Calzaghe-Hopkins is now official

I too, respect Taylor and can see why a Taylor victory would set up a huge rubber match. However, I am still rooting for Pavlik.:)
I would give Chambers my respect as well. From what I have see he has conducted himself like a sportsman.
Maple Leaf said:
The blacks/africans and their white idolizers that think Hopkins has the upper hand after these comments are delusional. Hopkins would not have said it so many times if he wasn't fuming and tensed-up inside. Actually Calzaghe has the physchological advantage here knowing Hopkins is enraged knowing he doesn't have what it takes to beat him.

And it's not like Calzaghe has to "out-trash talk" Hopkins anyway. Nobody should expect that. He just has to stay cool and not let it get to him. He has been quoted numerous times as saying that he knows that Hopkins tries to get in his opponents' heads, and he's not going to let that happen to him. That's how Hopkins would gain some sort of "psychological edge"- by getting Joe flustered, not by winning the verbal sparring.
Maple Leaf said:
Which southpaws are you talking about? Calzaghe is not like them.

No, but he's still a southpaw, and pretty much every southpaw is susceptible to the right hand, as far as I can tell. And Calzaghe showed against Kessler that he can get hit with that punch, and enough times to lose some rounds.

The other question: how successful will Hopkins be at slowing down the pace? Calzaghe is obviously far more active than Hopkins, so Hopkins will try to find a way to slow the fight down to a crawl.

I'm not trying to second-guess Calzaghe, I'm just thinking about the possibilities, both good and bad. I usually pick the quicker fighter to win, and Calzaghe is most definitely the quicker fighter.
JD074 said:
JD1986 said:
In that fight, the ref did nothing to stop B-Hop from doing what he wanted to the mixed-race Winky.

Come on now. I hope you're not implying that the ref showed favoritism to Hopkins because he was darker than his black opponent. That would be pretty crazy.

When I read your posts, I often wonder who's side you're on, JD074. You defend black fighters - for example, you became upset when we suggested Briggs is a steroid user - but seem to never defend white ones. You become upset when anyone suggests many Jews hate white gentiles, but you never criticize Kellerman, Wetzel and Atlas for their negative statements about the Klitschkos and other white fighters. You seem like someone who really buys into all the anti-white political correctness.

I never said the ref showed favoritism because Wright is of mixed race. I did say the ref allowed B-Hop to get away with a lot of dirty stuff including a deliberate head butt that cut Winky over the eye, which was the turning point in the fight. Even your friend Max Kellerman said the same.
JD1986 said:
When I read your posts, I often wonder who's side you're on, JD074.

Okay. I understand why you feel that way. Here's where I stand: I root for white athletes, but inaccuracy, paranoia, and racial slurs annoy the hell out of me. I hope that clears things up. I'm entitled to my opinion, even if it is perhaps more nuanced than yours. I guess you could say I'm more of a moderate than a fundamentalist. But I absolutely, positively, without a doubt, root for white athletes above all others.

You defend black fighters - for example, you became upset when we suggested Briggs is a steroid user - but seem to never defend white ones.

I wasn't defending Briggs or any other black fighter. My point- and it was crystal clear- was that it's pointless to speculate about steroid use without some cold hard facts. Maybe Briggs is a roid user, maybe he isn't. Not everyone who's muscular is on something; not everyone who's on something is muscular. Some people have the genetics to be ripped, some don't. Every athlete is a suspect, so it's worthless to speculate without some evidence. Also, if I may be blunt, there are many muscular black athletes, and it comes off as very petty and jealous to criticize them for it. I'm sorry if that makes anyone feel uncomfortable, but it's the truth.

You become upset when anyone suggests many Jews hate white gentiles, but you never criticize Kellerman, Wetzel and Atlas for their negative statements about the Klitschkos and other white fighters.

The Jewish thing bothers me because it makes us look bad. I frequent this site, I'm a member of this site, I paid a membership fee to this site. It embarrasses me to hear this stuff.We need to be persuading people, not freaking them out.

And as far as not criticizing Kellerman et al, I don't really have to. You guys take care of that!
I don't want to repeat what everyone else says. There's enough "noise" on the Internet already.

