Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80! -- Part Two

lmfao...RCSMAN, you are really great for a good laugh....the formulas are hilarious...My god Man, just say it...LEMAITRE HAS REGRESSED AND CARAZ HAS TO GO.
You know nothing of sprint! All Christophe has to do is to remember to put together the last 50 meters of his first 100 and then add a second and he'll be burning down the track with a 19.80-84! That's how sprinting works, right? :lupie:
Pretty soon Michael Norman the black/asian American 18 y old teenager will be leaving smoke vapors around Lemaitre in the 200m next year.
I say once again time to try something new(coach/training styles) if it does not work then at least he can say he tried, where he is now form and time wise it will take a miracle for him to go below 20.10 to make it out of qualifying rounds in Rio. I hope he does it as I know he has had the ability to run sub 20 as everyone else knows.

I think Teeters will smoke Lemaitre in the 60m indoors and 100m outdoors next year.....
You know nothing of sprint! All Christophe has to do is to remember to put together the last 50 meters of his first 100 and then add a second and he'll be burning down the track with a 19.80-84! That's how sprinting works, right? :lupie:

you're so stupid ? :)

you vote TRUMP, right ?
you're so stupid ? :)

you vote TRUMP, right ?
Nice ad hominem attack. Can't argue your foolish logic, so you just call names, eh? And yes, I will be voting for Trump. What, do you think I'm so stupid that I would vote for the crooked globalist Clinton?
After watching Lemaitres recent 200m race I must say he looked ok and I think he still has everything he needs to be a champ, he just needs to find that extra gear again. What really got me down was the look on his face during introductions. He looked defeated and as if he didn't want to be there. It didn't look like he was having fun out there. In contrast, all the other competitors smiled and looked like they couldn't wait to race. I want to be clear that I am not "team RCSMAN"....however I think we need to be more positive when we talk about Lemaitre. Odds are he doesn't read this site, but if he does I would want him to feel that we are behind him and rooting for him. I realize that is actually the case but a lot of our comments, myself included, are a broken record of him regressing. What we write will probably never affect his decision to stay with Caraz or not, but on the off chance that he does read this site, it could get in his head if we constantly talk about him regressing. Regression or not, he is where he is. Can we just root for him and post his times here and not have 40 pages of arguing about regression?
After watching Lemaitres recent 200m race I must say he looked ok and I think he still has everything he needs to be a champ, he just needs to find that extra gear again. What really got me down was the look on his face during introductions. He looked defeated and as if he didn't want to be there. It didn't look like he was having fun out there. In contrast, all the other competitors smiled and looked like they couldn't wait to race

he's had that look for years now - timid, worried, wondering how he's going to perform this time. I believe that's why he looks totally spent after a 200 metre race - psychological exhaustion and a relief he's finished performing, at least for one more time. He's also "pushing" more now - just no relaxation showing in his "form" and that means slower running. I reckon deep down he'd love the circus to just all stop but he'd feel he's letting people down.
At this stage his body language tells me before the start how badly he's going to perform unless it's a no pressure stint against easy beats.
In contrast look at Dafne after 200 - total confidence and looking ready for a jog followed by a beer.
After watching Lemaitres recent 200m race I must say he looked ok and I think he still has everything he needs to be a champ, he just needs to find that extra gear again. What really got me down was the look on his face during introductions. He looked defeated and as if he didn't want to be there. It didn't look like he was having fun out there. In contrast, all the other competitors smiled and looked like they couldn't wait to race. I want to be clear that I am not "team RCSMAN"....however I think we need to be more positive when we talk about Lemaitre. Odds are he doesn't read this site, but if he does I would want him to feel that we are behind him and rooting for him. I realize that is actually the case but a lot of our comments, myself included, are a broken record of him regressing. What we write will probably never affect his decision to stay with Caraz or not, but on the off chance that he does read this site, it could get in his head if we constantly talk about him regressing. Regression or not, he is where he is. Can we just root for him and post his times here and not have 40 pages of arguing about regression?
Of course he looked defeated, he always does...Master Caraz told him like he always does before a major race, you wont beat Bolt, you never beat Alonzo Edwards, so strive for third what happens, he comes in 5th...The only good news is Lemaitre has been consistent with a 20.2-20.3 (in all conditions), which shows he has a lot of untapped talent left in him....he just needs to get the hell away from his Kindergarten track club, Aix-Les-Suck and Leave Master Carraz already.
Pretty soon Michael Norman the black/asian American 18 y old teenager will be leaving smoke vapors around Lemaitre in the 200m next year.
I say once again time to try something new(coach/training styles) if it does not work then at least he can say he tried, where he is now form and time wise it will take a miracle for him to go below 20.10 to make it out of qualifying rounds in Rio. I hope he does it as I know he has had the ability to run sub 20 as everyone else knows.

