Ben Shapiro

David Cole is a Jewish writer who talks boldly and sensibly about race and why conservatives like Ben Shapiro are such losers:

Can the Right Fight Without Saying White?

by David Cole

Sometimes you get the hero you need, sometimes you get the hero you deserve, and sometimes you get a worthless dumbass who is neither. And if you’re really unlucky, you might get a whole flock of worthless dumbasses. I speak, of course, of the “conservatives” who spend every minute of every day desperately trying to convince the world how safe and nonthreatening they are. “Frugality, morality, and God bless our troops. Who can hate that? Down with Trump! Please like me!”

These flaccid feebs think the challenge of our time is to oppose Trump, but that’s foolish. Trump, like all presidents, has a shelf life. The actual challenge of our time is to avoid the permanent fate being woven for us by those who wish to turn the U.S. into a Third World slum run on an apartheid system that awards jobs, rights, and protection based on identity.

For years I worked alongside the innocuous, cuddly conservatives who dominated the Southern California Republican scene. And as the left steadily upped its antiwhite vitriol, to the extent that “blame whitey” became the dominant theme, my National Review-consuming chums struggled to counter the new rhetoric. When leftists would scream, “Whites are privileged, evil, and must be reduced in numbers and influence,” we’d hit back with the zinger “You’re the real racists.”

Uh, yeah. So what? You know what doesn’t offend real racists? To be called real racists. Imagine telling a 1920s KKK kleagle, “You know what, dude? You’re a racist.” He’d nod.

“1925 Ben Shapiro destroys Klansman with brilliant retort: ‘You’re racist!’”

If you want to counter a racist, you don’t point out that he’s racist; you point out that he’s wrong. But “Party of Lincoln” conservatives get queasy at the thought of saying anything positive about whiteness. They prefer room-temperature pap about how “we don’t ‘see’ race! America’s an idea, not a color! There are no inborn factors among humans that can’t be overcome with a Thomas Sowell book and a flag pin.”

That’s how it was then, that’s how it is now, even as the left’s war against “white” has gone total vernichtungskrieg. When leftists speak of the need for fewer whites in a particular business, agency, or field, always keep your response focused on “qualifications not black quarterbacks.” But never, never directly rebut the claim that if something’s “too white,” it’s by definition in need of diversification. Never even suggest that an overrepresentation of whites isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

Keep the notion of demographic change separate from any discussion of immigration. Remember—border issues don’t come down to anything more than the right paperwork. Scarecrow was dumb, then he got an official piece of paper from the Wizard, and now he’s smart. That’s totally how it works in the real world. There are no immigration problems that can’t be solved with properly filled-out forms.

Cuddly conservatives believe that the best response to the left’s rabid racism is to be “better than that.” And when nonwhite voters see how determined we are to avoid mentioning race, they’ll flock to the GOP in droves! This batty notion reminds me of mass shooter George Sodini, the proto-incel who opened fire on a women’s aerobics class in 2009 because he couldn’t get a date. Long before his massacre, a still-optimistic Sodini recorded a video in which he redecorated his apartment according to the specs outlined in a “how to please a woman” book he bought. In the video, as he shows off his matching upholstery and perfectly spaced end tables, a childlike Sodini confidently assures himself that his decorating skills will win him the affection he craves. “They’ll really be impressed,” he coos, in reference to the hypothetical women who never materialized.

That’s mainstream conservatives for ya, to a tee—obsessively redecorating for a demographic that’ll never date them while neglecting the one that will (funny how the GOP’s garishly pro-Israel interior decor has failed to attract throngs of Jewish gentleman callers).

