Black Privilege

And that puke has been a regular in the structure formerly known as The Whitehouse and is a "homey" to the Imposter in Chief. If anybody ever wanted an example of the utterly reprehensible double-standards in the media... ...
Affirmative Action for Black Serial Killers

by Jim Goad

It is unlikely that The Grim Sleeper will ever become nearly as famous as other LA serial killers such as The Night Stalker, The Hillside Stranglers, or The Manson Family.

Is it because he’s black?

Last Thursday a jury convicted Lonnie Franklin, Jr. of ten murders and one attempted murder. The series of slayings for which he was convicted spanned from 1985-2007. Over that long, grim stretch of time, Franklin took a 14-year sabbatical from killing (1988-2002) that earned him the moniker “The Grim Sleeper.” Nearly all of his victims were young black women he’d shot and left dead in alleys throughout South Central Los Angeles. His victims had names such as Bernita, Janecia, Princess, and Lachrica, the latter of whom was found under a mattress in an alleyway, shot through the heart and with a napkin over her face onto which the killer had scrawled the word “AIDS.” The series of slayings were originally dubbed the “Strawberry Murders” based on black slang for female crack whores.

The Grim Sleeper is by no means the only black serial killer from Los Angeles. There’s also “The Skid Row Stabber”, “The Skid Row Slasher,” and this guy, this guy, and this guy.

And it’s not only Los Angeles. Other black American serial killers—meaning they killed three or more people in a series of incidents rather than mass murderers, who slay multiple victims all at once—boast colorful monikers such as “The Stocking Strangler,” “The Cleveland Strangler,” “The Kansas City Vampire,” “The Baseline Killer,” “The Tacoma Ax-Killer,” and “The I-57 Killer.”

Carl Eugene Watts, AKA “The Sunday Morning Slasher,” may be the most prolific serial killer in American history. He is thought to have snuffed more lives than white superstar serial killers John Wayne Gacy, Jeffrey Dahmer, and Ted Bundy combined. Yet, he gets “no love” from the media.

Along the same vein of racially unjust media bias, Philadelphia police arrested two multiple murderers in 1987. One was only convicted of two slayings but is usually referred to as a serial killer. His name was Gary Heidnik, and his case received national attention. His story became the inspiration for the “Buffalo Bill” character in the Oscar-winning smash The Silence of the Lambs. Plying his macabre trade in the same blown-out North Philly wastelands as Heidnik was Harrison Graham, who was convicted of killing seven women, six of whose putrefying bodies police found in his apartment. But Graham’s case received scant attention, and no hit movies were based on his saga. Although Graham killed more people than Heidnik, his misfortune was to be born black in a society that only makes celebrities out of white serial killers.

There persists a stubborn myth that all serial killers are white. If pressed to name a black serial killer, some may be able to point to The Atlanta Child Murderer, who to this day insists he was framed by police to cover over the true killers—the KKK, natch. Others may recall the black duo who became known as the Beltway Snipers. Beyond that, most people draw blanks—and that’s unfair in a society that prides itself on equality.

Not only have there been a lot of documented black American serial killers, blacks are actually overrepresented in this grisly yet attention-grabbing crime.

Studying the time frame of 1945-2004, criminologist Anthony Walsh found that out of 413 confirmed American serial killers, 90 of them were black—a quotient of 22% and nearly double their percentage of the population. An almost identical quotient is claimed by Eric W. Hickey in his book Serial Murderers and Their Victims. A massive database at Radford University tracking over 4,000 serial killers from 1900 to 2010 found that a whopping 40.6% of the killers were black. In his book Rise of the Black Serial Killer, Justin Cottrell says he’s confirmed 1,837 cases of American serial killers since the year 1860, with 53% of the killers being black. Cottrell also says that only 6% of white serial killers murder “outside their race,” whereas 57% of black serial killers are more racially ecumenical in choosing their victims.

Despite the stubborn myth of all serial killers being white, I could find no statistical evidence of blacks being underrepresented at the craft. In fact, every source I dug up found them overrepresented by a factor of two or more. And trends since the year 2000 find that anywhere from half to three quarters of currently active American serial killers are black.

