Black Leadership-South African Style


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
South Africa has been through many troubles since the end of apartheid, the worst being the genocide of the minority White population. The black leaders of South Africa make Obama look like a choir boy. Just found this article about the 20th anniversary of Mandela's release and the current president of the country, Jacob Zuma. In case you didn't know, this perverted rabbit has 20 kids, 3 wives, and is engaged to another female. Thanks to the media reporting on the story, he recently had to admit to spawning another child out of wedlock. Meanwhile he's trying to curb the frightening AIDS rates among his black SA brethren by encouraging them to use condoms. Yeah, that's gonna work, not! Because of constantly falling high school test scores, teachers are now given their lesson plans by the government. Isn't statism nice? Especially a black ruled one.
Oh yeah, their economy is crashing too and 1/3 of the population is unemployed. Ready to hop on board the anti-racist train yet? Me neither!

If you care to read more about this now ruined country, click on the link.


Jul 29, 2008
South Africa (and Rhodesia) used to be two of the crown jewels of Africa when they were under white rule. The Boers and others who came to Africa to essentially look for a new homeland did wonders with the land, as Rhodesia became the bread-basket of the whole region, while South Africa had it all thanks to its rich natural resources and prime geographic location.

We all now what has happened to both countries since white-rule ended. Zimbabwe is now a total disaster (they should declare Zimbabwe and Haiti sister nations
), while South Africa was so well established under whites that it will be very difficult for blacks to destroy it quickly. But give it another 20-30 years, and it will most likely happen.

Things were going fine, actually, until the rest of the world turned against both countries. This irrational insistence that both countries be turned over to (black) majority rule was an insane proposition to say the least. In the end, they had no choice, as the pressure from the rest of the world was simply too much.

I have no doubt at all, that if you put white regimes in charge of most of Sub-Saharan Africa, the continent would join the civilized world in no time. Again, I highly recommend people take the time to watch that great documentary I posted about, Afrika Addio, to get a sense of what blacks are capable of when they are put in charge.

Edited by: foobar75


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
Hey foobar75 where is the link for that documentary you mentioned in your last post. I want to view it. Thanks


Jul 29, 2008
Westside said:
Hey foobar75 where is the link for that documentary you mentioned in your last post. I want to view it. Thanks

Here you are.

Africa Addio

Note: 2 hrs long, and not exactly for the squeamish, with some scenes showing blacks at their worst (or best, depending on your perspective) behavior.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
More ANC-Encouraged Genocide

I'm not sure if anyone mentioned this story before"¦but a couple days ago, another disgraceful occurance of iniquity was on display by yet another high ranking member of the South African "ruling class."Â￾

African National Congress Youth League president, Julius Malema, was making a speech at a SA university"¦and lead the kiddies in singing a previously banned song featuring the lyrics "Shoot the Boere, they are rapists."Â￾ "Boere"Â￾ refers to white SA farmers. I read other artcles in which current SA president, Jacob Zuma, defended Malema for singing the song, calling him a "future leader of SA."Â￾ A couple years back, Zuma was acquittd of rape charges"¦he was elected president of SA 2-3 years later. A violence-loving rapist seems like an appropriate person to represent SA blacks. The leadership of SA need not fret, as the lyrics of the song have been coming to fruition ten fold for two decades. This controversy is absolutely nothing compared to what actually occurs in the streets and farms of the most violent nation on planet earth.

I'm always amazed how not a single Zionist-Christian organization is even remotely interested in providing aid for white South Africans. Or how I've never, ever heard a single mainstream media news story referencing the animalistic rape/torture/kill culture and overall racially-motovated molevolence towards whites (the likes of which the world have never seen). It truly makes the "Land of the Free"Â￾ look like the garden of Eden of whiteness in comparison.