Just last week, Greg Gutfeld on Fox’s The Five inadvertently made my point about how even our sharpest tools continue to police themselves on race. In a monologue condemning the media for preemptively blaming the Joker film for inciting “white rage,” Gutfeld quite legitimately brought up a ghastly quadruple murder in New York City that was downplayed by MSM journalists at the exact same moment they were wailing about hypothetical violence from a fictional film. Four homeless men were bludgeoned to death in their sleep right on the streets of Gotham. Gutfeld scolded the media for ignoring the crime because of the identity of the killer…an identity he refused to mention. “The Saturday-night massacre won’t lead the news,” Gutfeld explained, because “the perp isn’t the ideal mustache-twirling villain.”

And why isn’t he “the ideal mustache-twirling villain”? Gutfeld doesn’t say, choosing instead to stress that the killer’s mental illness is “a more relevant plot point than race.” Throughout the entire monologue and the discussion that followed, neither Gutfeld nor his show-mates explained why the perp, a dark-skinned Dominican immigrant, isn’t the “ideal villain.”

If you’re trying to make the point that the killer’s identity is why the media buried the story, why not speak the identity out loud? “The media was wrong to mention race regarding Joker, but I’m not going to mention race in response, even though my failure to do so entirely kills the point I’m trying to make.” After all, bringing up the guy’s identity might imply that cuddly conservatives have an objection to immigration policy that goes beyond mere paperwork.

I knew Gutfeld back in my GOP days, and he’s smarter than that monologue. But the sad fact is, the fear of appearing racist makes dunces of a lot of otherwise clever conservatives.

“By gum, those Founding Fathers sure were a brilliant group of men.”

“And how would you describe those Founding Fathers? You know, their identity?”

“Why, Judeo-Christian, of course! What other identity could possibly matter? Because I don’t see race. Hell, I always thought Ben Franklin was an aboriginal Pintupi. You’re telling me he wasn’t? Well, he could have been.”

Everything the left is today, everything it does, is based on the notion that white is bad. “White bad” is the cornerstone of all leftist positions, from the economy to the environment, entertainment, the internet, sports, science, and academia. And here come the cowed, delusional, milquetoast conservatives who think they can counter “white bad” without saying or even implying “white good.”

More than that, they don’t even want anyone in their ranks associating with someone who says “white good.” Increasingly, conservative organizations are booting people merely for rubbing shoulders with folks who are “white-positive.” Recently, Turning Point USA dismissed several members who dared to be in the same room as “white nationalists.” And just a few days ago, TPUSA’s Charlie Kirk shot down a young fan who dared to object to immigration on the basis of changing demographics rather than uncompleted forms. Kirk went so far as to call anti-immigration Republicans and conservatives “dangerous.” Trying to sound less open-bordery than he is, Kirk stressed that he only supports giving entry to “skilled” immigrants. He then immediately contradicted himself by stating that he supports all “aspirational” immigrants (the “aspirational” are not necessarily skilled).

Regardless of Kirk’s kowtowing and purges, rival conservative organizations continued to attack Turning Point for having members who dared to associate with people who have the wrong opinion on “white.”

Never say “white good,” and never breathe the same air as someone who does.

To be clear, I’m not trying to make a case for “white nationalism.” What I’m saying is, it’s just not possible to fight an entity that hates a thing without associating with people who like the thing. The left’s current raison d’être is “We hate white,” which cuddly conservatives hope to counter with an enforced and mandatory collective response of “We’re indifferent to white.”

There’s no passion in indifference, and no willingness to fight. The indifferent will always be defeated by the zealous. That rule is ironclad and eternal.

What I find most curious about the “no white pride” litmus test is that it comes courtesy of the so-called “big tent” Republicans who claim to be pro-life while not just tolerating but working alongside pro-choice libertarian-leaning GOPs. Am I missing something? Don’t pro-lifers think abortion is murder? But they’re more willing to work with people who support a baby holocaust than folks who say, “I prefer immigration from white countries”?

Isn’t abortion supposed to be genociding the black community? Isn’t that a few degrees worse than saying, “It’s okay to be white”?

