Black Women Shrinking

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
The average height of black women is decreasing, and the average white woman is now three quarters of an inch taller than the average black woman according to a Chicago Tribune article linked below.

The article doesn't mention it but the average height of black men and White men in the U.S. appears to be roughly the same, around 5'9" or 5'10". From checking a few sources it appears that white men are slightly tallerthan blacks by the age of 30.

But I'll bet that most whites believe that black men are taller than white men on average, maybe significantly so. This false stereotype is created from basketball's domination by tall blacks, and the media's glorification of black athletes in general. But also because a favorite media tactic is to often use black males in advertising, TV shows and movies who are taller than white men (and alsousually appearing to be more physically fit than Whitey).

This Chicago Tribune article also states that almost 80 percent of black females are overweight or obese.

But what is most interesting from a Caste System perspective is this tidbit in the article (which deliberately obscures racial differences as being thecause ofit), whichis in line with ourposition here about whites often maturing later with that factor overlooked by college recruiters:

Another oddity, according to Komlos, is that black children, both male and female, grow faster and taller than their white counterparts in early childhood, but whites catch up and pass them during the teen years.

Pediatric growth experts offer one possible explanation. High caloric intake from an unhealthy diet fuels an early growth spurt among black children, plus it speeds the onset of puberty, especially for black girls, who now begin menstruating 81/2 months ahead of white girls. This early onset of puberty reduces the duration of the critical pre-adolescent growth spurt, resulting in a lower adult height.

Article: en-shrinkingdec25,0,2562107.story
Edited by: Don Wassall


Oct 11, 2007
West Virginia
That's an interesting article about the shorter, obese black woman of the 21st century.

Every time I come back to the U.S. for any extended period of time, I'm struck by how many disgustingly fat American women I see, especially in comparison to the women I'm used to seeing in so many Asian countries.

I'm surprised that the Chicago Tribune printed such an article, to tell the truth.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Interesting info. Conversely, I can say all of my kids are 75%+ percentile in height & no more than 50% on weight. My 5 year old daughter is off the chart (on height) & only 3" shorter than my 7 year old son. Good Anglo-Saxon genetics!


It's so obvious how advertisers and companies always choose taller black guys for ads, etc. Knowing that white men are at least as tall, if not taller on average basically proves that this is a premeditated attempt to make White men appear inferior. The advertisers do this even when the scene doesn't explicitly display the White as inferior or the black as superior (this may be more insidious as its more subtle and thus less likely to meet with mental skepticism).

They also use body language to convey White masculine inferiority. Because photographers, advertisers, etc. are so meticulous about even the most obscure minutia of their project you can be certain that the subordinate, socially uncomfortable posturing often displayed by Whites in media isn't "natural" but rather engineered by the producers of the scene.

I know I'm not telling anybody here anything they don't already know but what's remarkable is just how thoroughly common these techniques have become. Turn on any TV station, open up any magazine, look at any billboard, and there are almost NO exceptions to this racist and inaccurate rule.


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
Yes I have also read that black women are the most obese. Funny how they are getting shorter though. Also there have been complaints by blacks that they are obese because of whites. I have read several articles about this. Their claim is that fast food restaurants target minorities through their advertising.Edited by: whiteathlete33

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
Are you going to tell me that greasy back ribs and grape soda isn't the diet of champions?
Could have fooled me.....
Oct 20, 2008
New Jersey
whiteathlete33 said:
Their claim is that fast food restaurants target minorities through their advertising.

And no doubt these are the same people who were complaining 30 years ago that fast-food commercials were "too white". Same schwartzes, same excuses.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Interesting info and topic. Whites will always be blamed, no matter how ridiculous the accusations seem.


Oct 26, 2008
I agree with Van Slyke on American women being so fat. I have several Eastern European women in my building and they are all pretty thin and good looking. I also went to Italy and noticed the women were much thinner on average. Even the English are thinner.You almost never see a really fat Asian except for some Philipinos I think. I don't know of it's the Asians genes or diet.


I haven't formally studied the biology or anthropology behind it but Koreans seem to be the one group of Asians that tend to be roundish and chubbier than the others. I wonder why this is. A Chinese guy I know acknowledged this as well and acted as if it was well accepted among Asians.


Mar 2, 2008
Westwood, California
I agree with Colonel Reb; whatever failings a minority group has, it's whitey's fault -- whatever successes minorities have is supposedly doubly deserved because evil whitey fights them at every turn.

