Black friends?

Paleocon said:
DixieDestroyer said:
Deadlift said:

Many non-White women are naturally attracted to White men, and they really want to kiss and be kissed, and look into their man's intelligent, passionate eyes. They want to feel like a woman, a feminine creature, so they look for a passionate White man to fulfill their needs. After their "experience" - they will eagerly tell all of their ethnic girlfriends, and they will want a White man, too!

DL, what in the hell? Those first couple sentences sound a little fruity there hombre. You ain't one of them 'thar "metraseckyulz" are ya son??

...just messin' with ya partner.
Despite the wording Deadlift does make a valid point.  The irony is that us evil patriarchal "racists" are the ones most suited to make a woman feel that way.  The typical DWF is a dumpy crass fellow.  He is overweight, weak, and slovenly.  He wakes up in the morning and throws on his favorite jersey waddles to the bathroom and urinates all over the toilet seat.  He then makes his way to the kitchen to supply himself with enough snacks and beer to last the day ahead.  Plopping himself down in his recliner he spends the rest of the day roaring and swearing at the television punctuated only with belching, farting, bathroom breaks, and beer runs.  If his wife cannot find an excuse to get out of the house, he berates her for nagging and bellows for her to fetch his snacks and beer for him.  Once the games and recaps are over he lumbers off to the bedroom, dusts the potato chips off of his jersey, and proceeds to wake up his wife so he can "get some."  A couple minutes later he is thoroughly exhausted, snoring loudly, and dreaming of the SI swimsuit issue and how cool it would be to hang with his favorite black superhero athlete. 

Yep. I know some people like this.
My last 2 years in HS my family moved to a small town that was half black and I lived in the black half. I made friends with some blacks my age. Although, I never liked blacks I had no choice. At times I was the only white among 20 blacks. I didn't act like a wigger but I guess they considered me an honorary wigger. They wouldn't hesitate to say derogatory things about whites in my presence.

I learned they considered certain sports especially basketball as their property. They didn't believe whites even had a right to be on the HS basketball team unless the white was the best or second best player on the team. They also believed whites had little musical talent.

The had no respect for the white half of town because they knew whites were afraid to fight. One black thug ripped off my jacket. I realized I couldn't let him get away with this even though I honestly didn't think I could beat him in a fight. I challenged him to a fight after school. The fact I was willing to fight earned the street thug's respect. I met him after school and there were 20 brothas watching. The thug said he didn't want to fight and instead of acting like a typical black street thug swore he didn't take my jacket and was very friendly to me for the first time. Those 2 years I had to live in that town were the worst years of my life. But as my experience relates to Caste football, my experiences explains a lot. Once blacks consider a sport or in football a position to be black, they will do anything to keep whites out including assaulting white teammates in practice.

In the 1990s, I read in (of all places) the NY Times magazine article about the lack of whites in the NBA. They quoted unnamed white NBA players who said there were whites who could play in the NBA but preferred not to put up with the physical and mental abuse of black teammates.

As for their belief that unless particular whites prove otherwise, if they threaten whites with violence whites will cave in is proven every day,especially by the fact this country is run by a black who is without any doubt the most incompetent president in US history.

The fact that there hasn't been a riot in the US during which whites attacked blacks since the 1930s and the fact this country has steadily deteriorated since the 1930s is no coincidence.Edited by: jwhite96
jwhite96 said:
My last 2 years in HS my family moved to a small town that was half black and I lived in the black half. I made friends with some blacks my age. Although, I never liked blacks I had no choice. At times I was the only white among 20 blacks. I didn't act like a wigger but I guess they considered me an honorary wigger. They wouldn't hesitate to say derogatory things about whites in my presence.

I learned they considered certain sports especially basketball as their property. They didn't believe whites even had a right to be on the HS basketball team unless the white was the best or second best player on the team. They also believed whites had little musical talent.

The had no respect for the white half of town because they knew whites were afraid to fight. One black thug ripped off my jacket. I realized I couldn't let him get away with this even though I honestly didn't think I could beat him in a fight. I challenged him to a fight after school. The fact I was willing to fight earned the street thug's respect. I met him after school and there were 20 brothas watching. The thug said he didn't want to fight and instead of acting like a typical black street thug swore he didn't take my jacket and was very friendly to me for the first time. Those 2 years I had to live in that town were the worst years of my life. But as my experience relates to Caste football, my experiences explains a lot. Once blacks consider a sport or in football a position to be black, they will do anything to keep whites out including assaulting white teammates in practice.

In the 1990s, I read in (of all places) the NY Times magazine article about the lack of whites in the NBA. They quoted unnamed white NBA players who said there were whites who could play in the NBA but preferred not to put up with the physical and mental abuse of black teammates.

Do you know where that NY times article can be found?