I think Teeters will smoke Lemaitre in the 60m indoors and 100m outdoors next year.....
indoors for sure...i'm still not sold on teeters though
I really wish at times he had the personality of someone like Tyson Fury. Regardless, he has broken the 10 second caste barrier that was in place for so long. He did it multiple times as well and is still a great sprinter. Hopefully he will finish the season strong and perhaps mature a bit by next year and gain some more mental toughness.
Pretty soon Michael Norman the black/asian American 18 y old teenager will be leaving smoke vapors around Lemaitre in the 200m next year.
I say once again time to try something new(coach/training styles) if it does not work then at least he can say he tried, where he is now form and time wise it will take a miracle for him to go below 20.10 to make it out of qualifying rounds in Rio. I hope he does it as I know he has had the ability to run sub 20 as everyone else knows.

I think Teeters will smoke Lemaitre in the 60m indoors and 100m outdoors next year.....

I'm worried Teeters is going to hurt himself the way he runs. He already shows a propensity to tighten under pressure which will not help his cause.
Immense power and a dead cert sub 10 sprinter on the right day though
he's had that look for years now - timid, worried, wondering how he's going to perform this time. I believe that's why he looks totally spent after a 200 metre race - psychological exhaustion and a relief he's finished performing, at least for one more time. He's also "pushing" more now - just no relaxation showing in his "form" and that means slower running. I reckon deep down he'd love the circus to just all stop but he'd feel he's letting people down.
At this stage his body language tells me before the start how badly he's going to perform unless it's a no pressure stint against easy beats.
In contrast look at Dafne after 200 - total confidence and looking ready for a jog followed by a beer.

your comment is so funny !

Christophe was smiling before this race ? no and he ran 19.80

I agree that Teeters runs tight as well struggles when under pressure, that is his inexperience running against the worlds best and his coaches in college keeping him out of most finals. Give him a great coach, learn to run relaxed with good form, build his confidence in finals and he could turn into a beast machine! If he had finished 4" faster in the USA semi's he would have broken 10 seconds after the round up of his 9.95 and he would have been sub 10...

I am actually more excited about Teeters potential in the 100m than I was/am with Lemaitre in the 100m. I tend to think Lemaitre would be better off focusing on the 200/400m while using the 100 to sharpen his speed. His long loping stride is definitely suited to 400's...just an observation from my coaching perspective.

He can barely get through a 200m race without being completely exhausted and gasping for breath.
There's no way he could run the 400m. No way.
He can barely get through a 200m race without being completely exhausted and gasping for breath.
There's no way he could run the 400m. No way.
Agreed. To run the 400, a sprinter MUST be relaxed, no way you can muscle through it. Lemaitre no longer even runs the 200 relaxed. I like the video that RCSMAN posted of Christophe's 19.80, it does make our point.
He can barely get through a 200m race without being completely exhausted and gasping for breath.
There's no way he could run the 400m. No way.

although the more I think about his breathlessness, his exhaustion, the more I'm leaning towards psychological/emotional stress rather than physiological abilities. We know from the past his great speed endurance which points to being able to run fast efficiently.
I wonder if he demonstrates the same problems in 200 repeats at training?
chacun sa formule, moi j'en ais une qui s'est toujours confirmé, me demande pas pourquoi :) , mais à force d'étudier les courses j'ai remarqué ça, pour les vrais coureur de 200M qui font aussi du 100M, je prends leur chrono de leur 50 derniers mètres de leur 100M, je le multiplie par 2 et j'ajoutes 1 seconde.

Un lemaitre en 2011 fait 4.30 sur ces 50 derniers mètre de son 100M
avec la formule ça fait (4.30 X2) +1 = 9.60, ce qu'il fera lors de son 19.80

En ce moment lemaitre vaut 4.42 sur son dernier 50M de son 100M
avec la formule ça fait (4.42X2) + 1 = 9.84, ce qu'il fait en ce moment sur 200M

Par exemple un Bolt lors de son 9.58 fait 4.13
avec la formule ça fait (4.13 X2) + 1 = 9.26
Bolt fera 9.27 lors de son 19.19

Ce qui d' ailleurs me fait dire que Bolt ne peut pas descendre en dessous de 19 secondes

C'est plutot vrai pour Bolt et Lemaitre mais pour les 9.12 de Blake ça ne l'est déjà plus. Mon système simpliste c'est juste pour Lemaitre, quand on voit que des Spearmon et Alonso Edward on déjà couru en 9.4 le deuxième 100 (moins de 9.4 pour Spearmon), on se dit que Lemaitre aurait du être dans ces eaux là. Son point faible dans le 200m c'est la phase 70-110m, on peut le voir d'ailleurs à Londres cette année, il reprend vite Rodney mais il est pourtant derrière lui au 100m. C'est un grand problème.
C'est plutot vrai pour Bolt et Lemaitre mais pour les 9.12 de Blake ça ne l'est déjà plus. Mon système simpliste c'est juste pour Lemaitre, quand on voit que des Spearmon et Alonso Edward on déjà couru en 9.4 le deuxième 100 (moins de 9.4 pour Spearmon), on se dit que Lemaitre aurait du être dans ces eaux là. Son point faible dans le 200m c'est la phase 70-110m, on peut le voir d'ailleurs à Londres cette année, il reprend vite Rodney mais il est pourtant derrière lui au 100m. C'est un grand problème.

