Blacks and Steroids: A Unique Subject

Is anyone here envious of muscular blacks??

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  • No

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  • Sometimes

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  • Not Sure

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  • Never in my life

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Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
Does talking about the subject of "blacks and steroids" indicate that we are envious and jealous of muscular blacks?

It's certainly a unique subject in this Cultural Marxist infested world. Anyone who denies that is being deceptive.

If a black is caught with steroids, "everyone is shocked."

If a White is caught with steroids, many will say "yeah, I knew he had to be on something."

This is largely due to the "blacks are naturally-born affletes" nonsense. So, using that line of thinking, NO blacks could possibly be on steroids.

White inferiority is always being pushed and "reinforced" --- often times subtly.

I want to gage the thinking of this board because of something I read in a thread below this one. I believe blacks and steroids is a legitimate subject and doesn't "imply" envy on our part. I want to know how you guys truly feel.

But, putting on muscle is not unnatural and I caution those who are quick to shout "steroids." Every White should be active and see what their own muscle genetics are.

I have good muscle mass and it's because of nutrition and the weight room. My parents aren't huge, but my muscle genetics are quite good and I'm getting thicker and "solider" with age.

I'm fine with White boxer's; I'm not telling them to become more muscular because it doesn't always help them dominate the sport.

white tornado

Oct 5, 2005
I dout that anyone on this boards is jeoluos of "muscular blacks".
The media of coarse pushes the idea that blacks are more muscular, naturaly riped this goes along with their agenda witch has been discused by this site.

Funny thing is lots of black people at my gym acuse me of takeing roids because im bigger, stronger, faster, and can jump out of the gym. Edited by: white tornado

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
Back when I was working out a lot, someone once said to me that I must be using steroids, but I built myself up just using diet and weights. It is possible to become very muscular with a high-protein low-carbohydrate diet and pumping iron. However, after hanging aroung weight rooms and fitness centers for a few years, you can tell if someone is using or not. And a lot of people are using 'roids, both black and white.

Blacks are no more or no less inclined to be muscular than whites. Some blacks do spend a lot of time playing sports, so some of them have well-developed builds. Perhaps because of evolving in a hot climate, they naturally shed an outer layer of fat more easily than whites who needed it to deal with the cold, so on average their muscles, although not bigger, perhaps tend to be more visible.

I've never envied blacks for being more muscular, having been very muscular myself a few years ago. JD074 accused several of us of being envious of negroes after commenting on Shannon Briggs, but if I see either a white or black guy with that exaggerated type of muscular development, it's obviously from steroid use (and by the way, Briggs is of mixed black and white heritage).Edited by: JD1986
May 1, 2006
In general a black will look leaner and more muscular than a white of similar height weight build because of way their body fat it distributed. White carry most of their body fat on the out side of their organs and muscles like a coat. This is a biological adaptation to the colder climate found in Europe . People of African decent store their body fat intertwined with their muscles


Aug 16, 2006
I don't know but I think just the shade of someone's skin plays a part in how muscular they look as well. If you take a pale white guy and a black guy of the exact same build and muscle mass, the black guy will "look" more cut. Why else do all the white bodybuilders in competitions get such ridiculous tans?


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
Nice posts.

Before I started lifting my body was soft. People looking at me could naturally think I was "genetic garbage."

After lifting for a few months (being a novice at that point), my body then began to transform very quickly and I acquired more needed information.

If I had never lifted, I would have never known how GOOD my chest and shoulder genetics are. I was shocked when my chest got huge and I wasn't even lifting heavy (about 200 pounds). I thought putting on muscle would have been harder than that.

There's a point to what I'm saying. Is there any doubt that many White boxer's and combat athletes could become jacked if they wanted to; if they thought it would help them??

If they aren't jacked, it certainly doesn't mean that they don't have the genetics to be jacked.