White Americans are living in an invisible cage of anti-white horror, which is mostly political or legistlative...white South Africans are living in a genocidal warzone, inside an actual cage of chaotic racial violence.Edited by: Thrashen


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Thanks for posting this story, Thrashen. I'm going to send this one on.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Thrashen, I remember all the mass "protest" of apartheid in SA (late 80s, etc.). All the PTB controlled MSM & "Hollyweird's" demonization of White South Africans (ala - tribeman Richard Schwartzberg's (aka "Donner") Lethal Weapon 2). Even (as a mainline GOP "conservative") in HS & college I had utter disdain for the "rally against apartheid". Of course, the glorification of commie, terrorist vermin Mandela has always been puke-inducing to me.
No surprise to hear of the ANC latest anti-White rants...and the (PTB controlled) MSM's burying of this worthy news.
More White South Africans (Afrikaner, English & expatriate) need to re-attach their nards & stand against the scourge that is the ANC!


AWB...Standing For the Boers of SA!

Edited by: DixieDestroyer


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
The genocide of White SA farmers continues (on the verminous ANC's watch)...

White Farmers ‘Being Wiped Out'

Dan McDougall, Times of London, March 28, 2010

THE gunmen walked silently through the orchard. Skirting a row of burnt-out tyres, set ablaze months earlier to keep the budding fruit from freezing, they drew their old .38 revolvers.

Inside his farmhouse Pieter Cillier, 57, slept with his 14-year-old daughter Nikki at his side. His 12-year-old son JD was having a sleepover with two teenagers in an adjoining room.

As the intruders broke in, the farmer woke. He rushed to stop them, only to be shot twice in the chest.

In his death throes he would have seen his killers and then his children standing over him, screaming and crying.

The attackers, who were drug addicts, simply disappeared into the night. Cillier's murder, at Christmas, was barely reported in the local press. It was, after all, everyday news.

Death has stalked South Africa's white farmers for years. The number murdered since the end of apartheid in 1994 has passed 3,000.

In neighbouring Zimbabwe, a campaign of intimidation that began in 2000 has driven more than 4,000 commercial farmers off their land, but has left fewer than two dozen dead.

The vulnerability felt by South Africa's 40,000 remaining white farmers intensified earlier this month when Julius Malema, head of the African National Congress's (ANC's) youth league, opened a public rally by singing Dubula Ibhunu, or Shoot the Boer, an apartheid-era anthem, that was banned by the high court last week.

Malema's timing could hardly have been worse. Last weekend in the remote farming community of Colenso, in KwaZulu-Natal, Nigel Ralfe, 71, a dairy farmer, and his wife Lynette, 64, were gunned down as they milked their cows. He was critically injured; she died.

That same day a 46-year-old Afrikaner was shot through his bedroom window as he slept at his farm near Potchefstroom. A few days later a 61-year-old was stabbed to death in his bed at a farm in Limpopo.

The resurrection of Dubula Ibhunu, defended by senior ANC officials as little more then a sentimental old struggle song, has been greeted with alarm by Tom Stokes, of the opposition Democratic Alliance. He said the ANC's continued association with the call to kill Boers could not be justified.

"Any argument by the ANC that this song is merely a preservation of struggle literature rings hollow in the face of farming families who have lost wives, mothers and grandmothers,"Â he added.

He was supported by Anton Alberts of the right-wing Freedom Front Plus party: "Malema's comments are creating an atmosphere that is conducive to those who want to commit murder. He's an accessory to the wiping out of farmers in South Africa."Â

Rossouw Cillier, Pieter's brother, bristled as he pointed to the bullet holes in the panelled kitchen of the farmhouse near Ceres in the Western Cape. "They shot him through the fridge from the back doorâ€"the bullets came straight through here, into his heart. He never had a chance," he said.

A successful apple and pear grower, he believes his community is living on borrowed time: "More white farmers have been killed than British soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq. Yes, we are at war here."Â

His brother's farmhouse is now shuttered and empty. "I can't spend time here. We'll have to sell. This farm has been in our family for generations but it must go. Who'll manage it? The children will never come back here. They held their own father as he died in front of them. Will they ever get over that?"Â

As we walked across the orchard, fruit destined for the shelves of Tesco and Sainsbury's in the UK was still being picked. A tractor passed a 10ft cross erected in honour of the murdered farmer.

