"Blacks are fading from baseball"

The Washington Times has run three full-length feature articles bemoaning the decline of the Black baseball player. If you wish to be wonderfully enlightened about the subject, here is the link:

[url]http://www.washingtontimes.com/article/20070813/SPORTS/10813 0065/1005/sports[/url]

These articles are so sappy that they're not worth a lot of comment. Suffice to say: The same old inaccurate rant, American Blacks are being systematically excluded from Baseball because of White Racism.

The real dynamic is that Baseball is less White: 70% white in 1970, 60% now. The remaining players are all Black. Wait a minute -- the article says that Blacks are disappearing from Baseball. What gives? The real lie is that English-speaking Blacks from USofA are being replaced by Broken-English-speaking Blacks from the Caribbean. Like it's not as obvious as a boil on one's nose. Just look at the Detroit Tigers. All Negroes on the starting lineup. Not enough Blacks? The only difference is the ADDRESS of the parents of the Blacks. Thirty years ago, Black baseballers were all descended from Negro families in USofA. Now many more are descended from Negro families in Venezuela, Dominica, etc etc.

And I don't buy our own propaganda the Afro-Caribbeans are being recruited to drive down salary costs. Show Me! Afro-caribes get paid ridiculously well in MLB.

There's pressure on both sources of Negroes in MLB: The burgeoning college baseball scene in USofA. It's 100% White. Well, maybe 98%, but you have to scratch deep to find a single Negro on any U.S. college baseball team these days. The real reason is that the Whites are superior baseball players at that level. More disciplined, better trained, team players. Schools with 100% Black football and basketball teams now sport Baseball teams as lilly White as Lawrence Welk's Orchestra. What an interesting situation.Edited by: Realgeorge
Afro-Carribeans/South Americans are cheaper when it comes to signing bonuses. They can be scooped up for next to nothing. A good North American high school prospect can demand 7 figures or say he will go to college.
Just wanted to know if anybody knows of a good book on the negro Leagues? One that doesn't slaver all over them. A book that tells just how the leagues functuned and truthfully talks about the quality of play, etc.

Tom Iron...
Skipperron said "I will never forget watching ESPN many years back and they were interviewing a black fan. He said he pulls for black players only. And he said he doesn't go to many games. He said blacks like to watch sports where the stars look, talk, dress and act like he does. Not one eyebrow was raised, not one question was asked and not one mention of racism or bigotry was mentioned. I knew then if it had been a white man saying the same thing a ton of grief would have ensued. Why is it not ok for me to pull for someone who looks like me, talks like me etc. etc. etc. too."

Good observation mate. I, like you I assume like sports very much. I can tell you whenever someone asks me why I am rooting for this guy, or that guy I have no hesitation when it comes to saying "because he is one of my people". Now some people are taken back by it, but most people on some level understand and agree. Think about it. It is like rooting for your extended family. Your people, whether they are black, brown , white, yellow, or red are your extended family. If they are not one of your people then they are not your extended family and blood is thicker than water.
I hope the Mets screw up and don't make the playoffs. I don't like the antics of the GM, Minaya and manger Randolph. They've loaded the team up with black hispanics and would love to get rid of David Wright as well. but it's difficult to get rid of your best player,
athough they did get rid of their best pitching prospect, Scott Kasmir, so I guess it's in the realm of possibility that they'd get rid of Wright. After all he is a White guy and he makes all the blacks and hispanics on the team look bad.

Tom Iron...
Yeah the Phils need to win this year. It is rumored that Rueben Amaro Jr. will take over the GM reins next year or the year after. That is why he did not go to Houston. He wants to run Phils. And we all know what will happen when he takes over. The team will look a lot more like the Mets than the current Phillies.
I love this. Last night the Mutts stunk up the field. I've really got my fingers crossed about seeing them lose out and not even make the playoffs. That guy Reyes is real garbage and Milledge too. What you see with those two guys is what you've got.

This is great.

