Biden : Tea Party = "Terrorists"


Nov 23, 2006
Should there ever be a proper, war-like, dog-eat-dog “race revolution” in this nation, it is my contention that around 65-70% of the white adult population would also need to be “eliminated” before tribal congruence could be truly restored and white virtues reinstated. They would not be mourned.
As the saying goes, 'one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.' When “race revolutionâ€￾ as you say, comes many of our best and worst and many in between will perish, but of those Whites who survive they are still our people and only a few of them via their crimes will warrant the death penalty or exiled, though many will probably be given hard labor for their crimes, and that will have to be decided by the justice system. If one “Eliminatedâ€￾ 65-70% of the White adult population in the USA say 2/3 estimate of about 150 million adults would mean about 100 million would have to be “eliminated.â€￾ Most of these are simply as the old National Alliance use to call them lemmings. They will follow their leaders anywhere and change their viewpoints 180 degrees on a dime if their leaders change. They will be as loyal to racial nationalists, when in power, are they to egalitarians. Just don't let this type of people have any influence on government! Freedom comes neither from the form of government nor the type of economy system. A kingdom can be free while a democratic government may not be! Nor does economic system matter for what difference does capitalism or socialism mean to freedom. People are free when they are ruled by their own people! Freedom can be give to the normal elements of society that make it strong and healthy or to the perverted and corrupt elements of society. The more freedom given to the bad elements of society the less freedom the good elements of society have and the weaker and sicker the society becomes. Basically, the White race naturally forms a Caste system of abilities. The problem is that these abilities do not always follow family lines so a natural labor great grandchild may be natural aristocracy and the Great Grandchild of a member of the natural aristocracy maybe a natural labor. The odds are that a member of the natural aristocracy will have more decedents who are natural aristocracy than a labor but probably not even a majority of them will be. If a “race revolutionâ€￾ causes the nonwhites to be removed from this land and the people on this board who most regular post are probably members of the natural aristocracy, great-grandchild will not be and many will long for nonwhite servants and slaves. In two to four hundred years we will be in the same place we are today with a nonwhite invasion and with White pseudo-aristoi calling the new freedom fighters "terrorist", unless we can choose leaders by genetic code instead of bloodline.