I'm really torn on this. My gut reaction was extreme disappointment, for selfish reasons of wanting Chris to play at an elite level and help smash the Caste System. He could have been a once in a decade talent. It would have been nice for him to at least dominate for 4 or 5 years, make some decent cash and go out on top after proving his place as a great.
On the other hand, I remember reading a lengthy article in one of the local newspapers a few years back about one of my favorite players growing up. Wayne Chrebet. In it, he spoke about how the concussions he had suffered playing had really taken it's toll. It was sad to hear about a guy in his late 30's having memory loss and blistering migraines. He said some days small things, like where he'd placed his car keys, he just couldn't remember. Despite all of that, he said he had no regrets about how he played. There's no guarantee that Chris would end up like Wayne, in fact it's unlikely, but the risk is still there. At the end of the day it's Chris' life, body and mind.
I respect his decision, though I'm sad about it.
As for the future of Whites in football, this definitely looks bad for future demographics. Right now White parents are pulling their kids from football and older players, like Swope and Borland, are deciding for themselves to quit on speculative concussion research. If more conclusive research and science come forward in coming years connecting concussion with football then White participation will dwindle further. The only Whites playing at the contact positions will be the fearless types (similar to those who join the armed forces despite knowing the risks) and those from poor background with nothing to lose. Or a 3rd type who's part stupid, part rash and financially desperate. Blacks definitely fit this description way more than Whites.