Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80!

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No more rivals :thumbsup:

no more rivals?

isiah Young: 19.86
curtis mitchell: 19.99
Justin gatlin (not sure if he'll run the 200m

that's enough rival for him, not to qualify in final. Not the same situation as 2011
No excuse for Christophe. I will always support him but this was a very poor showing. His bend running was horrible. He was all over the lane when he should be hugging the inside of the lane. He had been looking better on the curve until today. I hope it's nerves but he should be above that. Really average race for him. Hope he can regain his confidence at the French National Champs. He needs a double win but that is not going to come easy.
another interesting point to me is that after the race, Bolt is casually jogging/walking around the track celebrating and shaking hands.....meanwhile Lemaitre is bent over huffing and puffing and trying to catch his breath.
What's up with that?!
We saw that a lot in previous seasons, and now again. It makes you wonder if there's something wrong with his fitness, speed endurance, or respiratory system?
The announcers commented that basically he gave away the race in the first 10 meters...
no more rivals?

isiah Young: 19.86
curtis mitchell: 19.99
Justin gatlin (not sure if he'll run the 200m

that's enough rival for him, not to qualify in final. Not the same situation as 2011

Tes propos sont affligeant !

Pour toi Lemaitre ne sera pas en finale :faint2:

Tu verra que Lemaitre courra largement en dessous de 19.80.
Tu donnes comme exemple Mitchell avec son 19.99, mais son 19.99 (1.6) est nettement moins bon que le 20.07 (0.2) de Lemaitre, de plus Lemaitre dit avoir raté sa course.

Tu vois comme concurent des sprinteurs comme DIX ou GATLIN, alors qu'ils ne sont même pas qualifier pour les championnats du monde, ça fait beaucoup d'erreurs tout ça !
no more rivals?

isiah Young: 19.86
curtis mitchell: 19.99
Justin gatlin (not sure if he'll run the 200m

that's enough rival for him, not to qualify in final. Not the same situation as 2011

Yes i think same.
NO rivals.

Isiah young does not have experience in big championships, curtis mitchell same and gatlin did not run 200 in trials :smile:

The other sprinters that i told yes, they have experience and they are very fast.

Lemaitre will get final 200 easily.
Medal?umm very hard, he can to get sub20 and the medal perhaps is in 19.7-19.8 probably, really hard :p

In this moment Bolt,Gay and Weir are surely faster.
And Ashmeade,Martina and perhaps some another USA(mitchell,young)are almost same level that Lemaitre, but i think that the french will run better in big championship that them.
Tes propos sont affligeant !

Pour toi Lemaitre ne sera pas en finale :faint2:

Tu verra que Lemaitre courra largement en dessous de 19.80.

in 2012, he ran a 19.91 some week before olympics, and he hardly qualify for the final.

I'm not saying he will not qualify for the final. I just say that with his current form and technics, if he run in a semi final with likes of Bolt and 2 other good runner (as in 2012), he could missed the final.

Even if I support Lemaitre, he hasn't shown anything since 2011.

I will keep thinking he doesn't use his raw talent the way he should do.
in 2012, he ran a 19.91 some week before olympics, and he hardly qualify for the final.

I'm not saying he will not qualify for the final. I just say that with his current form and technics, if he run in a semi final with likes of Bolt and 2 other good runner (as in 2012), he could missed the final.

Even if I support Lemaitre, he hasn't shown anything since 2011.

I will keep thinking he doesn't use his raw talent the way he should do.

La forme de Christophe est très très bonne, son problème est technique, de plus son 19.9I (1.1) de 2012 n'est pas si éloigné que son 20.07 (0.2) de Paris !

et enfin, en 2011 il est arrivé à Daegu avec un temps de référence de 20.17, est ce que ça l'a empêché d'aller en final et de courrir 19.80 ? NON

Ce qui serait inquiétant c'est si sa forme n'était pas là, le problème est technique et il a 1 mois pour la travailler !
in 2012, he ran a 19.91 some week before olympics, and he hardly qualify for the final.

