Chris Henry released.

Bart I never liked this ****got. Now I hate him even more. Let's keep the "Tiger" stories coming. He's pretty much finished. My dog respects me more than the"President of the World" respects us. That's the truth.
Bart said:
What do you guys think about this Oprahesque article? Have we been too tough on Henry and Woods? We should not judge or condemn, we should try to understand. They were reaching out for help.

"And maybe, just maybe, what we can learn from all of this is simple: instead of being so quick to judge, perhaps we should be quicker to try to help."


I look at the two men this way:

Eldrick Tont "Tiger"Â￾ Woods is a man whose duplicitous actions cried out for attention that he claimed he did not want. There is a stark dichotomy between the public persona that he meticulously fabricated, and the acceptance that he so deeply (and obviously, in retrospect) craved.

The internal struggle resulting from the need for solitude and control colliding with his silent ache to be understood and approved of created a chasm that engulfed the fabric of his moral being, swallowing it whole.

Out of that deep, dark abyss, a serial infidel was born. A man who needed therapy more than he needed air to breathe. Blissful ignorance of that fact, and being constantly emboldened by his not being caught, motivated Woods to push the envelope of his depravity until one day he was forced to come to grips with his demons.

Which is what I think he secretly wanted all along, to be forced to deal with his strife.

That day has finally come.

When I consider the life and times of Chris Henry, it is quite plain to me that the young man suffered with a cruel, unrelenting mental (or quite probably emotional) disorder, dissociative in nature, and highly resistant to conformity to societal "norms."

Here, in his police blotter and in the very public airing of his misdeeds, was a cry for professional help as clear as the newsprint on the magazines that breathlessly regaled us with column inch after column inch of recitations of his truancy.

Why no one thought to persuade him to seek professional help is beyond me.

I'm not asking for sympathy for either man, especially not Woods. He is still alive, and very young, so there are myriad opportunities for him to heal his internal battles, seek redemption for his infidelities, and rehabilitate his public image.

Henry is a bit trickier; he is dead, and has no more opportunities at redemption.

But we can all keep the families involvedâ€"especially the children, who are 100 percent blameless in either morasseâ€"in our thoughts and prayers (if we believe in some deity to whom we can pray).

We can temper the words that we transmit over the Web, realizing that we don't know all the facts and have no right to judge, anyway.

And maybe, just maybe, what we can learn from all of this is simple: instead of being so quick to judge, perhaps we should be quicker to try to help.

Whether it be in our homes, neighborhoods, or places of work, we all know someone whom we probably label as evil or incorrigible. We call them a**holes, bitches and pricks, or any of a number of other colorful titles. We ridicule and laugh at them behind their backs, and attempt to persuade others to do the same.

But do we ever bother to wonder why they act the way they do, and what we might be able to do to help them?

It's too late to help or save Chris Henry, but it's not too late for anyone reading these words right now to reach out to someone else.

As the Valley Girls used to say (and may still for all I know), "Gag me with a spoon."
Don Wassall said:
Bart said:
What do you guys think about this Oprahesque article? Have we been too tough on Henry and Woods? We should not judge or condemn, we should try to understand. They were reaching out for help. "And maybe, just maybe, what we can learn from all of this is simple: instead of being so quick to judge, perhaps we should be quicker to try to help." (snip) I look at the two men this way: Eldrick Tont "Tiger" Woods is a man whose duplicitous actions cried out for attention that he claimed he did not want. There is a stark dichotomy between the public persona that he meticulously fabricated, and the acceptance that he so deeply (and obviously, in retrospect) craved. The internal struggle resulting from the need for solitude and control colliding with his silent ache to be understood and approved of created a chasm that engulfed the fabric of his moral being, swallowing it whole. Out of that deep, dark abyss, a serial infidel was born. A man who needed therapy more than he needed air to breathe. Blissful ignorance of that fact, and being constantly emboldened by his not being caught, motivated Woods to push the envelope of his depravity until one day he was forced to come to grips with his demons. Which is what I think he secretly wanted all along, to be forced to deal with his strife. That day has finally come. When I consider the life and times of Chris Henry, it is quite plain to me that the young man suffered with a cruel, unrelenting mental (or quite probably emotional) disorder, dissociative in nature, and highly resistant to conformity to societal "norms." Here, in his police blotter and in the very public airing of his misdeeds, was a cry for professional help as clear as the newsprint on the magazines that breathlessly regaled us with column inch after column inch of recitations of his truancy. Why no one thought to persuade him to seek professional help is beyond me. I'm not asking for sympathy for either man, especially not Woods. He is still alive, and very young, so there are myriad opportunities for him to heal his internal battles, seek redemption for his infidelities, and rehabilitate his public image. Henry is a bit trickier; he is dead, and has no more opportunities at redemption. But we can all keep the families involvedâ€"especially the children, who are 100 percent blameless in either morasseâ€"in our thoughts and prayers (if we believe in some deity to whom we can pray). We can temper the words that we transmit over the Web, realizing that we don't know all the facts and have no right to judge, anyway. And maybe, just maybe, what we can learn from all of this is simple: instead of being so quick to judge, perhaps we should be quicker to try to help. Whether it be in our homes, neighborhoods, or places of work, we all know someone whom we probably label as evil or incorrigible. We call them a**holes, bitches and pricks, or any of a number of other colorful titles. We ridicule and laugh at them behind their backs, and attempt to persuade others to do the same. But do we ever bother to wonder why they act the way they do, and what we might be able to do to help them? It's too late to help or save Chris Henry, but it's not too late for anyone reading these words right now to reach out to someone else.
<div> </div>
<div>As the Valley Girls used to say (and may still for all I know), "Gag me with a spoon."  </div>