Tom Iron...
aussieaussie31 said:
Skipperron said "I will never forget watching ESPN many years back and they were interviewing a black fan. He said he pulls for black players only. And he said he doesn't go to many games. He said blacks like to watch sports where the stars look, talk, dress and act like he does. Not one eyebrow was raised, not one question was asked and not one mention of racism or bigotry was mentioned. I knew then if it had been a white man saying the same thing a ton of grief would have ensued. Why is it not ok for me to pull for someone who looks like me, talks like me etc. etc. etc. too."

Good observation mate. I, like you I assume like sports very much. I can tell you whenever someone asks me why I am rooting for this guy, or that guy I have no hesitation when it comes to saying "because he is one of my people". Now some people are taken back by it, but most people on some level understand and agree. Think about it. It is like rooting for your extended family. Your people, whether they are black, brown , white, yellow, or red are your extended family. If they are not one of your people then they are not your extended family and blood is thicker than water.

Interesting points, you bet your bottom dollar that the reason Steve Nash got so few all star votes is b/c virtually no blacks, who are big on the NBA, voted for him. Same thing with Dirk...Maybe they should open up polling in Germany like they do for Yao in China. And you can bet that "virtually all" the Chinese voters voted for Yao over Shaq. And you can bet that the Chinese are going to be bringing their pride for Liu Jiang in the 110 hurdles on his home turf in the Beijing Olympics. Why is this? It's easy, because people of your ethnicity are closer related to you genetically and it gives you pride that someone more like yourself can achieve athletic success!

I personally only root for whites more than blacks in caste positions or areas of sports that whites are labeled as not athletic enough to play. I like cheering for underdogs. As everyone knows caste treatment pisses all of us off. I have no problem rooting for a black QB if he is good and exciting or a black hockey player. However, I dislike McNabb b/c I am a Giants fan and b/c of his racially charged remarks that were way off base.

However, I do not find those of you racist who root for white QBs more than blacks or have no love for black hockey players. We live in an era where everything black is placed on a pedestal and everything white, especially white male, is disparaged. You guys certainly have the right to be sick of this and to root for your own. I just hope that people on this site don't resort to hating blacks. Let us be pro-white, but not anti-black.

Personally, I am not racially conscious except in sports. Maybe that will change now that I live in Jersey. Canada also does not have Affirmative Action, although there are discrimination suits sometime brought to courts. The few suburban blacks I knew in the Toronto area, seemed to have white values. They were laid back Canadians like me. However, Jersey has a lot of inner city crime and problems with black gangs, so maybe I will become more racially conscious in other regards.Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
Looks like the Mutts can indeed louse this up. Phillies are tied today and I hope that when I wake up tomorrow, they're in first place. I hate what Randolph and Minaya have done to the Mets. They got rid of Bannister, Kazmir, and Wiggington. Three fine White ballplayers and replaced them with all dark skinned garbage.

Tom Iron...
Tom Iron said:
Looks like the Mutts can indeed louse this up. Phillies are tied today and I hope that when I wake up tomorrow, they're in first place. I hate what Randolph and Minaya have done to the Mets. They got rid of Bannister, Kazmir, and Wiggington. Three fine White ballplayers and replaced them with all dark skinned garbage.

Tom Iron...

Good morning Tom.
The Phillies shut out the Nats last night and the Mutts lost to the Fish at Shea. Phils lead by a game. Go Phightins!
Especially the White ones!

JohnEdited by: foreverfree
ToughJ.Riggins said:
aussieaussie31 said:
Skipperron said "I will never forget watching ESPN many years back and they were interviewing a black fan. He said he pulls for black players only. And he said he doesn't go to many games. He said blacks like to watch sports where the stars look, talk, dress and act like he does. Not one eyebrow was raised, not one question was asked and not one mention of racism or bigotry was mentioned. I knew then if it had been a white man saying the same thing a ton of grief would have ensued. Why is it not ok for me to pull for someone who looks like me, talks like me etc. etc. etc. too."

Good observation mate. I, like you I assume like sports very much. I can tell you whenever someone asks me why I am rooting for this guy, or that guy I have no hesitation when it comes to saying "because he is one of my people". Now some people are taken back by it, but most people on some level understand and agree. Think about it. It is like rooting for your extended family. Your people, whether they are black, brown , white, yellow, or red are your extended family. If they are not one of your people then they are not your extended family and blood is thicker than water.