Shouldn’t they be acknowledged for their burgeoning success in this area? Why should white serial killers hog all the attention? The answer is easy—it’s called “white privilege.” We, as a society marching forward toward progress and mutual understanding, should give black serial killers props for doing all the same things that white killers are famous for—strangling hookers, ritualistic abuse, necrophilia, cannibalism, star-crossed lovers who go on breathless interstate murder sprees, their crazy hearts all aflutter—you name it, they do it.

As with most things, blacks fall victim to racial profiling. In the cases of the Atlanta Child Murderer and the Beltway Snipers, police followed the FBI model that the typical serial killer is a white male, so they wasted time searching for white suspects. In the more recent case of Derrick Todd Lee, AKA The Baton Rouge Serial Killer, police allegedly took DNA samples from hundreds of white suspects before a break in the case led them to the black perp. And one of the initial suspects in LA’s Grim Sleeper case was white.

Watching people try to explain why black serial killers are denied the fame and publicity that is lavished upon their white counterparts is as amusing as watching anyone trying to explain anything about race in America these days. For those who identify with the political right, the stock explanation is that liberals slavishly worship blacks and therefore cannot find it within themselves to see black people as capable of such subhuman savagery, so the left-leaning media refuses to report such cases. Proggy academics write papers with titles such as “The Anonymity of African American Serial Killers: From Slavery to Prisons, A Continuum of Negative Imagery” and “African American Serial Killers: Over-Represented Yet Underacknowledged.” The gist of such hifalutin jibber-jabber is that in our white supremacist society, only white men are considered capable of the organizational skills and intelligence to pull off a string of murders before being caught. They say our celebrity-driven culture views white serial killers as iconic Übermenschen while cruelly denying blacks the right to stand alongside them as murderous superheroes. I have no doubt that someday soon, some well-meaning imbecile will launch a campaign demanding more comic books and T-shirts depicting black serial killers.

Many white negrophiles—and even one is too many—appear to think they’re helping black people’s self-esteem by finally spotlighting the wild, exotic, and heretofore unexplored phenomenon of black serial killers. It’s almost as if they think they’re helping to popularize obscure Mississippi Delta bluesmen who were unfairly overshadowed by The Beatles and Rolling Stones. Or to use a more contemporary example, Jeffrey Dahmer is Taylor Swift, while Lonnie Franklin, Jr. is Nicki Minaj. I encourage them all to start a hashtag campaign called #SerialKillersSoWhite.

It is an undeniable fact that our racist nation does not give black people credit for many things, and serial killing is no exception. It is time to end this injustice and let the world know that black serial killers are just as good as white ones—if not better!
Former middleweight champion Jermaine Taylor who shot his cousin, shot a gun in the air on a MLK parade and beat up another in a rehab facility walks free! This is what black privilege is. and what Amerika 2.0 has become. Congrats American dummies.
Affirmative Action for Black Serial Killers

by Jim Goad

It is unlikely that The Grim Sleeper will ever become nearly as famous as other LA serial killers such as The Night Stalker, The Hillside Stranglers, or The Manson Family.

Is it because he’s black?

Last Thursday a jury convicted Lonnie Franklin, Jr. of ten murders and one attempted murder. The series of slayings for which he was convicted spanned from 1985-2007. Over that long, grim stretch of time, Franklin took a 14-year sabbatical from killing (1988-2002) that earned him the moniker “The Grim Sleeper.” Nearly all of his victims were young black women he’d shot and left dead in alleys throughout South Central Los Angeles. His victims had names such as Bernita, Janecia, Princess, and Lachrica, the latter of whom was found under a mattress in an alleyway, shot through the heart and with a napkin over her face onto which the killer had scrawled the word “AIDS.” The series of slayings were originally dubbed the “Strawberry Murders” based on black slang for female crack whores.

The Grim Sleeper is by no means the only black serial killer from Los Angeles. There’s also “The Skid Row Stabber”, “The Skid Row Slasher,” and this guy, this guy, and this guy.

And it’s not only Los Angeles. Other black American serial killers—meaning they killed three or more people in a series of incidents rather than mass murderers, who slay multiple victims all at once—boast colorful monikers such as “The Stocking Strangler,” “The Cleveland Strangler,” “The Kansas City Vampire,” “The Baseline Killer,” “The Tacoma Ax-Killer,” and “The I-57 Killer.”