I'm not saying he will not qualify for the final. I just say that with his current form and technics, if he run in a semi final with likes of Bolt and 2 other good runner (as in 2012), he could missed the final.

Even if I support Lemaitre, he hasn't shown anything since 2011.

I will keep thinking he doesn't use his raw talent the way he should do.

Lemaitre had very bad luck in Olympic Games, in heat with Blake and Spearmon.
It was very fast semifinal where 3 runners ran 20.0¡¡¡¡¡.
With best luck in the semifinal ,by example in heat with Bolt in other semifinal, Lemaitre would be in the final with only 20.3, BIG DIFFERENCE¡¡¡

But this time i doubt so much that he has another semifinal like it.
Yes he can to be with Bolt, Gay(im not sure if he will run 200m, we will see after final 100m) or Weir but the the others rival are not better than Lemaitre.
Im totally sure that this time his semifinal will be a lot of easier and he will not run in horrible lane2 in final :smiley:
Sometimes I wonder how fast Lemaitre could go if he were a dirty drug cheat. Anyway I think he's clean. Even if he never improves he's still a historic athlete.

btw RSCman I teach twelfth grade French composition and you are good at it! Sometimes my students try to use Google translate and they mess up the imparfait and the passé composé.
Sometimes I wonder how fast Lemaitre could go if he were a dirty drug cheat. Anyway I think he's clean. Even if he never improves he's still a historic athlete.

btw RSCman I teach twelfth grade French composition and you are good at it! Sometimes my students try to use Google translate and they mess up the imparfait and the passé composé.

THANK YOU, yes i'm not too bad in French, because i'm...FRENCH ! :smile:

My english is very very bad like a lot of french people :icon_redface:
Lemaitre had very bad luck in Olympic Games, in heat with Blake and Spearmon.
It was very fast semifinal where 3 runners ran 20.0¡¡¡¡¡.
With best luck in the semifinal ,by example in heat with Bolt in other semifinal, Lemaitre would be in the final with only 20.3, BIG DIFFERENCE¡¡¡

But this time i doubt so much that he has another semifinal like it.
Yes he can to be with Bolt, Gay(im not sure if he will run 200m, we will see after final 100m) or Weir but the the others rival are not better than Lemaitre.
Im totally sure that this time his semifinal will be a lot of easier and he will not run in horrible lane2 in final :smiley:

totally agree !
I agree that he had a horrible draw and that caused him to use alot more energy in the semifinals. That is life sometimes and you just have to deal with the hand that is dealt to you.

What frustrates me is like many of us have said, he has regressed. Christophe has not run a sub 10 or sub 20 all year. The blame can be put in many places. It hasn't been a horrible year but the times are just not there yet. We have to really hope that he takes it up another notch at the French Champs this weekend. If he were to lose to Jimmy Vicaut, it would be yet another blow to his confidence which he can't afford right now. Vicaut is improving rapidly and in another year or two, Vicaut might be pushing him over the deuce as well. The only thing I like about that is that it forces Lemaitre out of his comfort zone and he is forced to train harder.

It is very sad to see a guy with once in a lifetime genetics not even coming close to his full potential. I still like many say he needs a new coach who is familiar with taking a world class athlete to the highest level. Maybe he could keep Caraz on as an advisor but he has to make changes before it is too late. He is 23 and will very soon be in his prime years as a sprinter.

Hoping for another historic performance this weekend. Come on Christophe. We are behind you 100% and we believe in you. Go out there and bring home the double again! Show them why I gave you the nickname, PepeLeFlew! Viva Lemaitre. Viva Le France!
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THANK YOU, yes i'm not too bad in French, because i'm...FRENCH ! :smile:

My english is very very bad like a lot of french people :icon_redface:

l'espagnol zellgadiss est pas mal non plus dans le genre :icon_mrgreen:

first semi final

1. LEMAITRE 10.26 (0.3) very very bad start

second semi final

1. VICAUT 9.95 (0.9) !!!!! fisrt sub 10 for him
The final:

Vicaut 9.95 with only +0.3 wind while Lemaitre poor 10.19...