If you police language and associations in the name of some kind of purity test meant to purge those who see being white the same way we Ashkenazim see being Jewish—something to be proud of, something that isn’t just “not bad” but good—you do so at your own risk. Unless you want rightists to lose the war. Unless that’s your plan. Oh look, I’ve circled back to Jewish Republicans! And big-business corporate Republicans, too. Nothing frightens those folks more than the sound of creaking hinges on the Pandora’s box of white populism (you know, that box they’ve been trying to sit on like an overstuffed suitcase since November 2016).

Hence Conservative Inc.’s love of a losing strategy. Loosening the reins a bit when it comes to the allowable ways to discuss race (or at least loosening the reins on associating with those who discuss race “incorrectly”) would be a good strategy for the GOP, one not too dissimilar to what worked in 2016. But that slope’s just a little too slippery for some of our more urbane conservative elites, who themselves don’t have the highest opinion of “white.”

Hence the party line, the myth that the best way to counter hatred against a group is to never say anything positive about the group.

Sure, those rules aren’t applied in other circumstances:

“The Nazis didn’t just target a group of people; they targeted an exceptional group! Look at all the big brains they lost by driving away the Jews!”

“Look at the amazing things blacks did for this country! Antiblack racism stifles the abilities of a talented race!”

“Don’t put down illegal immigrants! They work harder than us and their food is amazing!”

But then you get to…

“Whites are monsters who should be fired, silenced, and bullied!” And the response to that? “Whites are no better or worse than anyone else. Quit lookin’ at race, you real racist.”

Ben Franklin could’ve just as easily been a leaf-eating bare-assed aborigine. To suggest otherwise is racist. But Salk, Sabin, Gershwin, Freud, and Chagall could only have been Jewish. To suggest otherwise is racist.

“Never say white.” That’s rule No. 1 in the how-to book issued to the army of conservative George Sodinis whose pathetic desire for popularity has made them easy targets for advice-dispensing hucksters who don’t play by their own rules.
Shapiro is not a loser. Having a political ideology mainly based on ethnic/racial lines is flaccid at best.
Shapiro is not a loser. Having a political ideology mainly based on ethnic/racial lines is flaccid at best.

Did you even read Cole's article? His main point is that the best way to combat those whose political ideology is mainly based on ethnic/racial lines (the anti-Whites) is not by refusing to pretend Whites don't exist, or by being indifferent to Whites and White survival, but by refuting their lies about Whites with the truth. He is not himself arguing for White Nationalism or an ideology based on race.
Did you even read Cole's article? His main point is that the best way to combat those whose political ideology is mainly based on ethnic/racial lines (the anti-Whites) is not by refusing to pretend Whites don't exist, or by being indifferent to Whites and White survival, but by refuting their lies about Whites with the truth. He is not himself arguing for White Nationalism or an ideology based on race.

The late Lawrence Auster said "conservatives" will never get anywhere until they defend themselves as white people. Cole's article is pretty much the same as Auster's writings.
I'm at a point now of taking the dive off in the deep end of plainly and flatly standing up for Whites and telling those who don't like that kind of talk to go to hell, one way or another. Those of our race who don't take a stand are saying they don't deserve to survive. I guess they can suit themselves. Not me. I have pretty much nothing to lose now. The J-ish assault on Whites is over the top in every public nuance. Eff them to the freaking core. They are out to destroy us. Guess what J boys? You are going to lose....
Destroying himself:
I hate this guy. He is so egotistical and self-absorbed. ... Now lets talk about Ben Shapiro.
the latest example of a jew screaming out in pain as he strikes someone is Little Ben’s “outrage” at America First proponent Nick Fuentes.

Fuentes, who has been called everything from a neo-nazi to an incel by Shapiro (and who Shapiro has had physically removed from several venues and detained by police on more than one occasion for politely asking uncomfortable questions), was streaming live outside a recent TPUSA event and saw Shapiro crossing the street toward him. Little Ben was with his family when Nick tried to speak with him, and now the neoconservatives are “outraged” about Fuentes’ “lack of civility,” even calling the polite interaction “an assault.”

