Caste Football ? Does it have a seat at the MSM table?


Mar 16, 2013
At the end of my piece I will draw an analogy of where I think caste football stands in relation to the MSM (main stream media). Caste Football is what you would call an off shore media site that is not part of the MSM per say. The one time I recall the site being brought up by the MSM was back in the fall of 2010 where clueless Rachel Maddow of MSNBC bashed the site with a big fat broad brush saying things like "crazy racist nonsense" and the " white supremacist guide to sports" etc. You get the picture.
Keep in mind white supremacist groups have no entry points into MSM discussions and like a rocket ship that blows up on take off being labeled in such a way destroys any chance of getting heard in a respectable manner. If Caste Football is wrongly pigeon holed like that then MSM acceptance would be impossible.
There are two matters that come to mind. In a weird way Caste Football is an "Alice In Wonderland in a good creative way" version of what that prick Richard Lapchick and his group the NCAS have been doing for years. Counting up and keeping track of racial percentages in sports. I am sure Lapchick's initial intentions were probably ok at the time but since sports have been turned over to blacks lock stock and barrel his group is nothing but a parody of what it initially set out to do. Lapchick is now like the super rich parent who believes his kids should get a one hundred dollar stipend for school lunches while the poorer kids should not be allowed any help. He is a grotesque facilitator whose main objective it seems is to kill off the white athlete.

The second matter is the rise of Breitbart News which is considered a MSM website. They touch on racial issues but rarely if ever touch on the caste haze that has enveloped sports. But strikingly they post responses from citizens that are sometimes extremely crude and rude. In comparison Caste Football, which rarely descends to such gutter levels, is good and proper.
So two points to make on Lapchick and Breitbart News. The real difference between Lapchick and Caste Football is the notion of blacks being superior beings to whites. Lapchick promotes that point of view whereas Caste Football fights against such a racist idea. In otherwords Caste Football is more aligned with the democratic principles that go back to the great societies whereas Lapchick comfortably stands side by side with the idea that blacks are super human and whites are inferior. This is an idea many good people find repulsive and divisive.
As for Breitbart News I have read far more aggressive and crude black bashing on their response pages than I have ever heard here at Caste Football. And to get a seat at the MSM table this point should not be ignored.
So where does Caste Football fit in today in the world of sports? Here is where I will use my analogy. Anyone familiar with the movie "Meet The Parents" which I found hilarious? The follow up "Meet The Fockers" had it's moments but was not as satisfying. The third installment sucked but you know Hollywood they beat something that was a success to death.
But there is a scene where De Niro is in a dressing room with Ben Stiller and he is pointing at his eyes and then at Stiller saying "I'm watching you." This probably sums up where Caste Football stands at the moment in relation to the world of sports and the MSM.. Still off shore but they know about us and that we are keeping a very close eye on the racial components in sports. Not a seat at the table (just yet) but I don't think the MSM feels the need to summarily dismiss Caste Football like Maddow did in 2010 either. So to sum up we are gaining momentum and stature.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
What Caste Football needs is $$$. $ to advertise on friendly sites, and $ to hire a full-time writer/reporter/researcher. Do I think that can happen? Yes. Do I expect it to? No, although there are a number of people who could make it happen. I'm sure we've had more than a few lurkers with the assets to finance CF, but just as with the lack of real life activism I often bemoan, the situation is even worse when it comes to financial sacrifice. I'd like nothing better than for one or two readers to prove me wrong. We could have far more of an impact with some backing, and it could be done anonymously in that those that back us wouldn't have their names listed on any paperwork filed with any government agencies, unlike what political parties and some other organizations are required to do.

On a day to day level, what's holding us back, or keeping us in check, is that like all un-PC sites, Caste Football is much more difficult to find now through searches. Instead of showing up on page one of results it's more like page 50 now, and how many people are going to comb that far through results? I remember well when we averaged one or two new posters a day, active posters not just people signing up and never actually posting; now they're few and far between. And then there's the reality that the vast majority of racially aware White Americans either are clueless about what we discuss here, or just don't care or have any interest in it, or casually believe the lies that prop up the Caste System. We get virtually no help from sites that should be helping us; certainly there are many sites that we boost on a regular basis by mentioning them or linking articles from them. So we're on an island out in the middle of the Pacific with very little outside support of any kind.


