Black Leftist Cop Killer being Hailed as Hero


Hall of Famer
Jul 30, 2006

So a black guy feels he is wronged by the LAPD and ends up killing three people with guns yet the left make no mention of gun control with this guy and many praise him as some sort of hero.

If a white male had done this he would immediately have been labeled an extremist with racist tendencies and the media would be having a field day villianizing him. He would be a domestic terrorist that loved guns and the NRA.

Seems like this guy is going to be made out as some sort of cult hero in the black community further dividing the rift and assisting in the escalation of the ongoing race war in this country. I haven't heard Obama mention this guy nor does it seem to get the full attention of the 24 hour news cycle Newtown did.

This country's power brokers are so obvious in the narrative they are creating of the direction this country is headed. It blows my mind so many are blind to this.:doh:
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So a black guy feels he is wronged by the LAPD and ends up killing three people with guns yet the left make no mention of gun control with this guy and many praise him as some sort of hero.

If a white male had done this he would immediately have been labeled an extremist with racist tendencies and the media would be having a field day villianizing him. He would be a domestic terrorist that loved guns and the NRA.

Seems like this guy is going to be made out as some sort of cult hero in the black community further dividing the rift and assisting in the escalation of the ongoing race war in this country. I haven't heard Obama mention this guy nor does it seem to get the full attention of the 24 hour news cycle Newtown did.

This country's power brokers are so obvious in the narrative they are creating of the direction this country is headed. It blows my mind so many are blind to this.:doh:

Yes, black skin privilege strikes again. He has however made some friends with his manifesto that is about as PC as a nutcase's manifesto could be.

However there is something more at work here. I mentioned elsewhere that people are going to have to make difficult choices soon about who they consider the good guys and who they consider the bad guys. For example he shot some cops. That makes him a very bad guy right? But then that same group of cops goes around shooting some innocent people that they thought were him. With no regard for the possible implications. That makes them bad guys too.

Remember when someone has to arrest a White guy for some phoney "hate" crime or when someone is needed to enforce the latest PC anti-white edict from on high, who does that? Are they the good guys? When they come for the guns are they still going to be the good guys? Some people think blowback is a bitch.
I pretty much did all I could to help change the course we are on by electing Romney on 11-5-2012. The outcome was disappointing to say the least. I am pretty much on the side lines watching what will happen now. We are on bus on 45 degree angle going 100 mph with the axels about to fail.

The axis of liberalism, academia, hollyweird and media are going to try their best to marginalize this murderer. Some how they are going to blame conservatives (me) for him going off the cliff mentally.

Hopefully he will be dead by the weeks end. At my brother's condo one of the Officers named in the manifesto lives in the building. Its surrounded by LAPD officers. Waiting for Dorner to arrive.
I pretty much did all I could to help change the course we are on by electing Romney on 11-5-2012. The outcome was disappointing to say the least. I am pretty much on the side lines watching what will happen now. We are on bus on 45 degree angle going 100 mph with the axels about to fail.

The axis of liberalism, academia, hollyweird and media are going to try their best to marginalize this murderer. Some how they are going to blame conservatives (me) for him going off the cliff mentally.

Hopefully he will be dead by the weeks end. At my brother's condo one of the Officers named in the manifesto lives in the building. Its surrounded by LAPD officers. Waiting for Dorner to arrive.

If Dorner wanted to shoot it out with the LAPD and go down with guns blazing, he could have already done so, or still could. Instead, he seems to be in hiding, probably with assistance.
Off-balanced liberals with guns are frightening. [FONT=&amp]Sorry for the redundancy. [/FONT] I don’t know if all this can be verified, but if true I’m guessing the media is mum about such facts, particularly the tidbit about Adam Lanza hating Christians.

In his manifesto, he blames the LAPD for wrongfully firing him and making his life a disaster. He also claims, and seems to subtantiate that a female police officer lied on stand, and her lies were responsible for him getting fired and herself getting promoted. He also suggests that those overseeing his firing were aware that she was lying. Mr. Dorner's claims seem to be subtantiated in the sense that a 3rd and 4th person agrees with his testimony and for him to go off on a killing rampage, you have to question what would motivate him to do that?

