Black Privilege

Incogman's great website:

I can only get on it via Tor because Comcast blocks it.

Allowing the hate-crazed Talmud cult to buy up our media was the fatal mistake. The great Jew, Israel Shahak, said that "the media is not just a business, it is the lifeblood of a nation". He also said that in Israhell itself, no outsider is allowed to own any part of the media, even if he is Jewish.



There are also four black women in South Philadelphia that are attacking only white people. There actually has been a WHITE LIVES MATTER protest, the first time I have ever heard of such a thing. The police refuse to label it as a hate crime and all the blacks in the area are covering for them.
you could put the entire University of Missouri debacle in this thread, as well.

Black lives matter activists and their white guilt pansies verbally abuse innocent white people at Dartmouth University.

At a library of all places. It is a place reserved for quiet and brainpower and engaging mental faculties. I guess these scum cannot even relate to such things.

The media now is as quiet as a normal library about this story. The MSM is an entity literally going to Hell one Day. I shall rejoice.
I'm just reading through this thread for the first time in a long while. Some funny and sad posts. Black privilege is everywhere, but they'll deny it till they can't even speak.
I don't know if this has been posted before, but here is MTV talking about white privilege
I don't know if this has been posted before, but here is MTV talking about white privilege

Expect nothing less from Rothstein's arch cultural Marxist "Viacom(mie)".
American Freedom News