Mar 16, 2013
This site is essentially pirate radio that plays all the cool stuff while the radio stations stick to their bland formats ha. And in one sense that is not the worst thing. Some of the posts pop up on the front page of google and recently I have seen the site mentioned at times via mainstream media web sites. I agree to make the jump to a "proper media outlet" would prove difficult particularly when bigger money and advertising is involved. Caste Football is still deemed too radical in most quarters and because of the racial subject matter most potential advertisers would prefer to stay away from "controversy." But I think Caste Football is ok where it is and it does have some influence on things even though it isn't openly apparent. At the end of the day I don't mind being a pirate. Sort of suits me anyway ha.


Feb 23, 2013
New York

Uh, er, you see there mates, cross out dat Pitcairn nomen an' paste-in "Caste Football". We been hidin' out 'ere fer years.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004

Uh, er, you see there mates, cross out dat Pitcairn nomen an' paste-in "Caste Football". We been hidin' out 'ere fer years.

lol, I was actually thinking of Pitcairn Island when I wrote that. Don't think we're quite that isolated fortunately. If you want to live in the middle of nowhere, that's the place to go.
Sep 12, 2016
In addition to all the other obstacles, we also have to deal with the "oh, how can you watch football, it's just a bunch of dindus" crowd among the racially aware. I can understand people not wanting to watch football because it's crossed the line of acceptable blackness for their personal standards, but the biggest superstars in the league are still mostly White (for now). And as much as they (and we too, sometimes) might want to dismiss football and pretend it doesn't matter, the NFL truly is America's unofficial religion, the thing the Average Joe is most likely to worship on Sundays. That's the message we have to get across to our own racially aware brothers and it or not, football is too influential among young White minds to be ignored.


Mar 16, 2013
Ahoy fellow Buccaneers!!!!!Blow me down and batten down the hatches and find me that bottle of rum that is hidden in Captain Don's quarters. Argghhhh. Maybe we are just a bunch of Pirates casing havoc? GOOD. A little havoc is just what the caste marinated sports world needs. Although I would prefer to think of Caste Football in grander terms like The French Resistance or the OSS ole WWII organizations that helped crush the Nazis. Or perhaps a stealth outfit that secretly penetrates the enemy. But Blimey I guess not so I will go back and swab the poop deck but while I am on the subject I should mention that unfortunately some of our enemies would categorize us as Silent But Deadly not an endearing term I assure you. As for the young white up and coming athletes remember this point. What kid doesn't love Pirate lore? Come to think of it one of those Johnny Depp Pirate movies is coming out this month. What is that the eighth installment ha ha? Are we in it? But often when Caste Football highlights white athletes it sometimes lands on Google or what we call dry land. A lot of these athletes know we are out there so we actually DO exist in the real world ( sort of) and not in some old Errol Flynn movie. But just like Basil Rathbone ( how good was he?) we need our SWORDS most definitely!!! Ahoy.
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Apr 28, 2017
Have we given any thought to perhaps getting a GoFundMe going to afford advertising, and pay the fees to get on Google's first search page? It would require a complete overhaul of the site, and videos would have to be the majority of articles and reports. We don't read in this country and Common Core indoctrination has created a nation of "Ooh Look Shiny" mind slaves.

Patreon wouldn't be a bad idea either to generate revenue.

The biggest issue will be finding a way to beat the Marxists' cries of racism, which will begin to fly out regularly if we gain any kind of following. I'm not sure what we could do, but I am willing to help in any way I can.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Have we given any thought to perhaps getting a GoFundMe going to afford advertising, and pay the fees to get on Google's first search page? It would require a complete overhaul of the site, and videos would have to be the majority of articles and reports. We don't read in this country and Common Core indoctrination has created a nation of "Ooh Look Shiny" mind slaves.

Patreon wouldn't be a bad idea either to generate revenue.

The biggest issue will be finding a way to beat the Marxists' cries of racism, which will begin to fly out regularly if we gain any kind of following. I'm not sure what we could do, but I am willing to help in any way I can.

In the early days of CF, we were a topic on quite a few other boards, mostly hostile but some friendly. I remember one in particular, OKplayer, with which we had a kind of humorous dueling back and forth for a while.

That was when we were new and there was much curiosity about us. After a while we established ourselves and there was much less posting about us on other forums, and forums themselves aren't what they used to be thanks to Facebook and other social media, though to my way of thinking forums are still the best format for expression by non-narcissists.