Fuentes, to his credit, is entirely unapologetic. he’s correctly pointed out that the lying liars who are defending Little Ben are the same losers who have attached themselves to all manner of horrid acts (with being “Never Trumpers” the least of their problems). Nick has even doubled down on twitter, pointing out that Shapiro apparently it’s okay to use women and children as human shields unless you’re a Palestinian.

the interplay is currently trending on google, so you should be able to pull the entire video and myriad responses quite easily.
I did not know anything on Fuentes until this incident. I have seen the video and he kind of comes off like an a-hole. Shapiro is with his children. It was highly unprofessional to attack Shapiro like that. It kind of reminded me of director/film maker Michael Moore in " Roger and Me " or " Bowling for Columbine " where he runs around and confronts people in kind of a shock format.
I did not know Shapiro had him removed twice form speaking venues. It should not have happened but the guy like Milo Yianopolis looks to be a provacateur type.
I don't agree with Big Ben Shapiro :) on everything but I have never agreed with someone more than anyone in the past. He is a breath of fresh air and I hope he is our future leader come 2024 unless he changes my views otherwise.
I just read a little more on Fuentes. He is an avowed White nationalist ( I don't hate him for that but I don't totally agree with it either ) , a Neo-Nazi and a holocaust denier. That is a huge turn off for me. Does it make his attack on Shapiro right or wrong? I guess that depends on who we are and what are agenda is. We all see what we want to see. I try and be objective and Shapiro hits the right notes for me on most issues that I don't claim to be ignorant on.
I find it very strange that if no one on this site saw him as a viable future for conservative thinking there would not be 3 pages of this forum dedicated to denigrating him.
It is just so sad all politics on both sides of the spectrum in this country are so fractionalized the way we are. Its bad enough we have the liberal media and idiot like SJW's running around stagnating the waters when conservatives seem to be so split in their own rite.
Its a real whack-a-mole scenario with the trolls around here. Congrats on being “activated” MattGianone.
Its a real whack-a-mole scenario with the trolls around here. Congrats on being “activated” MattGianone.
Calling someone a troll because they aren't paranoid enough to believe in white nationalism yet understand the caste system and support white athletes is pretty cheap. Not everyone on this site is a white nationalist as I have run across quite a few moderates here. If Shapiro veers from a course I don't like I will stop supporting him. I have to get back to my bridge now and scare sone billy goats. :)
I did not know anything on Fuentes until this incident. I have seen the video and he kind of comes off like an a-hole. Shapiro is with his children. It was highly unprofessional to attack Shapiro like that. It kind of reminded me of director/film maker Michael Moore in " Roger and Me " or " Bowling for Columbine " where he runs around and confronts people in kind of a shock format.
I did not know Shapiro had him removed twice form speaking venues. It should not have happened but the guy like Milo Yianopolis looks to be a provacateur type ...

“attack?!” seriously? here’s the transcript of the “attack” as Little Ben walked past, unobstructed, on the sidewalk:

Ben, It's great to see you. Why did you give a 45 minute speech about me at Stanford, and you won't even look in my direction? Come on, I'm right here. I know you're with your family, but I can't get you anywhere else ...

Little Ben, of course, didn’t even make eye contact during this “horridly outrageous exchange.”

as for being a “provocateur” like Milo, Fuentes supports traditional marriage, is anti porn and deviant lifestyles, and is very concerned that the rapidly changing demographics of the US is irreparably altering the culture and core values of the US. as far as I can see, his most “outrageous” position is that White people should unapologetically exist. the horror!

Shapiro is a Zionist-first double talker, albeit a very gifted orator. Fuentes is an America First proponent who has been denounced at every turn by the gatekeepers of the “respectable” Right for having the audacity to point out the obvious shortcomings and double standards of neoconservative positions. i’ll take Fuentes.
He strikes me has been a clever fellow but his stanch political ideology and orthodox Judaism can cloud his judgment in areas where a more objectively intelligent person dealing in the hard reality of human nature will recognize those limitations and avoid them.

