Bashing of white athleticism among many white activists and the alt-right

The bottom line to me is that tennis players are among or perhaps are the greatest athletes in the world.
Growing up in the south in 70's/80's, I know nothing about ice hockey other than occasionally watching the Hurricanes. However, I believe that Hockey players are probably the best athletes in the world. What those guys do while skating on ice, to me is incredible!
Maybe, some of the guys who know or played Hockey could comment further?
BTW, I played football, wrestled and played baseball in HS and a little in college. Of those sports, without a doubt the hardest as far as strength and conditioning was wrestling. Next, the ability to hit a baseball takes skill. While football was my favorite and I was more successful at it, it wasn't that difficult and you didn't have to be the smartest, fastest or in the best shape to play it.
I have been studying the issue of athletic superiority for ages now long predating CF. Hockey players are generally and conveniently ignored when people are pushing the black superiority theme. Not internationally but here in the states soccer players are also given short shrift. Although as soccer has gotten less white that is slowly changing.

I'll digress. Back in the 1990's when the black superiority idea was gaining momentum and articles were starting to appear the most famous being the SI 1997 cover story that asked "Whatever Happened to the White Athlete" I am not certain hockey was even mentioned. And in black superiority books like Jon Entine's "Taboo" (2001) and David Epstein's "The Sports Gene" (2013) hockey is barely mentioned if at all.

Although Steve Sailer still chimes in on the subject from time to time there has been a lot less written about the subject of sports and race over the past five plus years give or take an internet article from the black ESPN website " The Undefeated" or an occasional SI internet piece. I haven't seen anything in print for a while now. For whatever reason the subject has lost some steam. It could be that people pushing the black superiority theme are seen as being too over the top. And the emergence of transcendent white athletes ( Roger Federer anyone?) has tamped down the "blacks are better" crowd. Kind of hard to wax poetic about black athletes when watching Roger Federer perform on a tennis court.

Today the NHL is stuffed to the gills with cornerback sized super athletes going from obviously Sidney Crosby to Nathan MacKinnon, David Pastrnak, Patrick Kane and of course Connor McDavid, generally regarded as the fastest player in the game today. And this list of fast top tier players is quite long.

But going back to the 1990's there were two players that really made me sit up. Steve Yzerman was the lightening quick leader of three "Hockey Town" Detroit Stanley Cup champions (97,98,2002) and Pavel Bure led Vancouver to the finals in the famous seven game series against the Rangers in 1994. Bure was a blur on the ice and one of the most exciting players I have ever seen. But these two players and other great athletic hockey players never enter the discussion when black superiority is being pushed. And neither do speed sprinters in the Winter Olympics. And the reason they are ignored is because inserting them into the discussion would murk up the racial oriented theories.

Black superiority theories hinges on several key components. Football players especially skill players and cornerbacks, basketball players in general and of course the short sprints in track. Fast black baseball and soccer players follow right behind those groups. There was a slogan for a while that went like "basketball players are the greatest athletes in the world." And then they would extrapolate from that claim that gee "imagine if they went into tennis and soccer" insinuating that the black BB players would overtake the sports just like in basketball. They would never stop to consider what if the many white speedster baseball players who ended up mired in the minors decided to opt for football instead?

So the discussion has been very slanted and I don't think there has been firm conclusive scientific studies that prove point blank blacks are faster etc. and better athletes than whites. Most of the theories are centered around performance results like the Olympic sprinting, football and basketball.

Also ignored in these type of discussions are baseball players especially the countless white speedsters who got stuck in the minors. Potential Olympic sprinter Chad Green, who I have mentioned here before, was a baseball player who was drafted out of Kentucky was also a star football player out of Ohio that was being pursued by big boys like Notre Dame. But he stuck with baseball. At a camp he blew away Deion Sander's record time in the 60 yard dash just to give you a hint of how fast this man could run. But an athlete like Green and a few other similar white baseball speedsters who never made it would never be brought up by the black push crowd because they present a fly in the ointment in their ideology.

So the beat goes on.
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"The Heavyweight Champion of the World Is the Symbol of Physical Supremacy"

Funny we don't hear that anymore. Or stopped hearing it when the Klitschko's won the title. Writers used to wax rhapsodic about Johnson, Louis, or Ali as heavyweight champion being the Symbol of Physical Supremacy.

