Boston Africans vs Euro Lakers

If the Lakers can continue with being more aggressive and taking it to the hole, sure they have chance to win Tuesday. Play one game at a time.

Will it be difficult sure, but not impossible. Members have a little more faith. If every white kid in high school would listen to you, they would say screw football and basketball where is my skateboard! Sadly they hear comments like those above.
I think the average Lakers fan would rather have a pristine team of 12 black players and lose in the first round, than dirty themselves with 6 white players and lose in the finals.

No other way to understand how Kwame Brown avoided constant heavy criticism while Gasol takes it every game. 19 points, 13 rebounds, 6 assists, 2 blocks, 0 turnovers in this game, but Gasol still sucks and they can't wait to get rid of him.
Well looks like this "renewed" rivalry has lived up to it this far. It will be interesting to see how this series ranks in history to those played by Magic and Bird.
Funny, you guys are talking about this like it's real or something.

Interesting to note that Garnett was a shaky 35-87 from the floor, while Gasol was a very solid 29-56.Kevin has outscored Pau by field and line by only 6 points, despite attempting 31 more field goals. Garrnett has 12 more boards 65-53,but Pau has more assists 18-14, and fewer turnovers 8-16.Fairly close consideringeveryone knows that Pau sucks and Garnett is Superman, don't you think?
the lakers are just too tired to compete. you can tell they just out of gas plain and simple. winning the west this year was exteremely difficult and no east team would have had an easy time there. they have been just out of gas since taking outing S.A. and it's taken it's toll. on another note, the players on boston really look like and have mannerisms of street-corner thugs. it's really appalling to even watch them. the league most know the average white viewer looks at their players with a view of contempt even if it's not politically correct to say so.
the lakers are a great young team. they'll be back next year, no doubt.Edited by: BeyondFedUp
Hey WhiteisAlwayR8 enjoy your moment. The Celtics were the better team this year. The Lakers made it 6 games nothing to be ashamed of. The Lakers are a young team there is always next year.

As for you, reality will beckon this afternoon. You will still wake up at 1200 pm. Look forward to the first Monday of the Month(collect that welfare check)you can thank me a another time, claim SSI, claim that you are discriminated against, unemployeed, need a dumb white chick to carry your sorry ass from day to day. Wow, the Celtics winning was a bone thrown your sorry way.

You got approx 8 hrs to enjoy the Celtics win, cause come 1200 pm, your sh.tsanwhich of a life begins again!
WAR8 your wrong, there is something I can do about it. Its called voting. I pray that Obama does not become President. I pray that all these dumb whites will WTF up.

Me supporting losers like you through taxes does not hurt, it just makes me made as hell. Why do responsible people have to get up in the early morning to go to work and fiance sorry asses such as your self?

The satisfaction I do get is when your fatherless offspring ask your baby's momma, where is daddy and what did he accomplish and where is that loser on my birthdays? The answere will be a sorry stare by "Keisha".
WAR8 your attitude and lack of accomplishment further confirms my righteous beliefs of your tribe and the dsyfunctional part your people play in American Society. Your hands are constantly opened for handouts and lack any sense of responsibility.

Your tribes offspring are done a terrible disservice by the lack of parenting. From speaking proper english, dress, music(current Rap nonsense)and achieving in academics. The state of your tribe is pathetic. Around 70% of newborns are born out of wedlock. 60% of the prison population is in black. Damn when your tribe has fools like you, it is not surprising.

Sorry to cut in on enjoyment, you now have approx 6 1/4 hrs to enjoy the Celtics victory.
WhiteisAlwaysR8 said:
guest301 said:
With Kobe's larger than life persona on the Lakers, I wouldn't call them a Euro team. They are heavily Euro influenced though.

euro Wimps!

CELTICS, Baby!</font></font>



It's amazing how people like you always burrow their way out of the woodwork to proclaim their unshakable faith in victory and never-doubted sense of superiority, AFTER the fact.

Want to impress somebody? Run your mouth BEFORE the game/fight/series.

Better yet, find people who are more worthy of hero worship than the 2008 Boston Celtics to live vicariously through.

You should understand that your appalling lack of grace in gloating over "your" (snicker) victory over the "white race" doesn't hurt white people in the least.

What hurts is that you probably feel the need to root for someone for no other reason than they're black, while most enlightened white guys will root for other whites because they want to see an unjustly "too-black" sport become more fair, and too many people like you combined make for an extremely stupid country.

So, enjoy your (ahem, they're victory) and try not to be such a poor sport. It makes you look classless and unintelligent.
I didn't watch over two minutes of the finals. The teams bored me - yes even the whiter Lakers. The whites on the Lakers were mostly role players I'm afraid and there is no way I would root for the rapist Kobe Bryant to win anything anyway. The game in general has become a backyard "take it to da hoop" bore that is usually decided by the whistle anyway. Despite the overdramatic celebration after the game, I don't even think the players get all that excited over the game anymore - not like years ago anyway. The game seems so fakey these days - like some kind of charade.
GiovaniMarcon said:
And the hue and cry that L.A. lost because "there's too many white boys on the team" will start in 5... 4... 3... 2 --

The Lakers lost because they're not that good. Kobe effortlessly carried them all season, and got the rest of the guys thinking they were actually doing something.Once Kobe got shut down by Paul Pierce, they were exposed as being a one-man team, and not having aback-up plan. When Jordan had a 7 for 22 night, you'd know Scottie would pick up the slack and drop 30. The Lakers don't have that luxury.