Carl Eugene Watts, AKA “The Sunday Morning Slasher,” may be the most prolific serial killer in American history. He is thought to have snuffed more lives than white superstar serial killers John Wayne Gacy, Jeffrey Dahmer, and Ted Bundy combined. Yet, he gets “no love” from the media.

Along the same vein of racially unjust media bias, Philadelphia police arrested two multiple murderers in 1987. One was only convicted of two slayings but is usually referred to as a serial killer. His name was Gary Heidnik, and his case received national attention. His story became the inspiration for the “Buffalo Bill” character in the Oscar-winning smash The Silence of the Lambs. Plying his macabre trade in the same blown-out North Philly wastelands as Heidnik was Harrison Graham, who was convicted of killing seven women, six of whose putrefying bodies police found in his apartment. But Graham’s case received scant attention, and no hit movies were based on his saga. Although Graham killed more people than Heidnik, his misfortune was to be born black in a society that only makes celebrities out of white serial killers.

There persists a stubborn myth that all serial killers are white. If pressed to name a black serial killer, some may be able to point to The Atlanta Child Murderer, who to this day insists he was framed by police to cover over the true killers—the KKK, natch. Others may recall the black duo who became known as the Beltway Snipers. Beyond that, most people draw blanks—and that’s unfair in a society that prides itself on equality.

Not only have there been a lot of documented black American serial killers, blacks are actually overrepresented in this grisly yet attention-grabbing crime.

Studying the time frame of 1945-2004, criminologist Anthony Walsh found that out of 413 confirmed American serial killers, 90 of them were black—a quotient of 22% and nearly double their percentage of the population. An almost identical quotient is claimed by Eric W. Hickey in his book Serial Murderers and Their Victims. A massive database at Radford University tracking over 4,000 serial killers from 1900 to 2010 found that a whopping 40.6% of the killers were black. In his book Rise of the Black Serial Killer, Justin Cottrell says he’s confirmed 1,837 cases of American serial killers since the year 1860, with 53% of the killers being black. Cottrell also says that only 6% of white serial killers murder “outside their race,” whereas 57% of black serial killers are more racially ecumenical in choosing their victims.

Despite the stubborn myth of all serial killers being white, I could find no statistical evidence of blacks being underrepresented at the craft. In fact, every source I dug up found them overrepresented by a factor of two or more. And trends since the year 2000 find that anywhere from half to three quarters of currently active American serial killers are black.

Shouldn’t they be acknowledged for their burgeoning success in this area? Why should white serial killers hog all the attention? The answer is easy—it’s called “white privilege.” We, as a society marching forward toward progress and mutual understanding, should give black serial killers props for doing all the same things that white killers are famous for—strangling hookers, ritualistic abuse, necrophilia, cannibalism, star-crossed lovers who go on breathless interstate murder sprees, their crazy hearts all aflutter—you name it, they do it.

As with most things, blacks fall victim to racial profiling. In the cases of the Atlanta Child Murderer and the Beltway Snipers, police followed the FBI model that the typical serial killer is a white male, so they wasted time searching for white suspects. In the more recent case of Derrick Todd Lee, AKA The Baton Rouge Serial Killer, police allegedly took DNA samples from hundreds of white suspects before a break in the case led them to the black perp. And one of the initial suspects in LA’s Grim Sleeper case was white.

Watching people try to explain why black serial killers are denied the fame and publicity that is lavished upon their white counterparts is as amusing as watching anyone trying to explain anything about race in America these days. For those who identify with the political right, the stock explanation is that liberals slavishly worship blacks and therefore cannot find it within themselves to see black people as capable of such subhuman savagery, so the left-leaning media refuses to report such cases. Proggy academics write papers with titles such as “The Anonymity of African American Serial Killers: From Slavery to Prisons, A Continuum of Negative Imagery” and “African American Serial Killers: Over-Represented Yet Underacknowledged.” The gist of such hifalutin jibber-jabber is that in our white supremacist society, only white men are considered capable of the organizational skills and intelligence to pull off a string of murders before being caught. They say our celebrity-driven culture views white serial killers as iconic Übermenschen while cruelly denying blacks the right to stand alongside them as murderous superheroes. I have no doubt that someday soon, some well-meaning imbecile will launch a campaign demanding more comic books and T-shirts depicting black serial killers.

