Supposedly, the rate of murder (and several other violent crimes) in South Africa has slightly declined in 2010...
16 894 South Africans Murdered in the Past Year
This "statistic"Â may be highly dubious, as the ultra-tyrannical ANC government has been known to execute as many (or more) crimes as they claim to "deter."Â Several months ago, Julius Malema, the leader of the African National Congress "Youth League"Â instructed college students in signing a song featuring the lyrics "Shoot the Boer, They Are Rapists!"Â Apparently, the song is quite popular in both South Africa and Zimbabue. Then again, is there any anti-white mantra on planet earth that is unpopular?
The ANC is notorious for "shutting down"Â alternative media news companies, websites, and blogs which actually attempt to reveal the daily horror that whites face on the southern tip of the Dark Continent. The websites that I heavily frequented have been permanantly banished for several years now. Certain journalists briefly re-emerge, only to be silenced by the oligarchy once again (they come to their homes and take the websites' server).
White Americans (and Europeans) are not only completely apathetic and/or utterly ignorant to the black-on-white RapeTortureKill South African "society"Â"¦but most have been stringently "educated" to believe that whites remain as the bigoted, dictatorial "ruling class." They've been trained to believe similar falsehoods with regard to American and European societies, also.
Even if American whites were permitted to hear the truth (and were given a taste of the "bedtime stories"Â of white South African anguish, of which there are literally thousands), the burden of personal contemplation with concern to race may be too profound or "forbidden"Â for the feeble-minded Flesh-Machines to endure. "Something good might be on TV."Â American/European whites are not troubled by the systematic annihilation of their people in South Africa...and American/European whites will not care when they are extinct.
I suppose I shouldn't fret"¦because according to the most odiously anti-white government in the history of planet earth: "murder has declined by 8.6%!" I wonder if blacks are simply murdering each other less frequently, and murdering whites more frequently? They would simply falsify that statistic, too.
The Bush Twins, Wild Billy Clinton, and Barack Obongo are considered white supremacists when compared to likes of South African President Jacob Zuma and his ruthless black supremacist ANC goons"¦.and that is really saying something.
Edited by: Thrashen