Interesting points, you bet your bottom dollar that the reason Steve Nash got so few all star votes is b/c virtually no blacks, who are big on the NBA, voted for him. Same thing with Dirk...Maybe they should open up polling in Germany like they do for Yao in China. And you can bet that "virtually all" the Chinese voters voted for Yao over Shaq. And you can bet that the Chinese are going to be bringing their pride for Liu Jiang in the 110 hurdles on his home turf in the Beijing Olympics. Why is this? It's easy, because people of your ethnicity are closer related to you genetically and it gives you pride that someone more like yourself can achieve athletic success!

I personally only root for whites more than blacks in caste positions or areas of sports that whites are labeled as not athletic enough to play. I like cheering for underdogs. As everyone knows caste treatment pisses all of us off. I have no problem rooting for a black QB if he is good and exciting or a black hockey player. However, I dislike McNabb b/c I am a Giants fan and b/c of his racially charged remarks that were way off base.

However, I do not find those of you racist who root for white QBs more than blacks or have no love for black hockey players. We live in an era where everything black is placed on a pedestal and everything white, especially white male, is disparaged. You guys certainly have the right to be sick of this and to root for your own. I just hope that people on this site don't resort to hating blacks. Let us be pro-white, but not anti-black.

Personally, I am not racially conscious except in sports. Maybe that will change now that I live in Jersey. Canada also does not have Affirmative Action, although there are discrimination suits sometime brought to courts. The few suburban blacks I knew in the Toronto area, seemed to have white values. They were laid back Canadians like me. However, Jersey has a lot of inner city crime and problems with black gangs, so maybe I will become more racially conscious in other regards.

I agree with you 100 percent Tough J. I do not have a problem with blacks as a whole. I give everyone a chance. I personally know Ryan Howard's mother as I used to work with her at Citimortgage in O'Fallon, MO when Ryan was in AAA. She is a respectable lady and very pleasant to talk with. I left there before he came to the majors and she, of course doesn't work there anymore. But I hope he (along with Utley and the rest of the Phillies) get those Mets. I went to high school and had a few classes with Mark Buehrle and my brother played college ball with Joe Crede's brother. I will root for White Sox in the AL because of that. And living here in St. Louis made me a Cardinals fan too since I was a kid. Since the mid 80's, other than Vince Coleman, all of the african-american Cardinals were good guys and helped in the community. But people soon to forget about Tommy Herr, Jack Clark, Tom Pagnozzi, Todd Zeile and other good white players. I have no problem airing out a black guy who is nothing but a terror (Leonard Little) but I want more white brethern to get noticed and not to be forgotten. I just want it fair for all. Equal footing. Until that, I will point out the flaws of the Caste. I have no problem at all giving credit to a black guy who does well but I just want the same treatment for the white guy also.Edited by: mrjohnnynofear

The Mutts went out and stunk up the field again. This time was the last time in 07 though. If anybody's got any guts in that organization, they'll can Randolph and Minaya. Then package Reyes and Millege, and try to get Kazmir back. I don't know if the Devil Rays are stupid enough to go for that though.

Tom Iron...
HAR HAR the caste-horrific Mets pull one of the great chokes in baseball. All that hispanic talent, such a great black manager, a big lead and they still lose it. What was the problem? Wright, Doluca, and Glavine of course. Replace those whities with some brownies, that'll do the trick.
My year is almost over. One down (mutts) and one to go. As soon as the yanks get knocked out of the playoffs, that'll be fine with me.

Tom Iron...
There is nothing they can do to slow this decline. Most blacks simply lack the spacial recognition to play ball at the highest level when compared to other races. It's especially noticable at the pitcher position.

Another issue that's painfully obvious but will never be admitted by blacks and thier white liberal media cohorts. It will be relegated to "institutional white racism" like other "unexplainable" black problems.
Given blacks' problems with hand-eye coordination, it's amazing they had a brief heyday in baseball in the 1960s like they did.
blacks may be fading from baseball, but that bum, barry bonds just won't go away fast enough for me.