Many white negrophiles—and even one is too many—appear to think they’re helping black people’s self-esteem by finally spotlighting the wild, exotic, and heretofore unexplored phenomenon of black serial killers. It’s almost as if they think they’re helping to popularize obscure Mississippi Delta bluesmen who were unfairly overshadowed by The Beatles and Rolling Stones. Or to use a more contemporary example, Jeffrey Dahmer is Taylor Swift, while Lonnie Franklin, Jr. is Nicki Minaj. I encourage them all to start a hashtag campaign called #SerialKillersSoWhite.

It is an undeniable fact that our racist nation does not give black people credit for many things, and serial killing is no exception. It is time to end this injustice and let the world know that black serial killers are just as good as white ones—if not better!

What a great article. Goad uses sarcasm so effectively to make his point. I should repost that article to other forums.

A black “Saturday Night Live” writer is under fire after cracking a joke about white people who support Black Lives Matter.

Leslie Jones, a comedian, made fun of white people who stand with the Black Lives Matter movement during one of her stand-ups in New York City, reports The Grio.

“If I see another 45-year-old white woman from Williamsburg saying ‘black lives matter,’ I’m going to punch you in the mouth,” Jones quipped, before adding “Stop doing that.”
OK I have a similar article you can punch up in the Islamic Terrorist section as well. But the one above also has a Fox News audio where they say "What does get you fired at Trinity College?" which is spot on because as I post this he is still at Trinity College. One would hope they come to their senses and fire his ass. I know there is a deep leftist bent by the majority of college professors but come on this kind of crap is beyond nonsense and this type of person is simultaneously ruining both black and white races.
I have been to that campus in Hartford to play in softball games. If I was a parent of a student there ( it is very expensive) I would DEMAND the school fire him. Not tolerable behavior period. And he should never teach again the swine.
Tyreke Smith a DT participating at an Ohio State camp was wearing a t-shirt that read " I hope I don't get killed for being black."
The good news? This crap might end sooner than later because this type of thinking is mired in elephant dong. The cops in these bad neighborhoods, a thankless job, are trying to keep peace and order. These scum buckets like Kaperhole are FOR violence and disorder. Over time this will become more apparent to the ignorant public that aren't convinced the "black live matter" movement is nothing but a hate whitey black power group with dangerous implications.
Tick tock goes the clock and still that sniveling coward, Trinity College Professor Williams, who is in hiding, has yet to be fired by the black President. She is contemplating the matter with all the seriousness from what I can gather with" should I cut my toenails tonight?" We blame the youth of today about a lot of things but should they take the most blame when you consider they have teachers like Williams who openly wants white people to die. Civilized societies have to draw the lines on many things and there should be no questions asked in this open and closed case, this man should be canned and banned from teaching. Poisonous and immoral outbursts from this ******* have no place at learning institutions. The good news is we have not QUITE reached the point where this kind of talk is acceptable to everyone. Two CT lawmakers have called for his firing (only two). Tucker Carlson has spoken out against it and others have pointed out the hypocrisy of it all. If a white professor had uttered anything remotely as offensive as Professor Williams he would have been given a one way ticket to hell.
Still at the end of the day white people are still considered human beings by the majority despite this push for some to categorize whites as demon/sub humans. And let us hope we can keep it that way. And the first step towards that goal is for the school to fire this poison maker Professor.
Tick tock goes the clock and still that sniveling coward, Trinity College Professor Williams, who is in hiding, has yet to be fired by the black President. She is contemplating the matter with all the seriousness from what I can gather with" should I cut my toenails tonight?" We blame the youth of today about a lot of things but should they take the most blame when you consider they have teachers like Williams who openly wants white people to die. Civilized societies have to draw the lines on many things and there should be no questions asked in this open and closed case, this man should be canned and banned from teaching. Poisonous and immoral outbursts from this ******* have no place at learning institutions. The good news is we have not QUITE reached the point where this kind of talk is acceptable to everyone. Two CT lawmakers have called for his firing (only two). Tucker Carlson has spoken out against it and others have pointed out the hypocrisy of it all. If a white professor had uttered anything remotely as offensive as Professor Williams he would have been given a one way ticket to hell.
Still at the end of the day white people are still considered human beings by the majority despite this push for some to categorize whites as demon/sub humans. And let us hope we can keep it that way. And the first step towards that goal is for the school to fire this poison maker Professor.

