Aussie Open


Jul 30, 2005
The first of the slams is under way down under (is it tennis time already?) and heading into the fourth round we see all of our favorites: Federer, Hingis, Sharapova, etc.... That black frenchman, Monflis (or whatever) was eliminated in the third round. James Blake is still alive however as is Serena Williams. The msm have been desperately trying to make Blake the face of American tennis over the past 3-4 years but he just isn't getting it done on the court. He's never appeared in a slam final or even semi-final that I know of.
Petrova snapped like a dry twig against Serena. I would encourage the casters to check out a Serena match if only to see one of the biggest asses in all of professional sports, male or female.
Hingis on to the quarters!

Blake choked again.Edited by: Poacher
Serena Williams just beat some girl from Israel who was even more out of shape than she was. It was like watching saturated vs. unsaturated. Or
GWTJ said:
Serena Williams just beat some girl from Israel who was even more out of shape than she was. It was like watching saturated vs. unsaturated. Or

I watched that match. Once again Serena manages tobarely hang on and win.

Hingis against Clijsters is a great matchup. Maria Sharapova plays yet another up and coming Russian, Anna Chakvetadze.

Here's afew picsof Anna:




And of course Maria:




Edited by: Don Wassall
Don, you got my Maria motor running again, so I'm adding a few more pics. I don't think anyone here will object.








Edited by: Colonel_Reb
That is one pretty lady! Nice pics guys.
Maria vs Serena final. I'm looking forward to it. Too bad Roddick got routed, he looked great against Fish, I thought he could compete this time.
I've just seen the most remarkable display of awe-inspiring poise, skill, and ability on a Tennis court that I have ever seen - by far.

Roger Federer just annihilated Andy Roddick - and Roddick played OK. It was like Federer had just landed from another planet. At one point he broke Roddicks serve five games in a row. Roddick dosn't normally lose that many service games in a tournament.

And one to watch for the future - 19 year old Andy Murray.
I'll be rooting extra hard for Maria in the final,as the corporate media is already getting a renewed taste of Serena-mania. This week is already bad enough, as the Caste System's patron saint, Tiger Woods, is playing his first golf tournament of the year.

But even if Serena wins, I think in retrospect it'll be seen more as a last gasp by the Williams sisters rather than a return to the top. Venus just isn't very good anymore, and Serena's interest in playing is limited, as her ever growing caboose illustrates.
Don Wassall said:
I'll be rooting extra hard for Maria in the final, as the corporate media is already getting a renewed taste of Serena-mania. This week is already bad enough, as the Caste System's patron saint, Tiger Woods, is playing his first golf tournament of the year.

But even if Serena wins, I think in retrospect it'll be seen more as a last gasp by the Williams sisters rather than a return to the top. Venus just isn't very good anymore, and Serena's interest in playing is limited, as her ever growing caboose illustrates.
Serena almost looks like she stars in porn fetish movies........
Federer's through to the final but he wont have an easy time with his opponent Fernando Gonzalez that's for sure.Gonzalez completely overpowered Nadal in his Quatre final aswell as knocking Blake and Hewitt out.He's always possesed the power and a brutal forehand that opponents cant live with but like Roddick he's been adding more variety,which has made him ten times more effective. If he brings that same form to the final,Fed will be severly tested.

January 25, 2007 Serena Williams has strenuously denied allegations a person sitting in her courtside box tried to temporarily blind her opponent during the American's Australian Open semi-final win today.

Seven Network commentator John Barrett made the allegations on air, with television pictures clearly showing a young male sitting with Williams' family regularly raising and lowering the wrist-watch on his left arm.

Sunlight being reflected off the watch was clearly visible, with Barrett alleging in his commentary the pictures were shot while Nicole Vaidisova was serving during the women's singles semi-final at Rod Laver Arena.

Don Wassall said:
I'll be rooting extra hard for Maria in the final, as the corporate media is already getting a renewed taste of Serena-mania.

Don, I'll be rooting for Maria also, but I don't think either of us can match the religious like following that is giving Serena. Here is an article I took from the website today. All I can say is, Yikes!
Well, here it is.

Serena you are the Queen

This transcends Sports

This is Sports and the

Australian Open Final

Too bad for the Time Difference. Australia is 16 hours ahead of the East Coast of these United States. This would have made great Saturday afternoon Network TV here in the U.S. Instead it will be great Saturday afternoon TV in Australia and Friday night secondary Cable TV here.

But not to Worry

Friday evening here on ESPN2 at 9:30PM Eastern Standard Time you can see all the action. Did we say ACTION. That is the operative word ACTION. Tennis may or may not be your favorite Sport. In fact let's assume it is not.

That not only don't you play Tennis. That you are even normally loathe to watch Tennis. SO WHAT. This is Different. Very Different. For a few hours Saturday afternoon there. Friday evening here. On that bland green surface with only a net separating the 2 players we will witness COMBAT and desire and yes even fear as Sports at its very best brings us.

Here we add another level

Black vs. White

in an attractive setting

Get over it if you do not think that is an issue here. It is built into the fibre of our Society and its not going away anytime soon. This is the kind of place where the Black - White dynamic should play itself out since it is a fact of life. Here Color becoming a defining factor in a way that makes sense. In a symbolic contest of two outstanding athletes playing on a level field. Level Field !

That is the Point Sports Fans

Maria Sharapova and Serena Williams competing for an education, a job, a prestigious honor would not be normally facing a situation where the better "player" will win and where the rules are fair and equally applied to both of them. Let's imagine for a moment Sharapova and Williams were not famous but were exactly the same individuals otherwise and let's say rather than tennis players they were lawyers and with the same credentials and smarts and they were both "competing" to become a partner at a major law firm.

