Black teen shot by white neighborhood watchman

Stunning decision. I would have never expected it. Congrats to the jurors that did their jobs. If there is no black rioting then I predict this case gets dropped into the memory hole. I don't expect the DOJ to get involved, I think they would rather this one go away. It's united and fired up the dissident right and I think they prefer apathy to that.
Amazing! Justice is done in Amerika -for once!

But now the vampire media will be really trying to incite the blacks to riot. In fact I expect them to go into overdrive now, 24/7, just as they did after the Rodney King trial. Also, the occupational government in Washington might file federal charges - i.e. illegal double jeopardy - like they did in the Rodney King case.
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Amazing! Justice is done in Amerika -for once!

Exactly WW. My heart started pounding just prior to the verdict. I was at once happy and relieved that justice had been served. This little bone that has been tossed to us and justice gives me a speck of hope that we can turn our country around from going over the cliff.
Amazing! Justice is done in Amerika -for once!

But now the vampire media will be really trying to incite the blacks to riot. In fact I expect them to go into overdrive now, 24/7, just as they did after the Rodney King trial.
Yes, we'll be hearing about it on the morning news.

The negro thugs will use this as an excuse to smash into stores overnight and loot.
Amazing! Justice is done in Amerika -for once!

Exactly WW. My heart started pounding just prior to the verdict. I was at once happy and relieved that justice had been served. This little bone that has been tossed to us and justice gives me a speck of hope that we can turn our country around from going over the cliff.

Don't celebrate yet, brother. It's part of the plan. Get the Negroes rioting and burning and looting and raping and killing. The Soetoro (alias Obama) regime files civil rights charges against Mr Z and re-arrests him. Crackdown on concealed carry and daring to even defend yourself against violent negro criminals...

We have many enemies.
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Sharpton and many others used race as Zimmerman's motive, but any reasonable person can understand that it really didn't apply to this case at all.

I was wrong. I honestly thought from the start they would find him guilty of manslaughter. I was with white friends tonight when the verdict came down, and they almost all thought that Zimmerman "got his ass kicked" and shot Trayvon (a child!) in retaliation. Only the lesbian couple sided with me. Far out, man. We have a long way to go.
Congrats to the all woman jury. From what I could see they were for the most part an above average group of woman. I didn't think they would see through the emotional theatrics of the prosecution but they did. They proved me wrong. Woman can be as cool and logical anyone when they need to be.

They made the right decision.
Congrats to the all woman jury. From what I could see they were for the most part an above average group of woman. I didn't think they would see through the emotional theatrics of the prosecution but they did. They proved me wrong. Woman can be as cool and logical anyone when they need to be.

They made the right decision.

So happy to be proven wrong about a hung jury. Glad to see the even the "black Hispanic" was willing to see reason.
Women - My wife is gloating over what she perceives as the defeat of "my" reason and logic (I beat her unmercifully with reason and logic) - My saying women would convict. I told her this just proves the rule. Every so often, women can actually do the right thing. I'm happy to've been wrong on this. Good work Ladies.
Sharpton and many others used race as Zimmerman's motive, but any reasonable person can understand that it really didn't apply to this case at all.


It's obvious the parents of Trayvon are racists. They taught their son to refer to whites as crackers. They claimed this case was not about race for them. Really? Then why did they get the biggest racist and homegrown terrorist Al Nappy Head Sharpton involved? The guy has the blood of plenty of people on his hands as he has incited race riots before. I'm so sick of the way blacks always want laws immediately changed if it benefits them in a particular way.

I believe DWID mentioned this before, many blacks don't care if they live or die. Seriously, I'm 32 years old and if some guy was following me I would never attack him. You never know if the person has a gun or knife. This 17 year old thug took matters into his own hands.How many white kids would attack Zimmerman? Very few to none.
I hear Zimmerman is also immune from civil suits because of Florida law on justifiable lawful deadly force.
Negroes are pathetic! It should be the right of other races to racially profile them because they commit incredible amounts of crime. Had the evidence shown Zimmerman shot the kid for no reason I'd say convict him of murder. What's right is right, however all they want is revenge and it doesn't matter the young thug attacked George.
Negroes on twitter react (Zimmerman isn't even Mexican):

B0 W00ds @Bo_GotDemRacks

Im Ready To Shoot Me A Mf Mexican & Say It Was Self Defense

rattygang @Britbrat_dullah

first mexican i see ima shoot & say it was self defense

Ced @Ced_Underrated

Not Guilty? Now I Gotta Go Shoot Me A Mexican

Dre' @IRapSports
This dude just said imma shoot me a white lookin Mexican for Treyvon smh we lost

K R I S S Y ღ @Mrs_ButtaPeacan
I'm bout to go shoot a mexican kid & see if I get off

Numerous media outlets are reporting The New York Giants Victor Cruz tweeted that, "The Hood would catch up to Zimmerman within a year", suggesting Zimmerman would be murdered within a year!

Will be interesting to see what, if anything happens to Cruz for tweeting this angry response!
Im pleased to see that the blacks at least understand that the man was not a WHITE man. They are referring to him as a mexican which is also not correct. Its the white anti-whites that cant seem to grasp that Z is mestizo.