White = bad

Not White = oppressed somehow by white

The TV can tell you whatever it likes, but the fact of the matter is, blacks as a race might actually be endangered if it weren't for whitey constantly coming to their ungrateful rescue.


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
Here is a true story. When I was in the service I had this black Staff Sgt work for me. To say he was mediocre was being generous. He was about 508 and weighed about 250 lbs. He always pronouced "th" with a "F". For example, he pronouced birthday, like birffday, or with as wif!

Anyways one spring afternoon, I completed a 4 mile run. I go into the office and I see him eating a bag of cheetos and a a Grape Crush soda. Next I see him open a bag of salted peanuts and commence to pour them into the grape soda. I asked him what kind of combination is that. He said,"Sir dis is some good sh.t."
It took him a couple of minutes to drink that peanut/grape soda, bobo like exilir.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
Westside said:
Here is a true story. When I was in the service I had this black Staff Sgt work for me. To say he was mediocre was being generous. He was about 508 and weighed about 250 lbs. He always pronouced "th" with a "F". For example, he pronouced birthday, like birffday, or with as wif!

Anyways one spring afternoon, I completed a 4 mile run. I go into the office and I see him eating a bag of cheetos and a a Grape Crush soda. Next I see him open a bag of salted peanuts and commence to pour them into the grape soda. I asked him what kind of combination is that. He said,"Sir dis is some good sh.t."
It took him a couple of minutes to drink that peanut/grape soda, bobo like exilir.
I told you grape soda is the equivalent of tea for an Englishman.......
Edited by: white is right

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
Latspread said:
I haven't formally studied the biology or anthropology behind it but Koreans seem to be the one group of Asians that tend to be roundish and chubbier than the others. I wonder why this is. A Chinese guy I know acknowledged this as well and acted as if it was well accepted among Asians.
Northern Chinese who tend to be pale and close to white and some Koreans from the north tend to be big boned and can pack on serious lbs. There have been a few Korean Canadians that have played in the CFL as O-linemen and I suspect they have this build.
Oct 24, 2005
They will blame this on white racism-if they haven't done it already.


Oct 18, 2008
I must admit that I would have figured Black dudes were taller. Just like Mr. Don said, I bought the brainwashing. Thanks to MR. Don for the info.

Deus Vult

May 6, 2006
My eleven year old daughter is already 5' 5" and wear a size nine shoe. Imagine if I had put her on the grape soda diet!


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Deus Vult said:
My eleven year old daughter is already 5' 5" and wear a size nine shoe. Imagine if I had put her on the grape soda diet!

Good deal DV! I was 6'1 170 lbs with size 13 shoes at 11...& have been 6'8 since 17. I'm thinking my 3 sons will be 6'2-6'4 & my daughter 5'9-6'0 (my wife is 5'6). I rarely run into anyone bigger/taller than me (holding 325 right now). This myth of Blacks being bigger is a crock!


Apr 13, 2005
Though I am 6'-2", I married into a family of giant. I have one brother-in-law that is 6'-5" and the other is 6'-8". ALL of their children are tall. The youngest of the bunch is a freshman in high school who is already my height. She plays volleyball and is already getting letters from college coaches.

Solomon Kane

Jul 3, 2006
good news and let's hope consciousness is raised on this issue. It shows the power of 45 years of relentless propaganda that manywhite malesseem to think (subconsciously anyway) that most blacks are 6' 5" badass mofos; and many white females probably think black females are tall amazonian superwomen. Again, the power of sports imagery. Of course, it's all a joke as black africa was conquered by white "nordic' types, and whites dominated sports until the whole affirmative action, "let's give the blacks something tobe proud of,"agenda set in.

Not to overstate the obvious, but It will take a while to undo the propaganda,however this is a start.

thank God for the internet, since it allows information like this to be relayed quickly.

Deus Vult

May 6, 2006
DixieDestroyer said:
I was 6'1 170 lbs with size 13 shoes at 11...& have been 6'8 since 17...

DD, you hit 6' 8" at 17 and have not grown taller since? Do you still wear a size 13 shoe?

I know I wore a 13 shoe at age 13, because I thought it was funny due to the saying "act your age, not your shoe size..." I don't recall exactly how tall I was at that age. My first drivers license at age 16 reflects that I was 6' 1" at 16 yrs & 2 mos, 175 lbs. At 17 I was 6' 2", and I remember being 19 or 20, and telling people (when they asked) that I was 6' 2". One person suggested I must be 6' 3" or 6' 4", so I took a new measurement and sure enough, I was a hair taller than 6' 4". I grew another two inches after high school (shoe size remained 13, although today I will sometimes wear a 14, depending upon style of shoe or boot).

