Brandon Stokely

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Brandon Stokely has another big game today with 7 catches for 112 yards.He makes is look so easy.The only
problem I have is that Manning doesn't throw to Brandon
much in the Red Zones.Usually,Stokely will have to catch
a deep bomb to get a touch down.They need to reward him
a little bit more with some short catches in close.Dallas
Clark caught a td pass today.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Marvin Harrison is definitely starting to show some age. He had a TD called back because he stepped out of bounds before making the catch, a rookie-like mistake. For the first time he's not the dominant receiver when it comes to receptions and even looks. That is great for Stokley. He was the leading receiver for Indy today. Peyton did look for him in the red zone, but he still ended up with a big game without scoring. He's in the best possible situation, because even though he's technically the number three receiver, he's a starter because he's on the field almost every play, and Manning doesn't "discriminate" when it comes to throwing to open receivers.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Hey don,did you see Reggie Wayne push Manning on tv today.They exchanged a few 4 letter words and then
Wayne pushed Peyton.I don't know what it was all about
but it didn't look good.They should bench Wayne.I would
like to see Dallas Clark continue to become a bigger part
in the offense.Stokely is the man and has a shot at the
Pro Bowl if he continues to light it up like he has.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
The problem with getting selected to the Pro Bowl is that is a combination of media and players do the voting, along with the dumbed-down white fans. The black playersvote for their own people while whites at all levels vote objectively, which is why the Pro Bowl is always overly tilted toward blacks.

Who would have thunk it -- Stokley is keeping alive almost singlehandedly the reality that whites should be about 75 percent of pro receivers. His quarterback and also his head coach and the Indy organization also get kudos. But he should be just one of many. . .

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Good points.I find it ironic that Dungy is more willing to take a chance on a player like Stokely than say an
average white coach like Mariuchi,or many others.I give
Dungy credit and I believe that him being of mixed race
is probably why he's willing to do so more than a coach
like Dennis Green.Stokely will have to hold to torch for
now and lead by example.He's one of my favorite players!

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
It wouldn't be surprising if Wayne's little sideline temper tantrum was triggered by the fact that Stokley was having a big game and he wasn't. It was probably recorded since the sidelines are filled with cameramen and audiomen, but you can bet it won't be on "Inside the NFL"or any other show. Sort of like when Milton Bradley called a black reporter an "Uncle Tom" and then when the Dodgers demanded that all who had filmed the incident turn over their tapes, the reportersall meekly complied.


Oct 21, 2004
I recently made a trade for Stokely in one of my fantasy leagues, so I
have another reason to root for this guy. I think he's so talented that
they simply have to play him; the only question is whether he can stay
healthy. Like so too many other white players, he has undeniably
been injury- prone.

I agree with the point about black coaches like Dungy actually being
fairer to white players than white coaches are. Remember that Dungy was
coaching Tampa Bay when Mike Alstott was actually given the chance to
be a semi-franchise back for a few seasons. True, he still never really
got the 25-30 carries a game that his black counterparts usually do,
but I think the majority of white coaches would have turned Alstott
immediately into the stereotypical blocking fullback, with only a few
screen passes and no carries.

Don, your point about Milton Bradley and the press agreeing not to
report his remarks reminds me of an incident between Georgetown Coach
John Thompson and his counterpart at Maryland, Lefty Driesell. I
remember reading in the letters section of the old Washington Star,
probably sometime in the late 1970s, the statement of some irate white
fan, who had just attended a game between Georgetown and Maryland. He
claimed that he'd been sitting down near the court, and that Thompson
berated Driesell and the officials for much of the game with profane
and overtly racial remarks. This letter writer wanted to know why no
one in the media reported this, and suggested (quite reasonably, I
think) that this kind of obscene, racist behavior on the part of
Thompson was probably not out of the ordinary for him. I am still
astonished that the newspaper had the courage to print his letter.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
I hope that Brandon Stokely demands the ball this week!
One of the problems with most white athletes is that we
are civilized and polite.Let me explain.Black star athletes demand the ball at all times.They make their
presence known even when they are playing bad.Randy Moss,
T.O. and many others will flat out fight the qb if they
don't throw them the ball.While I agree this isn't the
way to do things in life,maybe some of these white receivers and running backs need to get a bad ass attitude!Like the old rock & roll song,"Bad to the Bone".
Brandon should always get around 100 yards receiving if
he gets the chances that Harrison & others get.Demand
the ball Brandon.Get a little Shockey in you and tell them that you are here to play!I don't want them to turn
into wannabes,just act like the star you are.I will say
the same for all the other receivers and the running backs like Hoover and Forsey.Even if it doesn't work,at
least you can hold your head high and say that you tryed.
Most of these guys get cut & never say a word!