For some reason when a white man is heavyweight champion that meme disappears.

Then there is the category of players who possess sublime genius and play their sport with extraordinary grace. They are naturals and play sports in a way that elevates their sport to high nobility. They are/were in a word exquisite.

Below are a few names that jump to mind.

Joe DiMaggio

Wayne Gretzky

Karch Kiraly-(volleyball)

Lance Alworth

Roger Federer

Sam Snead -my dad used to say he had the sweetest swing of all.
I have been studying the issue of athletic superiority for ages now long predating CF. Hockey players are generally and conveniently ignored when people are pushing the black superiority theme. Not internationally but here in the states soccer players are also given short shrift. Although as soccer has gotten less white that is slowly changing.

I'll digress. Back in the 1990's when the black superiority idea was gaining momentum and articles were starting to appear the most famous being the SI 1997 cover story that asked "Whatever Happened to the White Athlete" I am not certain hockey was even mentioned. And in black superiority books like Jon Entine's "Taboo" (2001) and David Epstein's "The Sports Gene" (2013) hockey is barely mentioned if at all.

Although Steve Sailer still chimes in on the subject from time to time there has been a lot less written about the subject of sports and race over the past five plus years give or take an internet article from the black ESPN website " The Undefeated" or an occasional SI internet piece. I haven't seen anything in print for a while now. For whatever reason the subject has lost some steam. It could be that people pushing the black superiority theme are seen as being too over the top. And the emergence of transcendent white athletes ( Roger Federer anyone?) has tamped down the "blacks are better" crowd. Kind of hard to wax poetic about black athletes when watching Roger Federer perform on a tennis court.

Today the NHL is stuffed to the gills with cornerback sized super athletes going from obviously Sidney Crosby to Nathan MacKinnon, David Pastrnak, Patrick Kane and of course Connor McDavid, generally regarded as the fastest player in the game today. And this list of fast top tier players is quite long.

But going back to the 1990's there were two players that really made me sit up. Steve Yzerman was the lightening quick leader of three "Hockey Town" Detroit Stanley Cup champions (97,98,2002) and Pavel Bure led Vancouver to the finals in the famous seven game series against the Rangers in 1994. Bure was a blur on the ice and one of the most exciting players I have ever seen. But these two players and other great athletic hockey players never enter the discussion when black superiority is being pushed. And neither do speed sprinters in the Winter Olympics. And the reason they are ignored is because inserting them into the discussion would murk up the racial oriented theories.

Black superiority theories hinges on several key components. Football players especially skill players and cornerbacks, basketball players in general and of course the short sprints in track. Fast black baseball and soccer players follow right behind those groups. There was a slogan for a while that went like "basketball players are the greatest athletes in the world." And then they would extrapolate from that claim that gee "imagine if they went into tennis and soccer" insinuating that the black BB players would overtake the sports just like in basketball. They would never stop to consider what if the many white speedster baseball players who ended up mired in the minors decided to opt for football instead?

So the discussion has been very slanted and I don't think there has been firm conclusive scientific studies that prove point blank blacks are faster etc. and better athletes than whites. Most of the theories are centered around performance results like the Olympic sprinting, football and basketball.

Also ignored in these type of discussions are baseball players especially the countless white speedsters who got stuck in the minors. Potential Olympic sprinter Chad Green, who I have mentioned here before, was a baseball player who was drafted out of Kentucky was also a star football player out of Ohio that was being pursued by big boys like Notre Dame. But he stuck with baseball. At a camp he blew away Deion Sander's record time in the 60 yard dash just to give you a hint of how fast this man could run. But an athlete like Green and a few other similar white baseball speedsters who never made it would never be brought up by the black push crowd because they present a fly in the ointment in their ideology.

So the beat goes on.

So much of it hinges on the speed factor, the international event to prove "black athletic supremacy" is the 100m, short distance running in a straight line.... I don't know to much about football but don't many whites do really well on the agility drills? Sailer is often absolutely self-deprecating and mostly refers to speed events and the composition of the national leagues to prove his black sports superiority theory, (although I haven't read much of him recently so I don't know if his views have changed). I think years back he wrote about black's superior "manly charisma" o_O. But the decathlon for example, which used to give one the title of the world's greatest athlete usually has white victors including the current top performer Kevin Mayer, it's an aggregate of speed, endurance, strength, coordination, dexterity etc... That should be enough to seriously complicate these theories; but it's of course ignored.