As White boxer's continue to win, have you guys noticed, that, all the drunk White fans can do is criticize the "inferior" physiques of White boxer's?

So, according to them, black boxer's are still superior even if they lose! They still "possessed" some magical genetic "upside" or superiority. If there was no funny business, shouldn't the result of the fight be what matters? What ACTUALLY happened can't be swept under the rug.


Well, boxing is boxing. It's not a Mr. Olympia bodybuilding contest!!

Edited by: Deadlift

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
If you lift hard and have good genetics ie are a mesomorph or hybrid between ectomorph and mesomorph, or a hybrid between meso and endomorph you can get quite good gains. Back when I lifted hardcore I looked like I could have been on roids. This whole jealousy thing is an inferiority complex manifesting itself.


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
Any White who feels inferior is already defeated.

Thankfully, we can read stories and see videos of our own people on the internet. We don't need any marxist rags that simply bury and denigrate Whites.

The truth is out there if one is willing to look for it.


Oct 19, 2004
Deadlift said:
I want to gage the thinking of this board because of something I read in a thread below this one. I believe blacks and steroids is a legitimate subject and doesn't "imply" envy on our part. I want to know how you guys truly feel.

I believe it can imply envy if there's no other reason to suspect a black athlete other than his physique. (Or maybe it's just plain old bitterness and resentment, I dunno.) So whether the subject is "legitimate" or not depends on whether there is other evidence to justify the suspicion.

But, putting on muscle is not unnatural and I caution those who are quick to shout "steroids."

Exactly. That was my original point. A couple of posters even wrote that there might be an average difference in body fat distribution, or that skin tone may play a part in making muscularity seem more visually impressive. Well, if that's the case, then speculation about steroids use based purely on physique is even more dubious. I don't think steroids can make skin darker!

For the record, I did not state that blacks are more muscular than whites, I merely stated that "there are many muscular black athletes." For whatever reason.
Jul 14, 2007
Deadlift said:
Nice posts.

Before I started lifting my body was soft. People looking at me could naturally think I was "genetic garbage."

After lifting for a few months (being a novice at that point), my body then began to transform very quickly and I acquired more needed information.

If I had never lifted, I would have never known how GOOD my chest and shoulder genetics are. I was shocked when my chest got huge and I wasn't even lifting heavy (about 200 pounds). I thought putting on muscle would have been harder than that.

There's a point to what I'm saying. Is there any doubt that many White boxer's and combat athletes could become jacked if they wanted to; if they thought it would help them??

If they aren't jacked, it certainly doesn't mean that they don't have the genetics to be jacked.

As White boxer's continue to win, have you guys noticed, that, all the drunk White fans can do is criticize the "inferior" physiques of White boxer's?

So, according to them, black boxer's are still superior even if they lose! They still "possessed" some magical genetic "upside" or superiority. If there was no funny business, shouldn't the result of the fight be what matters? What ACTUALLY happened can't be swept under the rug.


Well, boxing is boxing. It's not a Mr. Olympia bodybuilding contest!!

I think it's important to note that there's not a direct link between bigger muscles and more strength. On my team, the strongest guy does not look very ripped at all, and doesn't have huge shoulders, chest, or arms. He does have a larger back and legs, but again nothing mind blowing. But he is absolutely the strongest on the team. On the other hand, I have a black teammate who everyone agrees is the most pumped up. He is strong, yet not one of the strongest on the team. We always joke that his muscles are either full of air, or their just puffed up for some reason. If he were as strong as he looks, it would be pretty incredible. I have seen white guys like this too.

When the guys talk about me, they always note that I'm stronger than I look. I'm one of the most ripped on the team in terms of tone not size; more of a lean athletic build.

Anyway just saying bigger muscles doesn't always equal stronger, and that's true for black or white. Edited by: Electric Slide

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
There's so many huge black linemen in the NFL but they aren't stronger than their white counterparts, merely slower. The only advantage they have is they take up a little more space.

