Blast off to Mars this morning! And how many Americans even know about it!?

You're right that I haven't read the link, nor am I interested in doing so. The concept is that blacks don't actually run things, but because they are pandered to, it seems like they do run things, so let's be as incorrect as possible and call America BRA. The BRA-ites also capitalize black but not white, same as the communists and ultra-liberals. If you want to endorse their silly games, fine, but I'm not interested, I'd rather call it as it is and not play games.

Yep, it's more zio-disinfo. In fact that's their game, setting blacks against whites, divide and conquer, and then blaming the ensuing problems on the opposite race, always trying to deflect attention from their own selves. Before they forced integration upon us race relations in the USA was just fine, and in fact the negro community in the USA was making more rapid progress than it had ever done before. It's the same in Africa. Honest older blacks remember how much better it was when whites ruled. You can see them talking about that on places like the Nigeria forum. Of course it would have been better if blacks had been left in black Africa in the first place, but then guess who ran the lucrative slave trade. Yep, same gang that ran integration and puts the words into Soetoros mouth when his lips flap; Bush too; Clinton too. The last president to stand up to them was JFK, and they "corrected" that little problem fast enough.

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