You seem like someone who really buys into all the anti-white political correctness.

No, I really don't. I hope you don't believe that someone who simply values accuracy and doesn't like slurs like "n*gger" and "cannibal" is just being "politically correct." Like I said before, I root for white athletes, so that puts me in the "politically incorrect" category right there. If I'm trying to be PC, I'm not doing a very good job!

I never said the ref showed favoritism because Wright is of mixed race.

No, but you implied it. Anybody with some sense should be able to read this sentence: "In that fight, the ref did nothing to stop B-Hop from doing what he wanted to the mixed-race Winky" and comprehend what you meant by it.

Even your friend Max Kellerman said the same.

Kellerman annoys me just as much as he annoys you.
JD074 said:
The Jewish thing bothers me because it makes us look bad.... It embarrasses me to hear this stuff.We need to be persuading people, not freaking them out.

No, the Jewish thing doesn't make us look bad -- it makes THEM look bad.Why would it embarrass you? Most of the criticism is factual and very well documented.Perhaps we are being too persuasive for your tastes.
Bart said:
No, the Jewish thing doesn't make us look bad -- it makes THEM look bad.Why would it embarrass you?Most of the criticism is factual and very well documented. Perhaps we are being too persuasive for your tastes.

No, I just don't think it's necessary. I don't think it's helpful, either for this site or for white athletes. There are plenty of more politically oriented sites to discuss Jews. There's even a Happy Hour board right here on this site! We don't need to talk about Jews on a board about boxing, period.

I guess you forgot what I used to write about on this board. I was one of the hard-liners!
I would expect JD1986 to not know that. I'm the 11th member, he's the 647th. I've been posting since Oct. 2004 (actually, I paid the measly ten bucks to be a member of the old site, right before it became a free site!) He's been posting since only March 2007. But you've been here awhile, so I'm a little surprised that you would think that I feel intimidated by the anti-Jewish stuff. Please. I've been there, done that. I've read MacDonald, I've read Duke. No problem. Those ideas don't scare me, they don't intimidate me, like you imply.

I think this site should be inviting to people who come here strictly for sports, and to root for white athletes. That's the boat I'm in nowadays. I come here mainly for boxing and MMA, only occasionally will I look at another board (like the T&F board for info on Wariner, for example.) I only have faint interest in other sports. My former favorite sport, basketball, bores the hell out of me. And I don't follow politics as closely as I used to. It's too psychologically damaging, and I really mean that. That's not hyperbole. It's too negative, too depressing, too frustrating. Look at our presidential candidates; Clinton, Obama, McCain, and Romney! I just can't get emotionally invested in that sh*t. It's too draining. I mostly read blogs/ articles on health/ diet/ exercise, the occasional business blog or newsletter, and boxing and MMA. That's about it. And I'm so much happier. It's almost like my personality has changed. I'm definitely a less angry person now.

I don't want to expend all of my energy and emotion being so angry all the time. Blacks, browns, Jews, white liberals, white Republicans... sure, I still have my issues with all of them. But I just can't allow this garbage to ruin my emotional well-being any longer. I'm sure you and others could find plenty to criticize about this; that I'm ignoring reality, turning my back on my people, or whatever. I don't care. This is what I needed to do for myself and I have no regrets.
JD074 said:
No, I just don't think it's necessary. I don't think it's helpful, either for this site or for white athletes. There are plenty of more politically oriented sites to discuss Jews. There's even a Happy Hour board right here on this site! We don't need to talk about Jews on a board about boxing, period.

It is impossible to have an in depth discussion of all these topics without bumping into the Jewish question. It is just a fact of life, because of their incredible influence. I suppose Happy Hour would be a more appropriate area, as we tend to veer off course a bit.

JD074 said:
But you've been here awhile, so I'm a little surprised that you would think that I feel intimidated by the anti-Jewish stuff. Please. I've been there, done that. I've read MacDonald, I've read Duke. No problem. Those ideas don't scare me, they don't intimidate me, like you imply.

I don't think you are intimidated, that is not the word I would use.

