Attacks by South Asians on Whites increasing

I just don’t know what the solution is. If whites stood together we could easily annihilate anyone and rule anything, but the real war is against our own...the whites who advocate for this immigration and diversity that is failing miserably. The problem is in the minds of these whites and I don’t know if it’s possible to change things them. They have been brainwashed from youth to care about everyone but their own. Just don’t think we can change that.
I just don’t know what the solution is. If whites stood together we could easily annihilate anyone and rule anything, but the real war is against our own...the whites who advocate for this immigration and diversity that is failing miserably. The problem is in the minds of these whites and I don’t know if it’s possible to change things them. They have been brainwashed from youth to care about everyone but their own. Just don’t think we can change that.

In the ten years (or so) I have been in this website on and off, I think it's the VERY FIRST time I see a member talking some sense and some reality. The rest of the folks in here think that if Tiger stops winning Slams or if Serena never breaks the record of 24 Slams etc. the world will be a better place for our kind. NONSENSE! You said it all my friend and kudos to you. There's a little thing I disagree with you though and to be more specific here: "They have been brainwashed from youth to care about everyone but their own." Sure, a respectable amount of whites worldwide have been brainwashed, however, it's time to start to accept (trust me, it's REALLY HARD to do so, it took me years) that there are whites who are fully awaken, fully capable, fully intelligent, fully non-brainwashed and just LIKE, ENJOY AND WANT this "diversity" and "blending." It's their ultimate purpose in life. Just like our purpose is to maintain our culture, clean nations and non-mixed white kind (genetically), they want EXACTLY the opposite.

Some of them (unfortunately, many of them), are not bad people by social standards and are non-violent. However, they believe that a mixed world will be a better place than a dominant white world. I try to prove them wrong in every civilized manner I can, but these people are as hardcore as I am with a "concrete" state of mind just like me. The only difference between us? They look in the exact different direction I look. So yeah....Next time you wanna blame your average Jew (who's far from smart or capable to achieve all this mess that your ordinary "pro-white" dude accuses him for) or Negro or Arab etc. think that there are whites globally (with the US and UK being FULL of them literally. My residence in New York was literally UNBEARABLE to the point I left 4 months earlier than I should and wasted this way 4 fat monthly paychecks) who chose to breed with a black. They chose to become Muslims. They chose to destruct a medieval or ancient Greek or Roman temple to construct a mosque. They chose to live in non-white countries. They chose to go in Southern-Eastern Asian countries to have sex with short yellow-brown humans(?) They chose to vote for Obama. They chose to worship blacks athletes and entertainers. They chose to spend a lot of money to make other races rich. They chose to adopt non-white kids. They chose to do wars against other white nations and murder their "fellow" white people. I could keep going on and on but you get the point.

No Jew or Arab or Negro forced Dirk Nowitzki or Boris Becker to marry and breed with non-white women. Same goes for millions of white men and women in the US and UK (mainly). No Jew forced all these white KKK (my ass) to rape and impregnate all those black women and mix the Afros in the US. No Jew forces all these white dudes who marry Filipino or Thai (for God's sake...EWWWW) women (?). No Jew forced all these white women who breed with Negroes. And on and on and on!

This forum's members ain't ready. I realized it from the owner's reaction over a freaking golf game! USA is doomed and will become the new South Africa. It's just a matter of time. You can ban me for all I care. The truth has been spoken and some will get the message!
Hit and Runs by South Asians against Whites are common in Surrey where whites are a minority now

I know an age 65 white former Surrey resident who has been hit three times in the past few years by South-Asian driven cars, once causing serious injuries and a 3-month stay in hospital. He was a frequent target of bullying by young South Asians in Surrey, and last fall he finally moved to a safer municipality in Metro Vancouver.

Why do blacks attack elderly white people?

