Chris Johnson, "I can outrun Usain Bolt"

Don Wassall said:
Bear Backer said:
StarWars said:
They often say that blacks suffer from low self esteem, and point to that as a reason why they fail in school, but I say they suffer from unreasonably high self esteem, to the point where most of them can't even take personal responsibility for their own actions. When they fail, it is not their fault, but someone else's fault. usually Whiteys. Blacks ideal of fair play and equality is themselves receiving everything for nothing simply because they think they deserve it. You can see this attitude on display all across America where they are in situations of privilege. When they are in the majority such as the NFL, they expect more black coaches and owners simply because of this fact. When they are in the minority such as in receiving admissions to prestigious universities they expect to get first crack at and be overrepresented simply because they are a minority.
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<div>There was a study over half a century ago that claimed to show that black children preferred to play with White dolls more than black ones.  This was cited in the Supreme Court's infamous Brown v. Board of Education decision in 1954, which mandated forced busing to create integrated schools, and which of course went a long way in destroying the government schools as a useful institution.  However just about every study since then has shown that black children have higher self-esteem than Whites, but as Bear Backer states the "party line" is still that poor old blacks suffer from low self-esteem while Whites, being White, are blessed with "White skin privilege" and have everything going for them.  </div>
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<div>Whites tend to be sensitive and reserved, while blacks are much less inhibited and, as a friend of mine once put it, don't observe any boundaries.  Whites when they are drunk act like most blacks do when they are sober.</div>

In the last decade, there have been three biographies of Red Grange (a subject for a post one of these days). One of them reports that young sportwriters would meet Grange and be amazed at his modest self-effacing manner. They could not believe that a man who was for a time as big a star as Babe Ruth would not have a swaggering larger-than-life persona.

Grange did not think his ability to run with a football was anything more than god-given talent. I should point out that Barry Sanders was somewhat like this.