is trying to elect a new people by driving out the whites and replacing them with his beloved mexicans. He even tried to get the Olympics as an independant nation.
Could someone help us? We want to rejoin the union.