"It lights up at night,"Â Rossouw said. "My brother was a religious man. It's all that's left of him here."Â

Across South Africa many farmers feel endangered. In Northern Province a tribute has been created beneath an enormous sign with the stark Afrikaans word "plaasmoorde"Ââ€"farm killings. Thousands of white wooden crosses have been planted across a mountainside, one for each fallen farmer.

Recently the government's department of rural development has been airing proposals to nationalise productive farmland as a "national asset"Â. Critics claim it is designed to deflect criticism from the ruling ANC's failures.

"It's a lot easier talking about nationalising farms than building decent houses, making clean water come out of taps or honouring promises to redistribute farm plots to millions of landless poor,"Â said a spokesman for AgriSA, the farmers' union.

On the outskirts of Ceres there are few groceries in the township storeâ€"tins of pilchards, baked beans, some dried biscuits. A group of teenage boys sit on the burnt-out remains of a Ford Escort. This is where Cillier's killers gathered, in a shebeen, a drinking club, where they fortified themselves with cheap hooch before they set off to rob him. They escaped with nothing.

According to Rossouw Cillier the most telling detail is that his brother was unarmed when they attacked. "If we brandish a weapon, we'll go to prison, not them. What did they gain from this murder? It was an act as pointless as their lives."Â

Edited by: DixieDestroyer


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Dixie, this last story made me sick. Heartbreaking and maddening at the same time. What a shame it is that nobody here in the jewSA will talk about it, except for us "lunatic racialists." I'm sending this true story of White genocide on.


Apr 4, 2007
Outside North America
South African President Jacob Zuma has voiced his support for poor whites in his country. At present only poor blacks receive government help.

President Zuma has promised to visit a white slum in the capital Pretoria. He said poverty did not have a colour and everybody has a right to housing and healthcare regardless of race or religion.

Although after the abolition of apartheid, black South Africans generally earn less than whites, 13 percent of the white South Africans in employment live on less than 120 euros per month.

The Solidarity union, which mainly has white members, says the white community feels forgotten by the economic policies of the Zuma government, and they feel there is a taboo in South Africa on talking about poverty amongst white South Africans.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
I imagine this statement by Zuma is nothing more than a empty PR stunt designed to stifle criticism surrounding his horrid anti-White administration. I'd be surprised if anything comes of it.


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
waterbed said:
if he really helps the whites then Obama can learn from that.

Dude, not only will Zuma (nor any other white or black leader of Südafrika) not "help"Â￾ whites"¦he'll do the complete and polar opposite.

As pathetic as this may sound"¦I consider the white farmers stories posted in the articles above to represent the white South Africans who "got off easy."Â￾ Normally, a black-on-white murder in SA is far more grisly, far more grotesque; far more involved than simply shooting someone in the chest in front of their children. Some of the most evil torture-rape-kill stories in human history have occurred in SA since the apartheid was lifted.

If I was ever to become president, I would only permit aid to be given to whites throughout the world"¦.South African whites would be at the top of that list. Perhaps we could hustle money from some jewish-owned corporations (take your pick)"¦and purchase abandoned farms throughout America for these legitimate genocide victims to grow and prosper once again. I'd imagine that policies like that would result in instant impeachment (or execution). That would be nursery school politics compared to my other ideas"¦


Jan 19, 2007
Pacific NW
Zuma is lying. His mobsters are allowing roving,racists, brigands to do their deeds, whilst the ruler speaks of helping the down and out. B.S! And remember, these murders have intensified after the farmers were disarmed.

The plight of South Africa I'm afraid, is a harbinger of things to come much closer to home.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
WHITE NOISE, I believe you hit on a valid point in your last sentence. The beginnings of this kind of thing has already started in the majority black rural Mississippi Delta. You don't hear stories like the one Dixie posted everyday, but they have happened here and justice has not been served. This ignoring the plight/hatred of Whites starts with our so-called US "Representative" Bennie "Fat Black" Thompson and goes all the way down to the youngest negro products of our many welfare queens. Almost all of these blacks are taught from day one to lie, steal, and cheat from the White man and told that it doesn't matter what you do to the White man, its justified because he's owes us anyway. Just as White South Africa cannot survive without Apartheid, I do not believe any majority non-white area can survive without some form of segregation, unless of course areas are set up that consist solely of one race.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
While the (controlled) MSM labeled the Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging (AWB) as "White Supremacist", they are only about equal rights for White, Boer South Africans. Eugene Terreblanche had long stood against the tyranny of the ANC & savage ********.