Do you have any doubts

who would "win"

the position

Thank God it is different here. And what a Contest. Sharapova ranked #1 in the world and Serena #1 "long ago" is now unranked. Sharapova on the rise and a pre-tournament favorite to win the Australian Open. As for Serena most observers expected her to be knocked out in the First Round. But the Finals against Sharapova ? It could not happen. NEVER !

But here Serena is

back from the Dead

the Tennis DEAD


Two years ago if you remember the 2005 Australian Open it was a very different story for these two same players. Serena was still on Top #1 in the World most of the time. Maria Sharapova then the young Russian teen transplanted to life in Florida who was the challenger trying to advance her career by upsetting the Reigning Champion of Women's Tennis. She did not. Serena won.

Now two LONG years later ....

Serena is not the physical specimen she was 2 or 3 years ago. While 25 and still very young not by tennis standards and with a series of injuries emphasizing her seeming deterioration. But Serena has proven Desire + Experience + Intelligence can overcome her handicaps and they have. Even her weight.

There are even those lime green tennis dresses which match the color of the tennis ball that Serena has religiously worn throughout the Australian Open. Serena who in the past changed her court wardrobe with lightening frequency. If she has now realized what no other player or their coaches had lime green apparel gives her a camouflaging edge why not. Call Serena Smarter than the Others.

So here we are

A million miles away in Melbourne Australia. A place almost none of you will ever visit. Australia where it is the height of Summer right now. It is their "August" and blazing heat every day. The sun will be beating down on them high in the sky as the wicked winter winds blow here in our nighttime sky.

One planet two very different worlds

at the very same time

So this glorious stage is set. Forget it is Tennis if you wish. It is Combat. Magnificent Combat. There will be an Ecstatic Winner and a Disappointed Loser. But no one gets hurt and they both will win prestige and money and more. This is not Iraq nor the slums of Los Angeles.

This is where a Black Woman can prevail if she is good enough. This is where this Black Woman has already proven her Greatness in Sports. This is where we can take the exhilaration of a riveting contest and at least try to apply it to our world where nothing is as clear nor where there is one set of rules for all or impartial judges watching every move insuring equality and fairness.

This is Sports where we can all

identify with Serena Williams

become One with her in our imagination

for a few hours lose ourselves in her Quest

Down Under to become Champion again

before we turn off the TV and

return to our own lives

Win Serena Win

make us Proud

let us Dream
Dang, Maria lost! I'm watching the after-coverage on the court. The announcer from Australia is really talking up Maria and guaranteed her winning it in the future and that she will be number one tomorrow. I hate to see Maria lose, but her day at the top will be long, and like Don, I think Serena is having her swan-song. I hate to compare her to a swan though, nothing graceful about Serena.
Anywho, Maria will be kicking more butt soon, and don't think she won't beat Serena again because she will. As for blackplanet, let em have their little race party. It doesn't mean much. Serena won't be overtaking Maria in the rankings.
Wow. Serena just rolls outta bed, grabs a tennis racquet, and takes the #1 seed out to the woodshed for the whipping of her life.

I'll root for Americans over foreigners any day of the week. I know it's un-"Caste"-like, but I hope she stops treating tennis like a weekend hobby, gets serious again, and wipes up the court with everyone like the old days.
No shades of gray in that match, that was a good old-fashioned butt whipping, atruly dominating performance by Williams. Maria was never in it, and I doubt anyone else would have done any better againstSerena today.
Here's to man-like muscular women.

I've noticed a pattern or "cycle" if you will in Serena's career: quick rises to the top, followed by fading performances, followed by inactivity due to supposed injuries, and finally the cycle starts over.
Serena looks like an East German Swimmer. Anyone notice the acne
in her close ups?
Kaptain Poop said:
Here's to man-like muscular women.

I've noticed a pattern or "cycle" if you will in Serena's career: quick rises to the top, followed by fading performances, followed by inactivity due to supposed injuries, and finally the cycle starts over.

Good point. Do they test for PEDs on tour?
Steffi Graf did a one tournament comeback too. I'm not sure which year but she was in her thirties and advanced pretty far in the tournament. Afterwards, she said that she wasn't impressed with the new crop of players. Navratilova is still playing doubles in some tournaments. Maybe what Serena did was not so impressive after all.
I think Sharapova's psyche will be fine. She suffered a complete wipe out against Davenport at the 2005 Pacific Life Open , 6-0, 6-0, while on the verge of becoming number one. She went on to become number one a couple months after. It would be surprising if this takes any fight out of her.

IF there ever was a demonstration on how important first serves are it was in both the Vaidisova and Sharapova matches. Not saying it would have mattered in the finals because Serena was just on fire. The thing that is worrisome about Sharapova's game is if she can work on getting some (or more) variety. Swinging for the fences is fine, but there are days when you are off or someone is out hitting you. There is no harm in modulating (sort of speak) your strokes. It's still very early in her career and she is continuing to make strides.Edited by: Quiet Speed
I suppose Williams will get another SI cover from this. The Williams sisters have appeared on 5 covers. In case you're wondering about Federer? He has been featured on Zero. Larry bird was on 16. From Wikipedia's list of most covers:

Most Covers by Athlete, 1954-2003

<TABLE ="wikitable"><T>
<TH>Number of Covers</TH></TR>
<TD>Michael Jordan</TD>
<TD>Muhammad Ali</TD>
<TD>Kareem Abdul-Jabbar</TD>
<TD>Magic Johnson</TD>
<TD>Jack Nicklaus</TD>
<TD>22</TD></TR></T></T></TABLE>Edited by: Bart
Telling numbers there. Can you say anti-white bias?
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