Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80!

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Great interview. I think that what happened in London could end up being the turning point of his career. We have all been hard on him and his coach. I'm sure they both are very dissapointed as well. This extreme loss at a chance that only comes once every four years can motivate him to new heights. He needs to know that he has to train like never before. He will hate it until race day. Then it will all be worth it. Ask many college kids if they like doing term papers, essays, and exams. Hell no but they know it's worth it because they are working towards the goal of graduating. Sprinting and life is very similar. The harder you work, the better the results.
RankAthleteNationResultReaction time

Christophe was dead last off the turn and managed to place third. Blake may break Bolts records next year unless he gets busted.
Horrible start, horrible bend... as usual. Christophe was 7th after first 100m.

OMG - that was totally pathetic! He only tried for the last 60m of the race.
Lemaitre is just LAZY!
He doesn't train right, he doesn't race right, he doesn't lift weights ..... because he's LAZY!!!
what a frickin' waste of incredible God given talent.
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OMG - that was totally pathetic! He only tried for the last 60m of the race.
Lemaitre is just LAZY!
He doesn't train right, he doesn't race right, he doesn't lift weights ..... because he's LAZY!!!
what a frickin' waste of incredible God given talent.

That could be he sure seems soft. He needs the weightroom + cross-training w/ plyometrics. I shaved a second + off my 40 time and added 4" to my vertical leap in HS via plyometric drills...and CL is a world class athlete.
OMG - that was totally pathetic! He only tried for the last 60m of the race.
Lemaitre is just LAZY!
He doesn't train right, he doesn't race right, he doesn't lift weights ..... because he's LAZY!!!
what a frickin' waste of incredible God given talent.
I think he has mentally packed it in for the season. Plus like I said earlier this month his 200 running is clearly worse than last season. It looks like he is holding back a bit in the first 100 because of conditioning issues. Ps another Jamaican "scrub" ran a sub 20, nothing to see here lets move along....:peep:
once again lay off lemaitre .

refer you to all previous posts ,about his strength and start ,and
he will never be lazy ,he is all we got at moment .
20.17 is still a quality time ,still has the speed endurance but
speed has suffered from unsucessful weightlifting programme .
cannot compare him to alot more heavily doped sprinters , so go easy and
hold on until races at rieti tomorrow .

just a note in the interview says is he going to train like americanos and yamaicans ,
is this code for him going to start doping properly from now on ,
so be patient ,these times dont happen over night ,they have been years in the making .

just like might happen with that tall young german sprinter thinking of
simon schutz ,if gets on the sarms ,if not on already then should nearly gaurantee a drop of .5-.6 secs in next two seasons
and will have a contender to lemaitre and gemilli . but takes time ,this conveyer belt of yamaicans ,nearly every carribean island and ameriacanos has been in making for years ,
white athletes in certain events arent
plentiful as we all cant just do sport like certain africans think ,what sort of functioning society would that be .have to wade thru their annoying masses , to find athletes that interested in .
so the numbers are skewed wildly towards affletes in these events for this and many reasons mentioned before that occur nowadays and looks like even less in future , so appreciate the few that have and appreciate his efforts.
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lemaitre didnt do too bad last night...his start and bend were atrocious though...showing us exactly what he has to do ..reaction was slowest and his pick up....but his flat out speed is still phenomenal..going from last to third in the second half of the race...he and his coach know what has to be done:llama::llama::llama::llama::llama::llama::thumbsup:

also .......guaranteed collins has been doping for years.....and i repeat CL needs an expert in speed power training ie pfaff or khmel.....look at what pfaff did for rutherford also reducing his injuries...power training at elite level is very specific to the athletes ability to lift and get stronger not run faster directly but trough being strong an athlete maintains lift for longer or reduces speed slower...note how different the athlete training regimes are from glen mills for instance then say the elite german sprint coaches...u dont see the germans getting up at 5am in the middle of october to do hills...thats a fact ....and their track sessions are not similar to that of british sprinters ...regardless of colour...which is an excuse for hard training

note by the way all jamaican athletes lift big including the women ( and are tested on 4 or 8 week basis) training twice daily for 6 days a week off season ........but lower body on single legs ie single leg squats and only half snatches including deadlifts upper body they bench press is a must.....and of course plyometrics ....according to glen why dont white athletes follow suit? and why not? and hills 150s and 300s are in flats are a must to get stronger as done by jeremy wariner and is what clyde hart advocates...there are no short may take CL up to 2 to 3 years to get really track strong at the level he is at why not copy ,why not ?(regardless of doping) :icon_question::icon_question::icon_question::icon_question::icon_question::icon_question::icon_question::icon_question::icon_question:
lemaitre didnt do too bad last night...his start and bend were atrocious though...showing us exactly what he has to do ..reaction was slowest and his pick up....but his flat out speed is still phenomenal..going from last to third in the second half of the race...he and his coach know what has to be done:llama::llama::llama::llama::llama::llama::thumbsup:

I disagree completely.
What we saw last night was disgusting! Lemaitre wasn't even trying!
You say he knows what has to be done?! And yet after his poor Olympic performance, he runs a race like that?! Just loafing for half the race?!

