Black invention myths

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
There seems to have been a great deal of play on the boards lately about black athletic superiority and intellectual capacity matching that of whites and asians.

Here is a link that helps illustrate the point that it is not only in the realm of athletics where the caste system stretches its gnarly, blackened tentacles.
This phenomena tends to rear its head the most during black history month. We get inundated with ads on the innovations and contributions of blacks in society, and while some are worthwhile, they pound it in and make it look like the world couldn't have existed without them.
They invented pyramids
They invented pyramids

Yeah, with help from Ancient Astronauts!

Just kidding.

Anyway, Egyptians aren't black, they're Arabs.
A very interesting site, dealing with history and also has some interesting photo's of Egyptian mummies having white features and long blonde, red hair. There is a chapter giving the history of the inventions produced by white men which is staggering.

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Edited by: Bart was not made by an archaeologist the hair color was the result of a chemical reaction.
Bear Arms, there are learned scientific people who would disagree with you.The highlighted paragraph in blue sums up the position.


"If one relates to the chestnut brown hair observation dyed to henna and
belonging to the contemporary as well that to mummies of the time of
Ramsès II, one notes that these hairs have a color dark mahogany and
that, under the microscope, the chestnut brown pigments are as such

The hypothesis that Ramsès II was a clear redhead (and maybe same of a
blond-redhead) seems therefore most likely.

Would not it be nevertheless possible that one of the most caustic
substances used to the time could have modified the color of pigments?

One thinks then about the «natron» that was to the basis of the
mummification process. We could not have procured ourselves of sample of
«natron» similar to the one that was used by the ancient Egyptians, we
have also used nitrate of salt in saturated solution.

One let this bath act on hairs during fifteen days, then one compared
their hue and their pigmentation to those of hairs without treatment.

One was able thus to note that the nitrate of salt has an effect of
lightening, action that limits itself to the _peripheral zone of the
cortex_; it doesn't seem that the pigment elements (granulations)
(within the hair) are tampered by this treatment."

(Clément, Le Pareux and Ceccaldi in Balout, 1980: 222).

So, when you are told that the embalming process of the ancient
Egyptians "changed" the colour of hair, you are being misinformed. The
actual colour of human hair is resilient _within_ the cortex of the
hair. In the case of Ramses II, the inner hair colour (and shape of the
hair itself) showed his hair to be a blonde-red and fine, with waves
(Clément, Le Pareux and Ceccaldi in Balout 1980: 256).


Regards --

Katherine Griffis-Greenberg, MA (Lon)
Member, International Association of Egyptologists
American Research Center in Egypt, ASOR, EES, SSEA

Oriental Institute
Oriental Studies Doctoral Program [Egyptology]
University of Oxford
Oxford, United Kingdom
Will have to investigate this hair color issue myself.

Among the Berbers in Africa today, redheads are still very common. Nordics ard great wanderers, always have been, and probably spread their genes more than anyone knows.

In either case, the fact remains that the many mummies and examples of statuary prove the Egyptians were NOT black.
There was an article in Discovery some time back about the finding of Caucasian remains in a dig in China. The weave of the gentelman's fabric was far advanced for the time period, and pre-dated Chinese claims for that era. He was found with a wheeled-wagon and was blond haired as well.

Of course, the Chinese government promptly whisked the remains off to a closed Chinese laboratory for 'further study' and shut down the dig where the remains were found.

And lets not even get started on Kennewick man.
Edited by: White Shogun
Posters celebrating black history month were sent to every school in the country this last winter. In the poster there are sketches of about 6 so-called black inventors/scientists. In the forefront was a sketch of non-other than a well-dressed Jack Johnson. His invention was claimed to simply be the wrench. The monkey wrentch was actually invented in 1858. Johnson's wrench was patented in 1922 and resembles nothing you would see in a hardware store. It really shows how desperate they are to claim credit for anything - even a wrench. The poster I saw in a school had a report from a student on the truth of Johnson's wrench. Even kids can detect a phony when they see one.

Johnson's wrench:

Did I read that right 1980? your going by facts from 25 years ago?
Some of my favorite black "inventions" are; lemonade, the toaster, the
doorknob and, the best of all- the comb (in the late 1800s!) The sad
truth is, however, that blacks could claim to have invented television
in the 1960s and no white authority figure would correct them. When you
have supposed "professors" making claims that great white historical
figures like Beethoven were black, what can you say?
Bear-Arms said:
Did I read that right 1980? your going by facts from 25 years ago?

Bear-arms, I don't understand the point you are trying to make.Is the premise and conclusion of the research not valid because it's 25 years old? The hair found on the scalp ofa mummy can be examined under a high powered microscope todetermine if it came from a white, black or asian, since there are several indetifying markers and characteristics unique to each group. If a strand of hair has been dyed it can be seen under magnification and cutting itwill show the cross structure and design. Do you know of any contradictory evidence?

Link to site showing differences of racial hair. [url] _01_research01b.htm[/url]

They proved it was a chemical reaction especially the red hair ones. Pharoahs didn't make the pyramids anyway somebody else did.

here is a statue of king tut they found in his tomb

I've seen photo's of the staues of King Tut and don't recall seeing one that looks like the photo. Where did it come from?

Arthur Kemp has a page devoted to Queen Nefertiti and the Discovery Channel's efforts to make her look black.

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Left: Nefertiti as Discovery Channel would have her in 2003 AD; and right, Nefertiti as Egyptians sculptured her in circa 1340 BC.</TD></TR></T></T></TABLE>

Edited by: Bart
Bart, I don't find the photographs of the finished product as telling as the type of skull:

"caucasoid north african."

You'll note it doesn't say "******* NORTH AFRICAN."
I have to admit though I've been half joking with you guys. I just believe there is not enough evidence to leak any distinct race to the mummies. Atleast, I don't think there is a definite answer. There's still a lot we don't know about our past and especially of ancient Eygpt. Reconstructed faces do little to prove anything for me, as well as photos. I certainly wouldn't trust the judgement of web based articles on mummies. For all we know it could of been a multi-ethnic society.
Bear-arms, the date of the link youprovidedwas actually of a mock up doneSept. 22, 2001. Notice how they attempted to make him look more african than the latest done with the skull experts. The point of Arthur Kemp's work is that the Egyptian Pharaoh's were probably white way back in 3000 B.C. but over the many centuries due to conquests, slaves and miscegenation, the kingdom became more ethnically diverse and finally collapsed.

Shogun, your point about the skull being caucasoid, is well taken. I guess the situation in Egypt was similar to that of India. An originally Aryan culture wasmixed with different racial strains and eventually it produced a darker country with a caste system.Edited by: Bart
Don't hate, instigate, and separate
Okay, they did invent jazz & blues then, that's something isnt it?

But, I figure you'll say we invented the insturments which is not always true. Sure the drum kit, bass guitar,piano, etc were made by us, however, others like the harmonica were not. Okay, I really don't have any other examples, but the harmonica. I only looked on the internet briefly, so there could be others. Anyway, I'm trying to say that it doesn't matter who invented the insturments.

I think it is totally wrong comparing an insturment to a culture. It doesn't really make a difference if they used our insturments to make African music. Right? It's still gonna be African music. So, I do believe it's wrong to link an invention soley to one culture.

Even rock n roll is apparently linked by the two, so I guess the worlds favorite music was created by them too.
Rock and roll is a fusion of blues, country and western, and gospel, at least at the beginning. You had those 3 styles coming together in guys like Carl Perkins, Bill Haley, Jerry Lee Lewis, Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash, and Buddy Holley. Elvis was first called the King of Western Bop in 1954. Bill Haley got famous from being a swing musician.
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