Il faut faire très attention aux courses caricaturales, le 19.26 de blake est une blague, 9.12 est impossible, il n'a évidemment jamais réedité une performance ne serait ce qu'approchant un tel chrono, il a été plus vite que bolt en 2009 (9.27) lors de son record et même plus vite que mickael johnson (9.20) qui était pourtant recordman du monde du 400M.

Donc c'est évidemment impossible, d'ailleurs même walter dix dans cette course s'envole dans la ligne droite pour exploser lui aussi son record, il y'avait très certainement ce jour là un problème d'anémomètre

en plus il fait 19.26 avec un temps de réaction de 0.269, une caricature jusqu'au bout

article sur le sujet ici
Oui son 19.26 je n'y crois pas une seconde d'ailleurs les 19.53 de Dix non plus. Lemaitre aurait couru en moins de 19.70 sur la même course, mais sur son 19.44 il finit en 9.31-9.34 ce qui est plus vite que Bolt. Pourtant il a une fin de course sur 100 moins rapide.
Oui son 19.26 je n'y crois pas une seconde d'ailleurs les 19.53 de Dix non plus. Lemaitre aurait couru en moins de 19.70 sur la même course, mais sur son 19.44 il finit en 9.31-9.34 ce qui est plus vite que Bolt. Pourtant il a une fin de course sur 100 moins rapide.

Blake sur ce que je vois doit faire quoi 1 centième de mieux que Bolt sur la seconde partie de course, sachant que bolt relache en fin de course, bon... Après les JO, blake a fait 9.69 vent nul à Lausanne, certes la piste de Lausanne est ultra rapide (celle de londres l'étais aussi) , mais je pense que cette année là Blake valait 9.75 vent nul, c'est un mec qui doit faire du 5.58 - 4.17, donc le retrouver en 9.34 sur 200M ne me choque pas, c'est Bolt qui est un peu en dessous de ce qu'il est capable de faire dans cette course.

cette année là, BOLT valait pour moi vent nul 9.70 contre 9.75 pour blake, c'est pas une énorme différence, sur ces 5 centièmes, il y'a je pense 3 centièmes de diff sur les 50 derniers mètre, ce qui fait 6 centièmes avec ma formule sur un 200M.

Donc bolt valait peut être 6 centièmes de mieux que blake sur la 2nd partie de course en 2012, c'est vrai qu'on ne retrouve pas ce chiffre dans les faits, sans relacher bolt aurait gagner peut être 2 ou 3 centièmes ou plus je ne sais pas, en tout cas de quoi faire mieux quand même que blake
Actually, I think Christophe has Reiters syndrome (called Reactive Arthritis for political reasons by the Judeo-Bolshevik's)
Reiters is a condition which attacks young people under stress and can lead to an impaired immune system.
Reiters shows up mainly in White males( due to the gene HLA-B27) between 20 and 30 years old.
Some symptoms include Enthesitis(Achilles Tendon soreness/injury) as well as prolonged laboured breathing/shortness of breath leading to possible Cardiac manifestations. It can cause plantar Faciitis as well.

Most people on the site are too young to remember Paul Nash from South Africa. In 1968 at 20/21 years old he ran four 10.0 s 100m to equal the handheld world record. Then in July of 68 he ran 10.00 electronic timed 100m at sea level. Since the Republic of South Africa was banned from Olympic competition he never ran at Mexico City at the 1968 high altitude Olympic Games where the 100m was won by an American negro in 9.95A . Many people including Nash realize that Nash would have won the gold if not for the blanket ban on SA.
Nash, later that year came down with Reiters and could never run as fast again.
I remember how winded he would get and how it looked like he was dragging himself along,just like Christophe now.
Lemaitre has turned out to be a decent journeyman sprinter with alot of untapped natural talent..... without a drastic change of scenery his 2011 year will be the pinnacle of his achievements.
I don't know if you can call an athlete that wins an indivdual world medal a journeyman. Also a 4th place finish with retesting if somebody pisses hot he wins a medal in the blue ribbon event too. That said his career to this point and with the trajectory pointing in the wrong direction he would be a bit of bust if he doesn't right the ship soon.
what I mean is he has peaked in 2011 and now is running quite average times. He has all the natural talent in the world and has shown that in the past. It seems now 5 years later he is like a 1 time 40 goal scorer in the NHL who now struggles to score 15 goals each season, it is decent but there are lots of sprinters with similar times as he has this year.

Don't get me wrong, I "want and wish" he does regain his form back and reaches the levels that his talent dictates and does well. I would love to see him in the finals of the 100/200m Rio but if he does it would look very suspicious if his times just dropped all of a sudden, even though he has done it in the past. I cannot imagine the mental strain this has put on him, it must almost be unbearable.

I also feel bad for Jeremy Wariner as he has gone from top to not making it on the US team in the 400m for the last several years, meanwhile Lashawn Merrit just keeps getting faster and is only 2 years younger than Wariner. PEDS? I would think so. It seems Jeremy and Lemaitre have run into the same wall.
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