JD074 said:
I think this site should be inviting to people who come here strictly for sports, and to root for white athletes. That's the boat I'm in nowadays. I come here mainly for boxing and MMA, only occasionally will I look at another board (like the T&F board for info on Wariner, for example.) I only have faint interest in other sports.

To each his own.

JD074 said:
And I don't follow politics as closely as I used to. It's too psychologically damaging, and I really mean that. That's not hyperbole. It's too negative, too depressing, too frustrating. Look at our presidential candidates; Clinton, Obama, McCain, and Romney! I just can't get emotionally invested in that sh*t. It's too draining. I mostly read blogs/ articles on health/ diet/ exercise, the occasional business blog or newsletter, and boxing and MMA. That's about it. And I'm so much happier. It's almost like my personality has changed. I'm definitely a less angry person now.

I understand completely. I tend to get emotionally drained and need to back away for periods to keep my sanity. Problem is that many of us have become so overwhelmed we drop out completely and let our enemies trample over us. That is one of our biggest problems.Our opponents are absolutely ruthless and relentless. They areindefatigable, thriving on being angry, arrogant, deceptive, combative, and obnoxious. Just win baby!

JD074 said:
I don't want to expend all of my energy and emotion being so angry all the time. Blacks, browns, Jews, white liberals, white Republicans... sure, I still have my issues with all of them. But I just can't allow this garbage to ruin my emotional well-being any longer.

I stay out of threads I am not interested in, you should probably do the same if this stuff really bothers you.
We could start up a Dimtry Salita topic or maybe a Roman Greenberg one. Or have a debate on whether Benny Leonard was a better boxer than Joe Gans and was Duran better than them both. After that the normal tangent can follow.....
Edited by: white is right
Hey WIS that sounds like a interesting Idea. I am however, also curious on who you are supporting in the primaries? Obama, Hillory, McCain or Romney? I remember months back you got perturbed with me regarding the major parties we have to be happy with. I supported Mitt, but will support Mccain if he is left standing. I can't see Obama nor Hillory doing any good for country except the entitlement crowd(code for blks) and all of those babies daddies and mommas running around on our dollar.
Not sure it seems like a death by different poisons. Both Democrats are beholden to special interest groups. I never been a republican supporter because big corporations and the religious right control that party. If Billiry becomes president I know that the Spice channel and Pat (Janet Reno) could make comedic appearances on Saturday Night Live....
Bart said:
I understand completely. I tend to get emotionally drained and need to back away for periods to keep my sanity. Problem is that many of us have become so overwhelmed we drop out completely and let our enemies trample over us. That is one of our biggest problems.Our opponents are absolutely ruthless and relentless. They areindefatigable, thriving on being angry, arrogant, deceptive, combative, and obnoxious. Just win baby!

It's not just one of our problems, it's THE biggest problem. The white man's lack of tenacity and commitment is his fatal flaw. I've seen it over and over during nearly a quarter century of front line battles in this war, and I see it again now on Caste Football. The number of former stalwart posters who have cut back considerably or stopped posting altogether is very disappointing but all too typical. Bitch and moan all you want, but the blame only goes one place if this supposedly greatly needed site fails.
Hey Don excellent point. It is this reason that I follow boxing closely, especially if it is involving a good white and black fighter. If the white wins over a good blk then he has succeeded in the end. He has overcome so much BS from the media and sports world that has told him that he is inferior. When a white fighter in boxing beats a good blk fighter, he is displaying great tenacity and commitment to his profession.

A great example is Kelly Pavlik this weekend. The Russians have never subscribed to the BS of America in terms of emasculating white men. They look forward to crushing anyone standing in front of them and the financial rewards it brings. This era of the great white fighters emerging can only be denied so long. When Joe C. Whales puts the beat down on Hopkins the feat will be near complete.
"The number of former stalwart posters who have cut back considerably or stopped posting altogether is very disappointing but all too typical. Bitch and moan all you want, but the blame only goes one place if this supposedly greatly needed site fails."