We've been called racist and nazi by the anti-Whites plenty of times, and it didn't deter the site at all. But what worries me is the lack of new posters. No young white athletes are joining up, not many posters at all for various reasons. Years ago I heard (usually via email) from professional basketball players, well-known and not so well-known sprinters, high school and college football players and one former NFL running back. Now it's silent. We're overly reliant on veteran posters, as there is always attrition over time on any forum like it or not.


Oct 12, 2008
I wonder if Caste Football has been pigeon-holed by the sophisticated search engines. When I first joined a few years ago, there were regular troll attacks. Black and White trolls would come in and debate topics or just to call us racists. That never happens anymore.


Feb 23, 2013
New York
Time and again the big search engines, and search engines supplied by Google, have made finding Castefootball very difficult from random searches. Example: so many sites come up with mainstream views on "white running back" save the site with great authority, right here, Castefootball. That is the proof you need that by searching topics this site will appear.

So, what are some solutions?

The only way to bring the site into more popular culture is to daily visit forums, chats, etc. and drop the site link into the conversation. I am one of the original posters, and I found Caste that way.
Dec 18, 2004
In the early days of CF, we were a topic on quite a few other boards, mostly hostile but some friendly. I remember one in particular, OKplayer, with which we had a kind of humorous dueling back and forth for a while.

That was when we were new and there was much curiosity about us. After a while we established ourselves and there was much less posting about us on other forums, and forums themselves aren't what they used to be thanks to Facebook and other social media, though to my way of thinking forums are still the best format for expression by non-narcissists.

We've been called racist and nazi by the anti-Whites plenty of times, and it didn't deter the site at all. But what worries me is the lack of new posters. No young white athletes are joining up, not many posters at all for various reasons. Years ago I heard (usually via email) from professional basketball players, well-known and not so well-known sprinters, high school and college football players and one former NFL running back. Now it's silent. We're overly reliant on veteran posters, as there is always attrition over time on any forum like it or not.


I was a poster going back to 2004. I told you some years ago that the Hitler-worship by some posters (which has popped up again) would diminish the Forum. The kind of people you mention above are turned off by such stupidity.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004

I was a poster going back to 2004. I told you some years ago that the Hitler-worship by some posters (which has popped up again) would diminish the Forum. The kind of people you mention above are turned off by such stupidity.

I've noticed virtually no "Hitler worship" in the 13 years of this forum. Can you cite any threads out of the 18,000-plus over the years that are based on "worshiping Hitler"? We've had a wide range of political opinions and still do, a common denominator of which is love of country and our people and opposition to internal and external subversion. Anyway, setting up political litmus tests for posters on a sports site is an impossibility even if I was interested in such a thing. I've always kept an eye out for trolls and provocateurs and always will.
Dec 18, 2004
I've noticed virtually no "Hitler worship" in the 13 years of this forum. Can you cite any threads out of the 18,000-plus over the years that are based on "worshiping Hitler"? We've had a wide range of political opinions and still do, a common denominator of which is love of country and our people and opposition to internal and external subversion. Anyway, setting up political litmus tests for posters on a sports site is an impossibility even if I was interested in such a thing. I've always kept an eye out for trolls and provocateurs and always will.

Point taken. As a life-long student of the history of World War II, a major lesson is what an unmitigated disaster Hitler was for the white race.
Sep 12, 2016
I wonder if we could ever get in contact with Riley Cooper. Peyton Hillis? Richie Incognito? I'm only half kidding. Guys like that know the Caste system better than anyone. If someone knew a friend of a friend...

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Someone I'm acquainted with, who has his own website and actually knows about and understands the Caste System very well unlike most racially aware Whites, told me he has a friend who knows Cooper and that Riley knows the score. Yeah, it's hearsay on top of hearsay. I would imagine most White NFL players fall into one of two categories -- those who think the Caste System doesn't exist because, hey, I made it; and those who are aware of it to varying degrees, which also means they know better than to say anything controversial about it if they want to keep their job and reputation.

Unfortunately it's a lose-lose situation for White athletes to speak out -- they would immediately be unanimously condemned by a hostile media and would go down in infamy with the rest of the disgraced heretics -- Al Campanis, Jimmy the Greek, Marge Schott, John Rocker, and on and on, including Riley Cooper. As long as we're successfully marginalized and pigeon-holed, no public figures are going to publicly identify with us.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
We need people to get invested in this site again. Even a lot of the long-time posters seem to be lurkers more than active posters these days. Example A: This thread should be a lot more active than it is.