I agree Don, it is gag worthy. These spineless liberal types never seem to learn. There are just some people that are rotten to the core and don't want to be "saved". They like living the way they do. Not everything is a cry out for help the way that some touchy feely people like to believe while they are tiptoeing through the tulips. Some people are just BAD, and they prey on weakness shown like this. Chris Henry is about as good of recent example in sports of this type of person as there is. Others would be Pac Man Jones or Lawrence Phillips. They are predatory sociopaths.
Don I work out here in the San Fernando Valley, Ca and rest assured the white valley girls don't say gag me with a spoon anymore. That was over around 1984 or so.

The rich white girls are into sex and designer clothes and Louis Vitton anything.

The above article is some dummy white who mixes white guilt and enabling. "It so grody, I am sure." LOL
Its of little use for us to screech at blacks and their failures, as was said up thread its the enablers who must be held responsible. Allowing them free reign to play "big momma liberal" only hinders us and makes us out to be the bad guys. I for one must state I did not care that the NFL allowed Henry his exemptions, but I really find it bizarre and a bit offensive that a good many crackpots held him up as some sort of example for the rest of us.
The NFL continues to give chance after chance to thugs like Henry and Vick, while blackballing players such as Matt Jones after one comparatively minor mistake. Because of this obvious racism, I will remain indifferent when one of their chosen afroletes self destructs. And the only prayers will be for our country and culture which are burning while the MSM and DWF's fiddle about.
The Henry case just illustrates that thuggish black players get all the benefit of the doubt and then some while deserving white players like Hillis, Jones and Hass get marginalized and shafted at the drop of a hat. Frankly, at this point I think the NFL is just a captured institution of the cultural marxists. Until the situation changes dramatically--doubt it--the NFL is not going to get 3rd string rep time with me. My Sundays are spent skiing and watching NHL. I used to be an NFL junky from the time I was a kid until just a year or two ago. After seeing what is happening, why would I continue to suppot a league that is riddled with guys of the Henry class?
From the above article:

"Charlotte bartender and sports fanatic Al Harris recalled other tragedies that have befallen on athletes in Charlotte, N.C.

He rattled off tragedies like Fred Lane, a Carolina Panthers running back who was shot and killed by his wife in July 2000; and Bobby Phills, a Charlotte Hornets basketball player who died street racing after practice. There's also Rae Carruth, a former first-round pick of the NFL's Carolina Panthers who was convicted for hiring a hit man who shot and killed his pregnant girlfriend.

"I‘m telling you,"Â￾ Harris said. "Charlotte's cursed."Â￾
"I'm telling you, Charlottes's cursed." Only for dumb ass, ghetto thug affroletes.
The hero worship extended to Chris Henry by the jock sniffers in the media was ridiculous. Yes, it's certainly tragic when anyone dies that young, but in any other business, someone with that kind of criminal record would have been an ex-employee long ago. And in any other country, he would have been given a lengthy prison sentence a long time ago. "Ocho Cinco's" performance was particularly absurd. Shocker that he scored a TD so he could show off that special celebration.
Van_Slyke_CF said:
There's an article on Yahoo right now, "Chris Henry, dead at 26, could have been a role model."

A review of a few facts:

In trouble all the time at WVU where he had no business posing as a student-afflete.

Arrested 5 times during his brief NFL career, with the presiding judge after the 5th one in April 2008 calling him a "one-man crime wave."

And now we're supposed to believe that he was putting his life together to be a swell teammate and super father to his three kids by his fiancee.

It seems to me that the Charlotte police report in the coming days should shed quite a bit more light on what happened and why.

Considering his rap sheet, you'd think the MSM would wait before recommending posthumous sainthood, but they are brutally predictable when it comes to NFL affletes.

The Yahooligan Rival article you mention on Henry is by white hating cultural Marxist toolbag Matthew J. Darnell. He posted a blog "Free Keiland Williams" the year Jacob Hester was LSU's starting tailback. The article was full of speciously reasoned arguments that Hester starting was hurting the team. The other guys had higher YPC, but that's because Hester was always used in short yardage and for mostly up the gut running. Scott and Williams were used a lot on option plays to the outside. LSU won the National championship with Hester, but I guess Darnell had to hate on one of the very few white guys allowed to start in the FBS. I guess LSU winning the championship with Hester must have hurt this anti white toolbag's ego. Looks like Hester starting worked out pretty well for LSU.