Tom Iron...
Nobody is at 'fault' for the decline of black players in baseball. Most blacks live in inner cities, and in inner cities, baseball isn't part of the culture. The two major sources of players are the suburbs and latin america (with a third market rising in asia). The bias seen in basketball and football against whites is not working in reverse.
Wow. I checked the program guide and saw "MLB Preseason Baseball" on ESPN and decided to watch for a bit. Turns out it's not a baseball game at all but MLB's "Civil Rights Game." There is no play by play of the game and only intermittent shots of the action between the Mets and White Sox. Rather it's endless pontificating by Joe Morgan mixed in with endless interviews of various blacks. In the short time I watched, Frank Robinson was interviewed, actress Ruby Dee, Jerry Reinsdorf the Jewish owner of the White Sox, and Martin Luther King's son. In preparation for the latter a long snippet of MLK's "I Have a Dream" speech was shown, following which the lone white announcer involved in this blatantly racist propaganda-fest called it the greatest speech in American history.

Oh, and there wasthe obligatory footage of Jackie Robinson playing shown while each interviewee gushed about him. This was all in the inning or so I watched. There weren't even any commercials after half inningsso that the pro-black agitating could carry on non-stop.

Morgan once again was bemoaning the supposed lack of blacks in baseball, saying something about how the situation had improved with the building of baseball academies in inner cities, but that the game still just isn't appealing enough to blacks, thus baseball had been forced to increasingly import players not just from Latin America but more and more from Asia. In Morgan's worldview, and in the anti-white worldview of everyone in the Cultural Marxist-run media, the fact that American college programs are filled with talented white players is irrelevant. The fact that baseball academies are being built in U.S. cities and abroad but not in rural white areas is irrelevant. The fact that there are enough American white players to fill every major league roster is irrelevant. To the virulently anti-white, Cultural Marxist viewpoint, if there aren't "enough" blacks, then it must be because of racism, not that whites just might be able to more than hold their own in the sport.

And aren't "civil rights" supposed to be for everyone, not just blacks? 99 percent-plus of "civil rights" propaganda is oriented around perpetually complaining blacks. And yet on the field of play in this exhibition game, both the White Sox and Mets had less white players than their (ever dropping) proportion of the U.S. population. Both teams have non-white managers, and the White Sox have a black GM. And the announcers and reporters were also disproportionately black.

Seventy five years after the rise of Hitler, we're still bombarded with constant denunciations of Hitler and his regime's embrace of racist propaganda and the "big lie" technique. Yet these stock-in-trade cartoon characters from long ago could only marvel at the blatant anti-white, black supremacist party line that is shoved down the throats of white Americans every single day with no deviation allowed except for far out on the "margins"beyond what's deemed"respectable opinion."

Edited by: Don Wassall
Everything in your post well said Don,and absolutely true!,I saw this game advertised,and knew that I would not watch one second of it,thanks to your post,I'm glad I did not!Who else but e.s.p.n.,[lower case intended]!

Interesting that it is played and televised one day before opening day,perhaps many drunk White liberal fans will latch on to just a bit of White guilt,and it will last all season long.
Joe Morgan simply doesn`t understand blacks over the past couple of decades. Most of them don`t care about Jackie Robinson, Larry Doby and "breaking the color barrier."

They don`t care about MLK, Rosa Parks and something called Civil Rights, unless it gets them some handouts.
Heck, they even think Rosa Parks was a ho anyway-if their movies are anything to go by.

Nah, they want to be like Mike. More often than not, this doesn`t mean Mike Jordan; this means like Mike Irvin or Mike Vick.

I can easily imagine Gary Sheffield retiring in a couple more seasons and being paired in the broadcast booth with his good buddy, the racist Joe Morgan. They won`t have to fire his current white lackey, Jon Miller, as he will make one too many trips to the buffet line before permanently checking out.

A BETter idea would be for BET, Joe Morgan, Gary Sheffield and all their other bros to get together, let`s say from 2010, and restart the Negro Leagues. I wouldn`t stand in their way, and doubt anyone supporting this forum would either.

Sadly, it`s just a dream....
I forgot about the Un-Civil Rights Game until I came across it on my DirecTV grid yesterday. I made it a point not to tune in. Thanks Don, for filling us in.

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