Blacksonville is going all out



Trading for huge bust Troy Williamson, reuniting him with castehole Mike Tice.

Is this the move they will use to justify dropping Matt Jones?
Good Riddance to one of the biggest busts in NFL history. I don't expect he will fare much better in Jacksonville, look for him to be out of the NFL by next offseason.

Hopefully this gives Matt Jones the chance to get out of town and begin his NFL career for real.
I was going to post about this...So basically Jacksonville is bringing in a guy with literal butterfingers to replace Matt Jones b/c Jones dropped blatantly what like 2 passes last season and 3 blatant drops this season. The double standard is obvious. Williamson is smaller than Jones, he's a blazer but no faster than MJ, runs worse routes than MJ, Williamson has less upside b/c he has been playing WR longer and he drops more passes. However, Williamson is black so he will get a pass in Blacksonville.
Jacksonville is now coveting black QB Bernard Morris, who is ranked 12th by Has this team ever had any interest in a non black QB in the last 5 years at all, like any of the other 8 white QBs out of the 11 ahead of Morris. Shack Harris has said he prefers black QBs b/c he was one himself. That is an ethnocentric statement that if a white RB GM said ("I prefer white RBs, b/c I was one") would be considered racist. The Blacksonville Jaguars are always looking for their next QB w/ black skin, not white!
I would be thrilled if Jacksonville took Morris. Especially with a high draft pick. He's terrible (despite what a certain CF poster thinks). He combines the running ability of David Garrard with the throwing ability of Reggie Roby. Nothing would suit the Jags better than to add another braindead affletic QB to their stable.
I hope Matt Jones can find a way out of that hellhole while he still has a little bit of football left in him.
I would be thrilled if Jacksonville took Morris. Especially with a high draft pick. He's terrible (despite what a certain CF poster thinks). He combines the running ability of David Garrard with the throwing ability of Reggie Roby.

Thanks, Riddlewire!
I didn't know Reggie Roby was the 4th qb for the Dolphins.......
He still could out throw Tarvaris....
Or Cleo Lemon....
David Garrard was terrible The sumo offensive line terrible. The running backs non exiistant. This is what the team deserves over paid blacks who can't play. It's going to be a long year fon the Blackguars. I for one am so happy about this. I hate the blackest team in the leauge.
Normally I don't bother to count how many white players are on teams. But Blacksonville didn't even make double digits on white players. Even Detroit the "blackest" city in America doesn't have these demographics. This has to be ethnic pandering gone amok. Jerry Jones must be on a conference call with Al Davis about dropping white qb's and their ethnic ratios will come on line with Jacksonville's trendy demographics.......