One of the men overseeing his firing, Randal Quan (Chinese-American), was targeted and Mr. Dorner ended up murdering his daughter (Chinese-Americans) and her fiancee (a Black man). He has also killed an LAPD officer who I don't think has been named yet.

On the one hand I am surprised that a black killer is even being shown on the media, but in time he will be made into a hero, and also he has killed Chinese and Blacks. If he had killed a white couple, for sure this story would have been buried a long time ago and would have never made national coverage.

The extent of black crime is entirely hidden by the media, but within its limited portrayals of black murderers on occasion I think there are a few rules for national news:

- Black-on-white crime is a media no go area.
- Black-on-black, black-on-Asian crime is more acceptable and comfortable for the media to show.
- Black murderers who can be interpreted as heroes waging a justified struggle is also more comfortable for the media to show.

It's absolutely true that had he been white and in this same situation he would receive no media or viewer sympathy and he would just be labelled a "domestic terrorist" with "mental issues". Because he is black, he is being painted as a morally-superior, double-crossed, hero waging some type of "holy war" against a tyrannical, racist, and oppressive institution.
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In his manifesto, he blames the LAPD for wrongfully firing him and making his life a disaster. He also claims, and seems to subtantiate that a female police officer lied on stand, and her lies were responsible for him getting fired and herself getting promoted. He also suggests that those overseeing his firing were aware that she was lying. Mr. Dorner's claims seem to be subtantiated in the sense that a 3rd and 4th person agrees with his testimony and for him to go off on a killing rampage, you have to question what would motivate him to do that?

One of the men overseeing his firing, Randal Quan (Chinese-American), was targeted and Mr. Dorner ended up murdering his daughter (Chinese-Americans) and her fiancee (a Black man). He has also killed an LAPD officer who I don't think has been named yet.

On the one hand I am surprised that a black killer is even being shown on the media, but in time he will be made into a hero, and also he has killed Chinese and Blacks. If he had killed a white couple, for sure this story would have been buried a long time ago and would have never made national coverage.

The extent of black crime is entirely hidden by the media, but within its limited portrayals of black murderers on occasion I think there are a few rules for national news:

- Black-on-white crime is a media no go area.
- Black-on-black, black-on-Asian crime is more acceptable and comfortable for the media to show.
- Black murderers who can be interpreted as heroes waging a justified struggle is also more comfortable for the media to show.

It's absolutely true that had he been white and in this same situation he would receive no media or viewer sympathy and he would just be labelled a "domestic terrorist" with "mental issues". Because he is black, he is being painted as a morally-superior, double-crossed, hero waging some type of "holy war" against a tyrannical, racist, and oppressive institution.
LL Cool J better watch out as a bounty was put on this crazy loon for a cool 1 million
The media is portraying this guy as some sort of Rambo character. Fact of the matter is he was a naval reservist and it does not appear he actually spent anytime actually fighting in Iraq or Afghanistan. All he did was murder unarmed people in cold blood. The media is just doing its part once again in perpetuating the myth that blacks are superior - this time as fighters/warriors rather than in the realm of athletics.
Great article Don.

It's a shame the masses of sheeple in this country will not read it and be a little enlightened.
Looks like the cabin has been set on fire by the LEOs on site. Did they bring in Janet Reno to quarterback this thing?

I don't really care, as long as this mentally unstable, racist thug is captured, preferably dead.
Maj. Nidal Hasan (Ft Hood terrorist) – Registered Democrat – Muslim

Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold (Columbine) – Too young to vote; both families were registered Democrats and progressive liberals

Seung-Hui Cho (Virginia Tech) – Wrote hate mail to President Bush and to his
staff – Registered Democrat

James Holmes (Colorado Theater Killer) – Registered Democrat; staff worker on the Obama campaign; Occupy Wall Street participant; progressive liberal

Jared Lee Loughner (the guy who shot Gabby Gifford’s) was a registered Democrat

Adam Lanza (Connecticut School Shooter) – Registered Democrat; hated Christians

Christopher Dorner (California killer) – Registered Democrat. “Manifesto†supports Gun Control, Anti NRA, Obama supporter
Just as most black men and affelets alot of bluster in there limited abilities. This mofo is no different. In the end he barricaded himself in a cabin after taking 2 women hostage for several days.

