Brandon Wegher

Oklahoma didn't offer Zack Langer, yet another in the long line of explosive and dominant White tailbacks from Jenks High School, perenially one of the elite high school programs in the country. Langer "only" led the entire state of Oklahoma in rushing in 2009 (as documented by Caste Football's own Riddlewire), but somehow he wasn't any good. conversely,on the rareoccasions thatJenks has a black tailback then Oklahoma is all over him. pfft.

in fact, Langer only received ONE scholarship offer from a Division I school: Tulsa. Caste System, anyone?

here's the not-good-enough-for-an-offer Langer in a short clip.
Rocky Calmus was also a running back for Jenks High School. Stoops offered him and converted him to a Butkus winner at MLB.
Im all for supporting white running backs they're definately descriminated against by both coaches and media. however being the father of three girls I cant condone Weghers behavior he got the 14 yr old sister of fellow running back Robinson pregnant. Where I'm from thats 10 yrs for rape, not a scholarship.
stik said:
  Im all for supporting white running backs they're definately descriminated against by both coaches and media.  however being the father of three girls I cant condone Weghers behavior he got the 14 yr old sister of fellow running back Robinson pregnant.  Where I'm from thats 10 yrs for rape, not a scholarship.

its just a rumor that seems highly unlikely. According to it he got two girls pregnant, his gf who was on track scholarship to Iowa AND Adam Robinson's sister. Yeah sure get all of your news from people making stuff up and no proof to back it up. I am sure the media would fail to report on a white guy (star rb, they love to tear down white rbs) getting a 14 year old black girl pregnant which im pretty sure is illegal.

what seems most likely from the rumors, he got his gf pregnant, took a little personal time off, returned to iowa during camp and left shortly after. In this scenario the problem was that he and his dad wanted him to get more playing time and be more of the focal point of the offense which was probably unlikley with Robinson and then the rest of the rbs with "upside". Fans liked Wegher but thought guys like Coker, Hampton, Johnson had more "potential". No to mention the coach was probably ready to reduce his role from missing time. This seems probable because after he went to camp and left shortly after, there were talks of transferring. OU was a bad school to pick though.
Edited by: snow
The Robinson's sister rumor sounds the most ridiculous of the lot. Since these are personal matters of the folks in question, I doubt that we'll have any clarification (if we do indeed need any) in the short term. Heck, from what I've heard/read, the scenario posted by morningsidechic21 on page 7 of this thread actually seems to be the most plausible.

I wish Brandon the best, and hope that he gets a chance to shine in Norman, but I'm not holding my breath.
Ok I agree that it's a rumor I ordinarily don't repeat these rumors, my source is a big backer of Bishop Heelan high school and on friendly terms with Brandons father. He's the one who told me the story, an I tend to believe him, if Brandon is not guilty of this I apologize.
yeah, thats how bad rumors get started, someone who knows a guy close to so an so. There might be some truth into it, but if there is, its exaggerated. Reading back on this, I don't think he got 2 girls pregnant, if he did it wasn't Robinson's sister, and if it were his sister, she wouldn't be 14 because he would be facing trouble with the law. He didn't talk to his dad for a long time, I know his dad was the one pushing for him to play and talking about transfering while nobody heard from Wegher. Having been around college football, sometimes kids just don't want to play, life gets to them with stress of making the jump, life in general. Not every athlete gets the privilege of getting everything handed to them. Sometimes they only lose passion to play for a little while, sometimes forever. Fans speculate, they hear something from a guy that knows the family and it gets out of control. Thats nobody's business but theirs and we can't just sit here and make accusations without proof.The only thing you are doing is making him look bad, you don't acknowledge that is just a rumor and then try to give it legs by giving "sources" thats just adding to it.
Edited by: snow
Probably one of the best things that can happen to Wegher. It seems caste whore Stoops doesn't tolerate white runningbacks.

Iowa transfer Wegher leaves Sooners Running back Brandon Wegher, who transferred from Iowa to OU in the offseason, is no longer with the team, coach Bob Stoops said following Wednesday's practice.
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"Yeah, he's not with us anymore,"Â￾ Stoops said. "That didn't last real long."Â￾

Wegher, who rushed for an Iowa freshman record eight touchdowns in 2009, left the Hawkeyes for "personal reasons"Â￾ and later announced he would transfer.

He enrolled at OU as a walk-on but was going to have to sit out the upcoming season due to transfer rules.Edited by: celticdb15
I hope Brandon ends up somewhere where he will be allowed to play, providing that he is still close to where he was in '09.
celticdb15 said:
He enrolled at OU as a walk-on but was going to have to sit out the upcoming season due to transfer rules.
And I'm sure that this could be waived, as he did not play a single snap (or practice with the Iowa team) last season.
Like I've said all along Weghers best bet if he wants to get on the field this year would be to try and contact coaches from some of the top FCS schools. Northern Iowa, Illionis State, North Dakota, and North Dakota State would all be good destinations for Brandon. I wish him luck and I hope he can find a program that he can call home.
Celtic, keep us updated if he transfers again. I hope he doesn't give up football all together. I'll be crying if we lose another white FBS RB unless both Nile Knapp and Marc Mauro are given FBS spots in his place.
Where are Brandon's advisors? It's like this guy is making life changing decisions on a whim. Trying to play RB at Oklahoma would be a good move- if it was 1970. In high school and at Iowa, he didn't experience much of the caste system, so he is probably painfully naive about how it works. Brandon needs much better advisors.
Wegher is just coming off as a guy who does not have his life together. First being in academic turbulence, next getting at least 1 (maybe 2) girls pregnant, and now mysteriously leaving a school after he just arrived a couple months ago. Boy oh boy this Wegher is quite the character!
this kid's career is done. hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. damn shame. he had as much potential as any frosh tailback in the country.
Just in case anybody is interested, here is Megan's bio from the University of Iowa. She's very accomplished as a high jumper (white women can't jump?!), and a cutie, too.

<TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%">

<DIV id=>
<TABLE border=4 cellSpacing=0 borderColorLight=gray borderColorDark=black cellPadding=0 width=430 =#000000>

<TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=430 =#000000>

<TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=440 =>


<TD width=50>

<TD vAlign=center> Megan Glisar</TD>



<TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=2 cellPadding=1 width=430 =#000000 valign="top">


<TD vAlign=top width=105 align=left>

<TD vAlign=top width=321>

<TABLE border=0 width=321 =#000000 valign="top">

<TD vAlign=top colSpan=2>


<TD vAlign=top>
<TABLE border=0 width=160 =#000000 align=top>
<TD vAlign=top>
<TD vAlign=top>Class:
<TD vAlign=top>
<TD vAlign=top>Hometown:
Sergeant Bluff, IA
<TD vAlign=top>
<TD vAlign=top>High School:
Sergeant Bluff-Luton
<TD vAlign=top>
<TABLE border=0 width=160 =#000000 align=top>
<TD vAlign=top>
<TD vAlign=top>Event:
High Jump/Sprints







High School -- National Scholastic Sports Foundation all-American, placing third in high jump at 2007 Nike outdoor meet... is the only student-athlete in Iowa high school track and field history to win four high jump titles at the state meet... 15-time state qualifier, 10-time district champion and nine-time conference champion... 2007 Iowa indoor all-class high jump champion setting meet record... four-time elite all-state... four-year medalist in high jump at Drake Relays... won titles at 2006 USA Junior Olympics and 2007 USA Youth Outdoor National Championships... placed second at 2007 USA Junior Olympics and fifth at 2007 USA Junior Nationals... set indoor school records in high jump (5-7), 200 meters (28.09) and 400 meters (1:03.66) and as part of 800-meter relay (1:56.63)... set outdoor school records in high jump (5-8) and 400 meters (58.01), and as part of sprint medley (1:50.9) and distance medley relays (4:20.7)... team captain and all-conference selection in volleyball and basketball, earning four letters in each sports... selected to all-region team and Iowa Senior All-Star game in basketball... four-year honor roll student who graduated in the top 10 in her class... coached by Mark Bliven and Brian Friesner.

Personal -- born March 30, 1991... daughter of Robert and Julie Glisar... open major. </TD></TR></T></TABLE>
Forty years ago these two a$$holes would have been forced to marry by social and family pressures and would have ended up having 5 kids and a twenty year marriage that would have contributed to the furtherence of the white race and produced physically gifted children. Now she will be a single mother, probably have no more kids and Brandon will make sure he doesn't ever knock a girl up as he ages into a lifelong bachelor.
His career is not done in fact it's just getting started having a baby today as an athlete means your a playa on and off of the field.Wegher will find another school enroll and tear it up. Plenty of brotha's have baby's momas and now so does Wegher. The difference is Weghers family can take care of his off spring unlike the trash that fills up the atletic rosters at most D1 institutions. So I consider this a minor set back for Wegher. He is too talented a player not to make to the next level.
I will not tolerate the bashing of white athletes on this site. They get enough of that from the damn media. What wegher did was morally wrong , but he broke no laws and is taking responsibility for the child that he helped make. That's more than I can say for many brotha's and their baby's momas. Throwing Wegher under the bus just buys into what this white hating media does all the time to all white athletes. If you truly support the white athlete then you should know white bashing has no place on this board.
Wegher will be fine. He just needs to transfer closer to home and do what he knows best, play football.
White Power said:
I will not tolerate the bashing of white athletes on this site. They get enough of that from the damn media. What wegher did was morally wrong , but he broke no laws and is taking responsibility for the child that he helped make. That's more than I can say for many brotha's and their baby's momas. Throwing Wegher under the bus just buys into what this white hating media does all the time to all white athletes. If you truly support the white athlete then you should know white bashing has no place on this board.

firstly, i don't care about what you will or won't tolerate. ultimatums should only be given by the owners of the site.

secondly, the posters aren't "bashing" Brandon. people are just disappointed that he's made such horrible choices. he could of easily prevented this by using protection or making sure she got on birth control. he didn't and now football will have to take a back seat to raising his child and dealing with his ex. also, there are rumors that he got another girl pregnant too. and it seems his first "baby mama" is going to go after him pretty hard in court. it's basically a nightmare and the only tragic thing about it is that it could have been avoided.

now he's left Iowa, a big time program that didn't discriminate against his race, he's been out of football for a year, the Oklahoma transfer fell apart, he's being sued for child support, AND there are rumors that he's gotten another girl pregnant. you can't chalk that up to the "white hating media." he has simply made horrible decisions. and that's what so many people here are disappointed with...his choices.

i hope Brandon comes out of this a better man. of course i hope he returns to the grid-iron but i'm worried that he's going to get overwhelmed by the effects of all his poor choices.

Edited by: johnnyboy
Brandon screwed up his life all by himself. It's not the media that forced him to have irresponsible sex. This guy had it made at Iowa. Was doing great. The coach was playing him. And Brandon screwed himself. Brandon could have been the next Toby Gerhart, an inspiration to all teenage European American running backs. A golden opportunity to help break stereotypes. All down the toilet.

European Americans should not be accepting illegitimacy. The acceptance of illegitmate children is a society destroyer. Look what it has done to parts of the black community. Get the child adopted to a loving family.
Johnny Boy are you stating that you wouldn't be interested in Wegher's ex of course you would he made a mistake not a class 1 felonly. Get off of your high horse, and quit bashing the talented young man.
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