We already know that he has great top end speed - but if he is going to just rely on that and not train properly, not try to improve his start, his drive phase, his turn running...not even frickin TRY to run a full 200m.....well, then his top end speed has already taken him as far as he can go. He's done and will only get slower.
He's a lazy sack of lighting.
Talking about his top end speed at this point is just a waste of time. Old News!
You guys can coddle his laziness, but I won't. I lose more respect for him with each race now.
And I hope he reads this. Will he want to throw these words back in my face, or just shrug his shoulders. I have a feeling it's the latter.

He has one more race tomorrow in Rieti. But that is a high altitude venue, so it won't matter how fast his time is. More important will be how he runs his race.
i assume joking or looking for a reaction .

i was going to be LAZY and nae justify replying but here goes .
before these new peds widespread use came into use , 2005 there abouts
20.17 was a really good time for your average track meet.
agreed that collins is on them as what 3 years ago career was stalling
and next year drops down to his peak times ran when younger and now consistantly
running aroung 10 secs at 36 years of age, that is some powerful substance that using in off season or as often as can ,to
gaurantee this ,just look in saint kitts realy team have 3,4 guys all of sudden nearly breaking
10 seconds all in early twenties for an island the size of small town . i smell a rat and powerful stuff to be able to be guarantee this.

and him running the 200m however not even close to disgusting on any scale .
what is happening in sprinting due to affletes is disgusting and athletics as a whole.
the systems and societies that producing them and neglecting others and the use of white technology
and peds to further their careers and status is all up there
what happening in many countries and societies around world is disgusting ,
what happening to a certain american cyclist is pure disgusting and ultimate in double
standards ,that political convention that had miss fortune to see midweek was also up there on scale .
this is for other thread and nothing personal nyc .
There are 2 issues here:

1/ the obvious rampant use of PEDs by Jamaican athletes (and other Caribbean athletes) has basically ruined the sport. It IS disgusting and discouraging.

2/ Christophe Lemaitre is the most naturally talented white sprinter in a half century or more; yet he has regressed this year, because of an obvious lack of motivation and effort.
It is possible that his lack of motivation comes from knowing that the playing field is not even. But still, with that much talent why not give it your all (or even 90%!) and see what you're capable of!
If you watched his last race, you can clearly see that CL is not really trying, and yet he runs 20.17. Really it's a shameful waste of talent.
There are 2 issues here:

1/ the obvious rampant use of PEDs by Jamaican athletes (and other Caribbean athletes) has basically ruined the sport. It IS disgusting and discouraging.

2/ Christophe Lemaitre is the most naturally talented white sprinter in a half century or more; yet he has regressed this year, because of an obvious lack of motivation and effort.
It is possible that his lack of motivation comes from knowing that the playing field is not even. But still, with that much talent why not give it your all (or even 90%!) and see what you're capable of!
If you watched his last race, you can clearly see that CL is not really trying, and yet he runs 20.17. Really it's a shameful waste of talent.

Jack, we have seen countless white sprinters come close to the 10 second mark and then magically regress at young ages. I don't know what the deal is. It's like the white sprinter curse. I hope that's not the case with Christope. I will say one thing though, next season will make or break his sprinting career. If he continues to regress then he's done.
Start list Rieti 100m

OrderBib AthleteNation
110 POGNON, Ronald
211 SAIDY NDURE, Jaysuma
312 CLARKE, Lerone
413 LEMAITRE, Christophe
514 COLLINS, Kim
615 CALLENDER, Emmanuel
716 VICAUT, Jimmy
817 COLLIO, Simone

I think the weather is good +25-27 ° C .. time for Christophe to go under 10 ...
Jack, we have seen countless white sprinters come close to the 10 second mark and then magically regress at young ages. I don't know what the deal is. It's like the white sprinter curse. I hope that's not the case with Christope. I will say one thing though, next season will make or break his sprinting career. If he continues to regress then he's done.

The other white sprinters- navel, shirvington, Pickering never had the natural speed of Christophe. They were strong guys who were fast, routinely squatted 400 pounds, not sub 10 or sub 20 guys and they do not have the perfect body type to run like Christophe.