I think stories like this help our cause much more so than hurt it. Hypocrisy is killing the left. More and more white people are calling out the double standard and acknowledging that blacks are a protected class in this country. One of my favorite exercises to do on friends and family who identify as democrats is ask them if they are ok with being associated with anti-white groups who fall under the democratic umbrella. Connect the dots for them and make them think for themselves or at least make them feel stupid for their cluelessness about how radical the left really is.
Tyreke Smith a DT participating at an Ohio State camp was wearing a t-shirt that read " I hope I don't get killed for being black."
The good news? This crap might end sooner than later because this type of thinking is mired in elephant dong. The cops in these bad neighborhoods, a thankless job, are trying to keep peace and order. These scum buckets like Kaperhole are FOR violence and disorder. Over time this will become more apparent to the ignorant public that aren't convinced the "black live matter" movement is nothing but a hate whitey black power group with dangerous implications.

They rarely get killed, that is one problem, people msot of the time do not defend themselves. When they do its against the crimes they commit or try to commit, the cops and people defending themselves against brutal unjustified black aggression. That is what they are trying to stop, they want everyone to role over and lay down and die to it.
I think stories like this help our cause much more so than hurt it. Hypocrisy is killing the left. More and more white people are calling out the double standard and acknowledging that blacks are a protected class in this country. One of my favorite exercises to do on friends and family who identify as democrats is ask them if they are ok with being associated with anti-white groups who fall under the democratic umbrella. Connect the dots for them and make them think for themselves or at least make them feel stupid for their cluelessness about how radical the left really is.
Not only protected but coddled, worshiped, and exhalted to a level so undeserving in sports, arts, politics, society, and virtually every avenue its disgusting they are allowed to rape, murder, be late, do no work, cheat lie and steal with ZERO implications meanwhile if you defend yourself from the black demigods and their "wilding" you are falsely smeared as the "bad guy" We aren't taking it anymore.
If the Black Lives Matter movement and some of these far left street protestors start resorting to increasingly focused violent acts then nobody should be surprised because as it stands society at this point does not have the balls to disrupt the foundation that supports the violence. Four cases involving college professors and the current score is 3-1.
To rehash. The first two are white the third Asian and the last is black. Guess which one gets to keep the prize?
Evergreen College Bret Weinstein, a liberal, was forcibly removed from school by the mainly black entourage because he thought it was a good idea for blacks and whites to try and get along with each other.
Delaware Professor Dettwyler posted some very insensitive white bashing comments about that poor soul who was released from Evil North Korea. She was not rehired. She also was accused of being overly political in class. In this case I could go either way but I won't argue with Delaware's decision.
Dean June Chu at Yale was either fired or resigned after she was suspended for tweets about white trash. In the scheme of things not egregious enough to get fired but another one bites the dust.
Professor Williams at Trinity and it has been over a week now but even though he is still in hiding he has yet to be fired. In the meantime the liberal press including The Hartford Courant newspaper are defending him even though his comments about whites resembled the type of stuff Hitler used to say about the Jews. His apology was NO apology as he went on about white supremacy. Like all those dead white people in Ohio who have died from overdose professor?
This whole process of "bending over" for blacks has got to end. If this guy is not axed then Trinity College should be a focal point of why this language coded with the fake white supremacy tag should be exposed as to what it really is: a black power movement with violent undertones.
So the first teacher gets fired for trying to act like a human being. The second one perhaps deserved to be let go. The Asian one didn't deserve to go yet the fourth professor, by far the worst of the lot, was calling for violence yet remains. I suspect that the bad publicity Trinity would receive if they keep him on board could hurt them financially. What white parent would want to send their kid to that school? Time will tell but this story is not over until he is canned.
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I do recall that the university of Missouri was impacted when their administration have into demands from black groups. Granted it does have a huge enrollment but I just read an article that UM is expected to have a 7.4 % decline this year which will result in 400 lost jobs. Good!

