Chef Werewolf's Helpful Cooking Tips

We had a discussion about “Little Teddyâ€￾ Roosevelt last year. I attempted to outline some of his Negro-loving, Jew-doting, Cultural Marxist, and female chauvinist leanings…

As for Henry Ford, he seemed to be on the good side of nearly every political issue…wildly anti-Zionist, anti-Semitic, wholeheartedly against America’s involvement in WWII, pro-Hitler, pro-Nazi, donated millions to Germany during WWII…but he didn’t seem to mind Negroes working for him in droves. Perhaps because Negroes were different people (fathers were present, fewer social welfare, knowing their place) back then?

What any of this has to do with Barilla's anti-sodomite campaign, I'm not sure, haha...

I don't think it's fair to compare someone who was pro black 100 years ago with the mentally ill people who are pro black today. Back then blacks were much more civilized. I don't think they were responsible for so much crime. They probably didn't have an intense hatred for White people like they have today. Miscegenation was unheard of. Blacks back then weren't our cultural icons or our political leaders either.

I bet if the abolitionists of the 1800s were alive today they would probably be racists.
Arthur Zimmermann was not a Jew, Zimmermann is a German surname.

That doesn't mean anything. Lots of Jews have German surnames. I'm not sure if Arthur Zimmermann was Jewish, but the evidence indicates that he likely was.

His absurd telegram and then his treasonous bragging about it afterwards was designed specifically to get the USA into WW1, and that was the secret Jewish plan following the secret Balfour Decleration.

His transporting Lenin to Russia to start the Judeo-Bolshevik revolution.

I just found out that in 1913 he negotiated with the Sultan of Turkey to found the premier Jewish school in Haifa in what is now Israel.

Famous Jews. Arthur Zimmermann is on the list:

Zimmermann Zionist:
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You seem to forget that the communist revolution in Russia is the only reason the Germans were able to launch the Spring Offensive in the first place. The Spring Offensive is key to your point that the Germans never really lost the war. Make up your mind.

Your sources have zero credibility as well.
Zimmerman can be both German and Jewish. Bob Dylan was born Robert Zimmerman.

Usually when a name like Zimmer* ends with *mann it's a German name, when it ends with *man it's a Jewish name. This isn't always the case (as I'll show later) but it's usually a good rule of thumb.

Just because someone is a Zionist doesn't prove they're Jewish either, there were a lot of prominent non-Jewish Zionists at the turn of the 20th century.

Let's also not forget that thousands of Jews died fighting for Germany during WWI or that Bernard Herrmann, the person who recommended Hitler for an Iron Cross was himself Jewish.
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Usually when a name like Zimmer* ends with *mann it's a German name, when it ends with *man it's a Jewish name. This isn't always the case (as I'll show later) but it's usually a good rule of thumb.

Just because someone is a Zionist doesn't prove they're Jewish either, there were a lot of prominent non-Jewish Zionists at the turn of the 20th century.

Let's also not forget that thousands of Jews died fighting for Germany during WWI or that Bernard Herrmann, the person who recommended Hitler for an Iron Cross was himself Jewish.

I've known several people named Zimmerman, and each of them was German. While there are some general rules when it comes to Jewish names, there are loads of exceptions. A Jew can have just about any last name, including Smith and Jones.
You seem to forget that the communist revolution in Russia is the only reason the Germans were able to launch the Spring Offensive in the first place. The Spring Offensive is key to your point that the Germans never really lost the war. Make up your mind.

Your sources have zero credibility as well.

You have zero credibility, going on about "conspiracy theories" and how it was only little private contributions by individuals in the USA assisting the Brits, and then ignoring me when I call you out on your ridiculous statements. And exactly which of my sources have zero credibility? The fact that the Lusitania was loaded up with munitions for Britain? The link to the book about the history of Israel and Zimmerman's involvement? Zimermann's treasonous behavior with the phony telegram - which you yourself brought up, hoping to mock it? Zimmermann's name on the list of famous Jews? Or do you just like to call names?

And where did I say that the "Germans never really lost the war"? Of course they lost the war, and that's why we live in the kind of world we do now. They lost the war because the USA got involved, and also because they were stabbed in the back on the home front, the Judeo-communist revolutions and general strikes going on in Germany, Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg et al, and then the supplies to the troops stopped coming, but mostly they lost the war because the USA was manipulated into jumping in.
I've known several people named Zimmerman, and each of them was German. While there are some general rules when it comes to Jewish names, there are loads of exceptions. A Jew can have just about any last name, including Smith and Jones.

Obviously there are exceptions but the only sites I've seen saying Zimmermann provide no sources.
Your list of famous Jews provides ZERO sources. Just like everything you post. You probably can't even name a single battle from WWI without looking it up. All you know how to do is blame every misfortune that has ever befallen Germany on the Jews.