I think leaving a site such as CF is an easy trap to fall into. Think about it, you're surrounded by cold-hard facts supporting the notion that a situation is incredibly biased and unfair. However, neither the media, your peers, co-workers, or even your family see it that way. It's a depressing cycle, as athletics are usually a mirror of society as a whole. Society, wow, that's ALOT of "drunk white fans" to try and convice of obvious wrong doings. It takes a strong person not give up on such a daunting cause. Personally, my voice and mind can never be silenced, but some people just get tired of trying.

The truth of the matter is that this website has made a difference, it has succeeded. After one of the best years in recent history for white NFL stars, along with a total domination of boxing at nearly every weight class....there is plenty of hope that the future is going to be different from the past.
Thrashen said:
I think leaving a site such as CF is an easy trap to fall into. Think about it, you're surrounded by cold-hard facts supporting the notion that a situation is incredibly biased and unfair. However, neither the media, your peers, co-workers, or even your family see it that way. It's a depressing cycle, as athletics are usually a mirror of society as a whole. Society, wow, that's ALOT of "drunk white fans" to try and convice of obvious wrong doings. It takes a strong person not give up on such a daunting cause. Personally, my voice and mind can never be silenced, but some people just get tired of trying.

The truth of the matter is that this website has made a difference, it has succeeded. After one of the best years in recent history for white NFL stars, along with a total domination of boxing at nearly every weight class....there is plenty of hope that the future is going to be different from the past.

And this is one forum where people should stick to supporting and defending WHITE athletes, not blacks like Shannon Briggs! There is nothing more demoralizing than being argued with about making some comment that wasn't "politically correct".

If someone is uncomfortable with us staunchly defending white athletes, he should be posting on one of the many "politically correct" websites instead. We need this website to be somewhere we can freely support our OWN people, without negativity being expressed toward us for doing so.
Thrashen said:
"The number of former stalwart posters who have cut back considerably or stopped posting altogether is very disappointing but all too typical. Bitch and moan all you want, but the blame only goes one place if this supposedly greatly needed site fails."

I think leaving a site such as CF is an easy trap to fall into. Think about it, you're surrounded by cold-hard facts supporting the notion that a situation is incredibly biased and unfair. However, neither the media, your peers, co-workers, or even your family see it that way. It's a depressing cycle, as athletics are usually a mirror of society as a whole. Society, wow, that's ALOT of "drunk white fans" to try and convice of obvious wrong doings. It takes a strong person not give up on such a daunting cause. Personally, my voice and mind can never be silenced, but some people just get tired of trying. .

Great points here gentlemen! It's often times extremely frusturating dealing with the throngs of deceived sheeple out there. From the phony Left/Right paradigm propagated by the Globalist Elite to the Marxist "Caste System" agenda in sports, there are far too many folks that blindly take the "bait". I've tried to awaken several friends and family members, but some (foolishly) laughed it off as my being "over-the-top" or too extreme, ultra-conservative etc. Some duped obliviots just cannot/will not be convinced of the truth, even when the facts are right before their eyes. With knowledge, comes we must continue to forge ahead and continue to inform others and fight against the Globalist Elite and their wicked agenda(s)! Edited by: DixieDestroyer
JD1986 said:
And this is one forum where people should stick to supporting and defending WHITE athletes, not blacks like Shannon Briggs!

Do you know how to read, or do you just have a terrible memory? I repeat: I wasn't defending Briggs or any other black fighter. My point- and it was crystal clear- was that it's pointless to speculate about steroid use without some cold hard facts.

There is nothing more demoralizing than being argued with about making some comment that wasn't "politically correct".

I'll repeat myself again: I hope you don't believe that someone who simply values accuracy and doesn't like slurs like "n*gger" and "cannibal" is just being "politically correct." Like I said before, I root for white athletes, so that puts me in the "politically incorrect" category right there. If I'm trying to be PC, I'm not doing a very good job!

If someone is uncomfortable with us staunchly defending white athletes, he should be posting on one of the many "politically correct" websites instead. We need this website to be somewhere we can freely support our OWN people, without negativity being expressed toward us for doing so.

