Blast off to Mars this morning! And how many Americans even know about it!?


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
Blast off to Mars this morning! And how many Americans even know about it!?


CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. — NASA has launched its next Mars rover, kicking off a long-awaited mission to investigate whether the Red Planet could ever have hosted microbial life.
The car-size Curiosity rover blasted off atop its Atlas 5 rocket at 10:02 a.m. ET Saturday, streaking into a cloudy sky above Cape Canaveral Air Force Station here. The huge robot's next stop is Mars, though the 354-million-mile (570-million-kilometer) journey will take eight and a half months.
Joy Crisp a deputy project scientist for the rover at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., called the liftoff "spectacular."...
The average dumbed-down goy pays more attention to 50 Cent and Kim Kardashian than something really important like this mission. Western countries are in serious decline.In another generation or so, there will be no more space exploration.
Thank goodness for that! iMHO space exploration is a white elephant.
Space exploration is a very tiny blip in the budget compared to the trillions that are wasted by Washington annually. The great scaling down of NASA is yet another symbol of the loss of this country's dynamism and vigor.

The government should let private enterprise take over the space program since it's more interested in completing the transition to being a banana republic zionist police state, but that'll never happen in the current system.
Endless crap on their radio "news" (I don't watch tv) about subhumans trying to kill each other on their black friday mercantile feeding frenzy, but I didn't hear a single word about this! These AMAZING explorations get hardly any publicity, buried under their bs about Hollywood starlets, and their endless wars and lies and phony elections - but this is the best this sorry world has to offer!

This NASA animation on hi-def Youtube shows what it's all about:

There are many more hi-def videos on the space program, and here is a particularly awesome one -

"Earth Time Lapse View From Space in HD"
It's like Kersey at SBPDL says, paying for black people doesn't leave enough money for a space program. Welfare, AA, addressing the achievement gap, etc. Doesn't leave money for anything else really.

NASA is a white thing anyway. People know this so any positive press it would get would essentially be praising White achievement, which is a no-no and violates the agenda. NASA is only news when a non-white male does something notable.
The average sheeple thinks "Mars" is (just) the candy company these days. They're busy listening to Lady Kahkah on their iPods shopping the aisles of Walmarx "black" (& blue) Friday sales...seeking a deal on a new flat screen TalmudVision.

Here is yesterday's Saturn V launch in beautiful hi def Youtube - and yeah not a word about it on the zognews - but Snoop Doggy Dog or something sings a new rap song about kill de white man and they'd be giving him awards in Hollywood and lauding him on tv - but space exploration, not a word!

You're being a little too sensitive. The story of the launch has been on Yahoo's main page and was page one of my local Sunday rag. It's just basically another unmanned robot probe to Mars for some more tiny benefit to science at a tremendous cost. I don't see how there would be much excitement for it. I appreciate that this is a mission that will primarily reward White professionals in the space industry but I can't see why the average Joe would care much one way or another.

WHOO HOO!! There was once microbiotic life on Mars!!!!!
the possiblity of extra terrestrial life is seen by the jews as an oportunity to make all humanity united


that's why they do so many movies about ET
because it show the white poeple how humans are the same after all, we must unite to kick those ET out of earth
the problem is....these ET don't exist

the only way to make white people believe "humanity" exists is to find a common adversary
ET are perfect for the role
they make us forget about our differences
You're being a little too sensitive. The story of the launch has been on Yahoo's main page and was page one of my local Sunday rag. It's just basically another unmanned robot probe to Mars for some more tiny benefit to science at a tremendous cost. I don't see how there would be much excitement for it. I appreciate that this is a mission that will primarily reward White professionals in the space industry but I can't see why the average Joe would care much one way or another.

WHOO HOO!! There was once microbiotic life on Mars!!!!!

As you wrote in another recent post, who cares what the DWFs think? It's in the White Man's nature to explore and discover.

Our "leaders" want us to forget about the infinite universe that we exist in and adapt to the hell on earth they are forcing down the White man's throat. When we lose our interest in exploring we are finished as a race.
BRA cannot afford to find a habitable planet or a way to terrform one and make it habitable. If this were to happen a high number of unusually talented and productive Caucasians would volunteer to go and plant a colony. This would badly damage the tax payer class here on earth and eventually the colony would declare independence any way. The NAMs cannot exist with out a fir number of whites to support them and space exploration threatens this support base. Therefore it its not only a low priority but one that threatens the current system.
BRA cannot afford to find a habitable planet or a way to terrform one and make it habitable. If this were to happen a high number of unusually talented and productive Caucasians would volunteer to go and plant a colony. This would badly damage the tax payer class here on earth and eventually the colony would declare independence any way. The NAMs cannot exist with out a fir number of whites to support them and space exploration threatens this support base. Therefore it its not only a low priority but one that threatens the current system.