I remember reading that Larry Bird grew several inches between the time he was recruited by Bobby Knight at IU, left that program, went to work as a laborer in French Lick, then (the next year, or perhaps two years later) decided to go to Indiana State.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Deus Vult said:
DixieDestroyer said:
I was 6'1 170 lbs with size 13 shoes at 11...& have been 6'8 since 17...

DD, you hit 6' 8" at 17 and have not grown taller since? Do you still wear a size 13 shoe?

I know I wore a 13 shoe at age 13, because I thought it was funny due to the saying "act your age, not your shoe size..." I don't recall exactly how tall I was at that age. My first drivers license at age 16 reflects that I was 6' 1" at 16 yrs & 2 mos, 175 lbs. At 17 I was 6' 2", and I remember being 19 or 20, and telling people (when they asked) that I was 6' 2". One person suggested I must be 6' 3" or 6' 4", so I took a new measurement and sure enough, I was a hair taller than 6' 4". I grew another two inches after high school (shoe size remained 13, although today I will sometimes wear a 14, depending upon style of shoe or boot).

I remember reading that Larry Bird grew several inches between the time he was recruited by Bobby Knight at IU, left that program, went to work as a laborer in French Lick, then (the next year, or perhaps two years later) decided to go to Indiana State.

Unfortunately (for my bill-fold), I wear an 18EEE shoe now. I maxed out (height wise) my Senior year of high school, but filled out through early college. I have to get most shirts (3XLT), all shoes, boots, gloves & socks at Big & Tall shops. My waist size varies from 40-44 (length 36) so I can sometimes find pants, jeans elsewhere.

It stinks having to shell out a premium for clothes, shoes. It was good being so big in HS & college for sports (hoops & football). I could palm a basketball in 6th grade & dunk in (early) 7th. However, now it's not so great when I fly (need an aisle seat...bulkhead or exit row), can't hardly fit in "regular" cars, can't fit my hand into my jeans pockets, etc. It's not that I'm fat (usually weight 320-330 at 17-19% bf), but I have a very large frame/bone structure (not acromegaly like Andre the Giant...just big).

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
it seems i am the total opposite of Dixie Destroyer!

i was very much a late bloomer, reaching my current height of 6-0 as a sophomore in college. i was around 5-10, skinny as a rail, and hadn't even begun shaving regularly when i graduated high school. despite all that i was still a good athlete, but i certainly didn't pass the "eyeball test" we hear so much about.

conversely, here's an example of what many black athletes look like when they are in school...

tailback Michael Dyer is considered by most to be the most physically gifted football player in the state of Arkansas. here are just some of the awards he received as a sophomore a year ago.

- EA Sports National Sophomore of the Year
- Arkansas Sophomore of the Year
- Arkansas All-State

after his sophomore campaign, he was offered scholarships by Arkansas, Ole Miss, and Alabama, among others. he is now a junior, is once again All-Everything according to most award lists, and has offers from virtually everyone. however, this is what "sophomore" Michael Dyer looked like:


he could easily pass for an upper-classman on a collegiate football team. now compare him to what most talented white kids look like as seniors, and you'll see the differences we're talking about.Edited by: Jimmy Chitwood

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey
Jimmy Chitwood,

Good morning sir, Yes, it's easy to see what you're talking about by eye. However, it's been my experience in the Corps, and working many years as an Ironworker, that the physique doesn't in any way tell the whole story. Many times, you see a black guy built like that and you immediately say that he should be a worldbeater in anything he attempts, physically speaking. but we always have to take the whole person into account. For instance, if the guy is the best at something, but doesn't show up because he "overslept" or some such other nonsense, what've you got. Nada. This is the point most people don't understand about everybody, but especially blacks. They've always got this incredible amount of baggage they carry around. It could show itself in any number of different ways, from dogfighting, to armed robbery, rape, murder, or just outright stupidity. So, what does it matter if the guy is the best runner in the world if he's up in Sing Sing for the rest of his life.

Tom Iron...
Jul 14, 2007
Jimmy and Tom, I have seen a number of blacks who are built like that who are not incredible athletes. Sometimes people are built to look very strong, but in reality they are only of average strength and speed in sports. But since they are black and and have that look, everyone thinks they have incredible potential and must have such great "athleticism."