Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80!

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I just hope that Chris can take a tenth of a second off his time for the next few years when he hits his prime this way he can compete with Bolt and Powell (both should be slowing down also when CL hits his prime) if not win on a regular basis. I think CL can do it if he stays healthy and I truly believe that Chris is going to run in the 9.7's (if not even faster) when he hits his peak in 3-5 years. People just need to be patient with Chris because it takes time to hit your peak at the 100 and Chris has already shaved a tenth of a second of his PB this year which is really good.
Edited by: JReb1
At the Monaco Diamond League today Yohan Blake of Jamaica improved his 200mPB from 20.60 to 19.78 with a pedestrian reaction time (0.287) and virtually no following wind (0.1m/s).In my experience such an improvement is not feasibleand is an indication of what poor Lemaitre is up against. Blake, if you recall, was banned for 3 months last year for stimulant use.<?: prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />
That is not humanly possible. Your spot on Freddie. Gatlin got busted when he was in college but they gave him a slap on the wrist. Eventually WADA caught him again and hopefully they will catch more of these Jamaicans and Americans that are cheating. It has to be a level playing field or else why even run the races? The cheaters will almost always win.
I´ve seen it on TV. Blake was two or three meter behind Gay when the hit the straight. Then he fly like a rocket past Wallace(!) and almost caught Gay on the line.
Usually I dont want to be to desicive when i comes to drug accusations... but Blake looks like a bodybuilder.
A comparison: Kenderis was openly accused in media for doping directly after his olympic gold medal in Sydney, when he ran a 20,16.
Here is another article on Lemaitre. Notice towards the end of the article. His coach says he thinks there is no difference between ethnicities when it pertains to sprinting. What a breath of fresh air. That is what Wariners Coach also says. Talent is talent. Look past the skin color. If only we could get the majority of people to think this way. I know whites are not inferior. Even in the sprints. It is the brainwashing and racial slotting that have defeated most of us in all aspects of society. Sports is only the tip of the iceburg. Wake up people. Whites can be champions in the sprints. Even the women are not as brain dead as the men. Nesterenko won the title of the Worlds Fastest Women back in 2004! Being white didn't stop her and it won't stop Lemaitre either.;sourceid=ie8-activity&amp; by: white lightning
Great article.
I still think Lemaitre will do something like 9,92 in Barcelona. Then he will get some wider attention in Europe at least, and I will have renewed sport and race and drug-debates with a certain amount of people.
In the late 90's Donovan Bailey was the fastest sprinter and his pb in the 100m is a 9.84. Lemaitre is fairly close to that mark and could beat it in a year or so. Bolt's on the sauce for sure.
Yohan has already been busted for stimulants.

Blake and company plead guilty to banned stimulants | TrackAlertsPosted by cnick on Sep 3 2009, 01:57 PM

KINGSTON â€" Four Jamaican athletes, Yohan Blake, Marvin Anderson, Allodin Fothergill and Lansford Spence, are said to have admitted taking banned substances and are now awaiting sanctions from the Jamaica Appeals Tribunal.

The Jamaica Anti-Doping Appeals Tribunal met on Wednesday, but while they freed Sheri-Ann Brooks, the fifth athlete implicated, they set aside September 14 to sanction the other four.

The Honourable Justice Ransford Langrin, a retired judge of Jamaica's Court of Appeal, who is the chairman of the Appeals Tribunal, said: "The athletes have agreed they took a banned substance."

He said they are now left to make a decision on the sentence to be imposed.

"We have to decide now what is the sanction we apply "¦ and the minimum sanction is reprimand or up to two years of ineligibility," he said.

"All four athletes were found with 4-Methyl-2-hexanamine in their urine samples, which was reported as an adverse analytical finding by the WADA accredited laboratory in Montreal, Canada," said a JADCO release last month.
Yee haw!!!! Catch the Jamaican cheats!!!!! I love it. That's 14 Jamaican sprinters in one year, plus a coach, plus that female sprinter that took the banned pain reliever.

Jamaican superiority is a myth. I knew it!
Wait a minute. Hold the phone. That article is dated to 2009... Why did you post it? Blake runs free, I guess.
Sorry, I was just pointing out that the guy has a history of taking stuff to enhance his performance.
<a href="" target="_blank">
recent itw before europe chp's</A>
whiteathlete33 said:
In the late 90's Donovan Bailey was the fastest sprinter and his pb in the 100m is a 9.84. Lemaitre is fairly close to that mark and could beat it in a year or so. Bolt's on the sauce for sure.

I agree! There is NO way (IMO) that a clean sprinter could destroy the records set by the top sprinters that used PEDs to set those records, NO way!
Edited by: JReb1
Someone brought up Blake to me on youtube when I was praising Lemaitre. When I told him Blake is a known cheat, he dismissed it because they weren't "banned substances." The Jamaicans are all cheating imho. What a joke it is that these frauds are touted, arbitrarily, as "the world's fastest." What a load of BS!
Here is the best article yet on Christophe Lemaitre. The liberals are not happy about his success. He will be attacked from all sides around France and from around the world. The leftists/liberals do not want him to keep getting better let alone win. He angers them because he breaks down stereotypes which have taken decades to take hold. They hold these beliefs to be sacred and have hatred towards anyone who challenges them. Lemaitre will do anything to avoid the topic and he should but the debate will go on.

This kid believes he can challenge Bolt, Powell and Gay someday soon. He is confident and no one can break that mental psychological confidence he has! Do not listen to the haters and critics Christophe. They can't stand the fact that you are simply that good! You can compete despite your skin tone and that angers them. Run for your country. Run for your family and friends but most of all run for yourself! Your an amazing sprinter. Don't ever doubt what you can accomplish and don't let ANYONE stop you! You have the talent to go all the way to the top of the world. NEVER STOP BELIEVING THAT! Here is the link. by: white lightning
Here is the only quote from Christophe that you need to remember!

"Usain Bolt, Asafa Powell and Tyson Gay are part of a world to which I do not belong â€" well, not yet,"
Thank you bk21. Great post by Djhone. I have noticed for quite a while that most of the French Athletes have respect and admiration for each other. This is very rare. Most countries do not have this type of gamemenship. I applaud Team France for rooting each other on. That is how it should be. One only needs to ask Craig Pickering and what he has went though representing England. If he had the same support from his teammates, we might just be seeing a different story play out. I feel so bad for him.

Lemaitre is a great guy and he is lucky to have great teamates who also are aspiring to be the best in the world. I really like what is going on in athletics in France!Edited by: white lightning
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