space hillbilly
This is something i'd got to get off my chest!I'm 42 years old, and from the time I was a teenager i've had young black males wanting to make friends.
trying to be my big buddy, this has happened ten or more times in my life. and at a young age i found out why, as soon they found out i was not willing too drag them around to meet young white women, the friendship was over.
I think it's very important that we let young white men know this.
black's for the most part, don't want white male friends.
they are looking for a bridge!too gain access to white women through white men.
They want too meet your sister, your sister's girlefriends, your girlfriend's friends.
you need look no farther than the internet personals,
they are overflowing with black men wanting to find white females,
with no preferables! unlike most white people who are looking for: non-smoker, non-drinker, etc, the black men are throwing a wide net, black men in their 20's looking for any attractive white woman between 18 and 48
and that is the measure of their " Desire" for white women.
And it make me so sick to hear some stupid white clown tell me about their "Good ole" negro buddy!
all the good times they had! and i'd say "Yea, but after he got hookedup with that no good white women, you just don't get along as good no more right??" and they look at me like i got ESP!
I hope i've not bored nobody too much with this rant and rave!!
Edited by: lost

trying to be my big buddy, this has happened ten or more times in my life. and at a young age i found out why, as soon they found out i was not willing too drag them around to meet young white women, the friendship was over.
I think it's very important that we let young white men know this.
black's for the most part, don't want white male friends.
they are looking for a bridge!too gain access to white women through white men.
They want too meet your sister, your sister's girlefriends, your girlfriend's friends.
you need look no farther than the internet personals,
they are overflowing with black men wanting to find white females,
with no preferables! unlike most white people who are looking for: non-smoker, non-drinker, etc, the black men are throwing a wide net, black men in their 20's looking for any attractive white woman between 18 and 48
and that is the measure of their " Desire" for white women.
And it make me so sick to hear some stupid white clown tell me about their "Good ole" negro buddy!
all the good times they had! and i'd say "Yea, but after he got hookedup with that no good white women, you just don't get along as good no more right??" and they look at me like i got ESP!
I hope i've not bored nobody too much with this rant and rave!!