One more time, and I hope you finally get it: Here's where I stand: I root for white athletes, but inaccuracy, paranoia, and racial slurs annoy the hell out of me. I hope that clears things up. I'm entitled to my opinion, even if it is perhaps more nuanced than yours. I guess you could say I'm more of a moderate than a fundamentalist. But I absolutely, positively, without a doubt, root for white athletes above all others.

Is that crystal clear?! Please prove to me that you have a brain.
Edited by: JD074
Don Wassall said:
The number of former stalwart posters who have cut back considerably or stopped posting altogether is very disappointing but all too typical.

I'm not sure if I'm included in that group, Don. If so, I'm sorry, but I had to do what was right for myself. Maybe that's selfish, but it has to be done. There are very good reasons why I'm focusing my attention on other areas. I have more pressing concerns right now than politics. I had to narrow my focus. I don't want to turn this into a journal entry about my life any more than I already have, so I'll leave it at that.

P.S. Don't worry, I'm not dying or anything!!
Edited by: JD074
Thrashen said:
I think leaving a site such as CF is an easy trap to fall into. Think about it, you're surrounded by cold-hard facts supporting the notion that a situation is incredibly biased and unfair. However, neither the media, your peers, co-workers, or even your family see it that way. It's a depressing cycle, as athletics are usually a mirror of society as a whole.

That wasn't really the case with me, although I can see how that can be the case for others. I don't need any support from peers, family, etc. I'm going to think however I want to think regardless of what they think about it. For me, it was a combination of two things:

1) As I mentioned to Don, I have other things I need to focus on.

2) And as I mentioned to Bart, I didn't really like the person I became. Too angry, too emotional, too pessimistic. No thanks. I had to move on from that.

I don't think I lacked "strength" for doing this. If anything, it's hard to make a big change, to alter one's course in life, and to pull away from any vice, especially when that vice is so utterly addictive!
I was making a general observation based on what Bart had written, not referring to you in particular, JD. It might have been better to start a new thread in Happy Houras the dropoff in posting by so many is of concern to me and makes me wonder about the continuing viability of Caste Football.
Don Wassall said: the dropoff in posting by so many is of concern to me and makes me wonder about the continuing viability of Caste Football.

Isn't there always a downturn after football season? I may be wrong, but it seemsmuch of the action revolves around the football forums.
JD074 said:
I'll repeat myself again: I hope you don't believe that someone who simply values accuracy and doesn't like slurs like "n*gger" and "cannibal" is just being "politically correct." Like I said before, I root for white athletes, so that puts me in the "politically incorrect" category right there. If I'm trying to be PC, I'm not doing a very good job!

I've never used the word "n*gger" or "cannibal" in any post. I've even politely asked werewolf to not use the word "cannibal".

JD074 said:
Is that crystal clear?! Please prove to me that you have a brain.

I do indeed have a brain. It seems very strange you would believe otherwise.

This is an example of why white people may become extinct in a couple of hundred years. Too many of us have become so brainwashed, that we hate ourselves and hate each other. JD074 is typical of this: he's never posted a single negative remark about a black fighter or a gentile-hating Jewish commentator or journalist, and will chastise us for doing so. Yet he's willing to post that his white brother, who comes to this site to root for and be supportive of white athletes, may not "have a brain".

On a positive note, I'm enjoying ESB and boxingscene more these days because there are more and more white boxing fans who root for white fighters in those forums now. A year ago you could hardly make a positive comment about a white fighter on ESB without being jumped on. But now, there are lots of people openly rooting for Calzaghe, Povetkin, Pavlik, Wladimir and the rest. These new fans are likely a result of the success of white boxers in the past year or two.

Edited by: JD1986
I'd like to see both the JD's stop fighting because their other posts are so much more interesting. I know a little infighting is going to happen, it always does with strong willed people willing to speak out on controversial topics, but it should be dropped after a couple of jabs.
By the way what ever happeaned to werewolf? He was always passionate for our white brothers, but at the same time provided unreal/comical conspirancy theories about 9/11 led by jews and dumb whites.

That story of his friend who was a back doctor, who complained about his own back was classic.

Looking forward to a Pavlik and Calzaghe exacta!
American Freedom News