Black Callers Now Dominate Radio Talk Shows


Oct 21, 2004
I've recently started to notice another disturbing trend; whether it be sports talk or political talk shows, obviously black callers are disproportionately represented. During an unusually long morning commute last week, I listened to CSPAN radio's coverage, and was astounded to hear distinctively black voices over and over again among the callers. I drove long to hear about a dozen calls, and at least 9 of them were from clear ebonics-laden voices.

I'm sorry, but I refuse to believe that a majority of the callers to CSPAN on any given day are black. While it's a bit more plausible that black callers could flood the lines on sports talk shows, given the number of DWFs in every section of this country, I also can't accept that it could happen there, either.

I don't know what kind of screening process could accomplish something like this, but it would certainly have to be based on so-called "racist" analysis (listening to potential callers and looking for those "black" voices). I don't listen to that much talk radio, but even in my limited experience, this is all readily apparent.

While black callers can hardly be much more subservient to the powers that be, or more ignorant than the DWFs, still this represents yet another small slice of the culture where whites are being squeezed out. At this rate, white males will have few avenues open to them, outside of being the village idiot or shooting for those plumb, incredibly demeaning roles on television commercials.
If this is true, one possible explanation might be that these callers have a lot of free time on their hands.

They might be sitting at home drinking Welch's Grape scratching their asses and complaining that the welfare check you give them isn't generous enough, because:

1 - you're racist, whitey


2 - the face that they're able-bodied cannot detract from the fact that
they're not able-minded

and finally

3 - ignoring and denying the existence of their [minimum] five kids
with different baby mamas is hard work

Maybe you're right, though. Maybe the talk shows deliberately go out of their way to screen for ethnic sounding voices. I suggest calling in and keeping your focus of conversation centered on important things like saggy pants -- yay, or gay? Or whether or not Hondas or Toyotas are easier to steal. Also try to sound like Eminem. Squeak, nasally, and like a wegro.
White people have jobs. They don't have time to call in sports shows.
I was watching TV at the gym and they have many screens and I noticed that one host/anchor after another was black. I think I counted 7 out of 10 that were black.It's over the top. ESPN sometimes has 3 black hosts/analysts on at once.

Now the head of NASA is black and the Attorney General.
Guys, after these blacks waste the air time on these irrelevent radio programs, they gets they "purple drank" on, big time.
My local sports radio talk show has a couple of black guys that call-in that are like regulars. Each morning after a game they can be relied on to call in with an ebonics filled rant. They are on a first name basis and the DJ's probably appreciate the input as a form of free entertainment. Rarely does a black caller give calm rational appraisal of the game, it's always a wild rant. They are obviously out of work BWF's that have nothing better to do when all of the white guys are driving to work to make money to pay the taxes that feed them.
Europe said:
I was watching TV at the gym and they have many screens and I noticed that one host/anchor after another was black. I think I counted 7 out of 10 that were black.It's over the top. ESPN sometimes has 3 black hosts/analysts on at once.
Fox News Channel has a new black woman (saw her for the first time today) co-anchoring the 5pm ET hour (not Harris Faulkner, the one who had plastic surgery on her eyes to acquire an oriental look, but a new black woman, slightly lighter-skinned than Ms. Faulkner).

Now the head of NASA is black and the Attorney General.

AND the gratingly-voiced host of NBC's "America's Got Talent", a show of which, unfortunately, my mother is a fan.

Well, like everything else earthly, nation-states don't last forever. Stuff like Europe described help bring'em down.

