Church Groups Work To Shelter Illegals

I think Carolina speed and extra point are both correct regarding this topic. Prior to 1963 the US had a strong moral compass, solid work ethic, stable nuclear family structure etc. It was the 60s with it's all out attack on everything that made western society superior that spelled the beginning of the end. As extra point said the infiltration of leftists into the key areas of American society is responsible for the way these once essential cornerstones of American society were perverted and distorted. The whole goal of cultural Marxism is to deny and tear down the pillars of western society and replace them with their own shallow, flawed, disgusting world view.

As far as the Romans go, we are living proof that people do not learn from the past. Our borders are being invaded by barbarian hordes and the US govt is allowing and encouraging this to happen and filling our society with non citizens and third world invaders to accelerate the decline and destruction of this country.
The Bible itself is incredibly racist. In fact, it may be it's major theme from the Old Testament to the New Testament. Jesus spoke only to the "Lost sheep of Israel" (not Jews). The word "Jew" is not in the Bible. Jesus speaks to people who have forgotten who they are racially - the lost sheep (white people).

On numerous occasions the Bible warns against mixing with the mix multitudes. In short from Adam and Eve eating from the forbidden fruit (not fruit - but seed) to Revelations the Bible is a story of race.

People who called themselves Christians because they sing-song at church and go through the motions with very little scholarly aren't Christians - they are sing-songers. Lost sheep. Most so-called Christians today are sing-songers.
Not true Christians, but the organized and corrupt Christian churches, aiding and abetting the enemy occupational government in Washington in the destruction of our race and civilization, just as they did in South Africa, and just as they do in all the white nations.

A Boston TV station has discovered that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement has been flying planeloads of illegal immigrants to Massachusetts over the past couple of weeks.

Obama Staging Invasion Of America – Allen West On Rick Wiles TruNews

Obama's Illegal alien tidal wave to cost taxpayers $billions annually
The Bible itself is incredibly racist. In fact, it may be it's major theme from the Old Testament to the New Testament. Jesus spoke only to the "Lost sheep of Israel" (not Jews). The word "Jew" is not in the Bible. Jesus speaks to people who have forgotten who they are racially - the lost sheep (white people).

On numerous occasions the Bible warns against mixing with the mix multitudes. In short from Adam and Eve eating from the forbidden fruit (not fruit - but seed) to Revelations the Bible is a story of race.

Nice spin,Christian.
Looks like there are still some real Christians who don't support the Synagogue of Satan:

Presbyterian Church votes to divest in protest of Israeli policies

The Presbyterian Church has narrowly voted to move forward with divestment in various companies in protest of Israeli policies toward Palestinians. The group has now become the most prominent in the US to endorse some form of divestment.

The top US policymaking body for the Presbyterian denomination has opted to sell its stock in Caterpillar, Hewlett-Packard and Motorola Solutions by a vote of 310 to 303, ratifying a move that had failed two years prior. All three companies have been identified as making products used by Israel in the occupied Palestinian territories.

During the General Assembly’s vote Caterpillar was identified as having provided the IDF with equipment used to demolish homes in the West Bank, as well as used in the construction of Israeli settler-only roads in the territory, reported Daily Kos. Meanwhile, Motorola was linked to surveillance systems used by Israeli settlements, while HP has provided biometric scanning technology used on Palestinians at checkpoints.

Though Friday’s vote suggests that the divestment movement may be making inroads into mainstream groups, even those who advocated for divestment by the Presbyterians insisted they were not linked to the broader BDS push -- or boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel.

I don't see why divesting in Caterpillar because someone used their equipment against Palestine is any different then divesting in Smith and Wesson because some ghetto punk used their guns in a crime?

Generally religious people are good people with decent morals. Even liberal Christians practice a morality superior to most lowlifes in the inner cities. It's silly to condemn someone because of their personal religious practices. People of all types, religious and secular make good and bad judgements based on the type of person they are.

I think ones feelings about God are personal and best practiced when kept to oneself. However in the public sphere people should allow a wide latitude to others as long as their actions don't interfere with the private decisions of other people. Unfortunately we live in an age when even the most private of thoughts is supposed to be fair game for other people to judge.

Give me the most religious of societies and I will live happier amongst them as the most stalwart of atheists then I would as a devout religious man in this age of non-religion.

The people in these church groups who work to shelter illegals are participating in a plan to destroy Western Civilization. Some of them are well aware of what they're doing, they support the destruction of Western Civilization.

Usually these illegals are non-whites. The people in these church groups who work to make sure these non-white invaders stay in the country are working to destroy the white country they live in, whether they think so or not.

Flooding a white country with non-whites in order to destroy the country is an act of genocide. Protecting non-white illegal aliens is an act of genocide. The people in these church groups doing this are genocidists.
American Freedom News