Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80!

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that blows! I hope he dosen't make anything worse.
Even a minor tweak can lead to something when it comes to those areas. Wow not good at all....
Let's hope he is was only trying to avoid being the favourite; he did make the point that Chambers was the favourite.
white lightning said:
Some bad news guys. Christophe is not healthy going into tommorow. He is having some issues with his groin and hamstrings. He will still compete but this is really unfortunate. Let's hope he can pull through. Talk about bad timing.

well some good after these bad news :) Christophe was holding his decision for the 200m race, regarding his injury
today he decided to go for the 200m that means that he feels well, otherwise he would ran the 100 only
I agree with you guys that I think the Jamaicans are cheating, but let's not be so quick to lump everyone in as cheaters. Is it a smoking gun that Tyson Gay is a cheat? I don't think so. How do we know that Donovan Bailey (who ran for Canada, not Jamaica btw) was cheating back in the late 1990s. I think, realistically, the world's fastest 3 would be putting up times in the high 9.8xs to low 9.9xs in the Olympic finals without drugs to help them. The world record might be something like Gay's 9.69- from either Gay or Bolt (Gay's once in a lifetime phenomenal run being pushed by probable cheat and freak Bolt).

Lemaitre isn't far off at all, of what a realistic 100 meter world or Olympic final "medaling" time would be without any PEDs. Maybe another Balco type bust of Jamaica will finally wake people up to the fact that the drug testers are always lagging behind finding the newest addition of quickly metabolized steroids. I mean, even with a stringent Pilot type program the U.S has implemented it still is far from perfect. Lemaitre is still a great talent, but I think he'd still have to run a high 9.8x to win gold in the Olympics without PEDs.

It makes it even harder that you have to run your best race on the biggest and most important day. The chances are slim of it happening, but who knows, we may see something like a Christophe Lemaitre 9.86 GOLD one day. Vive Le Master!
Top 8 qualifiers. Wind for Lemaitre -1.4 for Chambers -1.5

1 LEMAÃŽTRE, Christophe FRA 10.19 Q <?: prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />
2 CHAMBERS, Dwain GBR 10.21 Q
4 MBANDJOCK, Martial FRA 10.26 Q
5 OBIKWELU, Francis POR 10.27 Q
6 DI GREGORIO, Emanuele ITA 10.31 Q
6 SAIDY NDURE, Jaysuma NOR 10.31 Q
8 UNGER, Tobias GER 10.35 Q
Lemaitre quote from BBC web site: "It's me or Dwain I think. Physically, I am very good and tomorrow I will try to run under 10 seconds in the final."
Christophe's semi final heat line up for tomorrow:








accesscrimea said:
if you look at link in my post on this page, you can say that a 'Fedor' (and being English, its natural that hes on the BBC site) is commenting. Like him or not, he is one of the few to be challenging the 'blacks are superior' bandwagon that most people are on!

Im trying to comment but it wont let me :(
Go get 'em, Fedor! He's doing a good job, too!
Notice how they aren't censoring talk of race on the BBC website, unless it's truly racist, yet on or you are censored simply for implying that Gerhart was discriminated against by Rivals when they ranked him a FB and not even in the top 250 (if I'm not mistaken). It looks like the U.S is the leader in censorship as well.

You may say that since the article mentions race and since it is just comments under an article that is why there is no censorship, but I still sense more "legit" talk of bias over race and racial discrimination in sports/workplace etc. outside the U.S and up here in Canada from the media.
Good points TJR. Christophe Lemaitre can make this "taboo" subject become the topic of discussion if he continues to excel in the sprints. Just like Toby Gerhart can help to do the same thing in the NFL. We need to get people talking about why there are not more whites insome sports and also in certain positions in sports. It is racial slotting pure and simple. I don't want to go to far into it on this thread though as we need to concentrate on Christophe.

I think he can become a household name. Most people have no idea just how good this kid is! The sky is the limit with his talent. Counting the hours till the semi finals.

Good luck Christophe!
Edited by: white lightning
white lightning said:
I'm going to repost that link so it goes through easier and everyone can join in the discussion if they want. Some really interesting comments on race and sprinting.
<div> </div>

I have had to comment on this blog several times this morning. There are some good posts but some real t**ser (the missing letters are, surprise surprise "OS" haha) stuff there to refute. Some of you guys may like to get stuck into some of the stupid stuff....Edited by: mastermulti
I used to go to other message boards and try to argue our view point here. They would censor almost everything I tried to say. I would spend alot of time proving my view points only to have the moderators delete them. If it's anti white on other boards, that is fine but don't try to go the other way or you will be banned. That is why this site is one of the few places anywhere where you can show what is really going on. We cannot thank Don enough for creating this site.

Back to Christophe. You have to admire the courage of this kid. Even with some injuries, he is battling and attempting 3 different events. To sprint at the highest level when your not 100% and fatigued can be very difficult. No matter what happens, I admire his courage to attempt this feat. People have to realise that to set another p.b. in these conditions will be difficult to say the least. Alot of the time, personal bests are set in races where you only run once like in Paris.

While I would love for him to post a new p.b., winning is the most important thing. Champions who win gold medals are the sprinters we remember decades from now. I just want him to go out there and avenge the loss to Chambers. I cannot stand cheaters and for Lemaitre to beat a known cheat would be so great. France already loves this kid but he is becoming well known around the world. You can do it Pepe. We believe in you!Edited by: white lightning
It's hard not to notice the difference between builds in LeMaitre and Chambers. There are videos on Youtube of Chambers doing jump squats with 500 lbs and jumping onto stacks of exercise step boards stacked 66 inches high.

I don't know much about steroids or performance enhancing drugs, but if that level can be achieved without them, i.e., if Chambers is indeed currently clean, then Lemaitre truly does have the potential to be the fastest man in the world.

Also, it'll be nice when articles on Lemaitre come out that don't include, "he's the first white man to break the 10 second barrier." We need a few more guys to break through. This has the potential to get as old as, "there has never been a white man to break the 10 second barrier."
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