As for higher education i feel that the bubble will soon burst - thousands of anti-capitalist, anti-western, anti-Christian, anti-male professors hypocritically collect 6 figure paychecks while preaching from leftist "safe spaces" where the rules apply only to those who oppose them. The same people telling students to bitch and moan about loan forgiveness, "free" education (where the white middle class taxpayer pays the cost) and complaining about the high cost of college are those very same ******** collecting fat paychecks. Public funding should be slashed across the board - let these "educated liberals" join the working world rather than hide behind the walls of faux academia.

I really hope to see a paradigm shift away from "higher education" and back to practical trade type jobs which the demand for workers is great. All of those Afro-American studies, sociology, psychology etc. degrees are worthless. Indoctrination is more important than education - the leftist world view is more important than Truth. Once someone realizes that, they can remove all the nonsense and general ******** that surrounds them in society.
I did not know that about Missouri but that is real good news. It basically is telling parents that "black thug driven schools" are not welcome places. In general I support higher education and classical studies although there is nothing wrong with people who prefer to become say car mechanics. Along with the semi bogus sociological crap that passes as real education today I also fear that too many students pass through the narrow window of a technocratic/computer age education and lack the basic liberal arts studies that was the foundation of education going back to ancient times. In other words history, literature, philosophy and the arts play important roles in the education of young minds and prepares them to be able to think and manage deep seated societal problems. Sure people will argue that the math and science and computer and business courses are what lead to real life jobs and in many ways that's correct but we ARE human beings and the humanities are essential for civilization to continue and thrive. Other wise we might as well turn over everything to the robots ( may happen anyway).
When I was going to school a lot of the professors weren't making much money. Man has that changed. The truth of the matter is most college professors today are way OVERPAID and that is another reason the economy rots. It is a function of the unfair financial imbalance between professions. In general teachers are overpaid in my mind and since a lot of that is funded by the tax payer or students etc. they should be pissed off if they see their hard earned money going down the drain supporting jerks like that Trinity professor. Leo is right these professors are milking the system and many of them are biting the very hand that feeds them. Spoiled twits.
Just like the NFL learned when a few of the players decided to "teach" white America a thing or two about so called "injustice" and the ratings dropped, these schools won't be able to sustain their viability if they succumb to black power movements at the cost of a real education.
I do recall that the university of Missouri was impacted when their administration have into demands from black groups. Granted it does have a huge enrollment but I just read an article that UM is expected to have a 7.4 % decline this year which will result in 400 lost jobs. Good!

As for higher education i feel that the bubble will soon burst - thousands of anti-capitalist, anti-western, anti-Christian, anti-male professors hypocritically collect 6 figure paychecks while preaching from leftist "safe spaces" where the rules apply only to those who oppose them. The same people telling students to bitch and moan about loan forgiveness, "free" education (where the white middle class taxpayer pays the cost) and complaining about the high cost of college are those very same ******** collecting fat paychecks. Public funding should be slashed across the board - let these "educated liberals" join the working world rather than hide behind the walls of faux academia.

I really hope to see a paradigm shift away from "higher education" and back to practical trade type jobs which the demand for workers is great. All of those Afro-American studies, sociology, psychology etc. degrees are worthless. Indoctrination is more important than education - the leftist world view is more important than Truth. Once someone realizes that, they can remove all the nonsense and general ******** that surrounds them in society.

