Boston Africans vs Euro Lakers

Colonel_Reb said:
It never ceases to amaze me how many "team fans" there are who will follow the teamsand everymove of their Caste oriented PR machines in lock step, no matter how anti-white they are.

The natural pride of white people in their great racial heritage has been diverted into meaningless obsessions with corporate sports teams and the wealthy mercenaries who usually could give a damn what city they play for and who often despise white people. Just watch the end of an NFL game with the players on both teams milling about laughing and joking. The fans of the losing team take it a lot harder than do the players themselves.

Patriotism has similarly been diverted in an unhealthy way from love of country to love of government, but that's the subject of another thread.
Agreed Don. Sad stuff but very true.
Some things never change. Last night while driving I briefly tuned into the NBA broadcast . An announcer mentioned that Radmamovic just entered the game and was promptly nailed with a foul. He said, "Seems like he's been in foul trouble the whole series."

Good observation.Radmanovic played roughly 127 minutes, butwas called for22 fouls.
Ray Allen may have been on the floor more than anyone, butwas cited foronly 16 fouls in about 245 minutes! Walton played only 65 minutes, but racked up - 13.

Sure,some players are brought in to foul at times,but the whites get nailed far more frequently.Just think how many fouls would have been called on them if they played thug ball? They'd be gone in the first quarter.
Does Ray Allen play defense at all? It seems like Euros are either labeled Mr Softee or matadors. Ray Allen could be labeled either.
You know how much I hate to bust conspiratorial bubbles, but of the top 7 guys who were whistled for fouls per 48 minutes, 5 were black.. including the top 3.

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Whites are no more likely to get the whistle than anyone else. Being that you have the predisposition to believe that they are, you automatically assume it to be true without sourcing this falsehood.

Also, the OBVIOUS reason Ray Allen had very few fouls was because he was defending a low-scoring jump shooter. Vujacic took 8 shots per game, 4 of which were from 3 point land where significant contact israrely made. Radmanovic was in the low post with the bangers (i.e. Powe, Perkins, and Turiaf), and hehad less fouls per minutethan they did. To compare Ray and Radmanovic's foul totals is like comparing apples to mufflers.
Maximus, thanks for the information. Now, let's take a closer look. Boston can't avoid havingblackplayers take fouls since it has a dearth of whites on the team. Kendrick has the rep of being a tough, physical, hardnosed, enforcer type of player. Turiaf, is also very aggressive, as is Powe who is described as a tenacious powerful presence under the basket. They come into the game to wreak havoc. In fact ,Boston is a rough and tumble, in your face team, who goes after it with all cylinders firing- except for Ray Allen.

Radmanovich, Gasol, Walton and Sasha are constantly referred to as being TOO SOFT, non aggressive, not willing to get physical.You would expect they would rarely be called for fouls, as they are too meek and would rather watch the action unlike the tough guys on Boston.Actually, I would expect Boston to have twice as many fouls, because of their style of play.

All of the calls against Sasha were not against Allen were they? Even if they were, what does it prove? Allenand Sasha are both considered soft, and Ray isn't in the same mold as Iverson,but it was Sasha with the lions share of fouls.

Let's consider Gasol and Garrnett. They both played roughly the same number of minutes. Garnett,we are often toldis a relentless defender and monster on the floor , but was called for only 16 fouls. Gasol, who supposedly avoids contact like the plague, and stays away from theactiongets nailed for 20.
That bafoon Whitlock has written a racially motivated article on Fox sports. I find the double standards in the article unbelievable, it's disugsting!
Do you have a link? Usually Whitlock is pretty decent and his articles have been routinely posted on this site many a time and agreed with mostly.
white is right said:
Does Ray Allen play defense at all? It seems like Euros are either labeled Mr Softee or matadors. Ray Allen could be labeled either.

He was on the list of players assigned to guard Kobe Bryant. To even be considered for this task, one would have to have some type of defensive reputation.
Not necessarily, what kind of rep did Radmanovich have when he was put on Paul Pierce? Allen has no defensive rep that I am aware of.
Maximus, I will agree that Boston was the better team.
But to call Gasol soft is an outright lie which you have the tendency of doing and I am getting sick of you. I saw an amazing block that Gasol made on Garnett in game one, but what happened? a foul was called on the play and Garnett went to the line.

If Gasol is so soft than why would they put him on Garnett who is "arguably" the best PF in the game. Gasol showed he was at least an "adequete" defender and shot a "very high" FG% on the offensive end and passed the ball brilliantly and rebounded at an elite level and made blocks. Kobe struggled in this series because of the brilliant defense of Pierce and didn't shoot too great from the floor, especially for the star of the team. Kobe is a great player, but he is no Michael Jordan.