My own weightlifting experience over the years has shown that a fair amount of blacks look stronger than what they are. I'm sure there are reverse cases like Electric Slide points out, but I would bet they are rarer.Many years agoI used to see Roger Kingdom, the Olympic medal winning sprinter, at the university gym occasionally, and though he was obviously cut and had wide shoulders, he couldn't move much weight at all.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
From my experiences in the gym the strongest pound per pound guys are sprinter types with fast twitch muscle, blacks tend to be this type more often. But in terms of pure strength totals give me a morbidly obese looking white guy any day. These guys that look like they would have problems moving a half plate can bench 5 a side fairly easily.....
Ps. did Gay pride errr Tartan Pride hit the survey with his buddies the jealousy vote is getting past posted..


May 20, 2005
There is such a thing as a physique that simply doesn't exist in nature, and many modern athletes exhibit them.

It is really pretty simple...

Do a search for old-time bodybuilders and strongmen sometime, (both White and Black). Compare this to what you see in modern athletes. Look at boxers before the advent of roids. Now look at today, many boxers look more ripped than bodybuilders from the pre-roid era!

I mean, you can look at the body of an animal like a chimp (before anyone says anything about hair concealing muscle, I've seen pictures of chimps and gorillas who have lost their hair to disease, that is what I was thinking off) Or a cougar, deer, with the hide off etc. These creatures have tremendous strength. But none of them have the "ripped" and swollen appearance of many modern bodybuilders/athletes. The limbs of these animals (or humans who are very strong without bothering with the training/drugs to develop hypertrophy, see many powerlifters/strongmen) will be densely muscled, the limb will tend to thicken, but they will not develop distorted looking cartoonish bulges.


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
Electric Slide said:
Deadlift said:
Nice posts.

Before I started lifting my body was soft. People looking at me could naturally think I was "genetic garbage."

After lifting for a few months (being a novice at that point), my body then began to transform very quickly and I acquired more needed information.

If I had never lifted, I would have never known how GOOD my chest and shoulder genetics are. I was shocked when my chest got huge and I wasn't even lifting heavy (about 200 pounds). I thought putting on muscle would have been harder than that.

There's a point to what I'm saying. Is there any doubt that many White boxer's and combat athletes could become jacked if they wanted to; if they thought it would help them??

If they aren't jacked, it certainly doesn't mean that they don't have the genetics to be jacked.

As White boxer's continue to win, have you guys noticed, that, all the drunk White fans can do is criticize the "inferior" physiques of White boxer's?

So, according to them, black boxer's are still superior even if they lose! They still "possessed" some magical genetic "upside" or superiority. If there was no funny business, shouldn't the result of the fight be what matters? What ACTUALLY happened can't be swept under the rug.


Well, boxing is boxing. It's not a Mr. Olympia bodybuilding contest!!

I think it's important to note that there's not a direct link between bigger muscles and more strength. On my team, the strongest guy does not look very ripped at all, and doesn't have huge shoulders, chest, or arms. He does have a larger back and legs, but again nothing mind blowing. But he is absolutely the strongest on the team. On the other hand, I have a black teammate who everyone agrees is the most pumped up. He is strong, yet not one of the strongest on the team. We always joke that his muscles are either full of air, or their just puffed up for some reason. If he were as strong as he looks, it would be pretty incredible. I have seen white guys like this too.

When the guys talk about me, they always note that I'm stronger than I look. I'm one of the most ripped on the team in terms of tone not size; more of a lean athletic build.

Anyway just saying bigger muscles doesn't always equal stronger, and that's true for black or white.

I agree with some of what you say.

I've always taken the term "being ripped" as meaning a low body-fat percentage. In that context, many very thin NBA players are "ripped" --- but are usually very weak when it comes to moving weight.

