Boston Marathon Bombing

Terrorist attack at the Boston Marathon

There have been various reports about the amount of dead and injured and whether a suspect has been captured. But from what I have read the bomb went off 2 hours after the world class runners had finished the race and only weekend warrior types were left on the course. Here is a wire report.......
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The bomb was triggered at peak time, basically marathons have a bell curve. The fastest finish first then a huge chunk finishes all at once and finally the slowpokes finish. The bomb figuratively went off in the 100 IQ range.
Been catching alot of the reports of the bombing and people missing their limbs or limbs flying through the air. Initially I thought that was the MSM just hyperolizing the terrible event. How wrong I was based on that above photo.

No doubt terrorist of the middle east type or moussad operatives? Who knows what to believe considering this adminstration and their corrupt allies the MSM.
I wonder which one of our few remaining civil liberties and freedoms we're going to lose after this. The blueprint has been set, and the PTB know that the zombified American sheeple will take anything without resistance or protest. Some dumbass tried to rig a bomb in his shoe 10 years ago, and since then, we all have to take off our shoes before we can fly. Another tried to blow up his balls (and a plane), and now everyone gets strip searched by TSA. I guess now, backpacks will not be allowed in public? Armored vehicles will be patrolling the streets during public events? More cameras in every corner (if every corner is not covered already)?

The MSM and SPLC will be mightily disappointed if they can't pin this one on a racist, homophobic, xenophobic, misogynist, anti-government, pro-gun, right-wing, angry, heterosexual white male.

I think I heard there's a person of interest who's a WHITE Saudi Arabian, not sure if he's related in any way to WHITE Hispanic George Zimmerman.
This link seems to have about the most detailed account I've seen of the events:

Warning, there are some disturbing pictures on that page. Absolute panic and terror in the eyes of the people who got caught in the middle of it. And much respect to the aid workers and what appear to be ordinary citizens helping the injured and tending to what appear to be some gruesome injuries.
False Flag or What?

False Flag! Obama's ratings headed downward, angry Americans with drooping economy. Not enough anti-Iran events lately. Presto! Another suspicious, stinky event in a highly liberal state. First the very convenient shootings in Connecticut, now this highly sanitized "bombing" in Boston. Didn't touch the baseball game in Fenway, nor the NHL hockey game. These would have cost Zionist owners too much revenue. Better to zap the Boston Marathon. With its massive security apparatus, who could have arranged for explosions other than the organizers themselves? EVERYTHING is false-flag now. From Oklahoma City to this very day.
False Flag! Obama's ratings headed downward, angry Americans with drooping economy. Not enough anti-Iran events lately. Presto! Another suspicious, stinky event in a highly liberal state. First the very convenient shootings in Connecticut, now this highly sanitized "bombing" in Boston. Didn't touch the baseball game in Fenway, nor the NHL hockey game. These would have cost Zionist owners too much revenue. Better to zap the Boston Marathon. With its massive security apparatus, who could have arranged for explosions other than the organizers themselves? EVERYTHING is false-flag now. From Oklahoma City to this very day.
It's always tricky to say this early on, but it would certainly fit the narrative and the agenda that "our benevolent" leaders are crafting. I think this article hits the nail on the head.

The last paragraph touches on what foobar75 astutely notes:

As I have said many times before, during any crisis, always look at who benefited the most from the event. Look at who had something to gain, rather than the first scapegoats they throw in front of you. Some terror attacks are real, and some are proven as staged, but never forget that government power structures do not see these tragedies as tragedies; rather, they see them as gifts; precious openings that create vulnerabilities in the psyche of the citizenry. They WILL exploit these vulnerabilities to further their own agenda, and they WILL exploit the Boston Marathon Bombing to demoralize and marginalize their political enemies. Count on it.

I have a very uneasy feeling about what will come next.
I think maybe that was photoshopped. At the least, shouldn't that poor man be on a stretcher, and shouldn't what's left of his leg be wrapped to help stop the bleeding and prevent the foul air in the area from causing infection, etc.?

Fox just ran a story about the man showing his face.
I think it's odd that no one has been blamed yet for this incident. It's very doubtful anyone would go through all this and not try to take "credit" for it. My guess is that either too many groups have claimed credit--making it difficult for the fedgov to place the blame exactly, or more likely the ones taking credit for it are too embarrassing to the administration so the presstitute media and the other arms of the corporate/govt complex are trying to hide it for as long as possible so as to perhaps misdirect the blame towards more attractive targets.

It being a tax day incident, and only 4 days from April 19, lead me to believe it will be somehow blamed on US anti-gov elements. If for example the govt knew it was done by someone claiming it was retaliation for drone strikes or Korea that would have to be covered up. Can't have the sheeple finding out what "blowback" really is like can we?
False Flag! Obama's ratings headed downward, angry Americans with drooping economy. Not enough anti-Iran events lately. Presto! Another suspicious, stinky event in a highly liberal state. First the very convenient shootings in Connecticut, now this highly sanitized "bombing" in Boston. Didn't touch the baseball game in Fenway, nor the NHL hockey game. These would have cost Zionist owners too much revenue. Better to zap the Boston Marathon. With its massive security apparatus, who could have arranged for explosions other than the organizers themselves? EVERYTHING is false-flag now. From Oklahoma City to this very day.

It reeks to high heaven of a staged event. Eyewitnesses attest to a b0mb squad 'drill' under way during the race.
I'm happy to see that in the wake of a tragedy, Salon seems to be more concerned with an intolerant religion like Islam, than they are about the well being of the people who were harmed.
Wouldn't it be great if the terrorist was a gay, black, gun hating liberal driving a Prius.
Based on the photos, two appear to be middle eastern and one a White male. Interesting to see how all this plays out. If the bombers were smart, they would have made a bee line to the airport and jumped on a booked flight made months ago.

Nevertheless, based on the photos captured at the crime scene and survillance systems at the airports, it should be a matter of days where the suspects escaped to.
He's not white, he's Jewish, therefore self-loathing doesn't come into it. He's been all over the media since Newtown trying to launch a memetic war against you, your children, and your race.
It looks like the suspects tried a robbery in Cambridge Mass and got into a typical shoot out from a Hollyweird movie. One was killed and one is on the run. It also looks like both suspects are Russian nationals (ethnic Chechyns).
American Freedom News