If Shapiro could guide the American ship in the long run it may end up just as off course as social Marxist would do to it, only the Marxist would consider it a job well done where Shapiro would throw his hands up in the air in shock wondering where he had gone wrong.

There are many things on a personal level of behavior and responsibility I completely agree and applaud him on..........but his views on the macro scale of America and its relations worldwide and our social make up we tend to part ways on...........

He's quite apt at debating the left.........and the further left the more effective his debating. However, a heads up intelligent White nationalist well versed in their understanding of the social directives of the US would be a handful for him.

He reminds me of a Black matter how much they discuss the virtues of their conservative position private and when you get down to the bottom line its about race for them.

.......for Ben its not race but rather the little hats.

That stated, I'd take him any day over the his tribe members of the Bolshevik left.
Nick Fuentes would smoke shapiro in a debate. shapiro debates college kids and walks around like he's a freaking genius. Nick ands his Nicker nation recently took on Turning Point USA and showed what a bunch of fake conservatives they are......
Nick Fuentes would smoke shapiro in a debate. shapiro debates college kids and walks around like he's a freaking genius. Nick ands his Nicker nation recently took on Turning Point USA and showed what a bunch of fake conservatives they are......
Sir, the time for "debates" is long past.
I will watch Joe Rogan Podcast clips from time to time. Shapiro was on last week - I gotta say that his voice and delivery border on annoying - he does bring up some valid points but his delivery and arrogance seem to shine through as well (along with his religion). Two things he does which most on the political right state is that sports are a meritocracy - It's probably my biggest peeve when I hear these quasi-intellectual types because they know nothing of the caste system and just take sports at face value rather than diving into the details. The second thing he does is quote MLK ad naseum which I have noticed a ton of RINOs and right wing commentators do over the past few months.
Michelle Malkin took that pussy to the woodshed. See on youtube:

Predictably she is being called a "White" nationalist! LOL

Check out her experience in Denver where a Support for the Police rally she sponsored turned into an assault on the police supporters by antifa. Notably the cowardly police who were there to protect the police supporters stood down. Cops wonder why so many people think they are dicks.
I will watch Joe Rogan Podcast clips from time to time. Shapiro was on last week - I gotta say that his voice and delivery border on annoying - he does bring up some valid points but his delivery and arrogance seem to shine through as well (along with his religion). Two things he does which most on the political right state is that sports are a meritocracy - It's probably my biggest peeve when I hear these quasi-intellectual types because they know nothing of the caste system and just take sports at face value rather than diving into the details. The second thing he does is quote MLK ad naseum which I have noticed a ton of RINOs and right wing commentators do over the past few months.

True most don't understand the reality behind sports but they also see sports as a tool, most of the right from moderates to the alt right believe or at least adhere to certain popular white inferiority memes because they think it helps their cause and in particular the "HBD/race realism" philosophy for those more outside of the Overton window.

To be fair, the alt-right has gotten a bit better in this aspect in recent years and is more awoken to how for example blacks are promoted as a superior masculinity as demoralization against whites... but they lag behind in understanding the sports facet of this despite heightened awareness, they still do this a lot and I would call it a form of political correctness ironically. The alt right has much to learn, blacks don't whinge on about low iqs and asians don't adhere to negative asian stereotypes like many whites point out their supposedly inferior athleticism or masculinity when they think it would serve them. Its not healthy and doesn't really achieve anything, in reality we need counter-warfare to this sort of thing. I searched this site in quotes on google and last week castefootball was mentioned on the dailystormer forum, I am not a fan of most of Andrew Anglin's writing but this site was linked in a response to a comment wondering if white talent was looked over which shows the alt-right may be getting wiser to these sorts of things.

Also, Joe Rogan himself is not on the right but seems to be somewhat of a notorious caste follower with his drooling over black athletes.
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