As for their belief that unless particular whites prove otherwise, if they threaten whites with violence whites will cave in is proven every day,especially by the fact this country is run by a black who is without any doubt the most incompetent president in US history.

The fact that there hasn't been a riot in the US during which whites attacked blacks since the 1930s and the fact this country has steadily deteriorated since the 1930s is no coincidence.

I found this article from the Times. I'm going to post it in it's entirety. This isn't the one you are talking. Notice the white player from the Mavericks and his anti-white comments.
Edited by: whiteathlete33
Matt Geiger and Scott Brooks. WHO?? The writer of this article intentionally picked two bums to further back up his point. It pisses me off the nonchalant point of view this article expresses. Blacks are better, eh, we still have our suburbs. Not for long if you just roll over like that. I have a question for the Mavericks player. If white people are so "stiff" and lack "affleticism" why does he bother to play the game? It baffles me that a professional athlete could have that type of attitude and still be playing in a top league..

Next to football basketball is my favorite sport to play. The NBA is a joke though and I do not like the whole ghetto aspect of the game.. end of rant.
Just look at his statement.

You have to be a realist," said Scott Brooks, a White guard on the
Dallas Mavericks. "It's true in most cases. White people can't jump as
high. That's a fact. And it's a fact that White people don't have much
rhythm. We are stiff."

After reading that there is no doubt in my mind that whites are the most brainwashed race on the face of this planet. How many blacks would say, "Geez we just aren't very smart."
I have one, count'em, one good Black friend. But he's highly literate, a pagan, and into martial arts, including the same style of *German* longsword fencing I teach. (An aside on that subject, my hand-speed and pure reflexes are so much faster than his it ain't funny, not a knock on him that has true for almost every human being, White or Black, I've ever sparred with.) IOW, he's a mutant. *shrug*. Sometimes you'll see a white squirrel in the woods too. They do exist. But there aren't very many of them. These two proven facts can coexist quite nicely in the mind of a person of mature intellect. Edited by: White_Savage
whiteathlete33 said:
  How many blacks would say, "Geez we just aren't very smart."

They might not say it but they sure are thinking it. Just about every black knows whites are pretenaturally smarter. Every acceptance of federal charity, affirmative action and every crime from so many dropouts is just blacks surrendering in the daily brain game that is American business and American life.
GWTJ said:
whiteathlete33 said:
How many blacks would say, "Geez we just aren't very smart."

They might not say it but they sure are thinking it. Just about every black knows whites are pretenaturally smarter. Every acceptance of federal charity, affirmative action and every crime from so many dropouts is just blacks surrendering in the daily brain game that is American business and American life.

True, true! However they have an excuse for all of their shortcomings. It's never really their fault according to them.
whiteathlete33 said:
GWTJ said:
whiteathlete33 said:
  How many blacks would say, "Geez we just aren't very smart."

They might not say it but they sure are thinking it. Just about every black knows whites are pretenaturally smarter. Every acceptance of federal charity, affirmative action and every crime from so many dropouts is just blacks surrendering in the daily brain game that is American business and American life.
True, true!  However they have an excuse for all of their shortcomings.  It's never really their fault according to them.
Black's know it, and they also know for the most part their ugly. if a black woman's looks come up too a white level, their looking to go interracal.

and if a young black man get the high paying affirmative action job,
same thing! he's hunting non-black women only........
We shouldn't become bogged down in history, but what ruined black people was the end of segregation/jim crow. They had their own society before that and when we tore down the fences diving the races, everything you're all saying became glaringly apparent. That's why Affirmative Action black quarterbacks had to be set up and people had to be made stupid so they'd buy the illusion of "equality" being sold and enforced by the fedgov. Integration destroyed all ability for the races at least to live side by side.

Now the die is cast and in the end, we'll have to deal with black people, notwithstanding any friendship we're able to make on an individual basis. Too bad.

Like everything, I guess integration had to be tried. So now we know where it leads.

Tom Iron...
I understand your point Tom but it's white people that are on the losing end now. Thousands of whites are murdered by negroes every year, tens of thousands of white women are raped, once thriving cities such a Detroit have turned into slums, handouts, playing the race card, and whites losing jobs are just some of the ways whites are losing out right now.

With that being said whose really benefiting from all this? It's not white people for sure.
whiteathlete33 said:
I understand your point Tom but it's white people that are on the losing end now.  Thousands of whites are murdered by negroes every year, tens of thousands of white women are raped, once thriving cities such a Detroit have turned into slums, handouts, playing the race card, and whites losing jobs are just some of the ways whites are losing out right now. With that being said whose really benefiting from all this?  It's not white people for sure.
And really the only thing keeping the non-whites going in amercia is food stamps. we feed them, and after they grow up, they take our jobs, rape our women, and kill us............
lost said:
whiteathlete33 said:
I understand your point Tom but it's white people that are on the losing end now. Thousands of whites are murdered by negroes every year, tens of thousands of white women are raped, once thriving cities such a Detroit have turned into slums, handouts, playing the race card, and whites losing jobs are just some of the ways whites are losing out right now. With that being said whose really benefiting from all this? It's not white people for sure.
And really the only thing keeping the non-whites going in amercia is food stamps. we feed them, and after they grow up, they take our jobs, rape our women, and kill us............

