Chomsky Warns of Rise of "Far Right"


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Although he makes a point alluded to "justified anger", leftist Chomsky regurgitates the quasi-Orwellian rhetoric "warning" about valid frustration & rage at the traitors in DC (sans rare patriots like Dr.Paul).

Chomsky Warns of Rise of the Far Right in the U.S.


Recent research from the New York Times / CBS News poll revealed that 18% of Americans identify themselves as supporters of the Tea Party, classify themselves "very conservative" and are very pessimistic about the direction of the country and severely critical of Washington and, of course, Obama. Over 90% of them believe that the country moves to a wrong path and the same percentage disapproves of the president and his administration policy. Already 92% of respondents estimated that Obama leads the country "toward socialism" (an opinion shared by more than half the population in general).

Moreover, the expressions of popular right-wing anger are registered when referencing more hate crimes, a rise of radical right-wing groups, as well as unofficial reports of a growing number of death threats against the president. Public safety agencies have raised the alert status for what is called "domestic terrorism."

Incidents were reported, several under investigation, of acts of intimidation against congressmen and other elected officials. Earlier this month, more than 30 governors received letters from an anti-government, ultra-conservative group who demanded their resignation in a period of three days (although there was no threat of violence), which meant that federal authorities have warned local police that the letters could lead to violent behavior. As such, there are more examples throughout the country.

The wave of disillusionment with the government and its rulers causes concern among some politicians who do not know what impact this might have on the elections of next November. But for others the issue is more alarming.

"It's very similar to Weimar Germany, the parallels are striking." Here, too, there is a tremendous disappointment with the parliamentary system, pointed Chomsky interviewing on Truthdig.

"The United States is very lucky that no honest and charismatic figure has appeared, and if this were to happen this country would be in real trouble for the frustration, disillusionment and the justified anger combined with the absence of a coherent response," he concludes.

In Germany, he recalls, an enemy was created to explain the crisis which was the Jew. "Here they are the illegal immigrants and blacks. We will say that white men are a persecuted minority. We will say that we must uphold and defend the honor of the nation. Military force will be exalted. There will be blows. This could be converted into an undeniable force. And if it takes place, it will be more dangerous than Nazi Germany. The United States is a world power ... I do not believe that this is far from happening," he says.


Nov 28, 2009
Chomsky is an Ivory-Tower Cultural Marxist that has probably never had the chance to experience the full "joy of diversity" by living in a predominantly black or Latino area and the crime and dysfunction that goes with it. He just sits up there in his little perch typing away some obtuse dissertation on "White privilege"...and gets paid for it (after all, who should know more about "White privilege" than him?) To him, if you are White but not a Kool-Aid drinking believer of what he espouses (academic Cultural Marxism), then you must be a right-wing militia member hell-bent on the destruction of the Republic.

Edited by: Highlander
Nov 8, 2006
An enemy was "created." Yeah, we just dreamed it up.

Sadly, his "blood in the streets" scenario is pretty unlikely. Most American Whites don't even deserve the dignity of a fighting death. More likely is a slow but steady transformation into another Brazil or Messyco. An entire nation of culture-less brown slaves ruled by a handful of wire-pullers. That's our future if the "justified anger" proves to be nothing more than hot air and posturing.

Oh, and please don't call us racist! We're good conservative Republicans!


Mar 23, 2009
"The United States is very lucky that no honest and charismatic figure has appeared, and if this were to happen this country would be in real trouble for the frustration, disillusionment and the justified anger combined with the absence of a coherent response," he concludes.

...................What? I think we would be lucky if a guy like this comes out. Seriously, I'm tired of the far left saying that they are worried about the direction we are heading in, when we should be worried about taking steps back from the grass roots movements that are taking place. And two guys to me DO stick out as qualified men that can lead our country to honesty: Ron Paul and Jesse Ventura. Everybody else is desperately trying to save the wo party system.


Oct 26, 2008
Chomsky has some good analysis of US foreign policy and does criticize globalization, but he wants everybody to live in harmony with no borders. I think that will be bad for whites in the US.
Does he really think the Muslims want to live in harmony with us?
He is right that the US is turning into Brazil, but you don't combat that with more immigration. He lives in a nice suburb of Boston. He could move to the black areas of Boston ,but, of course, he doesn't.
I like some of his critique of big business and the way the elites say that globalization is inevitable, but at the same time he is for immigration.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Run Stuffing LB said:
An enemy was "created." Yeah, we just dreamed it up.

Sadly, his "blood in the streets" scenario is pretty unlikely. Most American Whites don't even deserve the dignity of a fighting death. More likely is a slow but steady transformation into another Brazil or Messyco. An entire nation of culture-less brown slaves ruled by a handful of wire-pullers. That's our future if the "justified anger" proves to be nothing more than hot air and posturing.

Oh, and please don't call us racist! We're good conservative Republicans!

That is one of the best posts in a while. Exactly how I feel!!!!!


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
Generally, the left will loudly let you know what they fear most. In this case, the rise of the "far right". Why folks who want to return to something that worked, a government based on the Constitution, are labeled as "wackos" is amazing. The social Marxists will always attack and besmirch, those whom it fears are a threat to their "progressive transformation" of society, to creating their culturally divergent Utopia.

I would like to think that the current constitutional movement will succeed in slowing/reforming the massive government juggernaut, but like RSLB noted above, the ratio of Patriots to sheeple is not encouraging.


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
Run Stuffing LB said:
An enemy was "created." Yeah, we just dreamed it up.

Sadly, his "blood in the streets" scenario is pretty unlikely. Most American Whites don't even deserve the dignity of a fighting death. More likely is a slow but steady transformation into another Brazil or Messyco. An entire nation of culture-less brown slaves ruled by a handful of wire-pullers. That's our future if the "justified anger" proves to be nothing more than hot air and posturing.

Oh, and please don't call us racist! We're good conservative Republicans!

RSLB, a simply outstanding post.

This part of the article is an absurd, side-splitting delusion...

In Germany, he recalls, an enemy was created to explain the crisis which was the Jew. "Here they are the illegal immigrants and blacks. We will say that white men are a persecuted minority. We will say that we must uphold and defend the honor of the nation. Military force will be exalted. There will be blows. This could be converted into an undeniable force. And if it takes place, it will be more dangerous than Nazi Germany. The United States is a world power ... I do not believe that this is far from happening," he says.

I'd be willing to wager that Chomsky has never seen the way white American men behave with regard to their race. For the past 100 years, that pride has been an endangered species. I suppose he's never attended a football or basketball game and saw the painted-faces, the $20 hotdogs, the foam fingers, and the replica jerseys"¦or sat in a bar while they shrieked with pleasure for their darling black lover boys, dancing after a routine tackle somewhere off in TV Land.

For the past 60-70 years, the official proclamation of the Mass Existence Media (and the marionette MassMen who parrot their boring "values"Â￾) is that absolutely everything occurring on planet earth must be weighted against 1930's Nazi Germany"¦as long as the event in question is perceived to be a negative, tyrannical occurrence. It's the fundamental cliché"¦which, coincidentally enough, is used daily by Tea Party "mentors"Â￾ like Professional Neo-Con, Glenn Beck.Edited by: Thrashen

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Rise up! Rise up, all ye Drunk White Fans, Dittoheads and Christian Zionists, and take your country back!
Ah, I needed a good laugh. . .
Dec 18, 2004
The late Pat Tillman, the former NFL DB who died as an army ranger in Afghanistan, is said to have enjoyed Chomsky's writings.