ToughJ.Riggins said:
bk21 said:
@jimmy chitwood,
well he's not that famous for non-sportive followers here in France, his fame is just starting after his sub 10! so not a lot of money right now, and he refuses publicity contracts (til now) because he says that he's not interested in money (and publicity duties) so he doesn't want to waste his time..
so I think he doesn't make a lot
bk, thanks for the info from France and welcome to the site! We'd like to see more French posters on this site. It seems most are American, Canadian English- or other English speakers. France is a wonderful country culturally and scenically- and the policies are actually somewhat similar to Canada there (much less of a police and lock up state than the U.S- and minor addicts... (ie. people who partake in "minor", non violent indecencies) are treated as addicts first rather than criminals if I'm not mistaken. Economically it is probably a little left of Canada).
The only things that bother me about France is that they have let in too many non ethnic French immigrants and the sports system seems to be racist (although not as racist as the U.S caste system). The French soccer team had few true Frenchman and most of the basketball players are black (although Nando De Colo is a good white French NBA prospect). I'd like to hear your thoughts bk (or The Master's thoughts), on the lack of ethnic French athletes (at the top) in soccer and basketball. Thanks for any info you can divulge to me.
Hi and thanks for the welcome,
first of all, I was welcomed by a private message from "Lisa D" a "forumer" on this site, she's french, and may provide a female touch on this forum if needed..
thanks too for the compliments about France, it is actually a very beautiful country if somebody wants to look at it without any "prejudices?" or "cliché" (snobbish wine drinkers

)on mind, just as I see the states as a marvellous country
about non ethnic French in our sports, it can be explained by different factors:
we have the DOM-TOM are the overseas departments and territories, (french polynesia, guyane, reunion islands etc..) which are outside Europe, but are French territories (like Thierry Henry and Florent Malouda for example, they are not immigrents.. as they don't have another "mother country" else than France)
the history of France and the colonisation of Africa and large parts of Europe (18th and 19th century) (Napoleon Bonaparte for ex) and north africa (after ww1) started the immigration to France, with the foreign soldiers who fought for France during multiple wars!
but the question is why in sports there is a lot of immigrents (wide question!) even if they are far from being the majority,well, immigrents are by far, the poorest social category here, and a lot of kids are willing to give up their studies to be fully devoted for sports! soccer players are for the majority of them issued from poor families and the one who doesn't succeed will live miserably, this is a risk that no average family will accept to take and prefer to assure for their kids a safer way of life, behing the glamourous soccer players team, there are hundred of thousands who ends up in amateur clubs with derisory salaries!
there area lot of"white" sports very popular and successfull like Handball and Rugby and others which are majoritarily ethnic french, but have the same common points: if you don't become professionnal you will not ruin your life, and you don't make a huge amount of money (like soccer player does!)
i hope it was clear
totally off topic,I don't know if you know this other french athlete (which is 1st ranked in 2010) Renaud Lavillenie.