Im amazed by how so many whites seem to hope for examples of white on black crime. Of course white on black crime is a myth, so they have to cling to the closest thing. This whole Zimmerman circus is the closest thing.

Im glad I was wrong on this though Z never gets back the section of life he lost during all this. Innocent until proven guilty my ass!
I havent posted my thoughts on this case before so here goes:

First of all, it's sad anytime someone who is 17 years old is killed. In that sense, I sympathize with Trayvon and his family. How would any of us like to see someone 17 years old in our family killed? Of course not. 17 years old is very young, and no one at 17 deserves to die.

That being said, Trayvon seemed like a typical black "wanna-be" gangster youth. He was a confirmed drug user, arguably a drug dealer, and was confirmed to have been involved with starting fights, getting suspended from school, and vandalism. Trayvon just had all round gangster and thuggish behaviour. Maybe his parents should have instructed him in a better direction (ie don't do drugs, don't act like a criminal, don't start fights).

I firmly believe Zimmerman acted in self defense and I believe his account of things (which was confirmed by multiple witnesses). He was getting beat up, calling for help, and as a last resort had to kill the 17 year old. So, I fully believe Zimmerman is innocent and I agree with the verdict.

If people are looking at someone to blame for the crime I would start with the black community and Trayvon's parents. Here's a thought, maybe had Trayvon better parenting he wouldn't have been such a delingquent, drug user, drug dealer, criminal, gangster wanna be.

The black community needs to take responsibility for themselves. Other minority communities like Latinos, Asians, and Middle Easterners all start out poor but become very successful in North America. Black community needs to take note and change itself to fit in with society.

Trayvon's own parents let him down and thats the truth here. He had bad parenting and what do you expect when that happens. You get a delingquent teenager who ends up a social mess up, arrested and jailed, or getting killed.

A 17 year old drug user indicates horrible parenting, end of story. He had no parental guidance and this is the result. Its not Zimmerman's fault, it's his own parents fault for not guiding their son in a better direction.
As a final point, I feel like Zimmerman's family has conducted themselves with the utmost class, dignity, and respect. They've been very respectful in light of these events. His brother gave an interview last night and he came across as very articulate, respectful, and genuine.

The black community on the other hand, has behaved like uncontrollable savages, some even calling for "revenge attacks" and whatnot.

Yet again the black community shows it is the absolute lowest of the low, out of any other community in North America.
Exactly, the prosecution kept saying Zimmerman had options other than shooting. What were those options though? He screamed for nearly a full minute at the top of his lungs. He tried to break away. A neighbor actually came outside and saw the battery but simply went back inside to phone the police. The police were already on their way but who knows how long that would have taken. If I were in Zimmerman's position, I'd have made the decision to finally shoot when that neighbor went inside rather than helping. Better to be judged by 12 (well 6 in Florida's case) than carried by six.

It's also rather telling about Trayvon that when his father first noticed his son's absence he called the police wondering if his son was in trouble. If Trayvon were such a good boy his father would be been phoning to report a missing person.
Exactly, the prosecution kept saying Zimmerman had options other than shooting. What were those options though? He screamed for nearly a full minute at the top of his lungs. He tried to break away. A neighbor actually came outside and saw the battery but simply went back inside to phone the police. The police were already on their way but who knows how long that would have taken. If I were in Zimmerman's position, I'd have made the decision to finally shoot when that neighbor went inside rather than helping. Better to be judged by 12 (well 6 in Florida's case) than carried by six.

It's also rather telling about Trayvon that when his father first noticed his son's absence he called the police wondering if his son was in trouble. If Trayvon were such a good boy his father would be been phoning to report a missing person.
Yes the options were to end up in the morgue or to be near dead or retarded lieing in a hospital bed with your family making public appeals for donations for your future 7 figure medical bills. While I don't generally agree with the initial aggression that Zimmerman showed Martin once he attacked that forcefully it's either the two previous options or this, any sane person would choose option 3.
The media's biased and one-sided coverage of this affair has been truly despicable. They no longer hide their intentions or motivations, and I do believe more and more people see thru this BS.

Although he hardly looks it, he does have white blood in him, but the main reason I support Zimmermann is that he's being treated as if he were 100% white. I think his best bet is to leave the country before the Feds get him. Go somewhere else and start over, there is nothing here for him in this country.

Seeing the level of anger and vitriol on display by the leftist scum after the verdict came out was unreal, even by their standards. It's scary to think where this country will be 10 years from now. I don't think we (non-liberal, heterosexual white people) have a future here, unless something truly dramatic happens, and soon.
Saw Zimmerman's brother interviewed on Piers Morgan. Toward the end Morgan started sputtering about "boy" and "skittles" and Zimmerman calmly pantsed him. Low ratings former tabloid reporter Morgan must have left the studio that night with his britches around his ankles.

And O'Mara ended his press conference with a righteous scolding of the so-called press for making Zimmerman into a monster.

Then today they bust a bunch of Jamaicans for peds.

So finally a couple things swing our way. At least for a couple days anyway.
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