Germany losing WWI had nothing to do with Britain's blockade. Had nothing to do with them engaging in trench warfare, of which history favors the side with higher manpower. Has nothing to do with Germany's last gasp offensive doing more harm than good. Nope, it's all because the Jews.
WW1 was totally unecessary and totally manipulated, and so were all the fratricidal wars and civil wars and revolutions of the 18th and 19th and 20th and now the 21st centuries that has destroyed the best blood of the white race. This isn't the same race that it was once.

A movie came out in Russia, in 1991, I think it was, and unfortunately as far as I know it has never been translated, and it was called "Russia - What We Have Lost", and it was the first time that it was revealed in Russia that Lenin spoke Yiddish at home, and it showed how the very race of the Russians had diminished since the Bolshevik revolution slaughtered all the superior people, even the height of the average Russian was shorter than it was before WW1 and 1917, when Russia had the fastest growing economy in Europe.

War is a racket.
Every country suffers from a height decrease after a major war. The fittest are the ones who get drafted, the meek shall inherit the earth is a very true statement.

The only reason the communist revolution succeeded in Russia was because the Czar was such a terrible ruler. He bears the biggest blame for the collapse of the Russian empire, the communists were just the ones who won out in the civil war.
Germany would never have even been involved in WWI if not for the Kaiser swearing absolute loyalty to his ally the Austrians. By doing this Austria felt they were secure in attacking Serbia even if Russia did retaliate. Was the Kaiser a Jew? Because that was pretty ****ing stupid of him.
I've known several people named Zimmerman, and each of them was German. While there are some general rules when it comes to Jewish names, there are loads of exceptions. A Jew can have just about any last name, including Smith and Jones.
your post made me think of this cartoon

Your list of famous Jews provides ZERO sources. Just like everything you post and bla bla bla

Zimmermann's role in the founding of the Haifa school, for instance, shows the name of the history of Israel book and the exact page number. Of course you never even looked. You just want to call names and go on about "conspiracy theories".

As I said, I don't know if Arthur Zimmermann was a Talmudist, but there is considerable evidence that he was.

Every country suffers from a height decrease after a major war.

And that's not true either. People in all of the countries that were involved in major wars, USA, Europe, Japan, etc. are taller today than they were at the beginning of the 20th century. Russia was not just in wars. The Judeo-Bolsheviks systematically exterminated all of the aristocracy and upper classes and religious classes and military officer classes and successful middle class people and successful farmers and intellectual dissidents and non-conformists of the nation, tens of millions of people, all the best and bravest and most handsome and beautiful. A real Holocaust. And the victims did not come back to life to sit on their fat tukhases in Miami Beach and West Hollywood collecting $reparations$ and every form of welfare known to man.
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Back to spaghetti.

Does eating pasta make you fat? No, it does not. Here is a chart showing the obesity rate by country:

Many Italians eat pasta every day, yet Italy has the lowest obesity rate of all the countries shown except for Norway and Switzerland and Japan and South Korea. But Italian children are now the fattest in Europe, so their diets must be changing to junk food, plus they must be getting less exercise. Americans are, of course, the fattest slobs in the world, and that can easily be confirmed by waddling into any Walmart and sitting down on one of their electric fat carts and driving around the store taking pictures of the shoppers,

Here's a non-obese Walmart shopper:


Note: People of Walmart website doesn't allow photos of people who are just plain morbidly obese unless there is additional craziness to their attire and demeanor, like they're wearing only underwear or dressed up like Tinker Bell or something.
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Back to spaghetti.

Does eating pasta make you fat? No, it does not. Here is a chart showing the obesity rate by country:

Many Italians eat pasta every day, yet Italy has the lowest obesity rate of all the countries shown except for Norway and Switzerland and Japan and South Korea. But Italian children are now the fattest in Europe, so their diets must be changing to junk food, plus they must be getting less exercise. Americans are, of course, the fattest slobs in the world, and that can easily be confirmed by waddling into any Walmart and sitting down on one of their electric fat carts and driving around the store taking pictures of the shoppers,

Here's a non-obese Walmart shopper:


Note: People of Walmart website doesn't allow photos of people who are just plain morbidly obese unless there is additional craziness to their attire and demeanor, like they're wearing only underwear or dressed up like Tinker Bell or something.

I want to make a revolutionary statement on diet: Eating too much food makes you fat. For all the propaganda about fat vs. carbs, the biggest factor is still calories in. Junk food is packed with calories, as are the processed foods that are so popular, as are the soft drinks that come in ever-larger sizes. Most fat people are fat because they eat too much. Period. That picture made me sick.
You got it, AiA! The fatties don't like to hear it, but calories in and calories out, that's the bottom line. And yeah they make it ever easier to fatten up the human cows with their 64 ounce super slurpies free refills etc etc etc - and one 12 ounce Coke contains, I think, 12 teaspoons of sugar - and then they add addictive MSG to everything, including cigarettes, potato chips, all the junk food, often concealed under different names, like "natural flavoring".