Low and behold Scott was used almost the same as Hester this year as a senior and produced a lower YPC this year than Hester did. Hester and Scott are in fact similar backs, but we all know who will carry the ball in the NFL. Matthew J. Darnell finally has his reason to cheer ie. Williams and Scott will be "free" to run the ball in the NFL and get richer than Hester will. What a jerk!
bigunreal said:
The hero worship extended to Chris Henry by the jock sniffers in the media was ridiculous. Yes, it's certainly tragic when anyone dies that young, but in any other business, someone with that kind of criminal record would have been an ex-employee long ago. And in any other country, he would have been given a lengthy prison sentence a long time ago. "Ocho Cinco's" performance was particularly absurd. Shocker that he scored a TD so he could show off that special celebration.

Maybe there's some truth to Henry changing some before his tragic death, but the point is he did far worse than Matt Jones and is now being celebrated as a hero while Jones can't even land a roster spot. Amongst Henry's 5 arrests were unlawful carry of a gun, physical assault on a woman and sex with an underage girl if I'm not mistaken. It wasn't just one offense. It's not like he got in a fight ONCE WITH A GUY and broke someone's nose or had had sex with a 16 year old girl ONCE when he was 20. He was a chronic offender that would have long been out of the NFL if white. Matthew J. Darnell is the real racist here, he's calling a black athlete a hero- simply for not being arrested in the last season of his life playing football.Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
The local sports section has a large picture today of Henry dead in his casket, something I can recall being done only for major figures. Roger Goodell, you know, the commissioner who has cracked down so hard on big-time thugs like Henry and Pacman Jones
, attended and spoke before the service for Henry.
And I'm sure it comes as no surprise that Henry had a room brightening smile. "It's a bright story and one that didn't get all the way to the end of it, which is the most important part," said Marvin Lewis, proud coach of the league's most criminal-filled outfit. "We'll miss Chris' sparkling smile."

Not to be outdone was Carson Palmer: "He walked past my locker every day to shake my hand as I said, 'Good morning' and every day he said, 'What's up, cuz,' We've all seen and experienced different sides of Chris, and with every side he showed us, we saw just how kind and gentle his heart was." Edited by: Don Wassall
A gentle human doesn't get involved in the type of activities that Henry did. Blacks can do no harm in this society of ours.
Carson Palmer is almost disgusting. I suspect he is CasteMaster lap dog, content with his life because its going well for him. Doesn't want to rock the boat full of criminal affelets. While his white brothers are constantly F'd in the NFL. He and Uncle Cris are birds of a feather.

When Palmer's playing days are over, he will be mentored by F'ing Uncle Cris in the play by play booth, ensuring castespeak is constantly raining down on the field. Prick
Ocho Stinko's fake mourning almost made me puke the other day. Affletes know how to fake injuries and fake emotions very well. After all they have been doing it for years to manipulate the system and get what they want.
Don Wassall said:
Not to be outdone was Carson Palmer:  "He walked past my locker every day to shake my hand as I said, 'Good morning' and every day he said, 'What's up, cuz,'  We've all seen and experienced different sides of Chris, and with every side he showed us, we saw just how kind and gentle his heart was."  </div>

He would say, "What's up cuz." Ooooh. Everyday he would say that? I can't imagine how wonderful that must have been for Palmer. Henry spoke those words with a room brightening smile, I'm sure. So gentle, so kind. Who knew? And I thought he was a punk. I feel so ashamed. Too bad he never met Mother Teresa. She could have learned much from him.
The all-encompassing media now provides the masses with Live Death Scenes"¦even for Z-Celebrities like Chris Henry. How cute. I'm just surprised the Great Eye didn't "accidentally"Â￾ catch footage of Henry plunging to his death.

Another day, another wiggerish comment made by Carson Palmer. If Henry had a "kind heart,"Â￾ I can only imagine what Palmer thinks of Brian Leonard (if he even knows his name, that is). This cod-piece thug-lover spent way too much time in LA County with his "cuz's."

I see Palmer as the type of guy who would set his sister up with a black teammate.Edited by: Thrashen
whiteathlete33 said:
Ocho Stinko's fake mourning almost made me puke the other day.  Affletes know how to fake injuries and fake emotions very well.  After all they have been doing it for years to manipulate the system and get what they want.

Exactamento amigo!
OchYO Stinko is a fraud from the word go & you're right on the mark regarding the bogus "afflete" emotions. That's all part of their "me-first"/putting on a show, flamboyant M.O.
sh*t, i bet any of the punks in prison will reply to a good morning with what's up at the very least. and the worst part is, this is probably the best thing Palmer could come up with as far as illustrating Henry's "nicer" side...
backrow said:
sh*t, i bet any of the punks in prison will reply to a good morning with what's up at the very least. and the worst part is, this is probably the best thing Palmer could come up with as far as illustrating Henry's "nicer" side...

Exactly right. I bet besides saying, "What's up cuz," to Palmer they didn't speak at all. Palmer had to initiate the converstation anyways.
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