John Edited by: foreverfree
On the ride home from work, I sometimes tune into "Pawn Vanity" to see what kind of NeoCON rhetoric he's spewing. I've noticed alot of black callers (more than in many years past...during my NeoCON'd days). I think the "Faux" News machinery is trying to sell this minorities are "conservatives" too crapola. There seems to be a few black NeoCONs (Herman Cain, Michael Steele, etc.), but a shortage of ebony paleo-conservatives.
during his radio show (which i listen to occasionally when i'm back home), Glenn Beck has often specifically asked for more black callers. he's even had entire programs devoted to black "conservatives."
his infatuation with the imaginary "conservative" black voter is as disturbing as it is misguided.
Something I've noticed is how unfailingly friendly and polite white hosts are to black callers. Many hosts will get short-tempered at times with callers (due to the host'spersonality, or they are quickly coming up on a break, or they don't like the caller's topic or point of view, etc.), but black callers are always treated with the greatest respect. So many whites, when they're in a social situation with blacks in which they don't feel threatened, go overboard with happiness, even giddiness and reverence. The mentality of whites when it comes to blacks is one of the craziest and most disturbing dynamics in human history. And in the U.S. it goes back to the days of slavery, when white liberals helped set the country on course for civil war, so fanatical were they in their mixture of unabashed love and condescension when it came to blacks.Edited by: Don Wassall
I've listened to Sean Hannity's radio program a few times, and he seems to have this black caller, I think AJ is his name, who is allegedly a black conservative. Now when this guy gets on, he starts ranting in his ebonics, and you can only hear about every third or fourth word the guy says. Yet he seems to be on Hannity's show a lot, and of course, Sean is always very patient and polite with this guy.
damn, Don. you nailed it. 100% spot on.
Don Wassall said:
Something I've noticed is how unfailingly friendly and polite white hosts are to black callers. Many hosts will get short-tempered at times with callers (due to the host's personality, or they are quickly coming up on a break, or they don't like the caller's topic or point of view, etc.), but black callers are always treated with the greatest respect.  So many whites, when they're in a social situation with blacks in which they don't feel threatened, go overboard with happiness, even giddiness and reverence.  The mentality of whites when it comes to blacks is one of the craziest and most disturbing dynamics in human history.  And in the U.S. it goes back to pre-slavery days, when white liberals helped set the country on course for civil war, so fanatical were they in their mixture of unabashed love and condescension when it came to blacks.
It's not just talk show hosts! ever been in a waitting room??

If a black man is there, the white men are over friendly with him,
trying too show how non-racist they are!

A few months back I was in my bank, all the tellers are women,
and in come's their new worker, a negro man, [the bank making their black quote] dressed in all black with a big Gold chain around his neck, well, about four of the white men jumped out of line to greet this cocky negro, they were shaking his hend and slapping his back, [too show everybody how they dont see race.] then this clown walk's over too me!"Hi, how you doing?" he said to me,
I looked at him and then looked away, and white people are so brainwashed, I heard a "Gasp" from many of the whites....
Hello lost,

I don't mean any disrespect to you, but if a person, yes, even a black guy is friedly toward you, it wouldn't hurt to be friendly back. This doesn't mean we've got to in any way go have lunch with the guy or anything, it's just basic manners. We don't want to have blacks thought of as having better manners than us, do we?

Anyway, you said it was awhile back. Is he still at the bank? Usually, there's a short time frame for their employment. Whenever I see a black guy at a store, I always wonder if he's going to be there the next time I come in. There was a new pet food store opened up near us (I've got two cats) a couple of years back and when it opened, it was staffed by almost all blacks. Now there isn't one left working there.

Tom Iron...
Tom Iron said:
Hello lost,

I don't mean any disrespect to you, but if a person, yes, even a black guy is friedly toward you, it wouldn't hurt to be friendly back. This doesn't mean we've got to in any way go have lunch with the guy or anything, it's just basic manners. We don't want to have blacks thought of as having better manners than us, do we?

Anyway, you said it was awhile back. Is he still at the bank? Usually, there's a short time frame for their employment. Whenever I see a black guy at a store, I always wonder if he's going to be there the next time I come in. There was a new pet food store opened up near us (I've got two cats) a couple of years back and when it opened, it was staffed by almost all blacks. Now there isn't one left working there.

Tom Iron...
Yes! he's long gone, and you would think that disrespecting some one "would" be a real bad thing! but, it's funny,
I can go into this bank now, and the women are just so friendly! deep down, white women don't like for their men to be weak..
Tom, good advice. I'm pretty friendly to everyone (at work, church), but keep to myself in public. I'm not surly or act like a prick (I always use good manners when out & about), but don't go out of my way to be "Mr.Friendly" outside of work or church. I'm always nice/respectful when folks treat me that way, but if anyone gets out of line or cops an attitude...I'll "return fire" right quick-like (sans work). The only time I'm a "diplomat" (proactive yet tactful) is at work. In my line of work, you have to have "thick skin" & deal with a multitude of personalities.
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