Biden : Tea Party = "Terrorists"


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
This from a puppet of the Globalist Elite...

Joe Biden likened tea partiers to terrorists

By JONATHAN ALLEN & JOHN BRESNAHAN | 8/1/11 4:07 PM EDT Updated: 8/2/11 3:25 PM EDT
Vice President Joe Biden joined House Democrats in lashing tea party Republicans Monday, accusing them of having “acted like terrorists†in the fight over raising the nation’s debt limit, according to several sources in the room.
Biden was agreeing with a line of argument made by Rep. Mike Doyle (D-Pa.) at a two-hour, closed-door Democratic Caucus meeting.

We have negotiated with terrorists,†an angry Doyle said, according to sources in the room. “This small group of terrorists have made it impossible to spend any money.†Biden, driven by his Democratic allies’ misgivings about the debt-limit deal, responded: “They have acted like terrorists.â€
Biden’s office initially declined to comment about what the vice president said inside the closed-door session, but after POLITICO published the remarks, spokeswoman Kendra Barkoff said: “The word was used by several members of Congress. The vice president does not believe it’s an appropriate term in political discourse.â€
Biden later denied he used that term in an interview with CBS.

“I did not use the terrorism word,†Biden told CBS Evening News anchor and managing editor Scott Pelley.
Earlier in the day, Biden told Senate Democrats that Republican leaders have “guns to their heads†in trying to negotiate deals.
The vice president’s hot rhetoric about tea party Republicans underscored the tense moment on Capitol Hill as four party leaders in both chambers work to round up the needed votes in an abbreviated time frame. The bill would raise the debt limit by as much as $2.4 trillion through the end of next year and reduce the deficit by an equal amount over the next decade.
Democrats had no shortage of colorful phrases in wake of the deal.

Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-Mo.) called it a “Satan sandwich,†and Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.) called seemed to enjoy the heat analogy, saying: “the Tea Partiers and the GOP have made their slash and burn lunacy clear, and while I do not love this compromise, my vote is a hose to stop the burning. The arsonists must be stopped.
The deal was consummated Sunday night, the text of the bill was posted in the wee hours of Monday morning, and the House was expected to vote first on it Monday afternoon or evening. But there are still plenty of concerns in both parties and in both chambers.

Liberal Democrats have had the most averse reaction to the plan, which ensures between $2.1 trillion and $2.4 trillion in deficit reduction over the next decade without requiring any of it to come from tax increases.

Biden told Democratic lawmakers that the deal would take away the tea party’s “weapon of mass destruction†— the threat of a default on U.S. debt obligations.
“They have no compunction about blowing up the economy to get what they want,†Doyle told POLITICO after the meeting.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
This whole "debt deal" reeks, badly. It is at best a small band-aid on an enormous problem that must be addressed. Of course our "representatives" could care less about solving the problems. All they care about is wealth, power and the ruination of our way of life.


Oct 7, 2009
On the far Right
Despite its many faults the Tea Party really does show how pointless the mainstream GOP actually is. Other than shilling for big corporations against the Democrats rabid statism the mainstream Republican Party can't really even be called an opposition party anymore.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Despite its many faults the Tea Party really does show how pointless the mainstream GOP actually is. Other than shilling for big corporations against the Democrats rabid statism the mainstream Republican Party can't really even be called an opposition party anymore.

The fact that this deal was held up for even 10 seconds was due to Tea Party people that were voted in last election. They also managed to massage the deal in the right direction, although the end result will be the same disaster-just later on. However they gained good momentum for the next election cycle. It's better then nothing perhaps.

Also I have listened to Rush Limbaugh a little through all this, he was pretty good the whole way. People who still think that he is merely a shill for the GOP are using dated thinking. He's a Tea Party guy now. He was really rough on the mainstream Republicans, including Boehner, who was on his show.

Yesterday he played a parody song "Barrack, the Magic Negro" done to the tune of "Puff the Magic Dragon" (sung by an Al Sharpton impersonator), I'm still laughing!