Maybe that nutbag above wrote that on his shirt because he was discriminated against, maybe laid off, for the crime of being white? I'm trying to think of an excuse for him.
Back to spaghetti.

Does eating pasta make you fat? No, it does not. Here is a chart showing the obesity rate by country:

Many Italians eat pasta every day, yet Italy has the lowest obesity rate of all the countries shown except for Norway and Switzerland and Japan and South Korea. But Italian children are now the fattest in Europe, so their diets must be changing to junk food, plus they must be getting less exercise. Americans are, of course, the fattest slobs in the world, and that can easily be confirmed by waddling into any Walmart and sitting down on one of their electric fat carts and driving around the store taking pictures of the shoppers

I often wonder if that’s entirely accurate. I’m 6’ 4â€￾ and my weight fluctuates from 235-245 lbs. I’m considered “morbidly obeseâ€￾ on their for-homosexual-waifs-only “BMIâ€￾ scale. At my company, we recently took a “health assessmentâ€￾ and every single male employee was either “overweight,â€￾ “obeseâ€￾,â€￾ or “morbidly obese,â€￾ despite the fact that none of us are visually overweight in any way. The only guy who was considered “averageâ€￾ was very tall and very skinny.

Honestly, I don’t know too many people under 30 years of age that I’d consider legitimately “fat,â€￾ yet 74% of all Americans are considered “overweight.â€￾ On such a pathetic, wimpy, outdated scale, I understand why. Sure, we’ve all know a handful of men/women who tip the scales at 300-400 lbs, but it’s rare in my experience. Of course, constantly lamenting the “factâ€￾ [sic] that 3 out of 4 American’s are obese fits their “feminine-males, masculine-femalesâ€￾ agenda perfectly.
Thrashen, I'm also "obese" on their charts, though I have very little fat on me, and that's because I am very muscular - but maybe you live in a rare part of the country where people aren't fat, but in most parts of the country all you need to do is look around and see what they look like.

I remember what an old girlfriend of mine once said. She was from Paris. She said that if a young girl in France is fat her parents will take her to the doctor. Here it's considered normal. Look at Jackie Gleason in the old Honeymooners tv show. The standing joke was how fat he was, but he looks skinny by today's standard. Nope, they're fat all right and getting fatter all the time, and the fact that athletic-muscular people register wrong on their fatness scale doesn't mitigate that fact.
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Those charts are out the window if you have any muscle at all. I'm 6'1" and weigh between 220 and 225. I carry a little flab around the middle, but I would still be "overweight" on those charts if I lost that 10 lbs. If I'm "obese" or "overweight", they need some other words to describe what I see at Walmart.
Yup, at 5'11" and 195 I've got a BMI of 27.5 which is "overweight", only 2.5 away from obesity. Which is funny since I run and workout almost every day and have virtually no fat.
Those charts are bogus as muscle outweighs fat and they clearly do not take account for that. A better way to judge how "fat" people are is to simply calculate their body fat %. 6'3", 225lbs at 8-10% body fat and 6'0", 225lbs at 15-18% body fat are not nearly the same thing.

As for fatties up in NYC, the majority I see are negro or hispanic. Usually women too. The White folks are more in-shape or skinny which fits with the yuppie / hipster / vegan lifestyle many of them lead. When I walk past Wendys or McDonalds during my lunch break to get "real food", the lines inside are almost entirely shades of brown. Professional types too.

You are what you eat.
"As for fatties up in NYC, the majority I see are negro or hispanic."

The fat slobs are all over middle America. Just go in any Walmart in the country. You don't see many of them in wealthy upscale areas. Manhattan has mostly priced out all but high income white people, plus NYC people walk far more than the average American, and many still live in walk up buildings with no elevators. Walking and climbing stairs are about the two best exercises people can do. In most of the country people will get in their car to go a block.

Speaking of NYC and walking to the subway, I thought that the century old NYC subway system would be permanently destroyed when Hurricane Sandy inundated all that electric circuitry with salt water. I also read that the best engines on the Jersey railroad were flooded (with salt water) too. How did they fix it?

Sure, body fat percentage is a much better determination of physical fitness than height-weight, but it's so much easier to put someone up against a ruler and then step him on a scale.
Werewolf, you are certainly right about fat White slobs across the country and I have seen them whenever I travel. I was just giving my local account. Now these people have many problems morally, spiritually, politically, culturally, etc but at least being obese is not one of them.

As for the damage from Sandy, the Montague Tunnel which services the R line under the East River took extensive damage. The salt water damaged the electric equipment but also the tunnel walls/ceilings itself which were made of terracota. It's currently closed.

I've heard that a similar closure of the tunnel on the G train line under the Newton Creek will have to take place as well. I'd wager that some of the other tunnels will also need massive restorations at some point but the MTA is just not admitting it publicly yet.