Like young South Asians in Surrey and Brampton, Canada, many young Negroes in the USA target elderly white people.
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This forum's members ain't ready. I realized it from the owner's reaction over a freaking golf game! USA is doomed and will become the new South Africa. It's just a matter of time. You can ban me for all I care. The truth has been spoken and some will get the message!
Far better for you to vent your anger against the traitorous and despicable white people, rather then against we few white people on this site who have never stopped supporting our own.
I can't speak for ever Klansman or Klan unit however, I can speak for the two I was in. You can say I was born into the Klan because my Father was the Grand Dragon of the unit in the town I grew up in. I know beyond a doubt that if one of his members were caught talking or being seen at a black person house they would be severely punished. If a Klansman was caught cheating on his wife he would be punished in front of the whole unit. He served from the mid 50's until 1977 when he passed away. I then joined a unit in N.C. and stayed with them until we merge into a growing Klan unit in Greensboro, N.C. I will not give the name of the Grand Dragon since he is still alive but no longer active, but the same rules were enforced there when came to interacting with blacks. Hollywood and old wives tales is how the story than ever Klansman had to go with a black woman..I lived the life from Nov.68 till April 1987.
In the ten years (or so) I have been in this website on and off, I think it's the VERY FIRST time I see a member talking some sense and some reality. The rest of the folks in here think that if Tiger stops winning Slams or if Serena never breaks the record of 24 Slams etc. the world will be a better place for our kind. NONSENSE! You said it all my friend and kudos to you. There's a little thing I disagree with you though and to be more specific here: "They have been brainwashed from youth to care about everyone but their own." Sure, a respectable amount of whites worldwide have been brainwashed, however, it's time to start to accept (trust me, it's REALLY HARD to do so, it took me years) that there are whites who are fully awaken, fully capable, fully intelligent, fully non-brainwashed and just LIKE, ENJOY AND WANT this "diversity" and "blending." It's their ultimate purpose in life. Just like our purpose is to maintain our culture, clean nations and non-mixed white kind (genetically), they want EXACTLY the opposite.

Some of them (unfortunately, many of them), are not bad people by social standards and are non-violent. However, they believe that a mixed world will be a better place than a dominant white world. I try to prove them wrong in every civilized manner I can, but these people are as hardcore as I am with a "concrete" state of mind just like me. The only difference between us? They look in the exact different direction I look. So yeah....Next time you wanna blame your average Jew (who's far from smart or capable to achieve all this mess that your ordinary "pro-white" dude accuses him for) or Negro or Arab etc. think that there are whites globally (with the US and UK being FULL of them literally. My residence in New York was literally UNBEARABLE to the point I left 4 months earlier than I should and wasted this way 4 fat monthly paychecks) who chose to breed with a black. They chose to become Muslims. They chose to destruct a medieval or ancient Greek or Roman temple to construct a mosque. They chose to live in non-white countries. They chose to go in Southern-Eastern Asian countries to have sex with short yellow-brown humans(?) They chose to vote for Obama. They chose to worship blacks athletes and entertainers. They chose to spend a lot of money to make other races rich. They chose to adopt non-white kids. They chose to do wars against other white nations and murder their "fellow" white people. I could keep going on and on but you get the point.

No Jew or Arab or Negro forced Dirk Nowitzki or Boris Becker to marry and breed with non-white women. Same goes for millions of white men and women in the US and UK (mainly). No Jew forced all these white KKK (my ass) to rape and impregnate all those black women and mix the Afros in the US. No Jew forces all these white dudes who marry Filipino or Thai (for God's sake...EWWWW) women (?). No Jew forced all these white women who breed with Negroes. And on and on and on!

This forum's members ain't ready. I realized it from the owner's reaction over a freaking golf game! USA is doomed and will become the new South Africa. It's just a matter of time. You can ban me for all I care. The truth has been spoken and some will get the message!

This guy truly can't be for real. If he is, his blood pressure must be through the roof! I have this mental picture of him furiously typing and cursing and flailing about while spilling coffee all over the place. A number of years ago he was supposedly writing a book about the Caste System, but all he did was post the first paragraph over and over and over again, all the while fuming and criticizing everyone here like he always does.

He's been coming here off and on for ten years but still doesn't realize this is first and foremost a sports site, a place to root for White athletes. No more, no less. He seems to want to impose his singular political and ideological viewpoint on all of us. Good luck with that. Better yet, stick to Greece, Lord knows it's a basket case of a country that can use his unparalleled brilliance.
Bradford councillors warn of ‘Asian’ attacks on whites

Areas of Bradford, England, are no-go zones for "certain ethnic groups" and the city is "heading toward disaster", councillors have warned, citing attacks on whites in "Asian" areas.
I saw a video clip of a man who went to jail for assault on women who dressed like your typical British female. He wasa White Brit, but became a Muslim fundamentalist, he and his cohorts imposed Sharia law in their ghetto neighborhood. It's very scary and jails are the biggest brainwashing tool for lost impressionable young men to turn them into mental case religious fanatics.
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Man, 89, attacked with machete in Courtenay, BC: RCMP

The suspect is described as being in his 20s, with a dark complexion, and wearing something on his head.