I'm open to suggestions, because it sucks to see Caste Football be a ghost town most of the time. . .


Feb 23, 2013
New York
You go on a mainstream forum, register a name if necessary, read for pro-white posters, as they do post but in a reserved way, and then private message them the co-ordinates of this site where they can write openly. More posters bring more posters; it's like momentum.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Don, I'll aim to kick in some more dough for CF. As for new posters, I've an idea to "spread the word". My eldest son is involved with some paleoconservative youth activity (via social media). This is compromised of a plethora of young men (Jr.High & HS age) who are sick & tired of their peers being thoroughly duped by the cultmarx PTB. Most of these young men are like my a public school where the majority of kids are sheeplized lemming whom kowtow the the sissy "SJW" agenda. Young men like my son (who know the score) are often ostracized as "racist" by their mindless, capitulating peers. FYI, all my kids are very aware of cultural Marxism & the caste system. Also, my 2 eldest sons have been on CF (reading various threads & posts). I'll have them share the "good word" on CF & ask if they'd like to join. BTW, my oldest son has enjoyed alotta the hard hitting posts! :)
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Hall of Famer
Oct 3, 2008
Suffolk County, NY
In regards to Riley Cooper, I wrote in another thread about comments from Paul Kersey. Kersey is the founder of Stuff Black People Don't Like. On a podcast with the guys for The Right Stuff, he claims Cooper's dad contacted him via email and told him his son knows the score.

Cooper is still trying to make an NFL squad so I don't expect him to speak out now. Perhaps when he's ready to hang em up for good, he could speak out or write a book about his experiences in the NFL and SEC college football. I'm sure he could drop many bombshells.


Hall of Famer
Jul 24, 2007
I'll be making a donation as well. Lot of Great ideas and suggestions in this thread. IMO best way of spreading this site is by way of mouth TO close f amily and friends. Over the last few months I've been posting our sites linked address on popular Alt Right twitter personalities accounts when they post something online. Not sure if it's made difference in site traffic or not but it's worth a go. Also been itching to start writing articles for us. Working on getting a new laptop.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
The number of views for many threads is very good, so we still have a lot of guests reading them over the course of any given day but fewer of them register and post. It used to be pretty effortless to get new posters, but now with the change in search engines it's much more difficult; that's the big challenge CF faces.


Hall of Famer
Jul 30, 2006
Forums in general are not as popular as they were 5-10 years ago. Over the years I have been a member of various sports forums and music/band forums and they all are not as active as they used to be. Now most sites want you to link a social media account (facebook, LinkedIn etc) or sign up using a disqus or Wordpress account that gives you one account that can be used across many websites.

I will drop the castefootball site on comments I make related to sports stories on other sites especially if there is a pro-black or anti-white angle to it because you can tell many white people are fed up so I figure throwing the name out there may draw a few more members.

Obviously there is a movement to surpress this site as well as many other "alt-right" sites we get lumped in with. I do feel this site has a very legitimate arguement and does have a place in the MSM but again you have to remember who is in charge. Who can remember how quickly Rush Limbaugh was pushed out at BSPN for his comments about McNabb? That kind of shows you that when the truth is spoken about race and sports it gets silenced very quickly. Even the SI White CB article does not delve into the issue as much as it should. I do feel that now more than ever their is an uptick in whites asking the questions we do here but we are no match for the indocrtrinated dwfs.


May 1, 2015
What would be great would be to have a CF YouTube channel with a new "episode" every day or so. This would replace the old CF blog where there were specific articles. Keep each episode no more than five minutes long and then beneath each video have a link to the Caste Football forum. Have a standard promotion for the Caste Football forum site at the end of each episode and include a link to PayPal or Patreon for donations. Provide a link (on both the YouTube channel and on the Caste Football forum site) where anyone can submit a video to Don or other moderators for approval and for any final edits or have the moderators request the original producer make the appropriate edits and resubmit it. Yes, there'd be much more production effort involved, but the payoff has the potential to be much larger as well. I think it would be an effective blueprint.
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Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
I don't know anything about setting up a YouTube channel but it sounds like a good idea, one that would likely require a team effort as far as making/procuring videos. Guess we could have our own short original commentary pieces too that might build an audience after a while and possibly lead to an internet show of some kind.

Any volunteers?