At a certain point in my lifting endeavor, I decided to train for strength and explosiveness or power. So, I do not train specifically for hypertrophy. I focus heavily on the standing military press (It's a lift -- among others -- that Eastern Europeans tend to absolutely dominate). I like lifting the weight over my head and towards the sky. The core of the body is used for balance as well. To me, bench pressing is boring as hell. Lying down on a frickin' bench is, in no way, the lifting IDEAL.

I do 3-6 rep sets and my front delts have gotten more impressive recently. This is my prime and the strength has really increased for the first time in a while, so I've upped my calories. I do 4 or 5 sets when I train. I don't claim to have the best strength genetics, but I ain't going to complain if I put on muscle and great "thickness." It's possible that my "bodybuilding" genetics are superior to my strength genetics, but I prefer powerful, compound lifts, and they have made my body solid anyways. I eat clean and my body-fat level is certainly not high.

A thick build is something that can help a person move more weight. I also think a thick build is the most aesthetic. Really low body-fat is usually only for show and otherwise useless.

Good luck in football!


OG Matt Welsh(Virginia Tech)

[url] rt=1[/url]

Now, he has something to work with! That's a large frame. I'd take that over--"being ripped"--anyday...

Edited by: Deadlift


Oct 19, 2004
White_Savage said:
Do a search for old-time bodybuilders and strongmen sometime, (both White and Black). Compare this to what you see in modern athletes. Look at boxers before the advent of roids. Now look at today, many boxers look more ripped than bodybuilders from the pre-roid era!

Which boxers do you have in mind? The most muscular boxer that I could think of is Edison Miranda. I think Sandow's physique is comparable to Miranda. His abs are definitely better! With modern equipment (like the bench press to build up the pecs, I don't think they did bench presses back then) and nutrition, there's no doubt that Sandow would look even better now.






Oct 19, 2004
Or perhaps the better comparison would be modern athletes vs. natural bodybuilders. Or are they on something, too? Could be....





White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
The ghey is strong in this thread.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
White Shogun said:
The ghey is strong in this thread.

Didn't you come up with "fisking" too? How do you find that stuff.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
JD074 said:
Or perhaps the better comparison would be modern athletes vs. natural bodybuilders. Or are they on something, too? Could be....




When I look at natural bodybuilders I think why don't they get on roids....


Oct 19, 2004
White Shogun said:
The ghey is strong in this thread.

I had to look that one up, too!
Well, you're free to think that this thread is "lame," but it's definitely not literally "gay." I was merely comparing a boxer to old time bodybuilders and modern "natural" bodybuilders. Nothing gay about that- unless you think that bodybuilding is inherently gay. Even then, this was purely an intellectual exercise, regardless of what you think about bodybuilding.

Seriously Shogun, if all you can contribute to a thread is one smartass one-liner, maybe you should just move on to the next thread. This was a serious discussion before you chimed in. Edited by: JD074

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
JD074 said:
White Shogun said:
The ghey is strong in this thread.

I had to look that one up, too!
Well, you're free to think that this thread is "lame," but it's definitely not literally "gay." I was merely comparing a boxer to old time bodybuilders and modern "natural" bodybuilders. Nothing gay about that- unless you think that bodybuilding is inherently gay. Even then, this was purely an intellectual exercise, regardless of what you think about bodybuilding.

Seriously Shogun, if all you can contribute to a thread is one smartass one-liner, maybe you should just move on to the next thread. This was a serious discussion before you chimed in.

A joke is a joke, JD. Nothing wrong with uh, 'injecting' some humor into a thread. I don't have any 'beef' with you. I'm sorry I 'poked' fun at all the semi-nude pics of muscular men.

Edited by: White Shogun

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
jaxvid said:
White Shogun said:
The ghey is strong in this thread.

Didn't you come up with "fisking" too? How do you find that stuff.

Too much time on the Interwebs I guess.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
JD074, did you really need to include photos of Negroes in bikinis? And you wonder why youcaught someflak? Have you ever considered becoming a sportswriter?