The government industrial complex has been subsidizing itself or years helping to kill off the local, state, and national economies FOR DECADES. Syphoning the capital, time and cash into the black hole of their non-production and hyper destructive agenda. College is a huge part of the BLAME for the drug, crime, and marxoid no work greed gimme culture that has warped generations of Americans. All they have produced is a legacy of bankruptcy, intellectual decline, and slave minded jerks who worhsip their genitalia and many forms of pot. Gone are the farms, the manufacturing, the family businesses and trade and the strength that (((they))) blood sucked off of to drive around in Audis and live in mansions with their tenured worthless never helped anyone asses. The Igatievs, Chomskys, Singers, etc. Total garbage each and everyone of them. They took the uplifting moral righteousness and industry of the western mind and polluted it into Antifa, Guervera, and Shitbaggism. Damn them all....BTW I'm in a good mood :)
Trinity finally made a move on Professor Williams and to me it is really a bad compromise. Now Trinity may decide to let him whither and then axe him but for now they put him on leave through the Fall semester. He is whining and so are some fellow professor collectives who claim the "right wing" is behind all of this. Williams said last night that "the college has made no attempt to support my academic freedom of speech. It's a violation of my academic freedom as well as my free speech as a citizen of the United States."
I am with you on your free speech jerk off but in the privacy of your unemployed state of being. No way in hell should your violent rhetoric poison the halls of a college institution.
Trinity College is an older school founded by Protestants. I doubt this is the case today and it is a shame it isn't but I suspect most religious institutions required students to take religious classes every semester as part of the core liberal arts program thus giving students the best of education that encompasses the mind and the spiritual nature of humanity. At the end of the day as human beings the spiritual is the most important thing in life. I should know. Growing up during my school years I attended Church six times a week and was a primary reader of the New Testament during mass along with being an Alter Boy. And we often had Priests over at the house and they were all very friendly. The schools were strict and even though I was a top student through 8th grade I was a bit of a brat so on occasion I would get the giant wooden paddle to my ass or the ruler across my knuckles. But the worst part was detention where you had to write the same thing over and over. I used to say life can't get worse than this until you end up with a repetitious mundane job and think yes this is worse than detention. Ha.
Then High School came and there I was dealing with this new concept called "girls" and my grades started to slip. Here I am sitting in Algebra class surrounded by cute girls sitting next to me wearing short uniform skirts and knee high socks and I had one thing on my mind and rest assured it was not algebra. Ha. But I managed my way through if (barely) and was on my way to nowhere in particular.
But the point is these schools need to get back to the basics and it is quite the irony that a hate filled teacher at a so called religious school has been allowed to push his garbage on students. I am no fan of the computer revolution and get upset every time I notice whether at the grocery store or movie theater or bank etc.. people have been replaced by automation. And don't get me started on the "robot revolution" that the science nerds are all juiced up about. At the end of the day since the computer boom people in my mind are more miserable than ever and it has obviously killed off tons of jobs and made life worse not better. Bookkeeper--what's that?
So now more than ever schools, and Trinity is an admired and expensive Liberal Arts school, should require students to be exposed to a more rigorous classical education as opposed to this hip sociology crap that passes as education these days. And young people need a whopping dose of morality as well and I am afraid that is too often missing in higher education these days.
This Professor will haunt Trinity and until they get rid of his sorry ass they will have to deal with the negative fallout and like Missouri could face a decline in admissions and prestige.
One more thing worth noting. Tucker Carlson graduated from Trinity with a BA in History. He is a good representative of how a proper liberal arts degree can be a truly positive thing.
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Predictably academia caved in and looks like white hater Professor Williams will be able to teach again. In general colleges have more "left leaning" teachers but Williams and his ilk represent a new kind of radicalism which is the antitheses of classical studies than have been the backbone of great societies through history. This is summed up in a brilliant letter to The Hartford Courant by a former Yale grad.
Black Privilege

Black privilege is being able to take pride in your race without fear of persecution.

Black privilege is when people assume you are poor because of racism, not because you’re lazy.

Black privilege is being wealthy without people assuming you wealth was all handed to you or that you exploited others.

Black privilege is being able to commit violent crimes against another race without people assuming you are racist.

Black privilege is being given ‘affirmative action’ which advantages you in jobs and colleges based on your skin tone.

Black privilege is having the media cover up your race in the event of a black flash mob or gruesome murder

Black privilege is being able to make insensitive comments about other races and not being called out on it

Black privilege is when people assume that the police pulled you over because of racism.

Black privilege is being able to blame your shortcoming on racism.

Black privilege is when people consider you to be superior at sports or ‘better in bed’ without it being racist.

Black privilege is not having to be fearful of offending minorities.

Black privilege is having the establishment lie to cover up problems in your community or protect you from criticism.

Black privilege is when you can be over-represented in a certain field without people trying to amend it

Black privilege is having the government pander to your interests in order to ‘get the black vote’

Black privilege is having Hollywood always present you in a positive light
American Freedom News