Contrary to what others on this board might think Sasha Vujacic was horrible. Sasha had "one" good game and stunk up the court in the 5 others. The Lakers need a better player at SF to split time with Radmanovic or Walton neither who should be more than a 25 minute a game player on a team with a good bench. Gasol and Odom are quality players, Jordan Farmer is blossoming into a a good PG. Vujacic or however you spell his name stunk up the court.

Walton or Radmanovic are solid role players and nothing more. The Lakers need to find a quality defending SF to guard a Paul Pierce type that can split time with Radmanovic. I actually think Walton might be better than Radmanovic and is a solid defender. If Walton can improve his shot a little more, he should start over Radmanovic. The Lakers need to tinker with their roster a bit and they will be back! And Vujacic plain "stunk" in this series! Fisher who is normally clutch didn't impress either.
For anyone to say that Paul Pierce is a better player then Larry Bird shows what a complete idiot they are. Larry Bird is the best 3-man of all time. Period. He is so much better then Paul Pierce it is rediculous.
Don Wassall said:
Colonel_Reb said:
It never ceases to amaze me how many "team fans" there are who will follow the teams and every move of their Caste oriented PR machines in lock step, no matter how anti-white they are.

The natural pride of white people in their great racial heritage has been diverted into meaningless obsessions with corporate sports teams and the wealthy mercenaries who usually could give a damn what city they play for and who often despise white people.  Just watch the end of an NFL game with the players on both teams milling about laughing and joking.  The fans of the losing team take it a lot harder than do the players themselves. 

Patriotism has similarly been diverted in an unhealthy way from love of country to love of government, but that's the subject of another thread.

Don has made some great posts here but this is one of his all-time great all-encompassing observations put into words. i guess nothing ticks me off quite as much or astounds me more than to see what Don observes about nfl players of the losing squad milling around laughing and high-fiving a team i hate who just beat them. even more importantly, his words of wisdom about loyalty to our govt (corrupt to the core) over love of our country and our history, values and beliefs that made our nation and culture great. That culture for the most part is now a vile embarrassment of what it once was.
talk about our founding fathers rolling over in their graves...
Edited by: BeyondFedUp
BeyondFedUp said:
i guess nothing ticks me off quite as much or astounds me more than to see what Don observes about nfl players of the losing squad milling around laughing and high-fiving a team i hate who just beat them.

Personally, I don't have a problem with that. Pro sportsdom is like a giant fraternity.. that they're all members of, and we're not. They don't seem to take the highs and lows as seriously as a lot of hardcore fans do.They play their hearts out, they lose fair and square, then they congratulate the better team. What's done is done. They'll just have to get them next time.

Just because their fans hate the opposing team, that doesn't mean they have to. They generally like each other because of therespect they've each engendered formaking it to the upper echelon of their sport.
Sorry, but if they've "played their hearts out," they shouldn't be laughing and joking 30 seconds later. I don't recover that quickly from losing a hand of "Go Fish." I don't see hockey players (on either side) laughing and joking when they go through their traditional and classy line to shake hands after a playoff series is concluded. You can tell they've played their hearts out. You only have to watch the typical NFL game to see that many football players don't. The set-aside NFL is an occupation where blacks canget by without a "high motor" and being as selfish as can be.
Don Wassall said:
Sorry, but if they've "played their hearts out," they shouldn't be laughing and joking 30 seconds later. I don't recover that quickly from losing a hand of "Go Fish." I don't see hockey players (on either side) laughing and joking when they go through their traditional and classy line to shake hands after a playoff series is concluded. You can tell they've played their hearts out. You only have to watch the typical NFL game to see that many football players don't. The set-aside NFL is an occupation where blacks can get by without a "high motor" and being as selfish as can be.

Not to mention that many NFL players have admitted taking plays off, taking themselves out of the game for various reasons - you know for important things like spite, to make a point, or to give a teammate a chance to earn his 'bonus.'

They make too much money up front, and too much of it is guaranteed for most of these mercenaries to give a rats ass about the game. Instead of getting players who want to actually PLAY THE GAME, they get a bunch of athletes who JUST WANT TO GET PAID. Big difference, it shows in salary and it shows on the field. Edited by: White Shogun
Michiganblackman, you have a solid point. I would give Ray Allen at least a solid defender label. But it was Pierce who was the main force behind shutting Kobe down, Allen only guarded Kobe sparingly. Gasol and Odom played pretty well in this series, but they should have demanded the ball more. Those two have a lot of finesse, but don't always get aggressive enough. Odom is the more impressive athlete compared to Gasol, but Gasol has more length and better footwork and hands.
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