Although its true they are hunting for high preforming black athletes to put into other sports, even a mere one or two high preforming black athletes in a sport that was not previously considered "black dominated" will give the impression to the average viewer that the sport is now "black dominated".
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So much of it hinges on speed, the international event to prove "black athletic supremacy" is the 100m, short distance running in a straight line....

Spot on. The 100 meters is at the heart of any discussion dealing with black superiority theories. The focus on it for academia reasons is obvious but in practical terms Track and Field has been sidelined more now than in the distant past so for the general public they receive their black superiority messages from the everyday in your face 24/7 sports like basketball and football. That is where the majority of fans get their cues. Highly influential networks like ESPN give off the impression that blacks are the special race when it comes to sports.

But Track and Field is revealing in other ways that press against the blacks are better theme. For example leaping ability is mostly associated with black basketball players yet in the one event that best represents pure leaping ability the results run contrary to public opinion. Case in point in the men's high jump four white athletes have won the gold since 2000. More stunningly with the women not since the 1950's has a non white won the event. Yet watch a women's basketball game on TV and announcers routinely point out the often superior leaping ability of the black players. I do question that though when watching games.

These discrepancies and disconnect only reinforce the idea that trying to smugly suggest blacks are faster and springier is not an open shut case.

The problem is the most popular sports like basketball and football often reinforce the impression blacks have better athletic abilities even if it relies on a more subjective test base.

One other thing we shouldn't ignore which I think of as the spike in the punch. The role of steroid drugs. Since the emergence of these drugs seemed to accelerate in the late 1970s onward it coincides with the era of black sprinting dominance. And every time I watch black defensive backs participate in the NFL combine I keep thinking they are on something suspicious.

So any true scientific study needs to make certain that all outside influences like drug use are eliminated from tests. Can we be certain of that? Are the 100 meter runners we are watching all clean? I don't think we can answer that question with a great deal of confidence. Worth noting between 1952 and 1980 five white men and five white women won the 100 meters in the Olympics. The 1980's arrive along with the increase of steroid drugs and all of a sudden white champs started to recede.

Steve Sailer is an interesting thinker but he shows his hand for the most part when discussing the so called difference between black and white athletes. Fairly recently he was making the argument that we are seeing more white centerfielders in baseball because during this home run era that position doesn't require the enormous speed and range that was required before. That doesn't cut the mustard with me. That is called twisting yourself into a pretzel to make the point he and others continue to make which is blacks are simply faster and more athletic than whites.

Yes in general it does seem there might be a key difference between white and black athletes. Subjectively I can lean that way and I don't like it one bit. But if I look at it in a more scientifically objective way, which includes cultural shifts and attitudes, I can come to no conclusion whatsoever. My mind wanders back to the tremendous white athletes that dotted the landscape in the 1950's and 1960's and it just doesn't jibe with the umbrella like thinking that blacks are better.
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Spot on. The 100 meters is at the heart of any discussion dealing with black superiority theories. The focus on it for academia reasons is obvious but in practical terms Track and Field has been sidelined more now than in the distant past so for the general public they receive their black superiority messages from the everyday in your face 24/7 sports like basketball and football. That is where the majority of fans get their cues. Highly influential networks like ESPN give off the impression that blacks are the special race when it comes to sports.

But Track and Field is revealing in other ways that press against the blacks are better theme. For example leaping ability is mostly associated with black basketball players yet in the one event that best represents pure leaping ability the results run contrary to public opinion. Case in point in the men's high jump four white athletes have won the gold since 2000. More stunningly with the women not since the 1950's has a non white won the event. Yet watch a women's basketball game on TV and announcers routinely point out the often superior leaping ability of the black players. I do question that though when watching games.

These discrepancies and disconnect only reinforce the idea that trying to smugly suggest blacks are faster and springier is not an open shut case.

The problem is the most popular sports like basketball and football often reinforce the impression blacks have better athletic abilities even if it relies on a more subjective test base.