South African white supremacist leader Eugene Terreblanche killed

Terreblanche, who fought to preserve apartheid in the 1990s, has been beaten and hacked to death at his farm

Eugene Terreblanche during a speech at an Afrikaner Resistance Movement (AWB) gathering in Pretoria. Photograph: STR/AP

Eugene Terreblanche, the South African white supremacist leader who fought to preserve apartheid in the 1990s, has been beaten and hacked to death at his farm.

A 21-year-old man and a 15-year-old were arrested on Saturday and charged with the murder, which local media reports said they had carried out over an alleged dispute with Terreblanche over unpaid wages.

A police spokesman said that the 69-year-old, who had lived in relative obscurity in recent years, was found in bed with facial and head injuries.

Terreblanche, a former South African policeman who began to rise to prominence during the early 1980s as the leader of the Far-Right Afrikaner Resistance Movement (AWB), campaigned in later years for an independent white homeland.

His khaki-shirted followers were a frequent and menacing force against the background of the years of South Africa's transition from white-dominated government to majority rule. Terreblanche later served three years of a five-year term for attempted murder and was released from prison in 2004.

His murder comes against the backdrop of growing anxiety about crime in South Africa and what opposition politicians claim are racially inflammatory sentiments from some figures in the ruling ANC party.

Edited by: DixieDestroyer


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Great "reporting" guardian :( We don't even know what race the arrested are, except for the fact that PC papers always leave it blank when it is a diversity. They'd have us think the killers were a couple of formless justice bearing apparitions out to justly punish the evil White man. Total media silence in the US about this ongoing genocide. Sickening! Time to send another real news email.


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
Those White Farmers should take up arms and organize amoungst themselves. Its better to die fighting than to roll over and still die a heinous death. Good Luck to them as well as my prayers.


Hall of Famer
Jul 24, 2007
Whites in S. Africa and their situation really just gets my blood boiling!
AndExactly Reb that article made it sound like Terreblanche had it coming. From what it sounds like,is that this old man wanted to live his last few years in the country he grew up in solidarity.


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
Teaming up to murder a 70 year old man...I imagine those little twerps will be out of prison (if they are even convicted) faster than their black American cousins after a murdering a white.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Terreblanche murder could spark race war at World Cup


Published: Today

THE murder of a white supremacist could plunge England football stars and fans into a World Cup race war, it was feared last night.

Host nation South Africa was described as "a timebomb" by followers of Eugene Terreblanche, who was hacked to death on Saturday.

World Cup officials also fear the killing will further hit ticket sales. With just ten weeks to go, 3.7million are still unsold.

Terreblanche, 69, was killed by two of his black farm workers in a dispute over £50 unpaid wages.

Andre Visagie, secretary general of Terreblanche's far-Right AWB party, called it "a declaration of war by blacks against whites".

He vowed revenge, storming: "Our members will want retribution."

And he urged World Cup nations to boycott the event, warning: "You are sending teams to a land of murder.

"Don't do that if you don't have protection for them."

Football analyst Ed Shirbon, who will join the 30,000 England travelling fans, said: "Simmering racial tensions in South Africa are waiting to explode."

Terreblanche founded the AWB, which has a swastika-like flag, in 1973 to fight for a white state.

It shrank into the shadows 20 years ago when Nelson Mandela's release marked the end of apartheid.

But in 2008 Terreblanche reformed his movement amid attacks on white farmers.

He died at his farm north of Johannesburg, only an hour's drive from England's World Cup HQ.

The workers, aged 21 and 16, have been charged with murder.

South Africa president Jacob Zuma called for calm last night, saying the "terrible deed" should not incite race hatred.

Read more: by: DixieDestroyer


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
The pot is boiling heavily after the murder/martyr of Boer rights crusader Eugene Terreblanche (leader of the AWB)...whom the verminous, (PTB controlled) MSM continue to demonize.