Media Relations Officer with the Comox Valley RCMP, Monika Terragni says “at this point in the investigation, the attack appears to be completely unprovoked.”


89-year-old machete attack victim continues to recover in Vancouver Island hospital

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"South Asians" or "Asians" does not mean Vietnamese, Thai, Cambodia, Hong Kong and south China, etc. It is just the USSK ziomedia's euphamism for Mohamedans.
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"South Asians" or "Asians" does not mean Vietnamese, Thai, Cambodia, Hong Kong and south China, etc. It is just the USSK ziomedia's euphamism for Mohamedans.
It's not South Asians' religion that makes them that way - it's their race. In my experience, the South Asians of other religions such as the Sikhs (in my previous post) and Hindus are no better.

And most of them hate white people far more than most East Asians do.
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The Manchester abuse scandal shows what a horrendous impact political correctness can have

A report into police and council failings in Manchester has found that gangs of predominantly Pakistani men were free to abuse up to 57 girls after chief cops and local officials turned a blind eye to this foul, cruel behaviour. Why did they turn away? Partly out of fear of stoking racial tensions. Partly because they were worried that drawing attention to the grooming and exploitation of mostly white working-class girls by Asian men might ‘incite racial hatred’ and damage multicultural relations.

Let’s put it plainly: they sacrificed girls to political correctness; they thought that preserving the ideology of multiculturalism was more important than protecting girls from harm.

The independent review into grooming and abuse in Manchester in the mid-2000s, published yesterday, makes for grim reading. It says there were up to 57 victims, mostly white girls aged between 12 and 16, and 97 potential perpetrators, mostly men of ‘Asian heritage’. The review makes clear, from some of the evidence it acquired, that some of the abuse networks were made up of ‘predominantly Pakistani men’. That is, similar to Rotherham, Telford and other parts of the UK, this was a case involving what is sometimes referred to as a Muslim grooming gang.

The girls were groomed, sexually abused, plied with drugs and raped. They suffered, in the review’s words, ‘the most profound abuse and exploitation’. But little was done to help them. Their abusers were not brought to justice. And this catastrophic failing was in part fuelled by what the review refers to as Greater Manchester Police’s concerns about ‘sensitive community issues’. As one news report summarises it, the police were ‘keen not to be seen targeting [a] minority group’. As a result of this PC cowardice, of this mad multicultural sensitivity, the abuse continued.

Since the pandemic social order seems to have broken down among the lower classes and violent home invasions, jewelry store robberies, precious metal exchange house robberies and auto theft have exploded.

I have never seen this before in my life but South Asian men are heavily involved in these crimes and I for the life of me can't understand this one. South Asian stereotypes of the "model minority" and tight woven families couldn't be these characters families. I know there was always an underworld element in this community but similar to East Asian crimes group they were largely secretive and preyed on their own communities but many high profile crimes in my area have been led by South Asian crime groups. saw this crime and I never thought I would see this crime by a member of this group, this is what crack heads do.....
This type of crap has been happening in Richmond, Surrey, Abbotsford BC, Canada for the last 50 years...
Since the pandemic social order seems to have broken down among the lower classes and violent home invasions, jewelry store robberies, precious metal exchange house robberies and auto theft have exploded.

I have never seen this before in my life but South Asian men are heavily involved in these crimes and I for the life of me can't understand this one. South Asian stereotypes of the "model minority" and tight woven families couldn't be these characters families. I know there was always an underworld element in this community but similar to East Asian crimes group they were largely secretive and preyed on their own communities but many high profile crimes in my area have been led by South Asian crime groups. saw this crime and I never thought I would see this crime by a member of this group, this is what crack heads do.....
Besides the current japanese people I can’t really think of a “model minority”. Some are just less terrible than others. There is a tremendous amount of trafficking and prostitution that goes on in south asian countries. They may be less awful than somalians but they are still awful!
American Freedom News