This time for Vicaut is faster basic time that the best times of Lemaitre, that with medium wind his best time is 9.95 and with few wind only 10.00.

Lemaitre is wonderful in 200, but is not very good in 100 i think same yet.
In the past Lemaitre had better races in 100 because his start was average and with luck can to get sub10 but he will ne never great runner in 100m, im totally sure.
A lot of runners in 100 can go faster that him while in 200 very few runners, it is the reality.

C´mon Lemaitre, you can to make very good 200m :smile:

In 200 he has big future and i must in him so much :clap2:
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I am so happy for Vicaut! Go Jimmy GO!!!!!! Why you ask? Because Vicaut has coaches and trainers that have experience and now how to develop an Athlete... and I also hope Christophe went home to cry in his mothers arms and his local club coach.

I hope Lemaitre feels embarrassed, ashamed, just like when they used to pick on him in school...Am I harsh? YES! THis kid has some much talent, so much, it showed in 2011 when he ran 9.98, 9.97, 9.96, 9.95, and 9.92 and a 19.80! Now he has regressed all because he is a chicken ****, who is afraid to leave a low level unproven track club and coach to get to the next level. Lemaitre is an Elite, not a peasant!, But prefers to hang around peasants! Leamitre is afraid to change, he is afraid to leave his surroundings, this is why he has regressed. This is why a less talented VIcaut beat him. This is why he failed in the Olympics. It is not his shoes, not the rain drops, not the wind, humidity levels, sea level, and all the other BS I keep hearing about. LEMAITRE HAS A 9.8 AND 19.6 IN HIM HE JUST DOES NOT NOW HOW TO SHOW IT, BECAUSE NO ONE IS HELPING HIM AND HE CANT HELP HIMSELF BECAUSE HE IS A PUSSY!

If my language gets me banned, so be it. It all comes form the heart as I want this kid to succeed beyond what he is capable of - because I know he can!

...And to add another nail to the coffin. Maybe not this year, but next year, Vicaut will dominate him in the 200 as well. Mark my words. You cannot succeed in the 200 when your start and 100 meters has regressed. Remember he ran the 19.80 the year he ran a few 9.9's and low 10.00's. He cant continue to come from behind in the last 100, wont work...he should give up the 100 in Moscow and concentrate hopefully for a 6th place in the finals of the 200 or go to church everyday and pray Tyson Gay, Weir, Bolt get food poisoning.
Several things:
-In first place, Vicaut less talented that Lemaitre?In 200 of course, in 100, sorry but i dont think it, Vicaut is a great sprinter in short distances in my opinion.

-In second place Lemaitre has 9.8 and 19.6 in his body?19.6 i think that yes, 9.8 no in my opinion, or with a LOT OF LUCK 9.89 with 2.0 wind, but 9.8 in normal conditions no.

Lemaitre never was a great sprinter in 100m and in 200 he showed that he is elite.
Im very sure, he should to run 100 for to improve his start and first metres and to run 200 more seriously where he is really wonderful
This is the worst thing that could possible happen. I knew he might lost to Jimmy Vicaut but Christophe got destroyed like if he was racing
against Bolt in the 100 meters. For that to happen only 3 - 4 weeks from the World Champs is devastating to him and his mental state. Even if he was in better physical condition, the mental aspect of sprinting is even more important. Once a sprinter is defeated mentally he loses that edge. Christophe now will doubt himself, his training and his coach. All of this after trying additonal things like a different diet and added bulk. He probably will say to himself, I should have stayed skinny and skipped the weights & diet.

My other worry is that he will try to hard tommorow to put up a huge time in the deuce to make up for today and that could end up getting him hurt. Back to the drawing board.