Christophe is not regressing, it's that he is not progressing, because he needs basic functional strength. Simple as that.
That could be he sure seems soft. He needs the weightroom + cross-training w/ plyometrics. I shaved a second + off my 40 time and added 4" to my vertical leap in HS via plyometric drills...and CL is a world class athlete.

1 full sec off a 40 yard time is huge. How fast is your 40?

I managed in 3 years of training starting my soph yr in high school from 5.3 to a legit 4.6 with a standing vert of 30"
OrderBib AthleteNation
110 POGNON, Ronald
211 SAIDY NDURE, Jaysuma
312 CLARKE, Lerone
413 LEMAITRE, Christophe
514 COLLINS, Kim
615 CALLENDER, Emmanuel
716 VICAUT, Jimmy
817 COLLIO, Simone

I think the weather is good +25-27 ° C .. time for Christophe to go under 10 ...

Christophe wins with a10.04 wind was -.03

firstly nyc jack( with respect ) take a chill pill baby:boink: and secondly peace to harold.:thumb:.. now lets see how we can help CL...definitely not by hammering him...... CL and his top end speed is still world lets think about what could be done for his first 30 meters ...for instance morne nagel use to use his blocks on (dry)grass going and uphill gradient!!!!!!!!! hamstring development and we all know how quick nagel was over the first 30 , 40 meters...

once again with respect....... i think a lot(not all) of white americans are caught up in the 40yrds as a real measure of track sprint speed this may be an indicator of field pace but not track speed....i also believe a lot of white americans have skewed ideas in relation to athletics training...and correlations between power ,strength and speed etc.......white american(wariner rare exception) coaches or sponsors aren t even interested in helping white athletes.. note ..crawford ...or john woods ...tom green etc....what will we see brandon byram do..hopefully declare for the u.k.....and we all know no body came in for casey combest (supremely natural 60metr) point is not to irritate but to educate...many US college students who come to europe are shocked by the level of white athleticism , and cant fathom what the difference is lies between ones ears!!! or indeed in the genes ???????? of the old continent ???
Again very bad luck for Lemaitre in Rieti.
With normal positive wind his time could be 9.96-9.98 today :icon_neutral:

Finally his season was not good but not very bad of course.
In 100 really his performances were weak and 0 sub10 this year.
But in 200 he had great race in london DL with sub20 in very bad conditions and after in OG very bad luck in his semifinal with 1 wonderful runner like Blake and a very good like Spearmon and finishing 3rd nearly sub20.
In other heats like with Bolt with only 20.3 he would get 2nd place.
After in the final very bad luck getting horrible lane2, when with lane9 is a lot of better for him.

In my opinion i give 6 for Lemaitre in 100m and 8 for 200m.
Im totally sure that with more energy(running semifinal with Bolt) and running with better lane, he could to get bronze medal in that final with 19.75-19.80.
But we saw it, sometimes the "luck" is important.

Regards to everybody
My earlier comment about Frenchmen not liking hard work was kind of meant in jest, but from reading about Lemaitre's refusal to go and train in the US because it was "too hard", I guess it was actually true!

What was particularly disappointing was seeing Churandy Martina lining up in the Olympic 100m final, while Christophe hadn't even entered. Lemaitre is much better than Martina, but the billions (sic) of people tuning in for the most important part of the greatest event in the world won't even know he existed, will just have seen another eight black guys as usual, and will think Martina is the fastest "European". Sad.

I guess it can't be considered a total write-off.....Lemaitre did retain his European 100m championship (though, strangely, didn't defend his 200m title) and went sub-20 in the 200m. But I really wish our guy would go train with Blake or Gay (not so much Bolt - from what I gather he doesn't even train that hard!)
I can't believe how quickly the track season has flew by. Despite a frustrating season, I'm very happy to see Lemaitre win in his last race of the year. It will help him to remember that great feeling by crossing that finish line first. It's been a while and this should help to remotivate him to train in the off season like never before. He will be back. No doubt about that. This kid is an amazing talent and I know that he will go back to the drawing board to make sure he is better prepared for 2013. The World Champs in Russia are going to be great.
1 full sec off a 40 yard time is huge. How fast is your 40?

I managed in 3 years of training starting my soph yr in high school from 5.3 to a legit 4.6 with a standing vert of 30"

It was actually wasn't a full second Espeedster :eek:. I believe I cut it from 5.2 down to 4.75 (which was my all time best). That was over the course of 9+ months of alotta plyometrics, stadium step sprints + hops, jumping rope and squats. My vertical got up to 34". I'd gained muscle mass & cut my bodyfat % over that time-frame as well. Bear in mind, this was all back in the late 1980s...I've probably something like a 1 minute 40 y/d and 6" vertical leap right now (as a fat old guy). :blush: :icon_wink:
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