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
I agree to a large extent of Jaxvid last post. The TEA Party is America's last hope to right the ship. I have been looking at several mainstream (Lame Stream) media sites blogs. Most people are savaging BO, his democratic enablers and the establishment Republicans. Out of every 20 bloggers there is one die hard retard BO cheerleader. This is a good sign.Several posters have said that Republicans have co opted the TEA Party. I say no, the TEA Party is changing the debate and just need more members to save America and unscrew the Republican party. 2012 will be that moment, I hope. Right now that rancid party the democrats are attempting to paint all Republicans and conservatives as terrorists and hostage takers. Yesterday BO attempted to blame Republican and TEA Party fight to stop spending and curtail spending with the Debt ceiling as the reason for the dismal economic figures. LOL. This lost soul will try and say anything to shift blame from himself and his marxist enablers. I hope 2012 will bring forward more TEA Party types such as my self. I belong to the TEA Party Patriots. I hope alot CF members join and force a real return to constitutional principles and limited government.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
Of course Biden - the most pro-warwithoutend of the Democrats - and the thing from Kenya or wherever the hell its from that currently goes under the name Barak Hussein Obama, are the scum of the earth and puppets just the same as the mentally retarded homo Dubya, Papa Doc Dubya, Bill 'n Hillary, etc., but the Tea Party has already been infiltrated and co-opted by the same zionist puppetmasters, to wit Miz Sarah Palin with her Israhelli lapel pin and Israhelli flag flying in her office.




Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
Despite its many faults the Tea Party really does show how pointless the mainstream GOP actually is. Other than shilling for big corporations against the Democrats rabid statism the mainstream Republican Party can't really even be called an opposition party anymore.

It's not. As Governor George Wallace observed, just before they shot him down, "Republicans and Democrats, not a dime's worth of difference."


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
It's not. As Governor George Wallace observed, just before they shot him down, "Republicans and Democrats, not a dime's worth of difference."
WW, there is a differnce. I recall with certainy that not one Republican Senator or Congressman voted for that abortion called obamacare. Not one.

I believe there is a difference, we just got to get more TEA Party types in the senate and congress and remove BO and send him back to Chicago and pontificate about the glory year of his 2008 campaigne.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
WW, there is a differnce. I recall with certainy that not one Republican Senator or Congressman voted for that abortion called obamacare. Not one.

I believe there is a difference, we just got to get more TEA Party types in the senate and congress and remove BO and send him back to Chicago and pontificate about the glory year of his 2008 campaigne.

Differences in some details but identical in their total loyalty to Israel and Wall Street.


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
Differences in some details but identical in their total loyalty to Israel and Wall Street.

Agreed, but what is the driving force now with TEA Party members such as myself.? Here are clues, Self intersest, interest of White People and America. I think that means hoping that Wall Street succeeds and that I have skin or action in that game. Thank you very much!:biggrin:


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
Currently the Stock Market is on a dive as I post. Down 280 points. :cry:


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
Agreed, but what is the driving force now with TEA Party members such as myself.? Here are clues, Self intersest, interest of White People and America. I think that means hoping that Wall Street succeeds and that I have skin or action in that game. Thank you very much!:biggrin:

Wall Street = international Jewish and other financiers = war without end = third world invasion of all the white nations = destruction of the middle/working class = enemies of the white race. It's got nothing to do with some "little guy" like you or me betting that their (manipulated) stock will go up.


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
One thing that the critics of the "Tea Party" don't understand is that it isn't a political party at all. It is more of a movement or an uprising of normal, everyday folks who are having the scales fall off of their eyes and seeing what the ruling class is doing to, and has done to this great nation. There is no central "tea party convention" or "national tea party committee spokesman" or any of that. It's a groundswell of regular folks at the true grassroots level.

Charges like ww makes above about Palin being the "tea party leader" and claptrap like that are laughable and illustrates perfectly the mainstream media portrait of what comprises the "tea party. It's obvious that statists like the Democrats would hate an uprising by the plebes, but the establishment Republicans despise them just as much, if not more, as they are the targets.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
"Charges like ww makes above about Palin being the "tea party leader" and claptrap like that are laughable..."

I said they're infiltrating and co-opting the tea party movement.




Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
Cute story. The assumption that stories like this make is that being a "party" it must have a large top-down hierarchy that can be co-opted. Sure, spokespeople like Palin can be influential to some, but the tea party is primarily made up of self-interested people with a narrow focus of cutting down government and restoring a semblance of the original vision of the founders for this nation of limited government and limitless opportunity. Most tea-party folks like myself and Westside don't give a rats rear-end about overseas matters and Israel, except that we need to disentangle ourselves financially from them.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
" ...Most tea-party folks like myself and Westside don't give a rats rear-end about overseas matters and Israel, except that we need to disentangle ourselves financially from them. "

Good luck to the good people in the Tea Party movement. What we need here is a real revolution, and we need it a hell of a lot more than they did when they threw the original tea party in Boston Harbor back in '73, 1773 that is.



Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
werewolf;221969Good luck to the good people in the Tea Party movement. What we need here is a real revolution said:
I agree. At this point, the progress made by "the people" in taking back a small percentage of the Gov from the statists is remarkable, yet the surface has hardly been scratched. The level of corruption is almost beyond imagination. It might be best if the entire system collapsed and let the chips fall where they may.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
This is the only Tea Party thread I could find in Happy Hour for the last 9 months, mainly because the Tea Party has become irrelevant because it has been racially neutered and co-opted by the neo-con types of the Republican Party establishment.

And here's another example of why the Tea Party is no longer part of any viable solution to America's deep-seated problems. I was scanning the website of the Tea Party here in Vegas and here are the results of their "straw poll" taken in late October:

The Las Vegas Valley Tea Party held its monthly meeting last night and had a first Straw Poll, which Hermain Cain won with 63 votes, next was: Newt Gingrich with 15 votes, Rick Perry with 14 votes, Mitt Romney with 14 votes, Ron Paul with 13, Michelle Bachman with 7, Johnson 2, Huntsman and Santorum 0 and 2 undecided. 130 votes in total.

So out of 130 votes, black buffoon and neo-con stooge Herman Cain takes just under 50 percent, while Ron Paul has the support of just 10 percent. Even among the GOP rank and file in Nevada, Paul has more support than that. These folks are well-meaning but braindead "conservatives" who still think the America they are fond of exists but is merely being thwarted by those nasty "socialists" in the Democrat Party, backed by the "liberal media." Their thinking will likely never evolve from the now-fossilized and false "liberal-conservative" charade that plays effortlessly into the hands of those who control and manage the system.

I would imagine that if the same poll were taken now, a month later than the one above, by this same group, many of the Cain votes would now be cast for the latest flavor of the month Newt Gingrich, while Paul's support would be about the same. Losers, well-meaning, but losers. . .


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
This is the only Tea Party thread I could find in Happy Hour for the last 9 months, mainly because the Tea Party has become irrelevant because it has been racially neutered and co-opted by the neo-con types of the Republican Party establishment.

And here's another example of why the Tea Party is no longer part of any viable solution to America's deep-seated problems. I was scanning the website of the Tea Party here in Vegas and here are the results of their "straw poll" taken in late October:

The Las Vegas Valley Tea Party held its monthly meeting last night and had a first Straw Poll, which Hermain Cain won with 63 votes, next was: Newt Gingrich with 15 votes, Rick Perry with 14 votes, Mitt Romney with 14 votes, Ron Paul with 13, Michelle Bachman with 7, Johnson 2, Huntsman and Santorum 0 and 2 undecided. 130 votes in total.

So out of 130 votes, black buffoon and neo-con stooge Herman Cain takes just under 50 percent, while Ron Paul has the support of just 10 percent. Even among the GOP rank and file in Nevada, Paul has more support than that. These folks are well-meaning but braindead "conservatives" who still think the America they are fond of exists but is merely being thwarted by those nasty "socialists" in the Democrat Party, backed by the "liberal media." Their thinking will likely never evolve from the now-fossilized and false "liberal-conservative" charade that plays effortlessly into the hands of those who control and manage the system.

I would imagine that if the same poll were taken now, a month later than the one above, by this same group, many of the Cain votes would now be cast for the latest flavor of the month Newt Gingrich, while Paul's support would be about the same. Losers, well-meaning, but losers. . .

Nice post, Don! I know a few people who joined the Tea Party after it became co-opted. They don't realize what has happened and they are the same "conservatives" who support Bush, Zionism, etc.