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
It's funny that after Stokely started the season as good as anyone in the NFL,he has cooled off quite a bit.If you watch the last several Colts games,they are not looking in his direction as much.I hope this changes soon.He is too good a receiver to be ignored.Come on Peyton,get him the ball!

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Isn't it interesting that Peyton Manning and Reggie Wayne got in an argument (in which Wayne shoved Manning knowing it would be filmed) last week, and during the Monday Night game, Al Michaels was going on about how Marvin Harrison was unhappy because he wasn't getting the ball enough. Michaels quoted Harrison as saying "Someone doesn't want me to get the ball." It's obvious he was referring to Manning.

First Wayne, then Harrison. A winning team with an unstoppable offense, but both black receivers are unhappy because a white receiver was performing just as well as them.

I have Stokley on four of my six fantasy teams, and believe me I noticed when he was nowhere to be found until the second quarter against Minnesota. The Colts had Dallas Clark lining up early at wideout, but no Stokley. Given the ethnic cleansing of white receivers the past couple of years on top of the total extinction of white tailbacks, it's pretty obvious that the Peyton-Brandon connection was performing too well to be allowed to continue as is. I think Stokley will still have an impact, but Harrison and Wayne will be force-fed the ball if necessary to keep them happy, not to mention the promoters of the caste system itself.


Oct 19, 2004
I knew this was going to happen with Stokely. That's
why I thought Bennett was the one most likely to
have a thousand yard season at the beginning of the
season. With the way that the Titans have
performed, and Wayne and Harrison being the top
priorities for the Colts, it doesn't look like it's going to
happen for either unfortunately. I would like to see
Stokely get another two or three 100+ yard games at
the very least.

I haven't seen him play that much, but it is possible
that the opposing teams are actually respecting him
and putting good defenders on him. I was watching
the New England/ Miami game, and they put a
linebacker (maybe Junior Seau) on Wayne Chrebet.
It was no contest, of course. He literally ran a
straight line into the end zone. It could've been a
simple blunder, or maybe Miami's defensive
coordinator didn't even notice the smallish white
wide receiver out there! Who knows. But it may be
harder for Stokely to take advantage of such
stupidities now that he's gotten some recognition.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
The problem with defending Stokley has been that the cornerbacks are matched up with Harrison and Wayne, leaving a safety on Brandon. He's
more than good enough to be a starter for most teams, so being just the third receiver on Indy has been one reason he has been so effective. But instead of defenses having to try to find a way to adjust to Indy's three good wideouts, Indy appears to be doing it for them, by not playing Stokley as much, and then not going to him as much when he does play, undoubtedly because of the public bitching by Harrison and Wayne.
Oct 19, 2004
West Virginia
I've noticed Stokley's playing time decreasing, too. And then there's Bill Schroeder - I don't think hes played a down since having the big game on Monday night early in the season.

If you're a white player in the NFL at any position other than quarterback, kicker or offensive lineman the formula seems to be
Success = Less Playing Time
Nov 14, 2004
United States
I have been coming on this site now for about 4 months and i have loved what i have been reading. Im so glad that this site is now free. Well anyways i would just like to say that Brandon Stokley finally got a chance to show what he can do again today.He had5 receptions for 132 yards. I guess that Reggie Wayne finally told Payton Manning that it was ok to throw toStokley again and that he wouldnt cry about it anymore. Im just saying that after Wayne andManning got into a little shoving match Stokley hasent been getting the ball as much and now i guessManning knows thatStokley is a big part ofhis game and a big reason why Manning is doing so good this season. LETS GO STOKLEY!

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Welcome to the board, caste_System87! It was great to see Brandon tear it up today. His 69-yard TD catch and run today was a thing of beauty, though of course the announcers didn't give him any credit for turning a routine short pass into a long touchdown.
Oct 19, 2004
West Virginia
You're right about Stokley's play and the announcers. Hines Ward had a nice catch today, slipped a couple of tacklers and ended up with about a 25 yard gain. His run after the catch was profusely praised at the time and was later shown on highlight shows with more lavish commentary.