The only good thing that could come out of this is a new coach next season. I like Carraz as a person but as a coach it is time for him to step down. Good luck Christophe. Go out there and get the win tommorow and now the world champs is alot more important than the french nat'l champs. Your on the team so it's still possible to go and shock some people in Moscow.
Several things:
-In first place, Vicaut less talented that Lemaitre?In 200 of course, in 100, sorry but i dont think it, Vicaut is a great sprinter in short distances in my opinion.

-In second place Lemaitre has 9.8 and 19.6 in his body?19.6 i think that yes, 9.8 no in my opinion, or with a LOT OF LUCK 9.89 with 2.0 wind, but 9.8 in normal conditions no.

Lemaitre never was a great sprinter in 100m and in 200 he showed that he is elite.
Im very sure, he should to run 100 for to improve his start and first metres and to run 200 more seriously where he is really wonderful

He wont break 19.9 in the 200 if he continues to regress in the 100. The start is just as important. Lemaitre is a failure of amateur trainng and coaching, no question about it. Explain his fast 100 times in 2011, why the hell has he regressed! Remember, he broke 10 seconds before he ever broke 20!
This is the worst thing that could possible happen. I knew he might lost to Jimmy Vicaut but Christophe got destroyed like if he was racing
against Bolt in the 100 meters. For that to happen only 3 - 4 weeks from the World Champs is devastating to him and his mental state. Even if he was in better physical condition, the mental aspect of sprinting is even more important. Once a sprinter is defeated mentally he loses that edge. Christophe now will doubt himself, his training and his coach. All of this after trying additonal things like a different diet and added bulk. He probably will say to himself, I should have stayed skinny and skipped the weights & diet.

My other worry is that he will try to hard tommorow to put up a huge time in the deuce to make up for today and that could end up getting him hurt. Back to the drawing board.

The only good thing that could come out of this is a new coach next season. I like Carraz as a person but as a coach it is time for him to step down. Good luck Christophe. Go out there and get the win tommorow and now the world champs is alot more important than the french nat'l champs. Your on the team so it's still possible to go and shock some people in Moscow.

Caraz may be good person but he is a local club coach, nothing more. He does not have elite experience, he does not know what to do with so much talent in his hands. Lemaitre needs to grow balls and move on. I know you guys dont like Ato Boldon, but Boldon said it best and in a way not to offend Lemaitre's coaches...'He has 9.8 and 19.6 in him...he does not have quality training partners to push him"...BOLDON IS RIGHT!
Caraz may be good person but he is a local club coach, nothing more. He does not have elite experience, he does not know what to do with so much talent in his hands. Lemaitre needs to grow balls and move on. I know you guys dont like Ato Boldon, but Boldon said it best and in a way not to offend Lemaitre's coaches...'He has 9.8 and 19.6 in him...he does not have quality training partners to push him"...BOLDON IS RIGHT!
Was anybody shocked by this? His start while poor had him roughly even with Vicaut until the strength and power of Vicaut pulled him away with a 2/10th's of second win. I hope this can be fixed and he doesn't start fading away like other prospects from the past but the signs are similar to these guys from the near past. Anyway here is the race plus interviews with the 2 stars of French sprinting.....
Sickening. I had to turn off the video before they even started the slow motion replay. Where was Christophe's vaunted top-end speed. He not only was blown away in the second half by Vicaut, but he did absolutely nothing to pull away from the dreadful non-elite runners who pretty much finished in a dead heat with him.

This is his third straight year of regressing. At this point, he either leaves Aix and gets into a serious program, or it's time he called it a career and went back to school. He's got absolutely nothing to show from three years of staying with Carraz.

I used to think he had Olympic gold medal potential in the 200. At this point, I don't even think he would make it out of the quarterfinals in 2016. He's too old to speak of his "potential" now anyway. We no longer know if he has potential anymore. He's already squandered his prime.

I'll say one good thing about the Vicaut. By running a 9.95, he completely stopped Christophe and Carraz from blaming the weather, like they have done in at least 49 out of his last 50 races. It's always too cold for Christophe. But whatever the weather was today, it was fine for a 9.95. Now we'll get to hear that Christophe felt a muscle pull or something. That's his second favorite excuse.
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