Tensions rise in SAfrican white supremacist case

By MICHELLE FAUL (AP) â€" 9 hours ago

VENTERSDORP, South Africa â€" Whites and blacks faced off angrily in song Tuesday in front of a heavily guarded courthouse before the first hearing of a teenager and another farm worker who have allegedly confessed to killing a white supremacist leader in a wage dispute.

The death of Eugene Terreblanche, a militant leader once convicted of beating a black farm worker so badly the man was left brain damaged, has focused attention on simmering racial tensions less than 10 weeks before South Africa hosts the World Cup.

Police officers rushed to separate nearly 2,000 people split into white and black groups after a middle-aged white woman sprayed an energy drink on blacks singing the Zulu choruses of the country's national anthem. Whites had earlier been singing the parts of the national anthem that are in Afrikaans and that date to the apartheid era.

Police set up coils of razor wire to separate the groups â€" whites who said they were there to support the family of the slain farmer Eugene Terreblanche and blacks supporting the family of the 15-year-old suspect and his 28-year-old co-worker.

Authorities say Terreblanche, 69, was bludgeoned to death Saturday in his bed. The 15-year-old's mother told AP Television News that the suspects killed the farmer to death because he hadn't paid them in months.

Tuesday's court hearing in the town of Ventersdorp, some 100 miles (160 kilometers) west of the capital Pretoria, will not be public because the younger suspect is a minor. Police have not identified either of the suspects by name.

Minutes before the confrontation, far-right militant whites had provocatively waved old flags signifying white rule and launched into a rendition of the apartheid-era anthem in the Afrikaans language.

"We need more people in here â€" quick!" a police officer yelled, on the run, as the two groups advanced on each other and police scrambled to keep them apart.

After calm was restored, Pieter Steyn, the provincial leader of Terreblanche's Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging movement, better known as the AWB, apologized for the woman who sprayed the blacks.

A day earlier, Steyn had retreated from threats made by other militants to avenge Terreblanche's death. Steyn said the AWB renounces violence, and that the earlier threats were made "in the heat to the moment. We have spoken to every one and told them to be calm."

Terreblanche's AWB has blamed African National Congress Youth League leader Julius Malema for the death, saying his insistence on public performances of an anti-apartheid song that includes lines about killing white farmers was hate speech that led to Terreblanche's killing.

Malema says the song has nothing to do with Terreblanche's death. The ANC insists the song is part of its heritage and that the lyrics â€" which also speak of white farmers as thieves and rapists â€" refer to those who supported apartheid and now oppose democracy.

Bomber Matinyane, regional director of the South African National Civic Organization, a civil rights group, equated Malema's song and the display of apartheid-era flags, saying both inflamed racial tensions.

"Malema must stop it and they must stop flying those old flags," Matinyane said outside the courthouse Tuesday.

Blacks outside the courthouse sang other songs from the struggle for majority rule that finally came in 1994 after years of state-sponsored violence by the white minority regime and urban guerrilla warfare waged by the African National Congress.

Brenda Abrams, a 30-year-old black businesswoman who was at the courthouse Tuesday to support the family of the younger accused, said a "big fuss" was being made about Terreblanche's death.

"But nobody says anything when black farmworkers are killed," Abrams said.

AWB members still seek to create an all-white republic within mostly black South Africa. The group's red, white and black insignia resembles a Nazi swastika, but with three prongs instead of four.

The movement always has been on the fringes, estimated to have no more than 70,000 members at its height in the early 1990s out of a population of nearly 50 million.

Terreblanche was sentenced to six years in jail in 2001 for the attempted murder of former security guard Paul Motshabi in March 1996. Terreblanche was released in 2004. Motshabi suffered brain damage, and was left paralyzed and unable to speak for months after the attack.

Edited by: DixieDestroyer


Apr 4, 2007
Outside North America
Today on college i taked the free newpaper to read.I saw an article about the murder on terreblance .On the picure you saw whites demonstrating or so and the title above was translated something like Racists use the muyrder on Terreblance for making trouble.or something like that.First line in the article was :racist terreblance murdered.I decided to a take a lot of Newspapers and did throw then away, when nobody was watching, I didn't want others to read that brainwashing piece of sh*t.