It's reality that Whites are the best athletes and the smartest, unless you want to get into sub-groups such as Jews and perhaps certain Asian ethnic groups when it comes to potential intelligence (and those who are intelligent often lack common sense). But by saying that, I'm not trying to be a "White supremacist" at all and never have been. Our White race is in pathetic condition; it only takes a quick trip to the nearest Wal-Mart to verify that. Or, watch how obediently so many Whites are donning masks to "combat" the flu strain going around. All races of humanity have been successfully dumbed down and turned into sheeple.
Not only have races of humanity been dumbed down, but bias against whites is present in all areas of society, such as for example... Jews being admitted to Harvard and other Ivy Leagues at many times the rate relative to performance and asians at 2-3 times the rate relative to performance compared to white gentiles (and asians are still somewhat underrepresented relative to performance!)
Speaking of intelligence there may be another case of trying to make gentile whites worse at something to not be racist, Richard Lynn's sampling of asians (relies on unrepresentative affluent, highly urbanized samples and sometimes doesn't use the full-scale iq, the cherry-picked samples IQs still being well within the range of similarly urbanized whites, sampling iqs at very young ages; various methods to get his desired outcomes) and Jews is flawed, although Lynn didn't really sample Jews himself, just mostly relied on some terrible studies even though some of the other (more sound) studies he compiled would seem to debunk this notion. Such as the "115 iq" claim which is mythical at best and actually admitted by the author to be unrepresentative, many of the really high numbers are from old, unrepresentative/manipulated samples usually with jewish authors, often handpicking elementary schoolers. Studies purporting uber-iq have failings such as small/poor samples, obvious author bias/agenda, using wordsum as a proxy for iq etc... One of the only nationally representative studies on ashk. IQ, conducted by a jew if I remember correctly, found an average IQ of merely 100.8 split between multiple factors. Many gentile groups still outstrip jews in average earnings despite any nepotism they may benefit from if you don't include bankers. The society elite are of course smart but cohesion, nepotism and importantly the state of the general public; as they always got expelled before, are their greatest assets. But even they sometimes have too much chutzpah and announce their intentions, validating what would otherwise be wacky conspiracy.
Their end game to destroy the west's integrity wouldn't end well for them either most likely, with Israel greatly dependent on western support and the new occupants seeing them as any other evil whitey... Average asians being smarter or the average bagel-shop owning jew having uber intelligence? Not likely, especially factoring in the last 600 years of innovation, achievement and world conquest/creating places people actually want to live in (
to explain these discrepancies with their theory they say whites have a wider standard deviation or are more creative, but I have seen little good proof of this, one of Lynn's "Caucasian" samples for instance included blacks/mestizos), even if asians greatly over-preform in academics relative to iq, 105/6 number or otherwise but research has iq (alone) playing a relatively modest role in the variance of grades due to the obvious unstimulating and tedium-based nature of modern schooling. China/Asia are also documented to be guilty of some PISA manipulation, a test already substantially influenced by non gfactors and therefore not the best indicator of raw intelligence. Our best data on Chinese iq would have it far lower than they claim. Unitarians and Anglicans are small in number and are also documented to be "particularly" intelligent. Whites are incredibly docile and modern society dumbs people down, so I wouldn't be that surprised at some dysgenics going on in the last half century. Sure, you shouldn't campaign on white supremacy as that's not the goal of white advocacy and gets it nowhere but the falsities many pro whites engage in is no way to go and often somewhat defeatist, this jewish uber iq meme is used as justification for jewish power in society (even though even adjusting for that iq they would still be heavily over-represented in many financial/cultural institutions, and would need an impossibly high mean), in the case of asians, it's used to "debunk" the myth that IQ tests are culturally biased and to not be called white supremacists (which like I said it doesn't work). Here are some articles that relevant to my post. (Uses Lynn's estimates but admits they may be too generous, otherwise dismantles a study claiming the ridiculous estimates we hear) (sort of juvenile but pokes holes in the superjew claim and the improbable evolution of Jewish Uber-IQ,)
These self-deprecating (and readily disprovable) myths are just another form of political correctness and are often associated with the new, social media savvy generation of white activists that take many myths including ones relating to athleticism and all of Lynn's research at face value, some may know it's b_s but still do it out of "necessity", as they needed to move away from "white supremacy" to be more acceptable to the public, Steve Sailer (if he even is a white activist) and Jared Taylor and incredibly are self-deprecating. Rushton also did something similar with blatantly false claims about running in the 1992 Olympics since he knows people won't fact-check.