Stokley made a similar play, only much better. He too eluded two or three would be tacklers then when he got to the sideline turned on the afterburners and no one could catch him. Nothing much was said about it at all. It was easily the best touchdown catch I saw all day. Most of the attention went to Manning, which is fine, but give Stokley his due. It must have really burned all the caste system lovers that Stokley had a 69 yard TD and Dallas Clark an 80 yard TD today.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Brandon is now up to the 12th leading receiver in the NFL.I know that is not spectacular yet, but if you take
away the last 2 games before yesterday,he would be just be leading the nation.He has 665 yards and is only about
200 yards behind the number 1 receiver in the whole league.Don't count him out just yet.Also,he has passed both Harrison and Wayne with more receiving yards on the
season.I would love to see Stokely finish even in the top
five in the NFL in receiving yards.He just might do it, but it's up to Peyton to get him the ball and not forget about him as they do so often.Stokely is also averaging 16.7 yards per catch which is incredible and he has five touchdowns.Good luck to him next week.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
The Colts play the Lions at 10.30 AM on Turkey Day.Don't
miss it.Expect another huge game for both Manning and
Stokely.I hope they kill the Lions.Detroit treating
Staley and Schroeder like garbage.Go Indy Colts!
Nov 14, 2004
United States
Hey guys Stokley had a big game today. He had 3tds and i think 5 catches for like 57 yards. Stokley showed again today that he is as good or maybe even better then alot of starting #1s and #2s in the game today. i think Payton is helping out Stokley alot also. I was watching the game and it didnt seem like Tony Dungy(Coach)was happy when Stokley scored the first TD of the game. Oh well here comes Stokley again.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
I couldn't watch the game until halftime was just about over. The only replay I saw was of Harrison's TD. No mention of Stokley until well into the 3rd quarter. I never did see an of his TD catches. How about that. A blowout game and they did not show any highlights of Stokley. He also did not seem to be in the game much after the big lead.

It was noteworthey that one of the announcers 9I think he was black) told the following story: he had been at a Peyton Manning camp years ago and Stokley was there as a receiver. Manning really liked him, thought he was a great receiver and wanted him at Tennessee. Problem was no one recruited him. Stokley had to play at Southwest Louisianna or something and that only because his father was coach! The announcer wondered why Stokley didn't get recruited elsewhere. Hmmmm what was the reason? What is is about Stokley that makes him different then nearly all other receivers? What could have possibly discouraged all division I schools from taking a chance on him? I guess he'll never figure it out.

Lance Alworth

Nov 18, 2004
Portland OR
I like Stokley. Too bad he plays for the hated Colts and has an arrogant horses a$$ throwing him the ball and taking away all his recognition


Oct 21, 2004
Stokely's game was all the more impressive because, as noted in an
earlier post, he wasn't really on the field that much. The fact that
he's putting up great numbers while only getting about 1/3 the playing
time as Harrison and Wayne, really shows what a playmaker he is.Stokely
has great moves and breakaway speed; there is absolutely no logical
reason why he isn't some team's #1 WR. Instead, he is lucky to have one
team give him an opportunity to be a #3 slot receiver who sometimes
plays a lot. I watch a lof of the Colts' games, and Stokely and
Clark are usually rotated in and out of the game for each other. Clark
is a dynamtie young TE who has the skills to be the best in the game at
his position, but because Pollard is black, and about 1/2 as talented,
he must remain the starter and Clark's touches must be limited. It's
completely ridiculous.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
I want to see him get to 1000 yards on the season.I will be very angry if Manning can't get the ball to him enough to get 300 yards over the next 5 games.That would
only be averaging 60 yards a game.Give the ball to Stokely and watch him run like the wind!It would be really cool if he could make the Pro Bowl but I doubt it.


Oct 19, 2004
I agree, Bigunreal. Indeed, it's not Peyton who is
taking away all his recognition. He doesn't have the
preferred skin color, so the media/ league/ Colts/
college football have taken away the recognition that
he should rightfully have as an excellent athlete.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Well,Stokely had another big game as usual today.He had
8 catches for 153 yards and a touchdown.He now has almost
900 yards on the season and continues to prove that he is
as good as any receiver in the NFL!Barring a injury,he should easily get around 1200 yards on the season when all is said and done.