One other thing we shouldn't ignore which I think of as the spike in the punch. The role of steroid drugs. Since the emergence of these drugs seemed to accelerate in the late 1970s onward it coincides with the era of black sprinting dominance. And every time I watch black defensive backs participate in the NFL combine I keep thinking they are on something suspicious.

So any true scientific study needs to make certain that all outside influences like drug use are eliminated from tests. Can we be certain of that? Are the 100 meter runners we are watching all clean? I don't think we can answer that question with a great deal of confidence. Worth noting between 1952 and 1980 five white men and five white women won the 100 meters in the Olympics. The 1980's arrive along with the increase of steroid drugs and all of a sudden white champs started to recede.

Steve Sailer is an interesting thinker but he shows his hand for the most part when discussing the so called difference between black and white athletes. Fairly recently he was making the argument that we are seeing more white centerfielders in baseball because during this home run era that position doesn't require the enormous speed and range that was required before. That doesn't cut the mustard with me. That is called twisting yourself into a pretzel to make the point he and others continue to make which is blacks are simply faster and more athletic than whites.

Yes in general it does seem there might be a key difference between white and black athletes. Subjectively I can lean that way and I don't like it one bit. But if I look at it in a more scientifically objective way, which includes cultural shifts and attitudes,I can come to no conclusion whatsoever. My mind wanders back to the tremendous white athletes that dotted the landscape in the 1950's and 1960's and it just doesn't jibe with the umbrella like thinking that blacks are better.

Don't forget, whites have sort of forsaken sprinting to my knowledge, so there are possibly many would-be's, I have little doubt under the right circumstances Lemaitre could have ran a 9.8x time, and the flurry of non-black under 10 second runners after Lemaitre is no coincidence. Sailer seems to be clearly ignorant of the many speedy whites in baseball as you mentioned? Blacks have been involved in the sprints long before 1980 so having utter dominance in the 1980s+ does seem a little conspicuous and is definitely unlikely to be explained only by innate differences in performance.
I may sound stupid for saying this but I think the movie "white men can't jump" in title alone greatly influenced the idea of lackluster white leaping ability into people's minds, since most people aren't aware of white gold medalists in high-jump.
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Funny that the black superiority crowd (BSC) slyly suggest that blacks didn't fully explode until they reached a fuller participation rate. They leave out of that discussion the white sports disengagement and lack of participation that has crept in over the past thirty years. Not to mention the social engineering where white children are told over and over again they are inferior athletes to blacks and are constantly discouraged to pursue certain skill positions. The BSC want to have it both ways.

That said the biggest sociological/cultural change I see the past five years or so as it relates to white athletes is the emergence of twitter.

While it is too soon to see if twitter will bear fruit for budding white athletes it is very important to note that by advertising themselves white athletes seem more engaged now than they were in the 1990s and most of the 2000's. At least that is my impression.

What really sticks out about these athlete's twitter accounts is the way so many of them boast about their workout drills and positive press clippings. And perhaps most importantly if they play a speed position in say baseball or football without exception they post their times in a predominant spot on their twitter account. If a white baseball player runs a fast 60 yard dash in baseball or a white football player runs a fast 40 yard dash you can bet the house they will let you know about it. This to me is a very encouraging sign!
The myth that "white people can't dance" is another way the anti-whites seek to portray white people as unathletic. Here's 3 videos that puts the lie to that.

A pretty good thread I commented in on the same reddit page as the original image, the guy who mentioned Belichick has got to post here. More people seem to be waking up these various myths surrounding sports, maybe there is hope for the rest of the so called alt-right. The minority coach drive will likely do more harm than good for the NFL as it has made the caste system searingly obvious.

Although some people seem to have taken a few narratives to heart
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I have seen some people mention CF with greater frequency due to the recent coach debacle, and not just CF posters promoting the site, and occasionally I see it mentioned usually in left-leaning communities in a disparaging manner, one recent post claimed CF was defunct after the mid 2000s (?) and supposedly resurged in popularity and came back online due to Trump, then likening the site to a "proto-gamergate" :lol:.