Then they have the audacity to label whites as the racists and themselves as "victims." The double standards are endless.
Ask that Mavs player why white players dominate the high jump? Stefan Holm must have missed that memo. Do me a favor white self loathers: If you want to denigrate yourself that's fine with me, but don't speak on behalf of my race!
Alpha Male said:
Ask that Mavs player why white players dominate the high jump?  Stefan Holm must have missed that memo.  Do me a favor white self loathers:  If you want to denigrate yourself that's fine with me, but don't speak on behalf of my race!

As to why whites dominate the high jump, a sportswriter or DWF will say that blacks aren't "interested" in the high jump.
Blacks can jump over the bar to a degree, but then their big butts get in the way, and the bar comes tumbling down...
White men can't jump is the biggest lie on the planet. As we have mentioned on this site millions of times before the only advantage blacks have in athletics is a slight one in straight line speed. Whites are way superior in things such as stamina and hand-eye coordination.
whiteathlete33 said:
White men can't jump is the biggest lie on the planet.  As we have mentioned on this site millions of times before the only advantage blacks have in athletics is a slight one in straight line speed.  Whites are way superior in things such as stamina and hand-eye coordination. 

...and power/strength (see WSM).
I have never had a black friend. There were zero blacks where I grew up.I never saw a black person except for TV.Very few blacks where I live now,although more than in the past. When I got to the work world, I met a few and they were oversexed.That's all they thought about.
lost said:
whiteathlete33 said:
Colonel_Reb said:
wa33, definitely so! Growing up in a majority black area, I witnessed this first hand. The entitlement, "Whites are devils and they owe us everything" mentality. Fat welfare queens sticking their elephant sized cellulite filled rear ends out in the aisles of stores so you have to go around them (or sometimes shove them out of the way with the buggy). They make no bones about their disdain for Whites. You are correct about racial separation, and these are among the "benefits" we reap from forced integration.
What's ironic about that is that whites do nothing wrong to blacks. Who send billions and billions of dollars to Africa and poor black countries?  Whites.  Who are all the humanitarians down in Africa?  Whites.  Who gives extra funding to all these inner city schools with hopes of improving test scores with absolutely zero results.  Again white people.  Look at all the white people adopting [poor little negroes.  Who buys all the rap cd's and fills the seats of all these black sporting events.  White people of course.  What do we get in return?  We get even more racism spit in our direction.
Right! from what i've seen on the internet personals, about 98% of young black men are seeking relationship's with white women. and about 92% of black women are looking for white men, but 98% of white women are seeking white men only, and 90% of white men are looking only for white women!

Dose anybody see the hypocrisy in this?? if a race had hurt my race [like the blacks say about the whites] I don't think i would want to go to lunch with them! or on dates, or have sex with then or kids....

Black people have to force their way into the white world. They desperately want to be around whites,but white people really don't want to be around black people. Somebody made a comment on another site that said the Africans wanted to get white people out of Africa,but now they all want to immigrate to Europe to be with the whites again.
Blacks claim to hate whites more than anything yet they always move into white neighborhoods. Even blacks don't want to live around other blacks because of the violence in those neighborhoods. Do you see whites moving into black neighborhoods. As soon as some blacks move in whites move out. It's not called white flight for nothing.
whiteathlete33 said:
Blacks claim to hate whites more than anything yet they always move into white neighborhoods.  Even blacks don't want to live around other blacks because of the violence in those neighborhoods.  Do you see whites moving into black neighborhoods.  As soon as some blacks move in whites move out.  It's not called white flight for nothing.
Black's would like nothing more than to be part of white society, but they will "Never" be! they will stay on the very "fringe".

Because white flight is real! and 95% of whites will try to stay away from blacks.

the only thing that will keep whites around negros for long is a job.
In the city right next door to me, Passaic, it's turned into a slum. It used to be a very nice city with a large Polish population and it was mostly white around 50 years ago. Now it's overrun with illegal Mexicans and blacks and looks terrible. The same thing happened with many other towns in the North Jersey area. These illegals are even moving into lily white neighborhoods in the country. Every time it's the same thing you have 10 Mexicans living in one apartment.
jaxvid said:
I don't have ANY friends, white or black, they are too much of a pain in the ass. Always wanting favors or worse-having to talk to them. It's best not to associate with anyone because sooner or later they are going to try and screw you on something.
I had to push this one back up to the top...
wise words my friend.....