The left-right paradigm is definitely a farce and I try to point that out whenever I have the chance.
Oct 22, 2011
[/I]So out of 130 votes, black buffoon and neo-con stooge Herman Cain takes just under 50 percent, while Ron Paul has the support of just 10 percent. Even among the GOP rank and file in Nevada, Paul has more support than that. These folks are well-meaning but braindead "conservatives" who still think the America they are fond of exists but is merely being thwarted by those nasty "socialists" in the Democrat Party, backed by the "liberal media." Their thinking will likely never evolve from the now-fossilized and false "liberal-conservative" charade that plays effortlessly into the hands of those who control and manage the system. I would imagine that if the same poll were taken now, a month later than the one above, by this same group, many of the Cain votes would now be cast for the latest flavor of the month Newt Gingrich, while Paul's support would be about the same. Losers, well-meaning, but losers. . .
I have spent years trying to convince a guy I work with about this false "liberal-conservative" charade. He fits this description of a brain dead conservative. I have given him youtube videos to watch, blogs to read, books etc... Just when I think he has caught on, he tells me he went to a John McCain for president rally, and then attends the Glen Beck tea party rally in Washington D.C. His brain refuses to let go of this false paradigm he has believed his whole life. Even after being presented with evidence. When I remind him its all a charade, I get a blank stare for 3 seconds and then he will change the subject.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
I can't seem to get through to many of my conservative friends on this issue. I think it's a deep seated desire for people to back a winner. So whoever they feel can win they will back if he/she is even remotely what they want. Realistically the Tea Party people should ALL be Ron Paul supporters, he matches the supposed ideals of the group, I think the darn thing was started by his supporters. But the media says he can't win--so--they support the guy they think can win.

Ron Paul wouldn't be able to do anything anyway. The countries sickness is terminal there is no cure


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
I have spent years trying to convince a guy I work with about this false "liberal-conservative" charade. He fits this description of a brain dead conservative. I have given him youtube videos to watch, blogs to read, books etc... Just when I think he has caught on, he tells me he went to a John McCain for president rally, and then attends the Glen Beck tea party rally in Washington D.C. His brain refuses to let go of this false paradigm he has believed his whole life. Even after being presented with evidence. When I remind him its all a charade, I get a blank stare for 3 seconds and then he will change the subject.

Many of the arch-zionist NeoCon'd are far too duped to (now) be awakened. Focus on those w/ ears to hear, eyes to see & minds to learn...let the rest be content in their catatonic state.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Many of the arch-zionist NeoCon'd are far too duped to (now) be awakened. Focus on those w/ ears to hear, eyes to see & minds to learn...let the rest be content in their catatonic state.

Good point, Dixie. I have a tough time following that advice sometimes though.


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
Yesterday, I was driving to a job site in the Pittsburg area while listening to a local radio station’s morning program. The show featured three DJ’s (two males and one female, all of whom sounded like whites in their mid-30’s) engaging in seemingly-casual discourse concerning Joe Biden’s impeding visit to Pennsylvania on the 4[SUP]th[/SUP] of if anyone cares about that elderly, fumbling, ignorant, slow-witted, hairless-baboon who is laughably masquerading as “the second most important man in America.”

For whatever reason, the paramecium-level “radio gang” decided to air an audio clip of Biden’s repugnant and unfunny quote from an April 2012 speech (on foreign policy) in which Biden boasted of how: “I promise you, the president has a big stick…I promise you!”

Below is a video from said speech in which his inane comment was initially uttered…


After the audio clip was aired, the three chowder-brained DJ’s were squealing with merriment at this childishly-phallic remark, yet another in the lengthy rolodex of public Biden gaffes. Suddenly, one of the male wigger DJ’s said: “So Obama has a ‘big stick,’ huh, Joe? I’ll bet he does! That sort of comes with the territory!” The female DJ then secreted a witch-like cackle from her arid, Jew-inculcated larynx into the saliva-stained microphone, nastily barking out: “Yeah, really, well, he is a black guy, right?” Of course, instead of being appalled by such a “joke,” the two white male DJ’s (probably Pittsburg Steeler Jock-Sniffers) snorted jovially...


CAPTION: Wigger Senility

Should there ever be a proper, war-like, dog-eat-dog “race revolution” in this nation, it is my contention that around 65-70% of the white adult population would also need to be “eliminated” before tribal congruence could be truly restored and white virtues reinstated. They would not be mourned.
Last edited:


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
I agree with your assertion about the race revolution, Thrashen. What a shame that it has reached that point.