Black friends?

Jan 27, 2009
In the woods at my still.
This is something i'd got to get off my chest!I'm 42 years old, and from the time I was a teenager i've had young black males wanting to make friends.

trying to be my big buddy, this has happened ten or more times in my life. and at a young age i found out why, as soon they found out i was not willing too drag them around to meet young white women, the friendship was over.

I think it's very important that we let young white men know this.
black's for the most part, don't want white male friends.
they are looking for a bridge!too gain access to white women through white men.

They want too meet your sister, your sister's girlefriends, your girlfriend's friends.

you need look no farther than the internet personals,
they are overflowing with black men wanting to find white females,
with no preferables! unlike most white people who are looking for: non-smoker, non-drinker, etc, the black men are throwing a wide net, black men in their 20's looking for any attractive white woman between 18 and 48
and that is the measure of their " Desire" for white women.

And it make me so sick to hear some stupid white clown tell me about their "Good ole" negro buddy!
all the good times they had! and i'd say "Yea, but after he got hookedup with that no good white women, you just don't get along as good no more right??" and they look at me like i got ESP!

I hope i've not bored nobody too much with this rant and rave!!

Edited by: lost
I never had any black friends. The only time I associated with blacks is when I played basketball with them in my hometown of Garfield. I would juke the bruthas out of their shoes.
It was pretty easy for me.

Miles Austin used to play with me there as well.
Edited by: whiteathlete33
whiteathlete33 said:
I never had any black friends.  The only time I associated with blacks is when I played basketball with them in my hometown of Garfield.  I would juke the bruthas out of their shoes. 
  It was pretty easy for me.Miles Austin used to play with me there as well.
I never have, but i've had many to try! looking for some white guy to take them to the bars, and tell all the white women that he's an "OK negro...
Blacks absolutely love white women. I occasionally see a black man with a good looking white woman but it's pretty rare.
When I was in my late teens, I had a couple of negroes wanting to hang out with me. Later I realized what they really wanted was my blond-haired, blue-eyed sister.

I got to know them fairly well, and I found only one thing motivated them: sex. They used to brag about all the girls they had sex with. They had absolutely no interest in black girls though, they only wanted white ones. But just for sex, they had no interest in a relationship.

Interestingly, after one of them had a sexual encounter with a very attractive young white woman (not my sister) and she fell completely in love with him, he dumped her. He later complained she was trying to reach him on the phone, while he was trying to avoid her.

Black men are very promiscious. They generally don't form strong pair bonds with females. In sub-Saharan Africa, over 90% of families are single-parent families - usually the men play no role in the raising of the children. After an African man gets a woman pregnant, he moves on.Edited by: Parody
black men prefer mulatto( espacially the ones with black blood that comes from both parents so they can say they date a sistah but they can often be more white then let say a half nigerian half white one) and white women, i would say only like 5 % is attracted to full blooded sub sharan african ones, sub sarahan africans in africa don't count they have no other choice.
I have four black friends and they absolutely rule. They are social rejects (like me), though, and certainly not typical of black guys as a whole.
Parody said:
When I was a teenager, I had a couple of negroes wanting to hang out with me. Later I realized what they really wanted was my blond-haired, blue-eyed sister.

I got to know them fairly well, and I found only one thing motivated them: sex. They used to brag about all the girls they had sex with. They had absolutely no interest in black girls though, they only wanted white ones. But just for sex, they had no interest in a relationship.

Interestingly, after one of them had a sexual encounter with a very attractive young white woman (not my sister) and she fell completely in love with him, he dumped her. He would complain she was trying to reach him on the phone, and he was trying to avoid her.

Black men are very promiscious. They generally don't form strong pair bonds with females. In Africa, over 90% of families are single-parent families - usually the men play no role in the raising of the children. After an African man gets a woman pregnant, he moves on.
Among lower class Blacks this is true no matter where you go in the Americas. Liberals will never talk about this but. This is in the DNA of sub-Saharan people. I think it's probably due to the fact that children could easily survive a relationship without a two parent family due to the warmth of the climate. In the modern world welfare has replaced the extended family that have raised illegitimate children in the Caribbean and Latin America.
lost's story brings to mind an incident that my dad told me about my grandpa. i'll tell it as i heard it, but it has some inflammatory language.

my grandpa (at that time a fairly young man) was on lunch break with a bunch of the guys he worked with, and they were talking about things as men do when the subject of charity and sharing came up. one guy, a black fella, asked my grandpa if he was starving and he knocked on the door would my grandpa open the door and invite him in his house and share food with him. my grandpa said, "Of course. You'd be welcome to sit at my table and eat with my family."

then theblack fellaleaned in andsmiled all sly like and asked, "You mean i can come by and you'd introduce me to your wife and daughter?" (the implications are obvious, i think.)

my grandpa quit being friendly at that point and said, "You goddamn *racially-insensitive expletive*, if you ever come to my house i'll f-ing kill you." the black fella didn't talk to him ever again.nor didhe evermess around withmy grandpa's womenfolk.

