Very disturbing news story about a woman and her chimp.When willsilly people learn? Monkeys mimic human behavior, but they are not really like us, are they? Monkeys can be cute at times, but can turn deadlywith little provocation.Yes, they drink wine, do tricks,ride bikes, wear clothing,and becomesomewhat domesticated, but theyremainunpredictable, dangerouscreatures.Monkeyslaugh easily, and can even flash room brightening smiles, but don't be fooled -- theywill bite your face off if provoked. When willwe learn? If you value your life - stay the hell away from monkeys! It's that simple, really.
[url] hotos_show_friendly_side_of_young_c_155795.htm [/url]
The out-of-control chimp who went bananas and mauled a Connecticut woman was once a playful little monkey who loved hugging people. (snip)
[url] hotos_show_friendly_side_of_young_c_155795.htm [/url]
The out-of-control chimp who went bananas and mauled a Connecticut woman was once a playful little monkey who loved hugging people. (snip)