Thrashen said:
Don Wassall said:
I had some PM correspondence with Spartan yesterday, and I think he realizes that he was taking his anger over many of the problems we care about out on us. I imagine also that it's not easy trying to understand how people think and interact in a different (White) country. Solet's cut him some slack for a while and see if he can post without being antagonistic.
I've probably been the most insulting towards Euro King / Spartan. I've never doubted the fact that he is candidly pro-white and that he surely comprehends the Jewish Problem and the premeditated denigration of white athleticism. That's far more than can be said for nearly every white human being on planet earth.
He's undoubtedly a "White European Supremacist," which I would normally consider an admirable position"¦accept that it comes at the cost of his continuous belittling of the athletic abilities of white American males (a group with identical DNA to their European counterparts, but presently languishing as perpetual victims of the totalitarian Caste System).
He's also far too demanding in his posts"¦but that is apparently due to his knowledge of English. He makes far too many threads. His other issue seems to be truthfulness. First he was from Belgium, then Sweden, then Greece. The "book" was two paragraphs long, but at least he's attempting to cite examples of white athletic supremacy. Most whites across the globe would be disgusted at the notion of whites dominating any facet of society, let alone athletics.
I'm willing to give him another chance.
</div><div>I am answering you because i appreciate the fact that you decided to see that i am not the enemy in here.</div><div>
</div><div>First of all once again i apologize to everybody about my English, it's not my mother language, i was taught English in high school and that's the best i can do, sometimes you guys might think i am being offensive against you, but i am not. I agree that most white Americans i have met in person DISGUST ME with their "loser" mentality and constant worshiping of the negro athlete, but OBVIOUSLY whites on this forum got nothing to do with the white liberal Americans who know only to worship minorities and blame whites for every bad happening on this planet!</div><div>
</div><div>I have lied about my nationality (second time as Spartan) because i wanted to make a new start and comeback, since you and many other people on this forum treated me like i am a troll or even worse a negro or a Jew or something, i mean come on guys, please!</div><div>
</div><div>I am Greek 3/4, living and working in Greece, which is one of the most historic and glorious nations in the world and now Jews try to buy us for free with their bank system tricks and plans and 1/4 French, i am not lying this is my nationality (ies) and i am angry for both my countries and all the mess it's going on with illegal immigration, liberalism,feminismand so on.</div><div>
</div><div>I amwritinga book, for over 2 years now, i write it on Greek which is my main language and i am perfectly fluent, i posted 2 paragraphs after i translated it, did you expect me to post 5 pages? Mate i hope the editors and translators will do that for me, they get paid for that, that's their thing to do not mine, i do not see why you can't show logic on this one, i am not asking for your sympathy, just plain logic, what do you expect me to do to prove you that i amwritinga book? To post it all in this site? Come on now mate, be logic here.</div><div>
</div><div>I am angry with white Americans, yes i admit, not the guys on this forum OBVIOUSLY, but white Americans in general, i believe (and i apologize for my honesty) that a big percentage of white Americans today are the mostembarrassingand soft whites in the world.</div><div>You can see it clearly in basketball and boxing, i see some white Americans getting inside the court or ring and they are ready to cry only because they see the ex slave as a superior athlete or fighter. THAT DISGUSTS ME! I know that it's the Jewish controlled media and the way they raise a modern white American to feel guilty or inferior, but guys, this is your land AND YOU NEED TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT
</div><div>Greece is a tiny little country of 10-11 million citizens, way poorer than USA and with way less athletic equipment or population of athletes, but has won 143 medals at the Olympics, has produced some the greatest weightlifters for the last 20 years as Pyrros Dimas, track and field super stars as Kenteris (who ripped negroes in their sport and of course the Jewish American system went after him like vampire hunters, only for a steroid ugly negro who got caught doing roids, as Justin Gatlin to become a champion and stop the 4 years reign of the white superior Sprinter that Kenteris was) some of the greatest Kickboxers as Stan the man Longinidis and Mike Zambidis, great basketball players and team which smashed USA of the overrated black NBA stars in the world games of 2006 and so on. Now on the other hand i see 220 million "passive" white Americans not producing a great white player in basketball for ages, not a single great boxer or sprinter in 100 and 200m................i mean guys forgive me, BUT THAT MAKES MY BLOOD BOILING.</div><div>
</div><div>If eastern Europe or Southern Europe had 10% of the money and athletic equipment you guys have, imagine what we would produce, if you consider that we produce super great athletes now, that we are almostbankrupt, in sports that the average white American of today has thrown a white towel and consider the former slave a superior athlete!</div><div>
</div><div>I am upset with white America yes, because if it was not USA, the negro would be known for some running events and that's it, but thanks to USA blacks became famous globally as elite basketball players, football players, boxers and even golfers or tennis players (Williams and Tiger) i mean guys, if you do not see how the negro athleterisethanks to the inactivity and laziness of modern white American, then ok.</div><div>
</div><div>I mean all i asked was to edit a freaking damn page for our beautiful race, and instead of one of you guys who have a betterknowledgeof English than me to do it, most came in here to attack ME..............if that's how we gonna support our race and campaign against the Jewishpropagandaand the Negro tsunami disease, then alright.</div><div>
</div><div>Can we at least create a page about white athletic superiority and mention the medal rates of whites in all sports and all the records and barriers we whites hold in cycling, swimming, javelin, triathlon, decathlon, gymnastics, strongest man competition and other raw athletic events?</div><div>
</div><div>If the damn Wiki was in French or Greek i would do it myself, but it's in English and my English is not good enough to do such a thing and i believe someone from you guys needs to do it, am i asking to much? If there is a page named "black athletic superiority" thanks to the success the former slaves have in 3-4 sports, then there should be one named "white athletic superiority" since we whites can claim success in 100 plus sports. If not, then is not the Jews or Negroes to blame, but the laziness and lack of confidence of some people from our race to do so.</div><div>
</div><div>We need to be all over the place, internet gives us great power to influence the world and that site is awesome, but it should be our base to spread the truth and facts about the white man and athlete, not to hide in here in our small community!</div>
Edited by: Spartan