the truth of lost's tale was known by White men at that point in our not-so-long-ago history,when White men were really men. sadly, so few of us are left that would stand up like that ... and in today's upside-down world, we few are somehow the bad guys.
I don't have ANY friends, white or black, they are too much of a pain in the ass. Always wanting favors or worse-having to talk to them. It's best not to associate with anyone because sooner or later they are going to try and screw you on something.
jaxvid said:
I don't have ANY friends, white or black, they are too much of a pain in the ass. Always wanting favors or worse-having to talk to them. It's best not to associate with anyone because sooner or later they are going to try and screw you on something.
Someone's got to put together a book of jaxvidisms.
I have had plenty of black friends throughout my high school years, military and twenties but now that I am living in a town that is about 98% white what few black friends I have locally are where I work at and I don't see them socially. I have had mostly good experiences with my black friends in the past but they tended to be Christian black friends who really cared about me and vice versa and I really didn't associate all that much with the ones who just wanted to party.
Having grown up with the dark tribe from 1 to 18 years old I had several friends that were "friends." Once I attended college I lost touch with all of them. I later learned all were dead, incarcerated or drug addicts. From 18 years old to now, I don't have any black friends I socialize with. At work there have been a few who I would speak to or have lunch with.

Knowing what I know now, I don't think I could be real friends with "most" blacks. That goes for, Zionist, DWFs as well and illegal invaders. The one thing common amougnst these groups is the overt or covert destruction of the the white race in some way or another.
I never have had real black friends, because ive never met any blacks that I can have conversations and discussions with on a level as honest or intellectual as I do with white friends.

Maybe ive been spoiled because my friends are all very smart, and therefore I feel no need to hang around with people that are only interested in sports, chicks, and partying.
I've never been "friends" with any blacks and don't intend to be. I've seen what lost and JC are talking about and believe that real friendship with anyone of another race is impossible, especially if you are racially aware. Its hard enough to find racially aware, backbone possessing White friends.

I'm curious, does/why does CF censor the f word but not the Lord's name taken in vain? Personally, I'd rather see the f word a million times than God's name taken in vain once.
There is a reason I chose not to have any black friends. No matter how friendly some of them may seem it only takes a minor incident for them to turn on you. Anytime they feel they have been wronged be prepared to have the race card spit in your face. That's a fact
Colonel_Reb said:
I've never been "friends" with any blacks and don't intend to be. I've seen what lost and JC are talking about and believe that real friendship with anyone of another race is impossible, especially if you are racially aware. Its hard enough to find racially aware, backbone possessing White friends. I'm curious, does/why does CF censor the f word but not the Lord's name taken in vain? Personally, I'd rather see the f word a million times than God's name taken in vain once.

Impossible for you Reb, but not for me. I will say though it is harder for me now that I have been at Caste Football for so long and have become much more racially aware, I guess I am not as jaded as you about the subject and I have had great personal experiences with black friends in my past that keeps me grounded on the matter. Heaven is not going to be segregated Reb, sooner or later you are going to have black friends.
Edited by: guest301
Hell no. We've been friends for over twenty years, and throughout it all they've had more access to white women than I've had. If you'd asked "Have they been beaten up when other blacks attack you?", the answer would be yes.
Almost all the blacks I've had contact with act like little children. There are very few who can actually behave themselves like normal people.
whiteathlete33 said:
Almost all the blacks I've had contact with act like little children. There are very few who can actually behave themselves like normal people.

i workat an all-black university. (insert joke here.) wa33 is dead-on accurate. even the so-called "doctors" on tenure act in this way. they are completely unprofessional (and much, much worse). many of you (especially the self-styled moderates who've never lived in and amongst black folks) would not believe half of what goes on, even in public. i am polite to my co-workers in order to keep my job (a White man has to work for a living), but that is as far as it goes.

i don't have ANY black friends, and my life is better off for it.
Colonel_Reb said:
I've never been "friends" with any blacks and don't intend to be.... Its hard enough to find racially aware, backbone possessing White friends.

Jimmy Chitwood said:
whiteathlete33 said:
Almost all the blacks I've had contact with act like little children. There are very few who can actually behave themselves like normal people.
<div>i workat an all-black university. (insert joke here.) wa33 is dead-on accurate. even the so-called "doctors" on tenure act in this way. they are completely unprofessional (and much, much worse). many of you (especially the self-styled moderates who've never lived in and amongst black folks) would not believe half of what goes on, even in public. i am polite to my co-workers in order to keep my job (a White man has to work for a living), but that is as far as it goes.</div>
<div>i don't have ANY black friends, and my life is better off for it.</div>

Spot on Jimmy! Not very many on this board speak from a lifetime of living up close and personal to blacks. Thankfully, there are some exceptions! If everyone else here knew what we do about the way they live and act, they'd never even consider friendship with such people. Doing what you have to do to make a living is one thing, chumming up to them like there are no differences between them and us is an entirely different matter.
the few that act like whites can be my friend,i had a a black friend in the past but lost contact with him, some on soccer i liked but friend is a big word for it.
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