Another example of bashing of white athleticism by the alt-right is when Richard Spencer gave CF a shoutout a couple of years ago but almost instantly after poo-pooed the theory despite all the evidence in performance or otherwise on various levels, or perhaps more likely he merely wasn't aware, for popular theory that blacks are innately superhuman on the field (a theory which he believed is radically taboo, but is really not), probably as a "balancing act", then gave various reasons more than a couple of which were false or debunked/half-truths/poor reasons (a great deal of the argument was based on sprint-speed if I remember correctly, seemingly the all-determining factor for these types) while ignoring any possible white intangible or physical advantages - as we have many sports that we dominate, thinking football's composition is almost entirely meritocratic and that intangibles have no effect football performance beyond the QB position which he ceded to us, for some reason (working as a team?).
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I have seen some people mention CF with greater frequency due to the recent coach debacle, and not just CF posters promoting the site, and occasionally I see it mentioned usually in left-leaning communities in a disparaging manner, one recent post claimed CF was defunct after the mid 2000s (?) and supposedly resurged in popularity and came back online due to Trump, then likening the site to a "proto-gamergate" :lol:.

Another example of bashing of white athleticism by the alt-right is when Richard Spencer gave CF a shoutout a couple of years ago but almost instantly after poo-pooed the theory as well as all the evidence in performance or otherwise on various levels, or perhaps more likely he merely wasn't aware, for popular theory that blacks are innately superhuman on the field (a theory which he believed is radically taboo, but is really not), probably as a "balancing act", then gave various reasons more than a couple of which were false or debunked/half-truths/poor reasons (a great deal of the argument was based on sprint-speed if I remember correctly) while ignoring any possible white intangible or physical advantages - as we have many sports that we dominate, thinking football's composition is almost entirely meritocratic and that intangibles have no effect football performance beyond the QB position which he ceded to us, for some reason (working as a team?).

Just curious - where else do you see people mentioning this site?
Just curious - where else do you see people mentioning this site?

I have seen a couple mentions of this site on some (usually football-related) forums after the minority coach debacle usually referring to this site in the past and questioning if it was still up since the coach debacle basically undeniably validated CF, I guess search engines have killed this site, and rarely on lefty communities in reddit (usually in a disparaging manner as mentioned in my previous comment). I think a post here several months back dismaying about the promotion of a black QB and the state of the caste system in sports in general also got bandied around which shows we still have keen observers. But the site is not really mentioned with enough frequency to give the site any sort of significant new attention nonetheless.
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Ever since the Trump election. There's been mass censorship by big tech like Google, Twitter, Youtube, Facebook to any right leaning users/websites. It wouldn't surprised me if someone working at google decided CF had to be "shadow banned"

Google would remove certain websites from appearing in results for commonly searched phrases. They would also artificially prop up leftist website debunking "far right conspiracies" and "fake news" that challenged their leftist narrative. CF could easily have fallen victim to this as the Caste system is a "far right conspiracy theory" to them.

Twitter experimented with shadow banning in 2017. There was a website where you could check if your account could be viewed in the search engine. Many conservative accounts were flagged as shadow banned. Which meant they were essentially locked in an echo chamber with their followers limiting their overall reach. If you had 20k followers only those 20k followers could see your tweets. Twitter did this to stunt the organic growth of conservative accounts.

Trump said he was monitoring the situation around 18 months ago but did nothing about it. Now they're even putting fact checkers on his own tweets. Hopefully now Donald will act on this important issue as its directly affecting him.
We used to have posters signing up almost every day, and many of them were regular or semi-regular posters. That was when CF would pop up on the first or second page of a lot of searches. Now someone has to go through page after page after page of a search result to come across a post or thread from Caste Football, if it shows up at all, and very few people do that.

Forums aren't nearly as popular as they used to be, and that was also a source of new posters that's all but dried up now. A lot of the big forums that remain are very strictly moderated and any positive mentions of CF will quickly be deleted.
Even though this sold for alot of money, considering he is the greatest hockey player of all time it shows an anti white bias in the
price in my opinion compared to the all time greats in other sports and the prices of those auctions.
This was a very interesting thread to read as I as well have noticed how common the Black Athlete myth is pushed by many on the "alt right". Sailer being a leading example.

I have always suspected that it's because many of them lacked any real athletic background and for the most part are nerds.
I think for non athletic whites it’s easier to envision blacks as all powerful since it excuses your own lack of effort or achievement.