What is BRA? Black Run America? That's one of the most ridiculous concepts I've ever read, laughable on its face. Blacks run America??? What could be further from the truth?

I don't even want to know what "NAMs" are.
What is BRA? Black Run America? That's one of the most ridiculous concepts I've ever read, laughable on its face. Blacks run America??? What could be further from the truth?

I don't even want to know what "NAMs" are.

How do you not know what Black run America is? It's Paul Kersey's primary theory. I'm sure it's been mentioned in one of his articles on the homepage. "BRA" has also caught on around the net as I've seen it mentioned in several other places. Here's his discussion of it.

NAM's are non-asian minorities, the acronym is used frequently around the white blogosphere.
How do you not know what Black run America is? It's Paul Kersey's primary theory. I'm sure it's been mentioned in one of his articles on the homepage. "BRA" has also caught on around the net as I've seen it mentioned in several other places. Here's his discussion of it.

NAM's are non-asian minorities, the acronym is used frequently around the white blogosphere.

Uh, isn't it obvious from what I wrote that I am familiar with the ludicrous notion that BRA?

Caught on? Wow, what's next to catch on, the belief that the Republican Party is the answer if only somehow "true conservatives" would take it over?

Seriously, blacks run America? Not Jews, not White elites, but blacks?? Blacks are clearly pandered to, but believing that they actually run things? Ha, ha, ha ha ha

I remember when I was the Executive Director of the Populist Party back in 1988, receiving in the mail a missive that "proved" that the Irish ran the U.S. (when Reagan was prez). Comical as it was, I would give that credence over the notion that "blacks run America." My God, can anyone take "BRA" seriously?
Black run America" my foot. Blacks don't even have enough brains to have ever invented the wheel or a system of writing or the sail or a bridge...

Ever see Barry Soetoro alias Obama when his teleprompter conked out and he suddenly stopped getting instructed on what to say by the Hebrew gentleman on the other end? He started humma humming like a common street n'r. Right here:

And notwithstanding the fact that this is a sports forum, space exploration is of infinitely greater import than which multiracial contestant on tv can bounce or throw a ball better or punch someone harder in the head or has a thick enough skull and small enough brain to withstand punches better.

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"I remember when I was the Executive Director of the Populist Party back in 1988..."

Ah so! I thought your name was familiar, but I could never place it!
As you wrote in another recent post, who cares what the DWFs think? It's in the White Man's nature to explore and discover.

Our "leaders" want us to forget about the infinite universe that we exist in and adapt to the hell on earth they are forcing down the White man's throat. When we lose our interest in exploring we are finished as a race.

Uh, isn't it obvious from what I wrote that I am familiar with the ludicrous notion that BRA?

Caught on? Wow, what's next to catch on, the belief that the Republican Party is the answer if only somehow "true conservatives" would take it over?

Seriously, blacks run America? Not Jews, not White elites, but blacks?? Blacks are clearly pandered to, but believing that they actually run things? Ha, ha, ha ha ha

I remember when I was the Executive Director of the Populist Party back in 1988, receiving in the mail a missive that "proved" that the Irish ran the U.S. (when Reagan was prez). Comical as it was, I would give that credence over the notion that "blacks run America." My God, can anyone take "BRA" seriously?

I guess you didn't read the link or understand the concept. It's clear that the idea is NOT that blacks actually run america but rather that the constant pandering to their interests (which is done by white people and jews) is what makes it seem like they do. I don't think there is anything in the concept of the idea that you would disagree with.

As far as my mention that it has "caught on" what I meant by that is that other people are using the term BRA as it is understood by the original user. (SBPDL).
You're being a little too sensitive. The story of the launch has been on Yahoo's main page and was page one of my local Sunday rag. It's just basically another unmanned robot probe to Mars for some more tiny benefit to science at a tremendous cost. I don't see how there would be much excitement for it. I appreciate that this is a mission that will primarily reward White professionals in the space industry but I can't see why the average Joe would care much one way or another.

WHOO HOO!! There was once microbiotic life on Mars!!!!!

This rather spectacular NASA animation explains what the Mars Curiosity Rover mission is all about:
I guess you didn't read the link or understand the concept. It's clear that the idea is NOT that blacks actually run america but rather that the constant pandering to their interests (which is done by white people and jews) is what makes it seem like they do. I don't think there is anything in the concept of the idea that you would disagree with.

As far as my mention that it has "caught on" what I meant by that is that other people are using the term BRA as it is understood by the original user. (SBPDL).

You're right that I haven't read the link, nor am I interested in doing so. The concept is that blacks don't actually run things, but because they are pandered to, it seems like they do run things, so let's be as incorrect as possible and call America BRA. The BRA-ites also capitalize black but not white, same as the communists and ultra-liberals. If you want to endorse their silly games, fine, but I'm not interested, I'd rather call it as it is and not play games.
I care. mankind's future is in other space. That is why the leaders of the BRA want to destroy the space program.
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