Bundchen/Lebron James Vogue cover

"Essentially, in layman's terms, this may be the first time in the history of man that a society of men basically pay alien males to impregnate their own women. (I am referring to the welfare payments that most white women no doubt receive after having mixed race children in Europe and America at the expense of the no doubt largely white male tax base."

This is asickeningtruth that should beenough to push "us" over the edge. The real truth is, there is no more "us," it's been manipulated and replaced by PC little girlies who won't dare speak up. WIth the seemingly infinate array of unconstitutional, anti-free-speech laws, it's no surprisethat "we" fall in line so easily.If one stands up for his race, the evil majority, one maybe fired, lose friends, be humilated on the news, go to prison, etc

Thedaysin which we fight back are coming.Soon they'llpush, tax, or pandertoo far.Edited by: Thrashen