Personally I was a pretty lazy athlete but I knew enough good white ones to not really have any illusions about the topic .
I think one of the reasons alt right types buy into the black superiority thing is it appeals to their sense of balance. Whites smart, but not great athletes, blacks dumb but great athletes, asians super smart, very bad athletes. It also fits the idea that the different environments that the groups developed in are responsible for their particular strengths. Which is true to a certain extent. Blacks do have some evolutionary advantages in certain athletic endeavors. But it doesn't transfer to every possible athletic activity, nor is it such that the advantage is so pronounced. That's our claim here at castefootball. We don't dispute that blacks are in many cases great athletes. It's the numbers that we disagree on. And those numbers are driven by a political agenda that very few would argue is active and aggressive. (only one white guy in america is gifted enough to be a starting NFL running back, and zero are qualified to play cornerback?!)
I think one of the reasons alt right types buy into the black superiority thing is it appeals to their sense of balance. Whites smart, but not great athletes, blacks dumb but great athletes, asians super smart, very bad athletes. It also fits the idea that the different environments that the groups developed in are responsible for their particular strengths. Which is true to a certain extent. Blacks do have some evolutionary advantages in certain athletic endeavors. But it doesn't transfer to every possible athletic activity, nor is it such that the advantage is so pronounced. That's our claim here at castefootball. We don't dispute that blacks are in many cases great athletes. It's the numbers that we disagree on. And those numbers are driven by a political agenda that very few would argue is active and aggressive. (only one white guy in america is gifted enough to be a starting NFL running back, and zero are qualified to play cornerback?!)
Yeah, but unfortunately for them real life is not some sort of role playing game, that's just another manifestation of political correctness.
I think a lot of it goes back to most folks on the right aren't interested in sports, whether following them or playing them, and so their perspective never grows beyond ignorantly accepting the media myths about Blacks and athleticism and never seeing the bigger picture and how very important the Caste System has been and remains in diminishing White masculinity, self-respect and solidarity.

Over the years I've known many racially aware White guys well enough to ask if they play golf, and 99% didn't, whereas among average White men about half do. It's a very unfortunate disconnect and there doesn't seem a way to bridge it.
Another thing that hurts is all the myths and stereotypes. Blacks can dance better. They have better rhythmn. Oily feet, swivel
hips and off course that they have bigger *****. All lies. Some do and many don't Some dance and some don't. Some are athletic
and many are not as they are some of the fattest people you will see. So it's all an old wives tails and lies but when you repeat lies
over and over they become the truth to many that hear them.

All we can do is try our best to wake up as many of our people as we can. Especially right wing conservative types.
All true and though it’s cult-like, cross-fit requires a lot of overall athleticism and is routinely dominated by whites.

I think the other big element is cultural in that if you participate in sports with a large non white component then that sports overall culture isn’t your own and frankly a lot of whites just stay away from it. I’ve heard it referred to as “peak negro”. Whereby if black participants are more than say 30 percent then ghetto culture begins to dominate that sport.

Swimming, diving and water polo. All very white culturally and much more appealing for parents to deal with than football is (where rocks and debris get thrown at your kids team bus when they play in vibrant communities).

There are lots of other examples too, and I doubt if it’s one or the other of the things we’ve all mentioned. It’s probably a bit of all of the above.

New Jersey for instance is a very segregated state. Sure, there are a large amount of non whites but the multiplicity of individual towns makes it possible to have your kids attend public schools that are largely white while other towns could be largely black.

However, when schools face each other in sports you definitely get to experience the joys of vibrancy.

The alt-right guys don’t take this into account I don’t think, and they also tend to be the kind of guys who play video games into their 30s and 40s. For them, I think, black athletic superiority is a comfortable illusion.

Hopefully more of them will stumble on this site and reconsider it.

Posting this site’s link on alt-right forums or comment areas probably wouldn’t hurt either!
Asians are very good athletically for the most part, average asian is no smarter than the average white person. Asian schools and the cultural/social status that goes with it is out of this world especially in Korea and Japan. I have met many blacks in my sporting life and they are not better athletically. I have only lost to 1 black in a 100m race in my life, many whites are of the same story yet were shunned from speed sports except for hockey.
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