As far as this whole white thing that'scontinually obsessed about,no one cares what colorGasol,Radmanovic,and Vujacicare. They care that they're each extreme defensiveliabilities, and shouldn't be on the court at the same time.Personally, I can't not agree with that. Ray Allen embarrassedSasha Vujacic. He gutted him like a fish.Radmanovic didn't have a singleblock all series. At 6'10", if you're playing hard-nosed defense, you're gonna have at least one block even if by accident. Pau Gasol is probably the softest 7 footer in the league.

Lakerfanswanttheir players to be athleticenough to cover their man, and put some wood on theshooters.. be they white or black.
I can't believe some of you labeled the Lakers a 'Euro' team in the first place. The fact that nevada had to include Kobe Bryant on that list of 3-4 players should tell you something.

Why are you guys lamenting the fact that Lakers lost? Did you want Kobe the Rapist to get another ring, so you can sit through more of 'this generation's Michael Jordan' bullsh*t?

F*** the NBA and all their black thugs, regardless of who the play for. How many of you guys complaining about the few white players on the Celtics or Laker's teams bothered to watch the hockey playoffs?
The Celtics played better, no doubt about that.

Contrary to White Shogun, Bryant went into his VERY EUROPEAN jump shooting shell once he started to have trouble getting into the paint. He always does this, and he's cost the Lakers several series over the years. He grew up in europe, he speaks italian, D'Antoni was one of his mentors. He even caused the Lakers to lose a series to D'Antoni's Suns when the Lakers were up 3-1. He went into his shell and by game 7 he wasn't even trying to score anymore.
From Wikipedia:

"Kobe Bryant, star player for the Los Angeles Lakers, grew up in Italy during the height of D'Antoni's European career and cites D'Antoni as the player he loved most growing up as a child. During his early career with the Lakers, Bryant chose to wear the numeral 8, D'Antoni's old jersey number with the Olimpia Milano."
Maximus said:
Pau Gasol is probably the softest 7 footer in the league.

No. There are plenty of players of all races that are softer. The Lakers just traded one to get Gasol.

Also, it's true Radmanovic is no match for Pierce, but when the refs also won't allow you to play defense, I'm not sure what you're supposed to do.
Maximus said:
The Lakers lost because they're not that good.  Kobe effortlessly carried them all season, and got the rest of the guys thinking they were actually doing something.  Once Kobe got shut down by Paul Pierce, they were exposed as being a one-man team, and not having a back-up plan. 

Therein lies the problem with blacketball. Kobe plays for himself like most chest-pounding gorillas in uniform. If the rules of the game were inforced as they were orginally intended the type of basketball we now call the NBA wouldn't be able to beat small international countries. Wait a minute, we already know they can't beat small international white teams. It's called passing the ball and blacks apparently are incapable of doing it. So what happens when a black star gets shut-down by playoff defense? They lose - plain and simple.
I'm sure the white players on the Lakers would love to "step it up" but that requires the basketball in hand and encouragement from the coach and the star player to take their shot. Can anyone imagine Kobe saying anything but "gimme da damn ball!" No way.
Well, I was pulling for Boston because I can't stand Kobe Bryant.

Personally, I'm not as worried about whether a player is black or white as some on this board are. I do care about the quality of the game and IMHO the black game has degenerated into a very boring display of individual moves with the players constantly trying to one-up each other. Daryl Dawkins described the differences between the black and white game very well. In this series I thought Boston played more of a white style than LA. They passed the ball well and got the open man set for good looks and they flat out played defense. LA depended too much on Kobe being a one man show. In the one game where he decided to pass the ball LA played better. Just my 2 Cents.
nevada, are you saying that you labeled the Lakers a 'European' team because they play 'European' style basketball? c'mon, man. When you label a team 'European' it implies they're majority white, not how they play the game.

Did the Lakers lose this series because of the white players on their team?
Realistic said:
I'm not as worried about whether a player is black or white as some on this board are.

What brings you to the board then?
Maximus said:

GiovaniMarcon said:
And the hue and cry that L.A. lost because "there's too many white boys on the team" will start in 5... 4... 3... 2 --

The Lakers lost because they're not that good. Kobe effortlessly carried them all season, and got the rest of the guys thinking they were actually doing something. Once Kobe got shut down by Paul Pierce, they were exposed as being a one-man team, and not having a back-up plan. When Jordan had a 7 for 22 night, you'd know Scottie would pick up the slack and drop 30. The Lakers don't have that luxury.

As far as this whole white thing that's continually obsessed about, no one cares what color Gasol, Radmanovic, and Vujacic are. They care that they're each extreme defensive liabilities, and shouldn't be on the court at the same time. Personally, I can't not agree with that. Ray Allen embarrassed Sasha Vujacic. He gutted him like a fish. Radmanovic didn't have a single block all series. At 6'10", if you're playing hard-nosed defense, you're gonna have at least one block even if by accident. Pau Gasol is probably the softest 7 footer in the league.

Laker fans want their players to be athletic enough to cover their man, and put some wood on the shooters.. be they white or black.</div>
Hey a non troll like comment. Congratulations sir. We need your input in the track board I recently started a topic, all black sprinters are clean on the track board. Feel free to chime in....
It never ceases to amaze me how many "team fans" there are who will follow the teamsand everymove of their Caste oriented PR machines in lock step, no matter how anti-white they are.
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