Law Enforcement surrounded him, then he takes his pathetic/evil life with a self inflicted gun shot. I would have a bit of respect for him if he went out shooting like the Saddam Hussien's sons did against US forces in Iraq.

Looks like he's dead. Good riddance to this scumbag. Plenty of blacks see him as another "oppressed" brother but in reality he's just another racist, angry black man who couldn't handle all his failures in life so he decided to blame whitey and the system, something blacks love to do.

The one I like is that he was killed by a drone and his burnt body taken to a remote cabin to be incinerated to hide evidence. Apparently his truck with all his stuff was burned (by him according to police) which doesn't make sense. Also the police made the area of the cabin where he was "trapped" a no fly zone so no media couldn't video anything.
As usual the people supporting him are majority black - look at all the internet postings on articles about this guy and look who is saying that he is a hero and all that other BS - blacks are.

As a race they are so coddled by this society and protected that they can get away with openly cheering and supporting a murderer and the majority white population doesn't say a word about it and keeps towing the line that whites are the only racists in the world.
As usual the people supporting him are majority black - look at all the internet postings on articles about this guy and look who is saying that he is a hero and all that other BS - blacks are.

As a race they are so coddled by this society and protected that they can get away with openly cheering and supporting a murderer and the majority white population doesn't say a word about it and keeps towing the line that whites are the only racists in the world.

Yep. To blacks he's not a murderer, he's just another "freedom fighter" who to took a stand against the evil white man. I've worked around some blacks and I've never seen any racism towards them. This guy was just a lunatic who hated white people and decided to take all his anger and frustration out on them since he knew he was going to die soon. I'd ask the drunk white liberals and the media to please find a single recent situation of murder where a large amount of whites were supporting the murderer.
The one I like is that he was killed by a drone and his burnt body taken to a remote cabin to be incinerated to hide evidence. Apparently his truck with all his stuff was burned (by him according to police) which doesn't make sense. Also the police made the area of the cabin where he was "trapped" a no fly zone so no media couldn't video anything.
Jaxvid, again with the conspiracies? LOL
The cops seem a little too tentative on confirming the identity of the body. Just saying. I mean theoretically the guy had held two people as hostages. Don't they have the testimony of those people? I mean I understand that they don't want pie in their face by making a claim that eventually turns out false. But you think they would at least say something to the effect of, "we are fairly certain that the corpse is Dorner." If Dorner gave them the slip, which I don't anticipate (odds 10000 to 1), I am moving over into the conspiracy theory camp. The sh*t would just be too Hollywood Regardless, there is this disgusting feeling that the media just loves the fact that the ID will be delayed because of Dental/DNA analysis. More eyes on their sorry, desperate asses. More advertising dollars.
The cops seem a little too tentative on confirming the identity of the body. Just saying. I mean theoretically the guy had held two people as hostages. Don't they have the testimony of those people? I mean I understand that they don't want pie in their face by making a claim that eventually turns out false. But you think they would at least say something to the effect of, "we are fairly certain that the corpse is Dorner." If Dorner gave them the slip, which I don't anticipate (odds 10000 to 1), I am moving over into the conspiracy theory camp. The sh*t would just be too Hollywood Regardless, there is this disgusting feeling that the media just loves the fact that the ID will be delayed because of Dental/DNA analysis. More eyes on their sorry, desperate asses. More advertising dollars.
Gibbon, I believe the San Bernadino Sheriff's Department stated that they believe Dorner was killed in the shoot out. Either being burned alive or self inflicted. That was the agency that carried out the tactical elimination of the negro killler. Contrary to reports of LAPD carrying it out.

What was the disgusting was MSLSD providing aid and comfort to this POS. Yeah, I will stand by as I hope Whites get a clue and reject the democratic / lib party. But I am certain there is money against me. Oh, well, we are all on an interesting ride the next four years.
Black supremacists will not criticize a negro under any circumstances. This is especially true of white liberals.

Many white liberals are negro worshipers. They not only will not criticize a negro they regard everything they do as wonderful. This attitude is evident in how they regard the murderer Dorner.

Often an organization will decide to get rid of someone and then look for a way to do it. The police dept. may have done this with Dorner. It's obvious they made the right decision.
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