Chinese Made MLK Statue Unveiled

Nov 8, 2006


Compliments of the jew, the negro victim cult, debased White enablers and our little yellow friends in the Chinese ant farm. It's not very hard to believe that communists created this memorial to the whore-mongering plagiarist. It looks like a Lenin statue given some exaggerated ******* features. Obey, whitey. This is your god.

I'm really looking forward to helping pull this thing down one day in the near future.
The 30ft-tall statue, which forms the centrepiece of a $120 million (£73 million), four-acre memorial to Dr King, opened to the public on Monday on the National Mall in Washington. It is the only memorial on the Mall that does not honour a president or fallen soldiers.

Standing in the shadow of the Washington Monument, the statue shows Dr King emerging from a mountain of Chinese granite with his arms crossed and is called The Stone of Hope.
Heh ... just had a very rare earthquake in DC and a hurricane is expected this weekend. God must not be very happy that "we" are honoring this devil.

One better day - I probably won't be around - this cheap monument will be taken down just like Saddam Hussein's statues in Iraq and Lenin's in Russia.
I thought that this was a staue of Mao.
A real staue of MLK would have his arm up ready to slap a whore.
Thanks for posting about this, Run Stuffing. I saw it yesterday and the irony of America honoring a negro like Mike King with a Chinese statue is too hilarious to ignore. Supposedly there was controversy surrounding the stone it was made of. I'm glad I don't have to look at that bluegum statue.
Great post and topic, RSLB.

I find it quite fitting that Michael Queen has been sculpted in full “thug pose,” a wanna-be tough-guy posture strikingly similar to his contemporary needle-d-ck counterparts …

mlk ******.jpg

For the past 100+ years, Washington DC has represented the exact opposite of white America. How appropriate that they continue to litter this meaningless trash heap of a “capital city” with their cold symbols of white oppression. Here, I took the liberty of adding my own personal “inscriptions” onto this Marxist Monstrosity...

mlk statue.jpg
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How appropriate Mike King's statue was made in Red China via his fellow communists. Let's hope Hurricane Irene postpones the (contrived) celebrations for this apostate, philandering, rabble-rousing communist shyster!

A statue of this untermensch has NO business around memorials to our Founding Fathers. I'd suggest they place it in a more appropriate venue like Watts, Compton, Liberty City or Harlem...except for the citizens (thereof) would quickly deface it with the de facto "ghetto artwork" (aka - graffiti).
An article entitled "MLK monument to greed."

In profound but unintended ways, the new MLK memorial perfectly captures the man and his legacy. It was crafted in the world’s last significant communist state. His heirs reaped obscene profits while maintaining a patina of moral superiority. Its organizers did the same, successfully parlaying white guilt into cold, hard cash. It will be unveiled by a black president for whom “ending racismâ€￾ is doublespeak for ending the white race. It sits in a predominantly black, black-ruled city that would surely descend into sub-Saharan anarchy without its never-ending stream of white tax dollars. It will be lauded in forcibly-desegregated schools, where white students often fear for their own safety and are socially engineered out of their natural, innate and justifiable pride in their own heritage.

The monument to a myth that will be unveiled in Washington this week is a farce, but that fact doesn’t render it insignificant. It is uniquely significant, because it serves as a benchmark to show how terribly far our once-great nation has fallen.
If he is a womanizer, his statue shouldn't be up there. I always felt the same with Jefferson too. WHERE ARE THE MORALS IN THIS COUNTRY? Down the toilet...
I'm glad the "celebration" of this cult-marx statue is being put on hold thanks to Irene.
If he is a womanizer, his statue shouldn't be up there. I always felt the same with Jefferson too. WHERE ARE THE MORALS IN THIS COUNTRY? Down the toilet...

Thomas Jefferson ... one of the great thinkers in Western history and founding father, yet to you he's a "womanizer"? Beat your bible somewhere else.
Heh ... just had a very rare earthquake in DC and a hurricane is expected this weekend. God must not be very happy that "we" are honoring this devil.

One better day - I probably won't be around - this cheap monument will be taken down just like Saddam Hussein's statues in Iraq and Lenin's in Russia.
Just thinking same thing. Yesterday I heard some clown who was part of the ceremony say that "Yes" they had to postpone it, but "Nothing!" would stop them from "Honoring" King! Well if you know anything about life, even if don't believe in god, you know better than to say never, Can't, wouldnt and won't, because it can....... And I believe in god. So I know better than to say it...
Thomas Jefferson ... one of the great thinkers in Western history and founding father, yet to you he's a "womanizer"? Beat your bible somewhere else.

Well if we shouldn't have an MLK one because of womanizing then we must be consistent.
Well if we shouldn't have an MLK one because of womanizing then we must be consistent.
"Womanizing" sounds like a word feminists use to "shame" men. "You're a womanizer", "All men are womanizers", "You're a womanizing, male chauvinist pig!". Now, I'm not defending men who cheat on their wives, but if societies only built statues for men that weren't "womanizers", there'd be darn few of them ever built. Many, if not most, of the great leaders of history probably had many women...whether the women wanted him or not.

I think the word you are looking for is "hypocrisy", as this label and charge is almost always pointed out by someone when talking about Jefferson, while MLK seems to be immune from any such the MSM, at least.
Well if we shouldn't have an MLK one because of womanizing then we must be consistent.

I think partying and beating prostitutes is a pretty expansive definition of "womanizing". Nothing anyone has falsely claimed about Thomas Jefferson rises to the level of what MLK is on record of doing. There is no comparison, none at all. It shouldn't have even been made.
I think partying and beating prostitutes is a pretty expansive definition of "womanizing". Nothing anyone has falsely claimed about Thomas Jefferson rises to the level of what MLK is on record of doing. There is no comparison, none at all. It shouldn't have even been made.

Comparing Jefferson to King is an exercise in intellectual dishonesty and shows a lack of understanding of the cultural Marxist agenda that has been in place for decades (and of which King is a significant piece). Hopefully with more time spent on CF and an open mind, Independent will come to a more complete understanding of these issues.
Think of it this way. Martin Luther King is supposedly one of the greatest African Americans in history. That's what we've been told for years. If this womanizing, racist pig is the best of the African Americans can we even imagine the worst. If he's the best the black race can produce then it truly shows the failure of their entire race. I'm guessing the worst are those bruthas that tortured and killed that white couple.
There is no proof that Jefferson ever shagged Sally Hemmings. I feel that this is an urban myth.
There is a difference between womanizing and being a pervert and MLK is clearly a pervert.
There is no proof that Jefferson ever shagged Sally Hemmings. ...

Not only is there no proof but it was exposed as a complete slanderous lie even back in President Jefferson's day, but of course that doesn't stop our "lords and masters" from teaching it in their schools and making docudramas about it on their tv stations, etc.

Commie-Style MLK Statue Goes Up in DC
Posted on August 26, 2011 by INCOG MAN

The Truth About Michael King alias The Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr.
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I saw that article, FootballDad and howled with laughter.

Anyone that wants the inside dope on MLK ought to read And the Walls Came Tumbling Down by King's friend and righthand man Ralph Abernathy.

When that book came out in 1991 the critics howled. If one of us had written it, it would be scoffed at or ignored altogether but Abernathy was an insider, King's best friend and that could not be ignored.

Oh, the tales he tells.
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